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Everything posted by Flame_Alchemist

  1. I would really recommend watching all the episodes before reading anything about the movie, pretty much anything about it will ruin the suprises later on in the show. But here goes, remember I did warn you [spoiler] The basic story of the movie is Ed and Al trying to reunite with each other after they get seperated. In the series Ed is sent to our world after using alchemy on himself to get Al's body back. So basically Al has his human body and is still in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist we all know and love while Ed is in our world with no alchemy powers. There is a lot more story than that obviously but I really don't want to spoil anymore, plus I would probably explain it wrong anyways [/spoiler]
  2. I believe there will be thirteen DVD's in all, each of them will have four episodes apart from the last DVD which should have three. So far the latest DVD that has been released is volume seven which goes upto episode twenty eight. Volume eight will be released March 7th the last time I checked, I hope that helps. Also there is only fifty one episodes and the movie which has recently been released in Japan.
  3. The best video game theme song for me has to be One Winged Angel from Final Fantasy VII. I remember the first time I heard it I wasn?t just fighting to complete the game, I was fighting to stay alive long enough to hear the song. It just fits the game and the character of Sephiroth so perfectly by being dramatic and powerful. Every time I hear it I have to attempt to sing along to the words but I have no idea what they are, I?ll learn the real words one day. Another favourite video game theme song of mine is Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI. I love the way the song changes as you progress through the fight, it adds a nice touch to the battle. The Black Mages did a version of this song and I think it?s even better than the original! Nobou Uematsu did a really good job on these two songs, but then again he always does do a good job. Also like Keyblade Wielder video game music has broadened my musical preferences. I like a lot more songs than I did before I started buying the Final Fantasy soundtracks, so I owe a lot to video game music.
  4. I live in the UK and we get no anime conventions here at all, not one! So I have never been although I would really love to go to one they sound awesome. I was hoping to go to an anime convention soon but I don't know anything at all about where they are held or even what the dates are. I think I'll have to save up some money and make a trip to one of them either this year or next year. If anyone would suggest some places for a good anime convention I would be very gratefull.
  5. For me it was probably the last boss on the first Xenosaga game, right after you fight Albedo (he has the best laugh ever) which is just unfair. I don't know how many times I tried before I actually beat it and when I did it was pure luck, I think I had about 150HP with Jr. when I did. I remember when I beat it I screamed joyously at the TV screen but I can't repeat what I said on the forum. But as far as optional bosses go the award has to go to Sephiroth on Kingdom Hearts, I still havn't beaten him to this day. I don't even get the chance to let One Winged Angel pick up before I'm killed, but that's just because I'm at a low level I suppose. He's a lot tougher than what he is on Final Fantasy VII anyway in my opinion.
  6. RPG's are my favourite especially the Final Fantasy series, they are just so well done. But there are a lot of other awesome RPG's too, like the Chrono games. I'm currently playing Xenosaga episode II and Tales of Symphonia and I'm really enjoying them so far. The storylines are obviously an important point to any RPG, as long as it has a good plot and good characters I'll be hooked until i finish the thing, which is not always a good thing (especially if you're up until 5:00am playing it). I think a lot of the most memorable game moments have probably come from RPG's, with plot twists and character death's (all you RPG fans know who I'm talking about). I also love the way that the characters have loads of depth to them, with different backgrounds and personalities. The way they interact with each other always interests me and I believe the most important thing for any RPG is to have good characters that you get attached to. Which is why I love the Final Fantasy series so much I guess, that series has loads of characters that I find interesting, and they also have some pretty cool character designs too. Oh and they are usually very long games so you get your money's worth out of it, as long as I can play it for a good few days I'm happy.
  7. Vic Mignogna certainly is a talented voice artist indeed, the first time I heard his work was Fullmetal Alchemist. I had just watched the Japanese version and had become so attached to the voices I really didn't know what to make of the English Edward Elric. After watching a couple of episodes I was very happy with the way Vic Mignogna voiced Ed, it just really fits his personality. If Ed is being serious Vic can pull it off, if he's being manic he can also pull it off and if he's ranting about being called short, well that's just priceless. Not long ago me and my friend (who is also a member of this forum, goes by the name of MajinVegeta) were playing his DragonBall Z game, the newest one I think it's called Budukai Tenkaichi or something. I mentioned the fact that the character Broly is the same guy who does the voice of Edward, we must have sat there for about ten minutes just listening to the little voice clips. I swear neither of us could tell that they were indeed the same person, so Vic is a very talented guy.
  8. Hey everyone, seems I'm posting pretty late into this thread but I'll post anyways as I love the Final Fantasy series, they are my favourite games of all time. I have them all apart from Final Fantasy III but that's because it wasn't released in the UK. Hopefully we will get that DS version, from what I've seen it looks pretty good. Like many people Final Fantasy VII is my favourite out of them all because everything about it is awesome. The characters are all really cool and all play their part in the game (apart from Yuffie but she looks to have a big part in Dirge of Cerberus). The music was also done very well by the ever awesome Nobou, it really fit into the atmosphere of the game. Advent Children was also the best film I have ever seen, it was great to see the old characters again after eight years. The fight scenes were also the best I have ever seen in a film and the attention to detail couldn't have been better, from the reflection in Cloud's sword's to the sounds of Vincent's cape being all cool and flappy. I also managed to convince some of my friends to buy Final Fantasy XI but they will never play with me, so I'm still at a pretty low level. I havn't played in a while so maybe I'll try again soon. I will get that Ninja job class even if I have to die trying!. I also noticed a few people in this thread getting annoyed with Final Fantasy X-2, believe me you're not the only ones. I have to start again as I have missed some things, so I have to do the damn Sphere Break game yet again. That being said I still enjoy the game but not as much as the rest of the series because it just really doesn't want me to get 100% for some reason. This year should be good for us Final Fantasy fans, we have Final Fantasy XII and Dirge of Cerberus on the way, not forgetting Crisis Core and the English Advent Children. Maybe we will get Before Crisis too, and hopefully the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega will be translated into English, but I suppose that's just wishful thinking.
  9. Fullmetal Alchemist is my favourite anime series of all time. It has many good points one of which is the ability to change the mood of the episode from hilarious to dramatic in the blink of an eye, I think this really helps move the show along at a nice pace. Episodes 13 and 37 are good examples of the comedy element of the show and they provide a nice break from the more serious episodes. Some of the characters are used purely for comedic purposes, but with a show with as many bleak moments as this one you need all the laughs you can get. Another point I like about the anime is the way it keeps you on the edge of your seat by being pretty unpredictable. When you think you have things worked out something happens that will make you change your whole theory. This I think is a very important factor because it keeps you hooked until the end of the series (much like Neon Genesis Evangelion). There are a few episodes that are used to be a break away from the main plot, and also leave you in suspence a little while longer but they don't distract you for too long. The characters are also a plus point for the show because there are so many of them, chances are you'll find one you will be cheering for everytime he/she/it comes on screen. The characters are all very different, be they loyal (Alphonse, Roy's flunkies), obsessive over family (Hughes), ruthless (the sins) or short (Ed). Even though Ed and Al are the main protagonist's of the anime we also see a lot of the other characters and get to see their view of everything that is happening. The voice work is also very well done, matching the personalities of the characters perfectly. Although I can't decide which version's voice work is better, Japanese or English, they are both very well done. The music is also awesome as it realy sets off the feeling of each scene, from dramatic to insane (Favourite Daughter).The second opening being the best anime intro I have seen, due vastly to the song Ready Steady Go by L'Arc~en~Ciel. Anyways that's about it in a nutshell, if you havn't seen the anime yet you really should give it a look.
  10. Would someone please help out a newbie by making me a banner of Roy from Fullmetal Alchemist? I would be grateful for anyone who would help me with this, thanks.
  11. Vincent from FFVII would have to be my favourite because of numerous reasons, the first being that he just looks cool. I mean who wouldn't want a pair of metal pointy shoes?. Also how many other video game characters can put their hands up and say they claim ownership to a triple barreled handgun named after that three headed dog we all know and love from the Greek mythological stories? On a different note his background is interesting because there is so much we don't know about him (until Dirge of Cerberus is released). Pretty much all we know about Vincent's past is that he was a former Turk and of course all that unpleasantness with Hojo. This of course leaves the door wide open for interesting fan theories and fanfiction. It's for these reasons a part of me is hoping they don't reveal all about Vincent in Dirge of Cerberus, but even if they do he's still awesome in my opinion. He also turns into monsters too, that has to be a plus.
  12. Hello everyone this is my first ever post on OB so excuse me if I say something stupid. As you can tell from my name I'm a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and I have seen every episode in Japanese. I am currently collecting the English DVD's and the Manga, I think the new DVD and Manga are out on the same day, January 10th so I can't wait for that. Anyway I was just wondering if anybody else has pre-ordered the Fullmetal Alchemist movie, which is out in Japan on January 25th I believe.
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