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Everything posted by Piccoloku

  1. [QUOTE]it's just a animated show. [/QUOTE] Actually, it's Dragonball Z!:D
  2. Krillin, no doubt. He's the most powerful human on Earth (I think), but look at the way everyone treats him. If Krillin didn't live close to all of the Saiya-jins, he would probably be treated like Mr. Satan.
  3. But do all of the lower class Saiya-jin warriors look exactly the same? That seems rather odd. Oh, well.
  4. Why does Turles (from the 3rd movie) look just like Goku? There doesn't seem to be any logic behind it, it has virtually no relevance in the movie, and they aren't even related (other than them both being Saiya-jin). Quite frankly, I think this is a question with no answer.
  5. I beat FFIX in 5 days. My friend beat in 3 days. Are we the best in the world?
  6. I can't remember the adress of the authentic looking J5s, but there's one or more in the Otaku's own fan art section.
  7. I think that the movie was made around the time that Goku was fighting Ginyu, and he went all red like in the movie, which was right after Vegeta determined Goku was a Super Saiya-jin, so... that's why it's called "Super Saiya-jin Goku".
  8. I saw acouple of pictures on a couple of different sites of Super Saiya-jins with yellow pants and purple hair...what's up with that?
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