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Everything posted by hey_love

  1. [quote name='Anime_Kami']DNAngel, the ending confused me. The series left people to imagine what would happen, but I'm not good at that, so I didn't get it.[/quote] [size=1]I am not particularly happy with DNAngel. I mean, the story of the anime just goes off course so much, that the ending is just [b][i]there[/b][/i]!!! The manga of DNAngel isn't even finished, and they changed the whole story completely for the anime. I mean, for some reason, the anime made it so that the whole ordeal with [spoiler]the painting and Daisuke being sucked in with the second hand of time thing[/spoiler] such a lead into the ending, even though it really had nothing to do with each other. While in the manga, the story continues even further with it. [/size]
  2. [size=1]My current favorite is an amv titled [b]Real Ninjas[/b]. A Naruto one. It is a mix of many songs put together. It splits each portion into themes of what real ninjas are. Of course, this is all nonsensical, which makes it all the more hilarious. [.[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7svw0m-wO0]click me for the movie[/URL].][/size]
  3. [size=1]After watching the sixth episode, I must say this. I enjoyed reading this part of the story in the manga better than watching it. Don't get me wrong, I still laughed plenty, I'm just a bit more partial to the manga over the anime for this episode. =] Although, I found it very much adorable how the little kid ended up [spoiler]being a prince [/spoiler]in the end.[/size] [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][B]hey_love[/B] I added spoiler tags to your post. Please do not assume that everyone is familiar with a paticular show. Always use spoiler tags. ~indifference[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  4. [size=1]I don't really mind some fillers. The fillers in the anime [b]His and Her Circumstances[/b] drive me insane. They are mostly filled with one-two episodes of flashbacks. Or just a bunch of random sidestories. I, too, don't mind the filler episodes in[b] Inuyasha[/b]. They give a good laugh and all. I think when fillers are just repetition of the story/plotline, they shouldn't be made in the first place. But if it is something worth watching, and kind of a oneshot of it's own, then I suppose I don't mind.[/size]
  5. [size=1]As much as I like anime and manga, I'm not obsessed to the point where I can't live without it. I use anime as a way to get my time passing when I don't have any homework or nothing to do during a day without plans. I, too, enjoy reading more. Or drawing, or writing. Sometimes after I buy some series, it takes me a while to finish it, anyways. =][/size]
  6. [size=1]I love this series so much. I've read up to volume three and part of volume four. And right now I am watching episode four. This show is just hilarious in so many ways. I just love it. =][/size]
  7. [quote name='Avenged666fold']I have a question. Why do a bunch of people keep saying the DNangel gets bad near the end? I think after the shaky start the anime really gets good. I mean after the crap start it goes uphill from there.[/quote] [size=1]Considering how rushed everything is at the end, it really is kind of bad in comparison to the manga. Most DNAngel fans come from the manga in the first place, due to the plotline, artwork, overthought of issues and character development. In the anime, all the characters tend to be just [b]there[/b] in the end. Their personality becomes twisted. Risa is way too annoying. And all of a sudden, a grandmother and this wannabe American comes out of nowhere. Plus, there are too many episodes that have nothing to do with the story. I think my list of complaints about the anime can go on and on.[/size]
  8. [size=1]I definatly enjoy the opening of [b]Kodocha[/b], also known as Child's Toy or Kodomo no Omocha. The opening I'm talking about is the one with the song "Ultra Relax". It can be seen here: [[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TAxjW98KqA&search=ultra%20relax][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]click[/COLOR][/URL]] There was a spoof version of this opening made for the anime Naruto by someone on deviantArt that I ended up finding. If you want to watch that, there is a link for it: [[URL=http://media.putfile.com/Narultra-Relax][COLOR=Pink]click[/COLOR][/URL]] Another opening I liked was the second opening for [b]Full Metal Alchemist[/b]. The one with the song Rewrite. That one is nice. I enjoy the [b]Princess Tutu[/b] opening, as well. :animesmil [/size]
  9. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Meh is that insult :animeangr I challenge you to a duel. LOL jk. Well aren't first impresions what make a person a loser/w/e else you are? I mean appearences make a big difference in what people think of you. If you knew everone in the world very well would you think of alot of them as losers? Not likely.[/quote] [size=1]Well, that is true. But I guess I didn't make my point out completely. What I was trying to say was that people who aren't into anime/manga and sees these people who are gets this off bases thought on how everyone who likes it are losers. It is the "image" other people set that sometimes sets off a kind of thought on everyone else. I wonder if that makes sense... :animestun [/size]
  10. [QUOTE=chobitslover90]does anyone but me think azumanga dioh was to short i think it should be as long as ranma 1/2 or at least as long as his and her circumstances[/QUOTE] [size=1]Considering how Ranma 1/2 has 30+ volumes for the manga and I think four different boxsets for the anime series, I don't think it needs to be that long. It would only overexaggerate the story, thusly making it not as fun and free spirited. I just don't think this story would be able to fit a long series base.[/size]
  11. [size=1]I wouldn't really say all anime and manga lovers are losers. Some prove to be true because that is naturally how their personality is. But anime and manga "lovers" just found another hobby that is more of international standards. A lot of people have given anime/manga a sterotypical thought of porno and such that no one would rather look at the fact that there are many genres of anime/manga as there is books/movies! But it doesn't matter. As long as a person likes what they do, then it shouldn't matter what other people think. It goes to the whole like yourself thought. Although, in my high school, there is a groupie that are all anime obsessed people. Personally, as much as I like reading/watching anime/manga, I'd never talk to them because they are just over the top obsessed with it where they eat, sleep, drink and breathe anime/manga. Yes, anime/manga can get addicting sometimes, but when people come off as said people above, then it may be thought as them to be losers. But, can't judge a book by it's cover. ;) [/size]
  12. [size=1]Well, for the Cartoon Network lineup, not involving Adult Swim, I think they are unfair to anime. They -do- stop in the middle of shows, such as Rurouni Kenshin or Yu Yu Hakusho. All of the longer series, they just stop. And a lot of the shows, they severely edit for the sake of everyone being able to watch it, sometimes ruining the show. Either that, they show rather, in my opinion, pointless anime. Bobobo Bo Bobobo? What on earth is that? I don't even want to [b]try[/b] watching it because the name is down right silly. As for Adult Swim, I think they give a bit more justice to anime, seeing as how they usually finish series that they start. But they rerun shows so often that it gets annoying to watch anymore. FMA, they've restarted that series so many times now,and they used to restart Inuyasha quite often, as well. I think if they had a larger variety of shows, then it might be better. But, beggers can't be choosers I guess. At least they're showing any anime on tv, so that means no need to go out and buy the series if you're low on money.[/size]
  13. [size=1]I started watching this series yesterday at my cousin's house. I got up to the middle of volume three. And I found it absolutely hilarious. I loved how there was no actual plot. And the cat... Wow that evil cat! I enjoy the fact that there was no plot because each episode has it's own mini-episode, thusly making the show fun to watch. I like how someone can skip from episode to episode without any fuss on what happened last. Thusly the reason why there's no need for annoying flashbacks. The perverted male teacher... the one who teaches for the sake of seeing high school girls... freaks me out. I laughed so much during the cultural festival episode when they were posing with the bunny suit and [b]he[/b] was in it! That's all I have to say.[/size]
  14. [quote name='Momiji Love][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]the disc was scratched so badly it skipped right to the credits. This was after [spoiler]Tohru says,"I don't know" (to why she was there to see Akito) and Akito grabs her by the hair and the guys jump up to help her.[/spoiler] [/FONT] [/SIZE'] [/COLOR][/quote] [size=1]What happens afterwards is... well.. this is from memory seeing as how I've watched this series so many times now. ::: [spoiler]Akito says something along the lines of "Do you think by staying with the Sohmas you can change anything?" By now, Tohru is crying, and in response, she says "It must've been very painful Akito. Being told the day you were born you were going to die. It must've been so, so painful." Enraged, Akito yellos. "What was, what do you know about it?" Her voice was trembling as she says "You're right. I can't even imagine how awful it would be to hear something like that." Or something of the sort. "Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo, and Hatori, too! I'm sure they feel the same way. And when you pass away, we'll be sad, we'll be very sad to lose you." "Who's going to be sad." Akito says. "Everyone is able to live thanks to me. They all hope I'll be gone quickly. I was born in order to die. That was what was decided." "But why? Who decided it to be like that anyways. Akito, you're alive right now, aren't you?" "Alive?! You call THIS being alive? It's been decided! IT'S BEEN DECIDED! And they never even asked me!" At this line Akito says, Hatori, Shigure and Yuki then look up, amazed that he said that. "I... I didn't know my mom was going to die." "SILENCE! Stop talking." He then orders Hatori to erase "this girl's" memories. Hatori pauses, not moving. "HATORI!" "I wanted her to live a long time. I wanted her to be here to watch me." "Stop crying, stop it. Stop crying." "And I don't know what your family's curse is, but I'm happy. I'm happy I know you, Akito. And I don't regret meeting you or anyone. Not at all. I want to know you, please tell me how you feel. Even if you're angry, bitter, or frustrated. That's okay. Because the important thing is, right now Akito... You're alive." At this, Akito is stunned, he releases her hair, and pushes Shigure and Yuki away. Stepping back, he pauses. "I don't know." He says very calmly. The scene changes to Tohru walking home in the woods with a plastic bag in her hand. She walks to the woods and sees the house where Shigure, Yuki and Kyo lives, seeing Kyo on the roof. The scene changes again to Kyo jumping off the gate and walks over to a Hatori, Shigure, Yuki and Tohru who are walking out of the building. "Hey!" He runs up to them. "Well, c'mon you damn rat! What happened in there?" Tohru looks up, surprised. "Oh, well, nothing really. I guess it was presumptious of me to think anything would change if I came here today." "Oh no, that's not true at all." Hatori adds in. "Indeed, it's not." Shigure says. "What're you talking about?" Kyo spoke with attitude, like usual. "Oh nothing. Just thinking out loud." Shigure laughs. "No you weren't!" Kyo screams. "I promise to tell you when we get home." Says Tohru. "And Kyo, we should have a fight when we get home." Yuki says while looking at his hands. Everyone looks at him in surprise. "So you're finally ready to face the music huh? About time." Yuki walks away and Kyo chases after him. "I'm not letting you out of my sight!" "Ah!" Shigure says while he's walking between him and Hatori. "I see he's feeling lively again today." "Yes, well you seemed pretty lively yourself back there." Hatori responds. "I suppose. Not that it really made that much of a difference." Says Shigure. "It's still not too late though. We may be able to find something, even now." "I guess, so as long as we decide what we're looking for." "And even if we can't, there's always the next time around." "Yes there is." Shigure turns to Tohru as Hatori turns to her, too. "Shall we take it slowly then?" "Hey! I don't care if it's left overs or what, I gotta eat! I'm starving here!" Kyo yells. "Coming!" Tohru runs by as Hatori and Shigure look down on her with a smile on their faces. Akito is seen sitting against the door looking up to the sky, thinking. It then goes to Tohru talking to her mom about how things may be hard some time, but she's still trying. Scenes go from Yuki, Tohru and Kyo walking the hallways at school, Uo, Tohru and Hana (who are chasing away the fangirls with her electric strand of hair), then back to the seen where Tohru's looking at the house. Kyo looks up at her, and Yuki walks out looking up at her. She waves, then walks to the house. Fin.[/spoiler] And those are basically the quotations from the last episode. Sorry. It's long.[/size]
  15. [size=1]No, I can't read Japanese. I didn't even realize that it was already out in America. But I've found other ways on reading it.[/size]
  16. [size=1]Recently, I happened to land upon a series called [b]Mekakushi no Kuni[/b], or also known as [b]Land of the Blindfolded[/b]. It is a wonderful series about three people who can "see" while everyone else cannot. It first introduces two characters, Kanade, who can see into the future, and Arou, who can see into the past. Immediatly, the two seem to be drawn to each other due to the fact that they can see "in the land of the blindfolded", something often referenced back to throughout the series. While Kanade sees into people's futures on accident, she immediatly tries to save them if something devastating happens. In return, she gets feelings of mishap and anger put towards her. Arou, seeing into the past, can see quite far back, that, at times, it adds a series of trauma onto him. Soon, a boy by the name of Namiki comes into the story. Another person who can "see". The three join together as they live their lives, learning how to deal with the effects of their abilities and how to live "outcasted" by some. It is such a heartwarming story. A manga that is high on top in my list. :animesmil [/size]
  17. [size=1]I love this story. I started and finished this series this past weekend. I love the fact that a figure such as Night is trying so hard [spoiler]to become human himself[/spoiler]. Even though I knew what the pairing would be, I was kind of rooting for [spoiler]Soushi and Riiko[/spoiler]. :animeswea The ending made me die in my own tears. It wasn't -that- tragic, I know, but when [spoiler]Night "died"[/spoiler] it saddened me quite a bit. I truly love this story.[/size]
  18. [quote name='Amelia][FONT=Arial][B]I wish I could play the cello well.[/B'][/FONT][/quote] [size=1]Congratulations, you can now play the cello well. Fact of the matter is, you play the cello so well that you get invited into a prestigious orchestra that is almost impossible to get in and known world wide in order to replace the current cello player. While playing a huge solo performance during a concert, the cello player that you replaced scoffs and goes off to reek havoc on your life. Knowing all the orchestra members more than you, with all of their strings and ties, they send the orchestra members after you to beat you with their instruments. You go home, cut, bloody, splintered by wood, with much blood lost and go to sleep, waking up realizing you died from too much blood lost. :animesmil [b]I wish I was the Grim Reaper![/b][/size]
  19. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Well, of course not all marriages end in a happily ever after. Marriage does not have any garantees, but it does help a relationship to be stronger. [/COLOR][/quote] [size=1]I'm not sure I understand. How could marriage make a relationship stronger? Marriage is just a way to show that they are in such a relationship that they supposedly "want to be together forever". Considering how there are plenty of couples who already live together, but aren't married, or feel the same whether they're married or not, I think marriage is just a way to "legally" bind two people together, and show the world (not technically, but people surrounding the couple) that they're together. Seeing as how marriages don't always work, and how the rate of one parent families are high, and plenty of the one-parents are after divorce, it doesn't mean anything. Personally, I don't think being married until I have sex matters. As long as I love the person then it is fine for me. True, there are many people who go around sleeping with everyone in sight, but that would be their problem and business, not yours. :) And STDs have been around for ages, it isn't until recently that STDs have become such a big deal. But there are medicines to cure some, and other STDs can't be helped at all. But having an STD doesn't actually mean a person slept with someone, because some people are born with it, too.[/size]
  20. [quote name='NekoSama101']I also couldn't get into Inuyasha. it's so boring yet all my friends are obsessed with it. Another one is FMA. AND I AM NOT ASHAMED! anyways, why do people like those shows?[/quote] [size=1]Well, it is pretty much the same question right back. Why [b]don't[/b] people like those shows? I guess it all depends on a person's common interests what they are intrigued by and what they aren't. It is all on their likes and dislikes when it comes to the things people watch. Personally, I really can't get into One Piece, or S-Cry-Ed. I'm not a huge fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Another is Here is Greenwood. My cousins all loved it, and I usually like the same shows my cousin do. But as I was watching it, it just didn't catch me at all, I actually think I fell asleep around the second episode as I watched the DVD. :animeswea [/size]
  21. [size=1]All things considered, the twenty six episodes of the anime Fruits Basket is only a segment of the whole story line. Akito is [spoiler]struck with sickness and filled with spite towards the other zodiac members do to his illness. He cannot live a normal life, as the other zodiac members can live more of a normal life than he ever would. He finds controlling them his let-go of stress. So I am assuming.[/spoiler] The whole story continues on in the manga. There are rumors of a second season of Fruist Basket, nothing definate yet, from what I know. The ending of Wolf's Rain... Hm, I always wonder about that. It ends off in such a sad note, but shows that [spoiler]it is all a wheel that cannot stop turning. It stops and ends in the same area.[/spoiler] A full circle ending, I think. Even though it is confusing, I still think it was a fairly good ending. Samurai Champloo, I think it was showed that [spoiler]the three were finally at peace and could go on their lives in separate ways. They had changed since the first episode, and I think the change of clothes signified that in some aspects.[/spoiler][/size]
  22. [size=1]Well, after finishing the game, I have quite a few thoughts floating around my head right now. [spoiler]okay. so when you first complete the prologue, and roxas sees sora and his pod, and when he says "sora, you're lucky. my summer vacation is over." i thought i was about to burst. it was like a mind explosion of numbing sorrow! but now that i finished the game, i realized that at that moment, when roxas disappeared, he went back into sora, that was why sora could wake up with his memory intact about things that had happened. after all, roxas is the other side of sora. when you first meet demyx in the underworld, i laughed quite a bit. how he was saying "run away!" so amazing. even moreso when he kept saying "i knew i wasn't cut out for this job." although, during the third, or fourth? visit of hollow bastion, before going into the thousand heartless challenge, and you have to fight demyx for the last time... i got sad that demyx had to go. i mean, seriously, he is such a cool organization member. axel. wow. when going into the world that never was, and being stopped by all of those nobodies and axel comes to fight alongside sora.... superb! i actually did start tearing up when axel "put his whole being" into that last flaming move to destroy all the nobodies around and saying his last words to sora, how he wanted to see roxas again and how roxas made him feel like he had a heart, kind of like how sora did, too. then he disappeared. yeah. axel.... riku wears a studded belt now. he went all punk. has really awesome hair. in the beginning of the game, when they all went to yen sid, while he was making a big deal about sora's growthsburg... goodness did riku grow! he is like a giant now! well. not really. but he definatly got taller. i like how in the end, when sora and kairi look at each other, roxas, who is in sora, sees namine in kairi, and vice versa.[/spoiler] i guess it kind of ends up being a happy ending? but [b]skldjaslkdjsalkdj!!!![/b] the after-credits, one minute movie! why did it have to be such a [spoiler]cliffhanger?![/spoiler] as for the gameplay, i think this game was much easier than kingdom hearts. in some aspects, it is good. the worlds weren't as dull and dreadful to go through, like going through alice and wonderland, or tarzan in kh. but i think there was much too much button pounding for the x, and not enough use of magic. sure, the reaction commands are wonderful, yeah, the drive forms are great, but reaction commands pretty much does everything, even moreso with reaction command limits. even more button pounding. but, it didn't really matter much to me, seeing as how i play for the story, more than the game.[/size]
  23. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']They editted Sailor Moon, Tenchi, and Kenshin more than they editted Naruto.[/quote] [size=1]Yes, well, I didn't realize that television would be evil enough to edit things like Sailor Moon and Tenchi when I was younger. And I know they editted Kenshin, but as for what is on right now, I like Naruto, despite the editted version.[/size]
  24. [size=1]I was just in [spoiler]Anti-Form[/spoiler] earlier, and I noticed that Sora goes down on all fours. XD Right now, I just got to the final world, [spoiler]The World That Never Was[/spoiler]. The part where [spoiler]Axel fought alongside with Sora, and then used all of his energy to vanquish the rest of the nobodies, only at the cost of his existance... Yeah, that made me sad. Then soon afterwards, the cutscene with Sora and Organization XIII member, aka Roxas, battle. [b]sakldjaslkdj![/b] Definatly caught my attention. I wonder what'll become of Roxas...? And right now, I am assuming that after Roxas saw Sora in his pod, he went back to being an organization member? It is kind of vague on what happened to Roxas and all.[/spoiler] I'll probably finish the game by tomorrow or Wednesday. I cannot wait to see the rest![/size]
  25. [size=1]Well, I, myself, have not actually played the game, but my good friend got it for her birthday. Whenever I go to her house, she always plays it bit by bit and I watch it. And then we make fun of the bloodshed that has been spilt but suddenly vanishes within seconds! I think the plotline could do a bit more work to try to pull people in. The overall graphics are rather well made, and the cutscenes are nice, too, even if they are in Japanese. I wouldn't really play this game because I'm not into the whole blood/gore, cut up into a million pieces where everyone goes stabby stabby type of games, but it is fun to watch someone else play this game, I think. :D[/size]
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