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Everything posted by hey_love
[size=1]Right now, in the game, I am about to revisit Twilight Town for the last time and enter [spoiler]The World That Never Was[/spoiler]! I seriously want to glide, so I'll be needing to use final drive form plenty of times! >:[[/size]
[size=1]I'm not much of a fan for Toonami. When I was younger, around first/second/third grade, when they had Sailor Moon and Tenchi Muyo on Toonami, I loved watching it. Moreso for Sailor Moon. And they stopped the show at such a dramatic spot, I wanted to shoot my television. And Tenchi Muyo, they aired it for a while afterwards, but then I wasn't as interested to watch it anymore because Sailor Moon was gone, replaced by more episodes of Tenchi. Now, most of Toonami's shows don't interest me at all. I like Naruto, but they severely editted that show so it'd be okay for kids to watch. I liked Rurouni Kenshin when it was on, too. Once again, that was taken off. Oh well. :rolleyes: [/size]
[QUOTE=Dagger]The OVAs have landed! And they are [i]excellent[/i]. One is essentially a short story with a surprise twist at the end. It's very, very sweet and virtually free of dialogue. It's also strangely heart-wrenching; I almost started crying during the final scene. The second is the much-discussed chibi OVA, which is--as expected--hilarious. I particularly like Envy's grand entrance. The third is an all-out brawl-fest between the State Alchemists (plus Al, other members of the military, etc.) and all seven Homunculi. It's both amusing and absurdly well-animated: pure, exhilarating action fanservice. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] :animestun [size=1]Where did you manage to find the OVAs? From what you say now, I am waiting and wanting to watch it somehow! :animesmil Oh Full Metal Alchemist, I cannot wait for you English arrival of the movie![/size]
[size=1]Well, it is true that the overall gameplay in Kingdom Hearts wasn't as well made out as other games, but personally, I think what draws a lot of people to this game is in fact the story over the game. I think the game gives something for people to do while they are anticipating the plotline altogether. So for people who are looking for more gameplay than storyline basis, I doubt the Kingdom Hearts games would be a good choice for them. Right now, I am at the beginning of The Olympic Colliseium. I am inside the Cave and got to the save point. I wonder how long it'll take to play the game? :animeswea [/size]
[quote name='_Kenshin_']Grrr they probably wont have it till thursday here, maybe in another store the might HAVE had it ,but I'm getting it from Ebgames so I'll just have to wait.[/quote] [size=1][b]sdasjdlkasjdlkas!!!!!![/b] Me, too. I reserved mine at EB Games, and I called them and they said I'll be getting it tomorrow or Thursday when they recieve it. I'm hoping tomorrow over Thursday because I've been excited xs one million ever since I beat the game. :)[/Size]
[size=1]I'd have to say [b]Fruits Basket[/b] got me hooked on first episode. It was the first anime I watched that got me into the - Wow, anime isn't that bad! - mindset. I only had time to watch one episode at my cousin's house, and seeing as how that first episode ended off with the three transforming, I was wondering what would happen next. :animesmil [/size]
[quote name='demonboy']And you couldn't figure that out from the first half of the last episode?[/quote] [size=1]Well gee, sorry for my being a tad bit slow. I just didn't want to look into it too much, and it wasn't like there was a definate answer what happened to the both of them. So I kind of put two and two together after I watched the movie. ;) [/size]
[quote name='Astraea][spoiler']Especially at that range, and the state Mustang was in; on his feet, but missing his gloves.[/spoiler][/quote] [size=1]But do note that [spoiler]Mustang had drawn the alchemy circle on his hand with his own blood.[/spoiler] Well, after watching the movie, I guess some of my assumptions of the end of the episode was wrong. One being that [spoiler]Gluttony never died afterall.[/spoiler] He was just kind of... deformed and [b]creepyxcore[/b]!! :animedepr So now, I am kind of starting to assume that [spoiler]Gluttony ate Dante?[/spoiler] I do indeed love this series. [/size]
[size=1]I just finished watching the movie. It was great, overall. I'd rate it an A. I loved how in the end, [spoiler]Ed and Al end up being together.[/spoiler] Although, I find it sad that they are [spoiler]now living their life in the world of Europe now and not the world where alchemy is used. They once again left their home and have no place to return.[/spoiler] I got kind of sad how Al's hair is shorter. Oh well. :animeswea I think Wrath definatly redeemed himself [spoiler]during the fight with Gluttony and bringing Al to the undergrown deserted city to sacrafice himself in order to open the gate. I'm kind of glad myself that their father died by Envy's hands. Or mouth.[/spoiler] And I think the bomb being unfound and [spoiler]the movie ending off with the two searching for it continues on into WWII. Throughout the movie, it showed that the other world beyond the gate takes place during WWII and the Nazi and Hitler, so that means that the Uranium bomb could in fact be the infamous bomb set in Japan? That is what I'm guessing.[/spoiler] Because I hadn't watched this series in Japanese, I believe the voices matched up really well. It sounds rather similar to the English version, and it wasn't a sore to my ear when I was listening. Overall, it was a great ending.[/size]
[size=1]Hah, one of my friends was watching Adult Swim last night, and after Stroker and Hoop came FMA, of course. He never watched anime, so he thought he'd give it a try. He watches FMA, and the scene after the commercial break, he gives me a call going "What just happened? Isn't he the main character?" And at the end of the episode, he says he really likes the show and wants to watch more. I didn't say anything. I just told him that it was the last episode and to start watching on weeknights when it replays the whole series. He thought I was kidding, but of course, I wasn't.[/size]
[size=1]My goodness, am I sad about the show ending or what! After watching this series, everything makes plenty more sense now. All of the loose ends brought throughout the show, the details that I thought would be useless or not needed were indeed something that pulled together in the end. I think for a last episode, this beats quite a few last episodes that I've watched. In this episode, it had so much going on within such a timespan! I mean, with [spoiler]the ressurection of Edward[/spoiler] and then [spoiler]bringing back Alphonse in his ten-year old form.[/spoiler], I think it was well put out. The fight scene between [spoiler]Mustang and the Pride[/spoiler], that was just... wow. But I must question, [spoiler]Mustang ends up getting an eyepatch at the end, but I never saw his eye getting injured. Is it because there were many cuts around his eye?[/spoiler] This episode also gets an A+ in my book. I think this whole series would be an A as well. :animesmil [/size]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1][B]Would you rather be blind and hear the most beautiful music ever composed ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather be deaf and see the most beautiful sight ever beheld ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1]I'd rather be deaf and see beautiful sights. Not being able to hear, I might be able to learn how to read lips and such. Of course, my speech dialect won't be the greatest, but I want to get the thrill of being able to see certain things happen, being able to see colors, the sky, the rustling water, sunsets, so on and so forth. Would you rather: a. [b]suddenly become bankrupt, become a homeless person with no clothes, food, or place to sleep except the trash bin that happens to be next to the vicious dog but still have family, friends, and your pride.[/b] b. [b]suddenly win a lottery with a fortune equivalent to Bill Gate's lifetime worth of money, with any luxury you'd ever desire, except you live in an empty mansion with no friends, no family, only your servents who talk so badly about you, but you have power.[/b][/size]
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1][B]Would you rather be perfectly relaxed and content for a whole year if it meant you'd never feel that way again ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather feel exhausted, depressed and unhappy for a year if it meant never feeling that way again ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1]I'd definatly rather feel anything that is pessimistic for a year. That way, it'd be done and over with, and I'd never feel those sad feelings again. Plus, eventually, I'd be happy again. And why would I want to give up my relaxation and content-ness?! Craziness. Would you rather: a. [b]fall in love with a jerk/ette who does nothing but emotionally harms you.[/b] b. [b][i][u]be[/u][/i] the jerk/ette who does nothing but emotionally harms the person that seems to have fallen in love with you.[/b] you decide! :animeswea [/size]
[size=1]Oy vay. I was about to start a Princess Tutu thread because I couldn't find it in the directory, but then I searched it, just in case, and here I am! :animesmil Well, recently, I finished watching the first chapter of Princess Tutu. This series really makes my heart throb when I watch certain scenes. I do enjoy the music, a lot, because I've always loved the music from the Nutcracker, and seeing as how the music is based off of the Nutcracker, some of them at least, it really is nice to listen to. After watching the thirteenth episode, it just brought me a lot of mixed emotions. Princess Tutu [spoiler]seems like a happy go lucky anime at first, but when watching it through and through, this series has a lot of dark emotions. It is a very depressing series to some extent.[/spoiler] I do hope ADV releases the second chapter.[/size]
[size=1]Hmns. Well. I have a couple. [b]Brigita[/b]... Well, my name is actually Brenda. But one of my friends, when I first met him, said I looked more like a Brigita. So, people started calling me that ever since this past summer. :animesmil [b]Sporky[/b];; I was obsessed with Porky Pig and Sporks around fifth grade. Thusly why Sporky came up. [b]Panda[/b]. Who knows. [b]Da[/b], seeing as how it is the last syllable of my name. [b]Bloopy[/b]. Who knows. :animeswea [/size]
[size=1]My sig is Takuto Kira from [b]Full Moon wo Sagashite[/b]. Before, I had Dark Mousy from DNAngel, but I decided to shift my attention. Yup. I took some official artwork and just played around with them on paint shop pro. I didn't do anything special this time, though. :animesmil [/size]
[size=1]Well, I'm Vietnamese, but I don't act all "viet pride" like many of the people do in the southshore area. I live in a, as many asians may say, "white-washed area". None of my friends are asian, and there aren't many asians until a person enters the south-shore area. I don't act like many of the other asians when I'm with them in a group, but I still am. :animesmil If that makes any sense. :animeswea [/size]
Anime Times that you've rooted for the "bad guy"?
hey_love replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Lix][size=1][color=slategray]And for the Marmalade Boy thing... actually, I always secretly wanted Miki and Ginta together. I don't know why, they always seemed the kind to end up. It's just the normal happy ending for the story... it'd be interesting if it was mixed up a bit. Besides, I don't think Arimi is good enough for Ginta. Ha. I don't like that girl either. >>[/color'][/size][/quote] [size=1]Bagh. I don't even want to get started on the anime of Marmalade Boy. If it just stuck to the manga plotline and didn't add all the extra fluff, I'd still love it, but the anime is just so much more dramatic. For the manga, I definatly rooted for Yuu and Miki, but in the anime, I rooted for Ginta and Miki all the way. The situations that came up, it just seemed perfect for the two to end up together in the end. But no. Just no. Absolutly annoying, that Miki. In Pretear, I rooted for [spoiler]Sasame, even though he switched sides and turned over to the dark side, his overall intentions were from his heart that he finally began to follow.[/spoiler] Although, that freakish black outfit he was wearing doesn't look nearly as good as his other one. :animesmil [/size] -
[quote name='anime_dark']I'm kinda dissapointed though... They said KH2 would be 2X more longer than the first game but i still finished it in 1 and a half month...[/quote] [size=1]I think they were talking about how much longer it'd be for the plotline, not the playing time. It varies for people. I beat the first Kingdom Hearts within a week, my sister took two days to beat it. It really does depend for the person who's playing and how long they spend each day on playing it, I suppose. But, from what I know so far about Kingdom Hearts II, I think the plotline will be much for full and detailed than the first one. Amazing! :animesmil [/size]
[size=1]I'm excited to play through [b][i]his[/b][/i] story. I really liked the BHK character when I saw him on Deep Dive. And the name [spoiler]Roxas[/spoiler], it is just an amazing name, I think. I'm really cannot wait for Kingdom Hearts 2 to come out. Last weekend, I reserved my copy for it. :animesmil I just wish that the end of March would come so we can just start playing it already. :animeswea [/size]
Anime Who has ever like an anime series and never watched it?
hey_love replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[size=1]I wouldn't really say that I ever have. I mean, I don't like animes because of the things I read about them, I like them for the way each character is drawn out, the way each story and plotline just stands. Hearing the voices match up with the characters (or not match up with the characters and possibly end up making fun of the voices in the near future) gives a thrill as I listen. And continuously watching the show makes me, usually, stand on my toes wondering what's next, as if I was trying to peak over my neighbor's fence. (note: I don't actually do that, I was trying to use an example. :animeswea ) I think that ends my overly-thought out and re-written answer of why I wouldn't/hadn't liked an anime series I never watched. Short version: I like anime because I can watch it. Of course. That answer isn't even long enough. :animesmil [/size] -
[size=1]Well, if I was to portray a character from an anime, I think I'd probably be Ahiru, from Princess Tutu, or Himeno, from Pretear. My voice ranges from loud to soft at any given moment for whatever the purpose is when I'm talking. Plus... I'm actually really loud and spontaneous. :animesmil But I know how to sound sad.[/size]
[quote name='Senko']one day i was just looking at a quiz my friend took on myspace and like it so i went to take it and was directed to theotaku.com and then there was the otakuboards and thought " ooooo!!!!" i want to be part of the board so here i am :animesmil[/quote] [size=1]Haha. Myspace. Almost everyone has one, and you can basically find anyone you want to on myspace.com. Oh myspace, what a way to connect people to others. :animeswea What a depressing thought![/size]
[size=1]-Are you male or female? -Where do ya hail from, stranger? -How old are you? -Do you have siblings? Well, lets see. I am called many things. But the [i]thing[/i] I am called most is Brenda. I live in the state Massachusetts, not very far from Boston. I'm fourteen, going on fifteen in about four months. I'm a freshman in high school this year. Yup. That darn frosh. I have an older sister in her third year of college right now. She goes to school in Michigan. So far away. :animedepr And... I'm a girl! :animesmil The smaller, random details about me... I tend to always listen to music the moment I set foot into my home. I go straight to my computer, open iTunes up, and listen to whatever playlist I feel like out of the three to-listen-at-home playlists I've made. Crazy. I know. I listen to anything but country, rap, techno, and hip-hop. I rode a cow at my uncle's barn before. Story of my life. Basically. :animeswea I doodle constantly. I doodle more than paying attention in class. But I still manage to keep my A-B average. I like to draw. Write more than draw, though. But I draw more than write. Go figure. I play tennis. I got varsity, second singles this last season in the past fall. Estatic. I'm basically an only child most of the time. I like to go out. And I hang out in milk aisles at CVS. Not really. But my health teacher thinks all ninth graders do that these days. Yeah. Okay. I'm very loud. I think you may get a headache if you were around me whenever I'm excited. Which is basically twenty four-seven. That is, seriously, the story of my life. I lied. I wasn't that serious. ;) [/size]
[size=1]Well, this past weekend, I had a thought floating in my head when my cousin told me I sounded like a character in one of his favorite shows. It is like how in cartoon shows, anime or not, the voices of the character seems to suit the character's personality. Listening to your voice, if you were ever to be a voice actor, what type of character do you think you would portrait? You can name an existing character or just a general character altogether! [b]Don't forget to explain your reasons for thinking so![/b] I think I'd voice out a girl who is easy to get along with. Has a perky, happy voice. But once mad, can get very loud and sound intimidating. That is how some people see me as at school. :animeswea And I think my voice kind of suits it, too. [/size]