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Everything posted by hey_love

  1. [size=1]I had a weird dream the other night. I woke up remembering details and details galore. It made me thinking why I had a dream like that. For whatever reason, I've been having weird dreams, they're not the pleasant ones, but ones that are kind of thought provoking or nightmare-ish. Onwards with the dream. Trouble was going on in my "town", or what was supposed to be my town. One of my friends "made" me do something, I don't exactly know what, but it caused a lot of distress to the people around me. The people, almost nazi-ish, reeking havoc and causing the trouble in my town needed someone to step up and take the punishment. I knew I didn't do something, I felt I did though, but I stepped up anyways. In an arena as large as a football stadium, I was dead center. People were chanting, hoping the nazi people would go on with it. If I did this, then our town would go back to the peaceful place it once was. I was strapped. I couldn't move. The nazis laid me down on the field of cold sand. (in this "football field", instead of grass, it was sand) One of the nazis started drawing a transmutation circle (for alchemy?!) around me and underneath me. The chanting grew louder. But as I turned my head so my left ear would touch the sand, I saw my friend. He was trying to go towards me. But my other friend, he stopped him. My friend started crying. My other friend looked away at me. Making no contact with what was happening to me at all. I smiled calmly and the nazis went around the circle. Kneeling, they pressed their hands down. I began to disitigrate into the air. My friend was going crazy. He began grabbing onto my other friend's shirt. (my other friend was a musician for some reason in my dream. He had a guitar bag strapped around his shoulders and he had drum sticks in his back pocket of his pants...) "It's my fault! It's all my fault!" He cried deliriously. My other friend looked away. In a calm, saddened voice, he said "She knew I was in love with her. And I even told her, too. I never did get an answer." His hand curled into a fist, shaking unsteadily, "She told me before she went into the stadium that she'd tell me the answer. She smiled, too!" His calmness began breaking away. He bit his shaking bottom lip. (I think I dreamt of this because this friend of mine just recently told me he was in love with me....???) As a spirit, no one could see me, I looked down on them. There was a kind of white glow about me. I didn't have any color. Putting my hand up to my heart, I felt no beat. I was saddened. I went to my own house. For some reason, my dad could see me. I apologized to my dad. But he apologized to me for not listening. (Not listening about what?) He tried hugging me. It didn't work. He went right through me. I was sucked away and gone. But then I woke up. I was back in my bed. Still in my town. The difference was... My town was peaceful again. The color came back to me. I didn't have a glow. I walked outside. I saw some of my other friends. They smiled at me. Although, they were kind of shocked. They went over to hug me. But they couldn't. I realized I was punished. I had to live on my life, forever?, without being touched. Then I woke up. What an awkward dream...[/size]
  2. [size=1]It's interesting. I was going to say something about the whole Guy - Gai thing, but Tatsubei Yagyu already covered it. :D Pretty cool for using the computer.[/size]
  3. [quote name='Kaise']See, the thing is, finding a girl in my town is like fishing in the toilet:Odds are, you're not going to find any fish.[/quote] [size=1]Well then, why not be patient and wait until you are old enough to get out of your town and find and meet new people? Being pessimistic and staying in one spot, no wonder you'll never find another girl. I mean, what is love during the teenage years? Nothing. It's not going to be the end of the world if you don't talk to someone that you barely even talk to in the first place. Well, I am assuming you barely talked to her if you only know her first name. I suggest you just rough it out and try to stop playing the life-as-a-teenager-sucks card, because that will definatly get you no where. Out there are other fish, you just need to leap out of your pond and start swimming in the ocean one day.[/size]
  4. [size=1]I have a couple of cd cases. So I'm just going to name the ones in my first cd case. All American Rejects All American Rejects - Move Along Anastasia Soundtrack BB Mak Blink 182 Coheed and Cambria - In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth DNAngel OST 1 DNAngel OST 2 Dance Dance Revolution compilation Disney compilation Fall Out Boy - Take this to you Grave Fall Out Boy - From Under the Cork Tree Fruits Basket - Memory For You Fushigi Yuugi OST 1 Fushigi Yuugi OVA Song Collection Gavin Degraw - Chariot Hawthorne Heights - Silence in Black and White Howl's Moving Castle Soundtrack Inuyasha OST 1 Inuyasha OST 2 Inuyasha OST 3 Inuyasha Movie Soundtrack 1 Inuyasha Movie Soundtrack 2 Inuyasha Movie Soundtrack 3 John Mayer - Heavier Things John Mayer - Room for Squares The Killers - Hot Fuss Kingdom Hearts OST Lifehouse Linkin Park - Meteora M2M - Shades of Purple Maroon 5 - Songs about Jane Matt Costa - Songs we Sing Motion City Soundtrack - I am the Movie Motion City Soundtrack - Commit to this Memory My Chemical Romance - I Brought You My Bullets... My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Panic! At the Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out Papa Roach - Getting Away with Murder Phantom of the Opera 2004 Soundtrack Pokemon First Movie Soundtrack [b]hahahaha. i was so young when i got this.[/b] Pokemon Second Movie Soundtrack [b]hahahaa. i'm surprised i still like some of the songs![/b] The Postal Service - We Will Become Silhouettes Relient K - Mhmmm Relient K - Two Lefts don't make a Right but Three do Rooney - Deli Meats Rooney Spirited Away OST Spitalfield - Remember Right Now Story of the Year - In the Wake of Determination Story of the Year - Page Avenue Switchfoot Tarzan Soundtrack Wolf's Rain OST 1 Wolf's Rain OST 2 Kingdom Hearts II OST I believe that's all I have in the first case. :D [/size]
  5. [QUOTE=Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue]Um, Johhny Young Bosh was at last years Anime Boston. Or was that last year's Otakon? As for who's there this year, it's going to be Greg Ayres(Son Goku from Saiyuki), Richard Epcar ( Batuo from Ghost In the Shel: SAC), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Major Kusanagi from Ghost in The Shell: SAC), Carrie Savage, Steven J. Blume (Spike from Cowboy Bebop), Vic Migongna (Edward Alric from FMA. Breath, ladies. Breath. :) ),and Kari Wahlgren (Haruko from FLCL. And she's cute, too. ;) ). I'm going to see if can meet a few of them. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1]Vic Migongna is one of my favorites. He has a lot of roles in ADV animes, also playing two of my favorite characters in animes; Dark Mousy and Edward Elric. Amazing! I'm definatly excited to go. :animesmil [/size]
  6. [size=1]Hm. The anime on my shelf... Lets see. [b]Fruits Basket[/b], an anime about a girl who lives with people under a family curse where they cannot hug members of the opposite sex or they change into an animal of the zodiac! It has great morals, funny moments and is well rounded in quite a few genres. Personally, this is one of my absolute favorites to watch. I had to own it. This has twenty six episodes out so far. [b]Marmalade Boy[/b], scrapbook one, two, three and four. The complete series with 96 episodes all togther I believe. I got this series when I first started buying anime. Big mistake. I'm not so fond of this anime as much as the manga. In the anime, it is much too much drama for me. It is basically the love story between a stepbrother and stepsister and the troubles they go through. Personally, the manga is much better, I think. [b]Pretear[/b], it's supposed to be the "modern Snow White". In some cases I see that, but not really. Although, I do like this anime. It makes me laugh in many ways, and it is kind of sad in some moments. It is only thirteen episodes long, too. A short series is always nice, and easy to watch. It is a story of a girl who is needed to save the world. Basically. :D She "preats" with the Leafe Knights and their power merges with her own and they fight it off with the evils. I have the boxset. [b]DNAngel[/b], one of my favorite series. Although I like the manga better, the anime isn't that bad. It does get off story in some places, but for some reason, there's a moment where all the episodes kind of link in the ending song of one episode. It is a story of a fourteen year old boy who has a family "curse", and the legendary Phantom Thief lives inside of him. What triggers the transformation is when his emotions of love get high on the meter. The only way to cure the curse is to have requited love. Such a great story. I enjoy reading the manga better, though. It explains the story better. Another where I have the boxset. Although, I have the first DVD, too. I got it a year before I got the boxset. Hahaha. [b]Super Gals! The Iron Clad Collection[/b], a story about a girl being a gal. It follows the life of her and her friends. It's just another teenage-lifestyle anime. It's a shojo anime, no doubt. The dubbed version has the same voice actors as Pretear. Boxset! Whoot. [b]Magic Knight Rayearth[/b], I just bought the boxset. I haven't watched it yet. :animeswea [b]Kare Kano, His and Her Circumstances[/b], another favorite of mine. It is pretty much the love story between two people slowly learning more about who they, themself, are. It's a lovely series. I'm sad that to continue on with the series, the manga is needed to be read. And I have the boxset for this as well. [b]Wolf's Rain[/b], it is a series about wolves who are able to take a human form. They are searching for Paradise. It is a sad series, I think. It is nice to watch, though. Very good. This, I also have the boxset for. :D I also have Inuyasha Movie one, two and three. That's pretty much it. As for the manga on my shelf, I have Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Full Moon o Sagashite, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cardcaptor Sakura : Master of the Clow, Marmalade Boy, Saiyuki, Prince of Tennis, Pita-Ten and Hot Gimmick. fin. :animesmil [/size]
  7. [quote name='Lindus]Wasn't it? And [SPOILER]Havoc[/SPOILER'] is my favorite character so I was practically crying while reading the chapters. I really loved how the characters turned out at that point. Lust seemed so much cooler and more evil compared to the anime Lust, who turned out to be a little deeper than I was expecting. I guess that's one reason I like both the anime and manga for fma. They're different at points, but both sides are enjoyable in different ways.[/quote] [size=1]Mhmm. The part with [spoiler]Havoc getting injured[/spoiler] and the aftermath and whatnot was rather sad. I also like how the anime and manga shows the two points and of a person's charcter. Lust does seem much more vicious and violent in the manga, and in the anime, she's more deep about her thoughts on what she wants and why. I haven't read the recent chapters yet, but I will as soon as I have the time. Whenever that is. :D -is jumpy- I'm excited for the rest of the episodes to air on adult swim. [/size]
  8. [QUOTE=Lindus]Read the manga. She really [SPOILER]goes out with a bang. Not with Ed per say, but the hate between her and this guy is much cooler. Actually, those few last chapters with lust still stand as my very favorite. I only wish that could've been animated.[/SPOILER] I suppose they sort of compensated for it in the anime with [SPOILER]the Roy vs. Pride fight, but I would've loved to see his fight with Lust animated.[/SPOILER] I really didn't detect too much hate between Ed and Lust. At least, not significantly more than the other sins. I think that hate goes to Envy :animesmil[/QUOTE] [size=1]Mhmm, the battle between [spoiler]Lust and Roy[/spoiler] is amazing. So intense. Although, I enjoy the anime better than the manga. Some scenes I wish they had in the anime, but even though they left some characters and extra plots out, the anime follows the manga well. I think.[/size]
  9. [size=1]I just finished watching the twenty-six episodes last night. I was left with a kind of sad feeling how the series just stops. It stops at such a horrible time, I think. But, that just means I'll have to start reading the manga!!! :D [/size]
  10. [quote name='Dagger]I thought that [spoiler']Lust died last night.[/spoiler][/quote] [size=1]Mhmm, I think she did. Because [spoiler]Wrath threw the locket at her when she was in the circle that [b][i]she[/b][/i] happened to carve deep. I think that was ironic. And she started coughing up the red stones, and Wrath transformed his hand into a blade.[/spoiler] This series is amazing! I'm kind of sad that there are only a few episodes left. I wonder when the dubbed version of the movie will come out...? :D [/size]
  11. [size=1]I enjoy watching this series. It reminds me of my sister and her boyfriend. :animeswea I've watched episodes 1-10. Well, I've only watched half of episode ten because I had to go home before I could watch the rest of the episode. -- I watch that anime at my cousin's house because they have the boxset. :D It's very cute. Very funny. And rather romantic at that. I was wondering, how many episodes are there in this series?[/size]
  12. [size=1]I live a decent distant from Boston, fifteen minutes when there's no traffic, and 45 when there is traffic. I usually take the T down and whatnot. I'm going. I'm going to be Sen/Chihiro from Spirited Away, or Saki Hanajima from Fruits Basket. Either or, it'd suit me. :animesmil I'm rather exctied.[/size]
  13. [quote name='Dagger']Since when did they start using the new OP? It's very slick-looking; I was pleasantly surprised to see it, since they kept saying they'd use Ready Steady Go for the whole series. [/quote] [size=1]They had the new opening about 5 episodes, I think. I really like this new opening. I found the song a while ago, I didn't think it'd be one of the openings for FMA!. Lust's rebellious actions make her one of my favorites. And Envy's actions, so.. strong. :animestun Only a couple of episodes left until this series finishes in the US! :animedepr [/size]
  14. [size=1]I am quite excited for it! It also comes out the day after my friend's birthday, I bet she's excited about it as well. :animesmil If anyone would like to read the article that states it, it is [URL=http://www.square-enix.com/na/company/press/2006/0208/]here[/URL]!. Do enjoy. The article also talks about [b]Sanctuary[/b], the English version of [b]Passion[/b]! I can't wait to hear it! :D :D :D [b]Fin.[/b] [/size]
  15. [quote name='GUNmanZERO7']How many episodes are there exactly? Fuhrer is one msn i would have thought to be a humunculas. On one of the shamon king games some enemys are humonculas.[/quote] [size=1]I believe there are fifty-one episodes of Full Metal Alchemist, and then of course, there is the movie to be thought of as well. So there's basically about one thousand, six hundred and fifty minutes of full metal alchemist. :animeswea I was kind of bored, so I did the math. :p I do indeed like this series. I remember reading the manga before the anime came out, and I was amazed. And seeing the anime now, I'm kind of disappointed. They left out some of the characters but they made it to work. :D Pretty cool series.[/size]
  16. [size=1]This should be interesting. [b]1. Pick a Band or Artist: Rooney.[/b] One of my favorite bands. The songs are from their self-titled cd. I can't wait for their newest one to come out in April this year. [b]2.Are you male or female: That Girl has Love.[/b] Yeah. I wish. [b]3.Describe yourself: I'm a Terrible Person.[/b] This is one of my favorite songs off of their cd. It makes me laugh every time. [b]4. How do some people feel about you: I'm Shakin.[/b] Because I basically am. All the time. Twenty-four seven. Yeah. Okay. [b]5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Losing All Control.[/b] Yeah. He sure was something. [b]6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Simply Because.[/b] Everything just goes a bit easier. Just because. [b]7.Describe where you want to be: Blueside.[/b] I'd like to be on the Blueside of things. [b]8.Describe how you love: If it were up to me.[/b] Sometimes, it's almost one of those blind love type of thing. I guess. But it's not really love yet. [b]9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Popstars.[/b] I'd want to be a popstar no doubt. :rolleyes: [b]10.Share a few words of wisdom: Sorry Sorry.[/b] It's good to apologize for things you don't mean to do. [b]11.Now say goodbye: Stay Away.[/b] We all need our space for a while. I believe that's it. :D [/size]
  17. [size=1]I really enjoy the [b]Kingdom Hearts[/b] themes, both Hikari (or Simple and Clean in the English version) and Passion. I've yet to play Kingdom Hearts 2 yet because it hasn't been released, but mostly with Passion, the song goes [b]so well[/b] with every scene in the introduction movie. It's amazing. I really like the guitar strummage in Hikari/Simple and Clean. It's very clean cut and simple to play. As for Passion, in the final version, the use of the piano is nice and simple, too. These two songs sung by Utada Hikaru are amazing, and I really love them. :D [/size]
  18. [QUOTE=zoshu]Although, most dub companies do a better job, but I'm a bit disappointed with most of the ones I've seen. Although, Fruits Basket was done very well. I just can't seem to remember who dubbed it.... [/QUOTE] [size=1]Fruits Basket was very well dubbed, I think. It was dubbed by the company [b]FUNimation[/b]. Even though their voice actors are used often, I think each of them portrayed every character wondefully. And the episode with Ritsu makes me giggle every time I watch it. :haha:[/size]
  19. [size=1]I originally started watching anime with dubs. And I currently got into subbed anime with the series [b]Full Moon wo Sagshite[/b]. Sometimes, with the animes I own, I switch over the the original japanese voice-overs, and I don't really like it as much. I'm not much of a person where they take a girl to be the voice of a boy. I mean, usually, there's a [b][i]huge[/b][/i] difference between a guy's voice and a girl's voice. Like, when they're trying to emphasize the boy in an anime to be a bit more girly than others, they make the voice actor to be none other than a girl. But, when it's either a normal, average boy, or a rough, gruff guy, then there is this rough, masculine voice talking in the japanese dub. And while the two, female and male voice, act as the same gender, it's sort of annoying to listen to a female voicing as a male. This is my opinion of course. I'm not sure if it makes sense though. :animeswea Some dubs are horrible, though, so it's better to have the sub, if a person is good at multi-tasking by reading and occasionally watching at the same time. Although, I'm more of a dubbed person. I like to enjoy my show and take it in fully, script, actions and all, instead of just script alone. :D [/size]
  20. [size=1]I got volumes 1-4 of the manga for Christmas from my cousin. She told me it was her favorite series by far. I read it and the story is so cute. I must say though, Mitsuki is quite a dark, gloomy girl. Despite the fact that she seems so hopeful, she really is depressing. And the fact she knew all along that [spoiler]Eichi died on his way to America[/spoiler], and she acted as if she never knew, it was quite sad reading that in volume three. I've watched episodes 1-6 subbed so far. I can't wait until they dub this anime, it'll be one of the ones I'd like to own, no doubt. I've also heard rumors that "they" may in fact translate the songs in english and have someone sing the songs to attract more people? I wonder if they'll be able to find someone that can sing (or someone that has a semi-similar voice to the dubbing voice of the singers) for fifty...two? episodes! Hm... :animesmil I'm excited to read volume five, when it comes out this april! :D [/size]
  21. [quote name='Swedish Chef']On a side note I have a bad feeling they might bump it to may but again don't take my word for it let's wait for the release date to pop up.[/quote] [size=1]Mhmm, on the official site - [URL=http://na.square-enix.com/games/kingdomhearts/kh2/]here[/URL] -, it says just Spring 2006. So it could come out between March and June. :animestun How fun. And this is supposing they follow the Spring 2006 release.[/size]
  22. [quote name='Swedish Chef']Again I am not going to seem disrespectful but seriously please PEOPLE stop trying to say this is the release date where the company Square enix hasnt even released that info in public. So until it does stop with the wrong dates. I again mean no disrespect but I am getting annoyed in seeing others trying to flag a wrong release date.[/quote] [size=1]I was just writing down what Best Buy (go to link [URL=http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7190489&type=product&id=1113534516480]here[/URL]) had as a release date. Sorry if I offended you in any way by posting my info. [/size]
  23. [size=1]I'm actually borrowing Chain of Memories right now. It's okay. Not the best, I mean, I think the whole reason of bringing up KH:COM was to indicate the use of memories and introduce Namine and Organization XIII. I believe the new release date for KHII in America is April 1st? I'm not so sure. And [URL=http://www.youtube.com]youtube.com[/URL] has a lot of KH2 vids up, now. Just type in Kingdom Hearts 2, under the video search, and you'll get plenty of feedback. Be warned, though. A lot has spoilers. I don't even dare looking through most of that stuff. And plus, the ending is already posted up online! Good gosh. I got Kingdom Hearts last christmas because my friend introduced me the game. I loved it. And I am even more estatic to wait for KHII. I mean, the plotline is so intense now, it's not hard for me to be on my toes waiting. :D :animeswea [/size]
  24. [size=1]I really love this series. It was one of the series that got me to like anime much more. I mean, this is such anime touches basically everything. From accepting one another, to fitting in, to love, to hate, to violence, it almost portrays as many emotions imaginable. I love how they called it Fruits Basket, after Tohru's incident as a younger child. And how she is recognized as a riceball throughout the whole series. It's amazing. This is such a pick-me-up series, it makes me happy every time I watch it, in almost every episode, from dvd one to four, there's some sort of comical reference that makes a person laugh so hard that it is hard to stop! I'm glad FUNimation dubbed it. Even though the voice actors are used so often, I think their voices does the characters justice. I think the voices suit everyone very well. [b]Fin.[/b][/size]
  25. [quote name='naruto06][SIZE=4']i love fruit baskets plot. it has great characters as well as a womderful storyLINE [/SIZE][/quote] [size=1]Hehe, Fruits Basket = Love. Anyways, Tokyo Mew Mew, like Cardcaptor Sakura, is [b]horribly[/b] dubbed in the United States. It is actually called [b]Mew Mew Power[/b] now on 4Kids on the Fox channel. I was highly disappointed because I am rather fond of this manga series. The plotline and dubbage isn't really that great. I mean, it is perfect for younger girls, Mew Mew Power, but it just isn't the same. It's like how [b]Cardcaptor Sakura[/b] became [b][i]Cardcaptors[/b][/i] in the US. And they took out countless amounts of episodes, cutting the whole series down in half, and they dubbed it horribly, too! Sometimes, dubbing isn't really the best way, I think. Well, I guess I'll answer the question in post #1. No, I don't watch it. :animeswea :D [/size]
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