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About Iyouri-chan

  • Birthday 02/07/1992

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    do u really wanna know???
  • Occupation
    job's bein me n thats hard enough :D

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  1. i agree that fruits basket should have a sequel, id like to see if tohru ends up with yuki or kyo. i think elfen lied should also have a sequel cuz i wanna see if nyu/lucy actuall came bak cuz if she didnt it would be such a sad ending:animecry: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=RoyalBlue]
  2. I first started seeing advents children on my friend's recomendation. Cloud just got my attention fromt the start he is so cool. i love all his swords they all seem different or maybe they are. tell me what you think
  3. I love fruits basket. i especially like Kisa cuz shes soooo cute, in tiger and human form. i also like kyo(guess i have a thing for cats) :animesmil :catgirl: i despise Akito he is so mean i cant believe anyone could like him. i started watching fruits basket then started reading the manga it was so awseome i cant wait until vol 13 comes out. till then i guess
  4. I am typing this in place of my friend. "i think akito is very hot and is much better then kyo-kun but then yuki is kind of on his way to be akito but akito is way hotter." but i still hate akito :p lol
  5. Iyouri-chan


    [QUOTE=Dagger]Just to be contrary: Kanone >> Eyes >>>>> Ayumu. :p Ayumu is not a bad character or anything, but his lack of confidence [i]is[/i] irritating. If it were brilliantly portrayed (a la Shinji's insecurity and weakness in Evangelion), that would be something different. I didn't find Ayumu's inferiority complex to be especially compelling; it was just something he was inevitably going to get over, given time, and they harped on it a little too much. The best part relating to that was how [spoiler]Rio beat him for the first time in the hospital.[/spoiler] It actually made sense that lack of confidence would cause him to make a dire mistake, given his dilemma, and it wasn't just a matter of randomly thrusting "believe in yourself" into the situation. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] lets just say u have a 50% chance of choosing either life or death. that a big BIG bet there, when your life is in the game confidence isnt really that important. wats important would just be the luck... which Ayumu has plenty of :p
  6. Iyouri-chan


    [QUOTE=anjiri][FONT=Comic Sans MS]well, most people in this world are not that confident.that makes ayumu similar to our society.and he still STILL solves the mystery with a sence of confidence. unlike EYES who has white hair like an old man, he so fake only people like (my friend) can belive that eyes is better. :p [/FONT] [SIZE=4]undefined[/SIZE][COLOR=Navy]undefined[/COLOR][/QUOTE] yes yes i fully agree :animesmil Ayumu is better then eyes... he solves all those mysteries that seems pretty much impossible. but that isnt really the point, just that AYUMU is soooo much better!!! :heart:
  7. [COLOR=Cyan]my fav anime is definetely Spiral. thats probably because the whole anime revolves around the Iris which is my name to begin with. :animesmil it kinda makes me feel important^^ n plus i like ayumu :luv:[/COLOR]
  8. well..... i think im kinda like Daiske from DNAngel. im clumsy sometimes n mess up sometimes. but nontheless we're both still lovable... :angel: :animesmil
  9. I would agree that the perfect date would be with the Phantom thief Dark. He's really the lady's type guy, and has cool purple hair... :cool:
  10. i first watched elfen lied by a fried's recomendation. i first few min got me very disrurbed...i dont really know why i like it so much, its a strange anime, but i like it. i guess its because those ppl deserved what they got from Nyu or Lucy. :animestun they shouldnt hav been so mean to her :animeangr
  11. my first manga was MARS and I've been hooked ever since :D i startd liking anime ever since
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