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[QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]For the most part, the music I like comes from my home state (North Carolina) and Georgia. I guess a lot of people in these states have a lot of pent-up emo angst. My tastes in NC include bands like Wolverines, Boa Narrow, Tarantuloco, Giant, and The Demonstration. Georgia bands are Circle Takes the Square, I Would Set Myself on Fire for You, me and him call it us, Cinemechanica, and plenty others. But as far as regions are concerned, a lot of so-called legendary bands that influence the music I listen to come from countries like Germany and Italy. German bands like A Fine Boat(,) That Coffin!, Louise Cyphre, and Danse Macabre; as well as the Italian Raein and La Quiete are among some of the most wicked music I've heard. I maintain the Georgia has the best independent music scene. Ever.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] You have flawless taste in music. o_o; For myself, I listen to ALMOST anything genre-wise, and I'm willing to try most anything. When it comes to regions, I too enjoy quite a bit of music from my home here in North Carolina, but I'm into bands from all around the USA, as well as Japan, Italy, France, etc. Language is no barrier when it comes to music.
[QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]Dude, I've seen your band, haha. I live in your area. I agree, your life show is pretty awesome, but those tracks on your MySpace are terrible in comparison. It's pretty surreal to see you here. >_>[/font][/size][/QUOTE] WHOAAA haha, that's pretty crazy. o___o! Thanks for the compliment, though! And yeah, I'm pretty much dying to record some new stuff and put it up, those tracks are a terrible example of what we actually sound like. x_x;
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Console]I've been playing guitar for the past I dunno, four years now probably? Sadly, though, half of that time wasn't actually spent PLAYING the guitar, and I didn't get really serious about it until earlier this year. I've been in a few bands, one when I first got my guitar back when I was just an aspiring musician who knew pretty much nothing. That project got absolutely nowhere, heck, we never even settled on a name. After that came yet another nameless band, wrote two songs that were halfway decent for what they were but it was still pretty crappy. Around the beginning of 2005, I got together with some buddies of mine and started yet another unsuccessful band under the name of "He Against the Grave". We never actually decided on one set musical style and in the end none of us were happy with it, so besides the good times we had, that one was pretty much lame, too. On the brightside, it did help us with a lot of the "dos" and "don'ts" of banddom, and we played a few shows, so all in all it was worth the experience and stuff it gave us. In January of last year I got together with a few friends and we started a band called "Fastest Kid in 5th Grade" (considering the name was suggested by someone outside of the band with no explanation, I really don't know if it's in reference to Bridge to Terabithia or not, haha.) After countless arguments, a few member changes, and quite a few shows all over the state of North Carolina, we've developed quite a name for ourself in the local scene. We're now in the process of getting some promo shots done, buying a van, planning out a summer tour, and settling on a studio to record some demos at for the sake of sending em out to labels. We do, of course, have a MySpace, where you can listen to four songs. One recorded probably a week or two after we got together, one recorded last Spring, and two recorded mid-late last year. They're HARDLY professional quality, and to be completely honest I'm almost embarrassed by how UNprofessional they are, because I don't believe they do us justice at all. Here's a link to the MySpace, feel free to check it out. It may not be for everyone, though. [URL=http://www.myspace.com/fastestkidin5thgrade][COLOR=Blue]Fastest Kid in 5th Grade[/COLOR][/URL] [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Console]For some reason, I don't feel as if life would be too much different for me if I were a girl. Not that I'm really girly or anything, but I don't think my life would be all that drastically different than it is now. I wake up an hour and a half before my classes for the sake of my daily routine. I take a shower and wash my face (every single day, I absolutely loathe feeling dirty, even the slightest bit), brush my teeth, put on deodorant, put CLEAN clothes on, blow dry, brush, and straighten my hair, put moisturizer on my face because the cold air tends to make it slightly dryer than I would prefer it to be, eat breakfast, etcetc. I already think I'm fairly fashion savvy, though I don't get to show it as much as I'd like to. (probably slightly due to the fact that I'm a guy) I have just as much fun buying new clothes as any girl would, haha. I kind of carry myself in a slightly effeminate way, I guess with the way I use my hands and walk and such. Despite all of that, I am most definitely a straight male and I am very attracted to the opposite sex. (well, at least some of them. I'm pretty picky with what I like in a girl, but that's a completely different topic) Life would probably still be a totally different story if I was a female. I don't even want to think of going through the things girls go through. Drastic mood swings, child birth, etcetc. I think I'm perfectly content being a guy. Hahaha.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Lore][color=33333][font=trebuchet ms]The fact that what you consider to be "real emo" no longer exists does not change the fact that there is currently a large teenage subculture called emo. It revolves around music. It revolves around fashion. It revolves around depression, angst, mySpace, make-up, girly pants, and black hair cut at funny angles. The fact that "emo" originally stood for "emotive hardcore" means nothing to the kids who call themselves "emo" because it [i]also[/i] stands for "emotional." It shouldn't have to mean anything to them. The two things may have been the same thing once. They may not have been. It doesn't matter, really. But this subculture has adopted the term emo, and whatever else the word once stood for, now it also stands for this.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] It's not what I consider to be real emo, it's simply what emo is. The main difference between emo and what is considered emo now is the fact that, well, they sound NOTHING ALIKE. To set things straight, I don't even like real emo. I can't get into it. I'm actually a fan of a lot of bands considered "emo" nowadays. The only reason this topic fires me up so much is the fact that these people, these kids, these "music" stations are taking something that was once respectable and basically bastardizing it. Emo has become the signature term for "whiny kids who cut themselves, can't keep their girlfriends, and cry too much". Now every kid in girls jeans, every kid with black hair, every boy in eyeliner, every girl wearing tacky jewelry, is automatically labeled emo. Scene and emo do not equal the same thing, yet somehow they've become one. Scene is a pretty crappy word as well, and I'd say it's hardly a term to be proud of, but when it comes down to labels, that's what the whole girl pants, band t-shirt cliche fits under. And it SHOULD mean something to them that it means emotive hardcore. "Emotional" could fit in almost any genre of music, so that doesn't even make sense. People should know what they're claiming before claiming it. But why do people need to label themselves, anyway? I guess fitting in is more important in the majority of today's culture than being yourself, and it's pretty sad.
[quote name='Mage17']And why the hell are you wearing girl pants?? Weggies to the max, just get some really small sized boys pants and call it a day, no offense but no every straight or gay guy wants to see a bony *** and crotch to match.[/quote] Actually, despite popular opinion, girl pants do not induce wedgies or (usually, at least not with the pants I wear) ride up high in the crotch area. Don't ask me why I wear them if I already explained why. :/ Besides, the beginning of your reply to my post doesn't even make sense. [quote name='Mage17']Are you sure??? In your post you describes most of the functions.[/quote] What exactly is that supposed to mean? The way I described emo is basically that it's pretty much the opposite of how you described it. And to this post... [QUOTE]Yes, but that emo spawned the variety the first few posts were talking about.[/QUOTE] How exactly would the original emo spawn these "neo-emo" kids, anyway? (oh, and I like that term, neo-emo. It works, quite well actually.) Considering the fact you could go up to any one of these "neo-emo" kids and ask them who Rites of Spring or Sunny Day Real Estate is, and they'd have no clue.
It amuses me how everyone in this thread (save for Corrina) knows absolutely NOTHING about emo. First off, it doesn't stand for emotional, it stands for emotive hardcore. Emo is an off-shoot of punk that pretty much died out quite a while ago. It wasn't Dashboard Confessional or whatever everyone thinks it is. Emo isn't about girlfriends or cutting yourself. It's not a fashion style. It's a style of music. Besides that, how does wearing girl pants make someone gay? I wear girl pants, I'm not "emo", I'm not "gay", and I must say, they're a LOT more comfortable than any guy pants I've worn. They stretch (which is one of the best parts), and in my opinion they look much better than guy pants. Yeah, so... emo doesn't exist anymore, to be blunt.
[QUOTE=Lord_Hadez]I listen to pretty much any kinda music. Manly im a Metal Head I totally hate Emo[/QUOTE] Although I'm doubting you've actually heard emo. (sorry, it's a major pet peeve. what everyone thinks emo is... well... isn't, usually) [url]www.fourfa.com[/url] for more info. I mainly listen to JRock/Visual Kei bands, Metalcore, Post-Hardcore, Screamo, Pop-Rock, etc. Basically because each genre provides some sort of aspect of music that I enjoy, be it something to sing along to, wake me up in the morning, calm me down, pump me up, etcetc.
Hmmm, I pretty much listen to anything from poppy bands like Panic! At the Disco and Taking Back Sunday to harder rock/whatever it's called like Underoath and Chiodos to screamo like Van Johnson and Saetia to metalcore like It Dies Today and Job For a Cowboy. Some of my favorite bands, though, I don't really know what they fit under... genres are so confining. Fear Before the March of Flames, The Fall of Troy, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, etc. I really listen to whatever simply sounds good to my ears, thus I have very varying tastes. What I listen tends to depend on different things... what I'm in the mood for, if I feel like singing along in the car (haha), etc. Generally when I'm in the car in the morning, I tend to listen to heavier things... if it's the end of the day and I'm tired I usually head for softer stuff. The middle of the afternoon is when I usually listen to things I can sing along to. Music is basically my life, and I'm very sincere in saying that. There's almost always music playing around me, I'm in a band, I videotape local bands' shows (which comes in handy when you're trying to make friends in the "scene"... bands love to see themselves on tape, it seems), etcetc. I don't know where I'd be without music.
Kyros narrowed his eyes a bit, keeping a close watch on Adriene, not in any violent sort of way, just keeping his guard up as usual. "This little 'conflict' going on below us is getting fairly... interesting, if I do say so myself." he said, smirking a bit. "I must say, though... it's nice to meet a human who isn't pointing their blade at me the second they spot my fangs." He took a seat on the roof, still watching the fight below, but trying to show a way of "submission" to the human, just to let them know he meant no harm. As he sat, he let the kitten down onto the roof top, holding it steady, but letting it have a bit of freedom. "I worry about this town." Kyros said, shaking his head as in a way of disapproval towards all of the things that occured tonight. "Peace would surely be a welcome change."
I like all the ideas so far, so I'll definitely get this thing started up very very soon. Thanks go to everyone for their input! ^_^ And I'll try to find a way to add a bit of Japanese flare to all of it, because the whole idea together, while good, reminds me a LOT of a certain movie/book called "Hangman's Curse". I may go ahead and just make demon's basically roaming in the actual world itself. But yeah, when I get the story totally figured out, I'll go ahead and post it in Adventure Inn or whatever, and I'll be sure to post here also when it's up an taking character applications.
When it comes to Japanese music, I generally lean towards the indies visual-kei side of the spectrum. Bands like Vidoll, Alice Nine, Deadman, Rentrer en Soi, Ayabie, etc. But then again, you can also never go wrong with Dir en grey, D'espairsRay, stuff like that.
[QUOTE=wolves_145]Iam not a black magic person in fact Iam against it that why I suggested just haveing people disappear or come back different like uhh obsessed or taken over by something bad and some ghosts in there to would spice stuff up. oh and plese there are chirstans here who read your bord dont make it to bad ok.[/QUOTE] Actually, I'm a Christian myself and also against that sort of thing, I just thought adding the element of some sort of cult or something may make it more interesting, along with your idea. Maybe some students join the cult and disappear, end up dead, etc?
Kyros quickly felt a sense of danger, urgency, and many other things fly through the atmosphere. Even from where he was, he could see the moonlight shimmering off of the weapons being wielded by the two strangers up ahead. Wanting to take a closer look, he dashed through the shadows, masking his presence. He didn't want to get involve, he simply wanted to watch things unfold. Having finally stationed himself in a close area where he felt he was safe, he smiled down at the little orphan cat in his arms, "Don't worry, we're only watching... not fighting. I hope not, atleast.". Kyros knelt down onto the pavement, trying to quiet his own breathing to hear the dialogue going on between the two people in front of him. "I can't quite make out what they're saying..." he thought to himself, "I suppose I'll just wait and see how thiings go."
Kyros, who had watched the whole "incident" at the bar from his location simply shook his head, looking down at the critter in his arms. "This world has gotten so violent, hasn't it?" he asked the kitten, even though he knew there would be no answer. "Maybe we should go see just what's going on down there, after all?" Kyros said, tilting his head to the side a bit and shrugging. He walked down the street, fairly nonchalantly, but hardly letting his guard down. As he got a bit further, he noticed Aimee and Sin in the distance. Not knowing who or what they were, he quickly slid into the cover of the shadows, watching closely as events unfolded. OOC: Sorry for the short post, I'm kinda just waiting for a point to open up where I can fit myself into the plot.
[quote name='Vampire_Fox']you could perhaps have some of the characters in a cult. or obsesed with them as such. mabey have some black magic freeks in there as well. i thought u said before that this was a high school based rp. if it is would most of be at school or characters houses or galavanting around looking for trouble. just a few thoughts :)[/quote] Wow, I really like that idea, actually. Great input, that'll definitely make this more interesting. ^_^
I love this show. *_* It entertains me alot and it always has... dunno why.
Oh gosh, GX. It may be a good show, and I am actually a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, especially the manga... but I can't see myself watching this one due to well... the main character's hairstyle. XD Not saying Yugi's hair was much better but yeah. Haha~
Kicking up dust as he walked down an empty sidestreet, Kyros slid his tongue along his fangs, thinking about the current state of things. The night was obviously the most comfortable time for a vampire, but Kyros was still a bit on edge. "I don't know why I still do this..." he said to himself, shaking his head. "I spend my days hiding and I spend my nights, well... hiding. There has to be something I can do in this town to make me feel at least a slight bit more useful. " Kyros bit his lip. Both too much and not enough had happened over the past twelve years. Though a vampire for a much shorter time than most of the others in town, he felt as if he had been this way for much, much longer. He felt a nudge on his foot and quickly looked down to see a small kitten, looking right back up at him. Kyros let out a sincere smile for the first time in weeks as he bent down and examined the critter, softly patting it on the head. "Now where did you come from?" he said, the same smile still on his face. He continued to pet the small creature and picked it up, cradling it in his arm and stroking its fur to keep it calm. Kyros began walking out onto the main road and immediately noticed the lack of people in the area. Despite the time, it's a rare occasion that there is simply nobody outside. He brushed the hair out of his eyes and glanced around the area, beginning to get a very odd feeling. "Something is seriously wrong... I'm not quite sure what, but it's something."
[quote name='Grave Yard']I really hate the idea of the revolution controller. Its a remote :animesigh . A low price point is great and all but I rather have a regular controler.[/quote] Have you seen the video of it in action? I was pretty turned off by the controller as well, until I saw the video. It seems that it works kind of like a light gun?
[quote name='Gen. Andronicus']Someone mentioned The Fall of Troy. This is a band that I am absolutely excited about. Although this years Doppleganger was this years biggest dissappointment for me, I am looking forward to their Ghostship album. There selftitled cd was very good, my favorite cd of 2003, they are an extremely talented band.[/quote] Wow, Doppelganger disappointed you? I thought it was quite incredible... but then again, I do hear that their self-titled CD is amaaaaazing. (I've only heard a few songs from it) Yep, they're definitely one of the most talented bands around.
[QUOTE=Random Red Mage]A story, you say? Huh, my speciality...lol. Oh, and I'm modest to boot! Anyways, you want an occultish...romance, maybe? That could work. Having a little love in a story is always interesting. Did you want the "mysterious" things happening to be like "Scooby-Doo" style, or more along the lines of something like Buffy? (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, f.y.i.) If you want Scooby-Doo, then it could be more of a comedy...but you said serious, right? Okay, will there be monsters and things that go bump in the night, or day, or just things like apparations, doors closing by themselves, and "evil black cats summoning evil spirits." Sorry, that last one kina got away on me. LOL. Anyways, just throwing ideas fors ya...anything you like, great...any inspiring ideas, great...just doing my part to make a better world, one story at a time! -Random[/QUOTE] Haha, I agree on the romance thing, throwing that in can always make a story more interesting. About the whole "mysterious" thing... I kinda just want odd events to come about throughout the story, all kind of strung together. Maybe someone is killed, or has disappeared? Not really make it about solving a crime, more like the characters being intrigued by it (or not? haha, it's up to the RPer) and getting caught up in a string of events. Pretty much the state of things in a constant change throughout the story... the circumstances always being something different. Hopefully we can get this started soon... if we can get a bit of a story composed out of this little "base" thing, and a sufficient amount of characters, it could be a lot of fun. ^_^
So far, the only idea I have is pretty much the base for it I put up there. All I really know is I want a serious RP, with high school students in the center of it. Violence, mystery, demons, and just plain weirdness. All original characters, too. I love seeing people put their creativity to good use. Now I'm thinking what we really need is a story...
[CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v629/MirrIll/isamu.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name[/B] - Kyros Merril [B]Age[/B] - Appears to be 16, is actually 28. [B]Race[/B] - Vampire [B]Class[/B] - Human turned Vampire [B]Weapons[/B] - A short sword strapped on the lower part of his back, sharpened claws on his left hand. [B]Character Description[/B] - Refer to picture for appearance. [B]Background[/B] - Bit at a very young age, mainly due to a "wrong place, wrong time" situation, Kyros, though trying to embrace and find out more about his vampiric powers, was haunted by visions and dreams for months after he was bit. The moment these things started happening, his behavior became quite erratic, due to confusion and fear. Taking that their son was acting in such ways, his parents feared he'd become violent, and began pushing him away, emotionally at least. As his behavior worsened, his parents believed his condition was incurable, and simply too much for them to bear. They sent him away from their home, telling him not to return until he "worked out his issues". Kyros, realizing that survival in such a cruel world is not the easiest thing, armed himself with his wits, his intelligence, and a small sword, you know, just in case. As time went on, he learned to control his outbursts and began harnassing the powers he inherited from his transformation. In the 12 years he's lived since he was bit, he learned a lot about the world of vampires, and the world of humans as well! Besides these things, his demeanor is usually calm and quiet. Sometimes he's sarcastic and sly, other times he's caring and intelligent. Alltogether, he's a wonderful ally and a dangerous enemy. [/CENTER] I hope that works, if you need me to alter anything, I'll be glad to! ^_^;