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Bishi Big

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About Bishi Big

  • Birthday 07/17/1987

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    Otaku Big
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    Otaku, Gamer
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  1. Usually I like all of the types of genres, like I love playing games like DDR or GF/DM, but then I go off and play Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo II. But to say only one, I would have to play RPGs, why, I just find it so much fun making my character the strongest being alive.
  2. Bishi Big


    Motion and Lazer dectection I guess haha, but yeah basic idea, I got sold by the video too, the idea of a remote as a controler first turned me off to the idea, but I like how they got it set up from the video.
  3. I want to see this movie really bad, I heard it was good, some people said it wasn't scary, but I'm not expecting it to be haha, I just wanna know what's going on and what the storyline is like since I'm clueless.
  4. Bishi Big


    Fair enough. I expected atleast a couple responces like that.
  5. Well my to favorite animes would have to definatly be [B]Bleach[/B] and [B]Naruto[/B] but I'm sure alot of people will be choosing these so I'd have to stick with previous favorites like [B]Beck[/B] and [B]Green Green[/B] I don't know why I like [B]Green Green[/B] I just do...lol it's funny as heck. So I pick [B]Beck[/B] and [B]Green Green[/B]
  6. Bishi Big

    Check this out

    I liked Memoirs of a Geisha...haha but that's funny.
  7. Bishi Big


    Would you buy a Nintendo Revolution if it were priced under 299 like GameSpot.com says that it just might be?
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