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Everything posted by bellpickle

  1. [SIZE=1]I'm currently watching Stand Up!!, which is a lot of fun. As the person above stated, it's about four teenage boys who are known as the only four virgins in their grade (they're all hot, but they're really quirky, to say the least), so they focus their entire summer into doing it for the first time. It's not as crude as it sounds, and actually makes fun of the "sex is life" mentality more than it supports it. Anyway, it's really a lot of fun, though the first episode is slow at parts. I also quite like Good Luck!, a KimuTaku drama about a rookie pilot trying to prove himself to his superiors, while dodging all sorts of obstacles on the way.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I'd really appreciate it if you all could point me towards a few good anime blogs and videocasts you know of. ([URL=http://www.designchronicle.com/memento/][U]This[/U][/URL] is an example of the type of anime blog I'm looking for, and at this point, I'll take any videocast I can find.) Thanks![/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]I suppose if it's incorporated in a clever or humorous way, I wouldn't really mind it. However, I tend to shy away from series that are chock filled with fanservice, since most of it is rather distasteful and gets old really quickly. Besides, fanservice often caters way more to guys than girls. On the other hand, I don't usually mind fanservice in concerts and such, since the purpose of most concerts is purely to entertain the audience. But anime series try to tell an actual story, and more often than not, fanservice just detracts from it.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I remember having a dream involving the Devil May Cry video game series, though it was months ago, so I don't remember it at all. I'm guessing it probably had something to do with Dante and his sw33t moves.[/SIZE]
  5. [quote name='Dagger']So I saw episode 18, and I'm still crying like a damn idiot. It's amazing how that scene could have so much of an impact even when it was obvious what was going to happen--although maybe that helped it a little. My pulse was going through the roof for pretty much the entire episode.[/quote] [SIZE=1]I KNOW, RIGHT? I actually didn't expect it at all until they blatantly revealed that [spoiler]Albert wasn't in the armor,[/spoiler] so it hit me pretty hard. I remember having trouble sleeping that night. >_> I actually avoided watching the series for a couple weeks after that, even though I still consider it to be my favorite episode. And I still haven't rewatched it since then. (Though if it's any consolation, at least it gets better from that point on instead of more depressing.)[/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE=serenayasha]2. Who you favorite character? 3. who you favorite couple?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]2. It's difficult to choose. Honestly, all of them are likable, though in the end, it's a toss-up between Tamaki and the twins. I once saw an Ouran icon with a picture of Tamaki and the twins huddled together, and the text read "dorks cubed," which is exactly what they are. However, Nekozawa definitely wins my vote for favorite side-character. I mean, come on. He's awesome. 3. Again, hard to choose. I'm leaning towards Haruhi/Tamaki, though the few moments of Haruhi/Mori and Haruhi/Kyouya tend to be interesting. From the looks of things, my opinion of Haruhi/Hikaru will depend greatly on episode 16. And fanservice aside, Hikaru/Kaoru [I]is[/I] truly interesting, especially in light of episode 15. Honestly, I'll have to finish watching the entire series before I can make any solid decisions.[/SIZE]
  7. [quote name='AnimeHeroX']Did you ever feel like crying after the series ended?[/quote] [SIZE=1]Well, not exactly, but I sometimes have this empty feeling in my chest, and I wander around my house in a zombie-like daze. It's been a while since I've felt that way though; the last time was probably when I finished watching Escaflowne about a year ago.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I feel that way about 1 out of every 4 series I watch. What can I say, I get attached easily. :animeswea Most recently, I've been feeling really attached to Kaleido Star... which is why I haven't watched the last four or so episodes yet. I'll get around to it soon, but for now, I just don't want it to end.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]I'm 16, but a lot of strangers, upperclassmen, and even some relatives have mistaken me for a high school senior/college student on many occasions the past couple years. So I suppose I'd think of myself as one of those two.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I cry a lot during anime because I'm easily touched like that. XD The most recent time was while watching episode 39 of Kaleido Star, which was definitely the lowest point in the series for Sora. (And she had already gone through some pretty depressing stuff at the time, so that episode was like watching someone get kicked when they're down.) Though the last time anime really made me weep like a baby was the episode of Gankutsuou in which [spoiler]Franz died[/spoiler]. I wasn't expecting it at all, so I was kind of shocked into tears. Then the sadness set in, and I was crying all over myself.[/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Panda']Edit: I just remembered another reason for Ms. Dagger to check out Honey and Clover: Twister game with too many colors![/quote] [SIZE=1]YES! And an entire birthday cake composed of store-bought individual slices with altar candles on top! As for food, so far, all the second season has given us is a scene involving huge bowls of katsudon, but Yamada wolfed that thing down so fast that it made me sick just looking at her. So I don't think you'll be craving anything anytime soon. XD[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Dagger]Fan [strike]art[/strike] crack to the rescue! :p [size=1][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/haruhi004a2mi.jpg][u]Part-time job[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/haruhi2076mg.png][u]Cosplay![/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11516899748045ph.jpg][u]Double cosplay[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11515120607687sd9py.jpg][u]Touga?[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11499979648623yw.jpg][u]With chibi Haruhi[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11477627939207sf.jpg][u]With chibi Kyon[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/haruhi0033js.jpg][u]Fufufu...[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11476820971616ep.jpg][u]Haruhi the BL fangirl I[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11501209204627us1.jpg][u]Haruhi the BL fangirl II[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11476213863012st.jpg][u]Kyon's misfortune[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/11516058905679jc.jpg][u]Kyon's nightmare[/u][/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/DaggerIX1/copyof11508753452091hx.jpg][u]A motivational poster gone wrong[/u][/url][/size][/QUOTE] WHY, HELLO THAR. I love that last one, and I'm not even an Itsuki/Kyon fan. XD [quote name='Dagger]I really like [b]Leon, Yuri[/b] and [b]May[/b] from [b]Kaleido Star[/b'].[/quote] Other people don't like them? But they're so pretty. D: In all seriousness, I could see why others wouldn't like those three during their nastier moments, [spoiler]but they all were portrayed sympathetically in the end. (And their development from EVIL!!1 to sympathetic wasn't rushed or tacked on the way it is in some other anime.)[/spoiler] Then again, I tend to have a thing for [spoiler]redeemable[/spoiler] a-holes (or even irredeemable ones, come to think of it), so it might just be me. ;) As for May, I think she made a great foil for Sora. Honestly, there were many times during the second season that I wanted to shake Sora and yell at her for being so darn modest all the time, so it was nice to see someone like May running around constantly mouthing off. (And no matter how much someone dislikes Leon and May, they have to admit that without those two, Sora would never have developed as much as she did during the second season, since everyone else in a [spoiler]Layla-less[/spoiler] Kaleido Stage would have babied her too much.) And personally, I really liked when Leon acted like a huge prima donna and glared at everyone all the time. It was funny. XD As for Yuri, well, he's just cool. And if you don't think so, then you suck. :p [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][quote name='Dagger']Say something that'll make me watch this show. You have five minutes. Go! :animesmil[/quote] *does warm-up exercises* :3 YOSH! First, the characters are very realistic and multi-faceted, and I imagine many college kids and young adults can easily relate to them and their dilemnas. (Such as not knowing what to do with your life, constant financial problems, troubles finding a job, and of course, love.) Yet despite the drama, the series is fun and light-hearted at its core, and it's actually really funny much of the time. The art and animation are really, really lovely, especially in the second season. The soundtrack is the most awesome thing on this planet, with the script as a close second, especially when it involves the characters' private thoughts. Most importantly, Morita is total crack, and I honestly think the whole series is worth watching just to see him flounce around, babbling about croquettes and dying from hiccuping too much. And Nomiya's cool too, but it seems that I've run out of time, so I'll just leave it at that. :D[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][B]Naruto - Uchiha Sasuke[/B] I like Sasuke too much. I won't even talk about it because it scares people. Though, I have something to add on Sangome's point; most people seem to hate Sasuke mainly because [spoiler]he betrayed the village[/spoiler], not just because he's a jerk. It came as no surprise to me when it happened, so whatever. Other than that, I can't think of anything. Honestly, I tend to favor popular characters. Heck, even Sasuke is popular in some circles. Oh, and I highly suggest every Sakura fan read [URL=http://sunsitenthai.livejournal.com/258828.html][U]this[/U][/URL]. EDIT: OH, and I like [B]Itsuki from Haruhi Suzumiya[/B], who no one ever seems to talk about. I don't hang around the fandom, so I don't know whether or not he's truly under-appreciated, but still. He's cool. He likes to breathe on Kyon's face. But he seems to be ignored in favor of Haruhi or any of the other freaks in the SOS Brigade.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][B]Twelve Kingdoms[/B] - A wonderful coming-of-age fantasy adventure series based off a set of popular novels in Japan. The first few episodes are a little difficult to get through, mostly because there are ZERO sympathetic characters at first, but it's truly worth getting past to get to the "good parts." It features some of the most drastic, but well-handled character development I've seen, especially concerning the lead character, who grows from being a somewhat timid teenage girl to a compassionate, confident woman fit to rule a country. And though the series only touches on about four or five of the Twelve Kingdoms, the world and its people are described in such detail that you won't really mind.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Now that the second season has [I]really[/I] gotten started, what's everyone's impression of it so far? Personally, I'm very pleased. While the first episode was a recap, I think the second episode definitely made up for it. The script certainly seems as good as ever, as is the music. Some have expressed their dislike for the opening and ending themes, but I can't get enough of them, especially the ending. The art and animation seems even better than the first season, IMO, particularly in the use of colors. I'm not quite sure why, but the whole series somehow looks more lush. Also, I [I]love[/I] the way the girls look now. As a note, I thought the get-rid-of-hiccuping methods they came up with were really interesting. I've definitely never heard of the chopstick one or the one where you drink from the other side of the cup. (But I'm probably going to end up trying them, haha.) Anyway, I can't wait to see the rest of this. I'm a little disappointed that it's only going to be 13 episodes long, but from what I've heard, the manga only has enough material for about 13 episodes, so I suppose I can't complain.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Just cause no one said it yet, how about that episode 9? I, personally, absolutely loved it. Though admittedly, the entire episode could have been composed of the host club members flouncing around in dresses for no reason, and I still would've loved it. :P Also, from the looks of the preview, I can't wait to see next week's episode! [spoiler]Yay for Haruhi's impoverished-looking home![/spoiler] ^_____^[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Though MySpace does have some responsibility in this issue, it's not as if they encourage this sort of behavior, so I agree that the blame should not be placed on their heads alone. But the fact of the matter is it's much easier to blame the MySpaces of the world rather than find and reveal the true root of these people's problems. Of course, this is competely ineffective, as there will [I]always[/I] be services such as MySpace, and there will [I]always[/I] be problems like this. But that's just the way things are.[/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdJnDPkMArg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdJnDPkMArg[/url] This is pretty much self-explanatory.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]*dies laughing* It's genius, really. And it reminds me that I [I]really[/I] need to watch the rest of Anime Hell 3.[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE=r2vq]As the fanart above describes, I believe that one of the final struggles of the series will be to "convert" [spoiler]Sasuke.[/spoiler] -r2[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Naruto succeeding in that "mission" is my greatest fear. Honestly, I'll be terribly disappointed if [spoiler]Sasuke[/spoiler] becomes a touchy-feely Naruto fanboy at the end of the series; in my opinion, Gaara and especially Neji were [I]far[/I] more interesting before they were converted in comparison to after, and it'll probably be the same in this case.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]I second Berserk, and add Loveless to the list. Two completely different series with the same problem; both [I]need[/I] true conclusions.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][quote name='Fasteriskhead'] I will say that the g's currently hating are going to be eating a lot of crow within the space of the next year or so.[/quote] Seconded! Currently on episode 22, and it's gotten pretty damn good. Episode 20 was especially awesome. [spoiler]Yay for cold-blooded murder rampages![/spoiler][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Funny, I just finished watching episode 18. :D [quote name='Dagger]I was totally not expecting the scene in which [spoiler']the French bishounen refused Kraehe's love[/spoiler][/quote] Me neither! I thought it was absolutely hilarious when I first saw it. Though admittedly, I felt like [I]something[/I] was up, since the mood of the scene was completely different from past episodes. In any case, I hope that dude appears in later episodes. I think he'd make an awesome side character, even if his reappearance is not entirely necessary. :) Side-tracking a bit, I must admit, I'm definitely leaning more towards Duck/Fakir over Duck/Mytho, if not just because, at this point in the series, the former pair are developing an actual relationship with each other, whereas the latter pair really just happens to see each other from time to time. (On the other hand, Princess Tutu is a different case. I consider Duck & Princess Tutu to be two connected, but different entities.) As for the series itself, at first, I was put-off by the cutesy character designs, but now I think they do a service to the show; it almost looks like a children's book at times, which very much fits the fairytale theme.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]I'm a self-proclaimed Master of Trivial Information. I like to think of my brain as a storage bin for useless info. :D[/SIZE]
  25. [quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]I've got nice breasts.[/size'][/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]Ditto. Well, they're not so much nice as they are just really, really big. (And they'll look terrible in my later years. >_
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