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Everything posted by bellpickle

  1. [SIZE=1]For the record, I find Yakitate! Japan very amusing. It's a parody of the typical Shonen Jump anime, featuring a child genius protagonist, and EXCITING!bread tournament arcs that span 15-20 episodes each. Just goes to show that a series with a topic as ridiculous as bread-making can be made to work, under the right conditions (and with a healthy sense of humor).[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]As long as this someone knows when to draw the line between fiction and reality, then I don't find it "wrong" in any way.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]I've been marathoning this anime for the past few weeks, and I'm about caught up with the Anime Kraze fansubs. (I think I have about three more episodes to go.) That said, I'm [I]really[/I] enjoying it. Considering how long the series is, it's quite impressive for the story to be so focused all throughout. And I love how well-developed the characters are, even the short-lived secondary characters. I don't have a set favorite character, not yet anyway, though I [I]really[/I] like Grimmer. He's so easy to sympathize with, I think. He's has very sincere intentions it seems, and it's amazing that he didn't turn into a cold-hearted psycho, considering everything he's been through. (Not that he's completely normal either, but hey.) Regarding Runge, I see him as a detective who jumps on to whatever interests/challenges him the most, then stubbornly locks on to that case. Afterall, only after [spoiler]Runge saw Johan's hotel room did he begin to show an active interest in Johan. (He himself stated that it was the first time he had seen a room so devoid of evidence.) I guess eventually Johan's case became much more intriguing to Runge than Tenma's case, possibly to the point where he began believing in Tenma's innocence.[/spoiler] As for the Live-Action film, I've heard that they [I]may[/I] be planning to the divide the story into two films, instead of cramming it all into one. That is, of course, assuming that the movie(s) will be made in the first place.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]The only series I've rewatched in its entirety is Rahxephon. With most other series, I don't have the patience. (I usually skip over to "the good parts.") Out of my DVD collection, the anime I rewatch most for the fun of it would probably be Samurai Champloo, and even so, only certain parts of it.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]I just watched episodes 13-16, and it was [I]amazing[/I]. The series really picks up after episode 6, and the plot has been unraveling very nicely. It's apparent how carefully planned out the events are, especially those pertaining to the Count's backstory. And the best part is that I still have no clue of what will happen in future episodes. I feel strangely giddy right now, even though the recent events of the series have actually been rather depressing. I can't wait to watch the next episodes, and I'm definitely getting this on DVD once I save up enough money.[/SIZE]
  6. [quote name='Dagger']I've noticed that I tend to enjoy reading about relationships in which two characters are drawn to each other romantically/sexually, but with undercurrents of hatred, loathing, contempt or just flat-out revulsion[/quote] [SIZE=1]I thought I was all alone in this world. *wibbles* In all seriousness, that romantic/sexual tension is what I like most in rival pairings. In my experience, guys are often openly aggressive over rivalries, and yet become completely overwhelmed, even confused, at the slightest sexual urge or hint of affection for someone, especially if it's directed towards the person they supposedly hate. It really makes for interesting internal conflict. Anyway, long Naruto-related rant ahead:[/SIZE] [quote name='duoikari']I mean why is sasuke normally the seme, i think he should be a uke when paired with Naruto.[/quote] [SIZE=1]*cackles* First off, while both Naruto and Sasuke are strong-willed and stubborn, Naruto is more sensitive. He's like a wounded puppy; even if he's hurt by the people he cares about, he won't stop loving those people because of it. Sasuke, on the other hand, is defensive. He's wary of having emotional attachments with other people, because he's afraid of eventually getting hurt by them. (And for good reason, too.) In a way, I could see how others would interpret Naruto as being the uke of the two. In any case, Naruto and Sasuke are [I]way[/I] too proud to be willing ukes. Frankly, you'd have to fight those boys to get them underneath you. (Sorry for wording it that way, but that's how it is. :animeswea)[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]I tend to avoid any doujinshi I come across, since my experiences with them were all limited to hardcore yaoi pr0n. (My friends are perverts.) Though, the doujinshi you listed do seem entertaining. After all, interaction between Light and L really [I]does[/I] have high hilarity potential. However, I [I]have[/I] seen Go-Devil-Dante's gallery. ^________^[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Yo. I'm a yaoi fan because I often find male characters, and the relationships between males, more interesting than females. I tend to prefer darker rival pairings over fluff, and I dislike pairings that have a Designated Uke. I often avoid reading yaoi fanfiction, because many yaoi fangirls are keen on altering the characters' personalities to their liking, or focus too much on the physical aspects of gay relationships. Character interaction is what I'm interested in, mostly.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]I enjoy anime for the same reasons that I would enjoy a movie or a novel: intriguing plot, interesting and well-developed characters, a solid script (or writing, in the case of novels), etc. I don't like every anime I watch, just as I don't like every movie I watch or every book I read. At its core, anime isn't any different from other forms of entertainment.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]To haru sakurai: A majority of open-ended or tragic endings in anime are created not because of realism, but because the animators could no longer draw from the source material, which forces them to create their own half-baked ending. In regards to the anime that purposefully end this way, I completely agree with you. I'm a sucker for well-crafted, tragic endings, and I wouldn't change them for anything.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]I only began watching Gankutsuou a few days ago, and I'm already quite intrigued by it. It's quite impressive to keep the plot as ambiguous as it is without frustrating the viewers or overcomplicating the story. (I haven't read the novel, so besides hints dropped by trailers and previews, I have no clue of what will happen in future episodes.) Most everyone else has already praised the animation, so I'll just say this: the animation style suits the setting very well. I could never have imagined a better looking Neo-Paris. Also, I really, really like the music. A lot.[/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='Demon Eyes Kyo']It left me disappointed just by seeing the movie I don?t even want to see the series that?s out.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Actually, the ending of the series is veeeery different from that of the movie's. In my opinion, it was a little sappy, but much better overall. The X movie as a whole really wasn't that great in comparison to the series and especially the manga.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]To ? Nomad Tical ?: Actually, I was referring to the Escaflowne series. I have yet to watch the film, since I've read and heard a lot of mixed opinions on it. Also, I think CLAMP has yet to finish the X/1999 manga, which would explain the movie's open-endedness.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]I'd change the last episode of Escaflowne. That ending was [I]way[/I] too rushed and sappy to be satisfying.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][U]Series I've seen most or all of[/U]: Akazukin Chacha FLCL Hellsing Berserk Revolutionary Girl Utena Cowboy Bebop Outlaw Star Gundam Wing Escaflowne Paranoia Agent Fushigi Yuugi Rurouni Kenshin Petshop of Horrors Rahxephon X Serial Experiments Lain Twelve Kingdoms Full Metal Alchemist Naruto Last Exile [U]Series I've seen part of[/U]: Pilot Candidate Violinist of Hamelin Maria-sama ga Miteru Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Ranma 1/2 Love Hina Texhnolyze Haibane Renmei Samurai Champloo Cardcaptor Sakura Kare Kano Yu Yu Hakusho Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu Pokemon Digimon (first two seasons) Yu-Gi-Oh Trigun Great Teacher Onizuka (both anime and live-action) Randoms seasons of Slayers Random seasons of Tenchi Muyo Random seasons of Sailor Moon Random seasons of Dragon Ball/Z/GT [U]Series I've seen one or two episodes of[/U]: Wolf's Rain Witch Hunter Robin Sorcerer Hunters Mobile Suit Gundam Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory Please Save My Earth Kaleido Star Planetes Read or Die Big O Evangelion Case Closed/Detective Conan InuYasha .hack//SIGN Magic Knight Rayearth One Piece Monster Rancher DNAngel Azumanga Daioh Noir Onegai Twins Irresponsible Captain Tyler Paradise Kiss Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Adventures of Mini-Goddess Black Cat Black Jack Bleach Saiyuki Saber Marionette [U]Movies or OVAs[/U]: Rurouni Kenshin (movie and both OVAs) Angel Sanctuary Read or Die OVA Akazukin Chacha OVA Voices of a Distant Star (and She and Her Cat) Jin-Roh Howl's Moving Castle Spirited Away Princess Mononoke Kiki's Delivery Service Castle in the Sky Grave of the Fireflies Metropolis Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Ghost in the Shell (and Innocence) Steamboy Final Fantasy: Spirits Within (if this can be considered anime) The Animatrix Millenium Actress Tokyo Godfathers Ah! My Goddess movie Cowboy Bebop movie X/1999 movie Random Street Fighter movies Random Pokemon movies Random Sailor Moon movies Random DBZ movies [U]Anime I'm currently watching[/U]: Yakitate! Japan Monster Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo Whew. It's been a while since I compiled a list of the anime I've watched, and dang, has it grown. I'll add more, if I remember any others.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]A couple years back, I was unhealthily obsessed with L'Arc~en~Ciel and Gackt. But I'm not going to talk about them in length, because almost anyone who's into Japanese music already knows about them. Instead, here are some great artists that are almost completely overlooked in the anime fandom: Shiina Ringo Buck-Tick B'z Takui Glay Luna Sea And, of course, X-Japan In fact, here's [URL=http://www.projectj.net/ ][U]a good webpage dedicated solely to Japanese artists[/U][/URL].[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Is anyone planning to attend ACen 2006? It's a relatively large anime convention in Rosemont, IL, close to the O'Hare International Airport. I also hope to attend Otakon 2006, though it seems unlikely.[/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='xliquidousx']It is Gackt's favorite manga supposedly.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Yes, I've heard that too. I also heard that the lyrics of Asrun Dream were written from the POV of one of the characters. (I think it was Ash, but I'm not quite sure.) EDIT: Yup, it was Ash. I managed to find [URL=http://www.senshigakuen.com/translations/lyrics/gackt/asrun_dream.htm][U]the webpage that confirms it[/U][/URL]. I definitely wouldn't mind reading a spoiler-free summary.[/SIZE]
  19. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']...expecially one who gets a lot of showtime instead of lying unseen until the end of the game...[/quote] [SIZE=1]Ultimecia comes to mind. :animeangr Villains with direct involvement in the story usually end up more interesting and memorable than a villain who watches and controls everything from afar. [/SIZE] [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']If the villain was picked on his whole life and now turned evil, that's no fun because now he has justification.[/quote] [SIZE=1]I completely agree. A sympathetic villain can be well-done, but more often than not, the creators beat the villain's tRaGiCaL!1!11! backstory into the viewers' head, and cheapen the character's actions. I think a good backstory only aims to explain the villain's actions, not validate it. [/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]From a male perspective, Faye Valentine, more for her sassy attitude than her half-nakedness. In all honestly, though, I'd probably prefer a clever, witty woman over a sassy one. Sadly, in anime, those types of females are hardly written or given much attention to.[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE]I think that one of the most evil characteristics is being female. Women have, in reality too, the ability to manipulate men.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I think this extends to males too. A charming, attractive man can easily toy with most girls he comes across with hardly any effort. I think Akio "Smooth Operator" Ohtori and Touga Kiryuu from Utena are excellent examples of this. To Dagger: Thank you for giving me another incentive to get ahold of Monster. ^_^ As for the Utena character, Mikage Souji was mainly who I had in mind, his only real weakness being whatever feelings remained for that one woman he loved. I'm sure there are more examples within Utena, though I honestly don't understand many Utena characters well enough to make those sorts of assumptions. And while we're on the topic of evil geniuses, I just stumbled upon a post discussing whether or not Light could survive hardcore prison, and LOL'd throughout its entirety. So much for comeuppance. XD[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]I'm not their biggest fan, but I do enjoy their work. My favorite series are X/1999 and Tsubasa. I also really enjoyed reading Shirahime Syo, as it had such a poetic feel to it. And, though this has very little to do with the actual work, Clover is by far the prettiest manga I have. I love that little slip-cover. ^_^;;[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]From what I've read of Japanese society, the stereotypical Japanese man IS shy towards women, whereas American men, especially good-looking ones, are usually not. In fact, in one of the articles on Outpost Nine (which is a fantastic website, by the way), the author mentions a Japanese co-worker who was too shy to approach two attractive women, stating that foreign men wouldn't understand what he was going through. Besides, those two stereotypes are far more prevalent in comedy shoujo than any other genre. I'd say that the "loud and obnoxious" and the "cold and cool" personalities are more frequently used in anime.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]I'd probably end up being an archer. I'm more clever than I am strong or honorable, but I'm not crafty enough to be a demon. Besides, I'm more the type to stay in the background during a battle rather than in the front lines.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Which characteristic of a villain would you find most dangerous? Would it be a villain's intelligence or resourcefulness? Or their cruelty, perhaps? Maybe their strength and abilities? While resourcefulness is a close one for me, I'd have to say that apathy and disillusionment would be the most dangerous aspect of a villain. Those sorts of villains are much less restrained, and are able to think more clearly and freely because of it. (Often, villains who are passionate over something end up doing something stupid to protect that precious something.) Throw in a good amount of intelligence and a goal of some kind, and you have a potentially dangerous person on your hands. I think a couple good examples of this villain are Itachi from Naruto, Light from Death Note, maybe one or two characters from Utena. So, what's everyone else's opinion on this?[/SIZE]
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