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Everything posted by DNAngel360

  1. oh my goodness!!!!1 I love Malice Mizer Gardenia is my love song from Klah ^^ :animeswea I LOVE MALICE MIZER. EEEEP WHAT I WOULD GIVE FOR JUST [B][SIZE="4"]ONE WORD[/SIZE][/B] WITH THEM. I'D DIE A HAPPY GIRL. ^^ sorry ugh it's just NO ONE know's who they are...and here I am at school talking about them with people giving me the "What the heck are you talking about?" stare.:animecry:
  2. the movie was awsome i screamed 5 times and jumped 3 i loved the story line it was really good like [spoiler]when the guy finds out that his son was killed so he would take the other baby in and that the mother of his fake son was a jackle i also liked how the pictures the photographer took were showing how the people died my favorite death was the reporter cause his was the most bloody of all the things that made me jump was the little boy with the mask on and comes up out of nowhere then the thing wrapped in a red cloak but the thing that scared me the most was the OLD LADY!!!!she freaks me out all in all this movie was great[/spoiler]
  3. yup the reason why i wrote this is because me and my sis are sick and tired of myspace taking all the blame because of these people they are going to take myspace out probably and it is the only place where i can just be me on it and make friends and meet old ones i also keep in touch with my family on it
  4. this quote everyone should live by not just guys "don't let go of the person you really care about, remember never choose death.protect your love and keep her near you promise her that you will never leave and keep your promise you must"freedirt from DNAngel this quote is really good because everyone will go through tough times and it is just telling you to never let go the love that you have for eachother keep eachother close because you never know when they will slip out of your grasp I have gone through a tough time but this poem really helps put the spark back :D
  5. Name:Risa Age:14 race:mexican/native american/asian info:she wear's dark clothes and carries a long black sword she is very mysterious and hardly says a word be careful some people say for she could snap and attack no one knows what lies in her dark depths of her past but there is a suspicion of her right eye it is a very light green and her left eye is brown they say that she has seen many things even for as young as she is very solitary but will she speak up and learn to make friends
  6. DNAngel360


    has anyone ever heard of this christian rock band i have i think they are great they talk about life and real delemas they talk about who and what they can do to save themselves from a spiraling destruction
  7. i reacently purchesed panic at the disco it is an all around awsome band the songs are awsome the beats from the drum get you hooked into the song this is a rock band that you can understand they sing about weird situations it is a good cd purchase that i mad they are just an awsome band PANIC AT THE DISCO ROCK'S MY SOCK'S :catgirl:
  8. ok my favorite songs i am OBSESSED with are 1.shiki no uta-minmi she is an awsome singer 2.sakura colors-utada hikaru good background music 3.passion-utada hikaru favorite song from kh2 4.simple and clean-utada hikaru favorite song from kh 5.ghost of you-my chemical romance great slow dance song 6.the only difference between martydom and suicide is press coverage-panic at the disco love the beats 7.nails for breakfast,tacks for snacks-panic at the disco love the beats 8.imperfection-skillet if you get the lyrics to this song it helps with tough times 9.every time we touch-cascada awsome song for all the couples out there 10.a thousand words-FFX-2 great song fro friendships and couples
  9. I like riku from kh1 and kh2 because throught the whole game he pops out of nowhere he is smart aleck and is a dark character who keeps to himself he is strong willed and mysterious did i mention he is also hot Next is auron from FF-X he is an awsome character he doesn't care what anyone thinks he gets the objective and he gets it done he very strong not much is known about him he is very quiet he keeps to himself and doesn't get involved in things he is not supposed to and sticks to orders he is very smart and knows many tricks Axel from kingdom hearts chain of memories and kh2 he is awsome like riku he is a smart aleck but he is very funny he looks at the bright side of things and he makes everything that is serious a big joke he was the funniest character i have ever seen he is a good fighter with his fast movements and good comebacks he is also confusing cause you don't know which side he is on he cares for roxas and what happens to him even though he is a nobody who doesn't have a heart he is a true friend and loyal till the end he is also hot too like riku out of all of these characters i think axel is the best
  10. I have two dream jobs: Band member:i would like to be a singer more then anything else because i am sure i am not good at drums and i entered a talent show and won i did a singing act and i think i can make it but if not that a guitarist it is second best but i am just as good at it i guess i want to be singer cause i like to be center of attention :animeswea Video game critic:i love video games and i will be the first to play them and i get payed for just playing the game i also would like to go to E3 to go and review the upcoming games i will also get to know everything before word gets out :D
  11. "live your life with no regrets because the good things that happen to you today may have not happened when you made those mistakes" unknown i don't know who said it but my sis would always say it to me.it helps get past my tough times and whenever i have bad luck i always look on the bright side "think about today don't think about what is going to happen in the future today is more important then whatever happens tommorrow" unknown another one by my sis this one helps with me worrying about my friends and what is going to happen to us i get scared sometimes thinking that one day they could be gone "a scattered dream is like a far off memory a far off memory is like a scattered dream i wanna line the pieces up both yours and mine"kingdom hearts 2-roxas this quote always tells me and my friends that even though memories will fade we can never forget
  12. [quote name='CyberPandaLove']Utada Hikaru?I think I've heard of her before. ^_^[/quote] she's done music for kingdom hearts simple and clean and passion anyways utada hikaru i love her music because it is mainly about fantasy and she is always saying to never give up and live life to the fullest i love her background music because personally i like techno and that is what she has and minmi i love her music because she sings about the things that happen in daily life and realationships her music is rock rap techno and slow all mushed into one girls singing voice :catgirl:
  13. my goals are mostly with my friends 1.to publish a great manga 2.to make that manga an anime series 3.get married to a nice guy 4.have kids 5.probably sing my heart out at a concert 6.create a great video game 7.live in japan 8.have fun with life :catgirl:
  14. I LOVE Minmi and Utada Hikaru from Utada Hikaru i like passion and sakura drops :catgirl:
  15. my friend thinks loyd is hot and we both beat the game together after we figured out how to put it in two players on the gamecube it is one of my favorite game on the gamecube so far i love the story my favorite character is sheena and the graphics on the game are awsome i also like the fighting styles :catgirl:
  16. [quote name='Mage17']I had to choose between cats and Foxes, and it came down to being Foxes. There my favorite because their cunning, quick, very sneeky and slick as well. Not to mention their cute :catgirl: , but their my favorite and one day I shall have one as a pet and call him Scubbles!!![/quote] i have to agree foxes are very cute i love the white fox because whenever it is searching for food it listens and when it hears it the fox jumps up and plunges into the snow it is so cute :catgirl: it's tail is wagging in the air while the other half is in the snow
  17. the funniest thing that happened to me with my huskies was when i was running with them*bad mistake*when i had tried to stop they kept on going and tripped let go of the leash my shoe's flew off we had found one shoe and was looking for the other then we found it underneath my huskie :catgirl:
  18. i have some advice that could work well if you asked her 5 TIMES AND SAID NO then just stop asking her and if you guys have a true friendship then this small thing shouldn't break you apart because if you have a true friendship then this wont break it apart and if it does then she is not a true friends my friends he asked me out many times i kept on saying no but we are still friends if you want to you can give her this poem "thinking of you whever you are we pray for our sorrows to end in hopes that our hearts will blend now i will step forward to relize this wish and who knows starting a new journey might not be so hard or maybe it has already begun there are many worlds out their but they share the same sky one sky, one destiny" or you could give her this poem don't walk in front of me for i will not follow do not walk behind for i will not lead walk beside me and be my friend
  19. Lady Dark don't say a word of how clutzy i am!!!!i will we were at her house and then we were running around in the back yard i triped but throught the whole day i was clumsy we rode the motor scooters and i fell off that we were playing video games i got up to get something from her room slamed into the wall and door when we jumped the wall i fell on my face and in front of these really hot guys i think i slammed into the pole :D
  20. i love any animal as long as it is cute and fluffy :catgirl: but if i had to choose one it would be a SIABARIAN HUSKIE awwww they'er sooooo cute
  21. this happened to my friend a week ago ok so we're doing this play for school called willy wonk and the chocolate factory my friend is willy wonk during practice he jumbed off stage and tripped in my point of view all i saw was him tripping and falling at my feet but on the other side of him everyone started covering their faces and laughing i asked what they saw and they all started crcking up then one of my friends come up to me and said we saw his underwear and then i started laughing cause they said he was wearing little pink hearts then it was performance day he was walking off stage then all of a sudden he disapeared and you could hear a big thud i went on the other side of the stage and saw that he got stuck in a box he told me that he didn't know how small the stage was he said he stepped off and fell in the box lol everyone is making fun of him calling him sir trips alot :D but it will only last until the end of the school year
  22. i found a chart on the chances of turning into [spoiler]Anti form here is the chart the chances of turning into anti form depend on anti points here's how you can get the anti points when you change to valor,wisdom or master form you get 1anti point when you change form when an ally is unconscious you get 0 anti points when you change into anti form your point's drop down to -4 when you change into final form your points drop down to -10 and when you obtain a new form your points drop down to 0 now to tell the chances of it happening if you have 0-4 Anti points you have a 0%chance of changing into anti form if you have 5-9 Anti points you have a 10%chance of changing into anti form if you have 10+ Anti points you have a 25%chance of changing into anti form now if you are at certain points at the game the chances eaither decrease or increase here is the chart for that if you have a scripted battle the chances are x2 if you are battleing against organization XII then the chances are x4 if you are battleing armored xeminas the chances are x10 if you are battleing without donald or goofy or even both then the chances are 0%[/spoiler] i hope this chart will help some of you people's out :D if you have any other questions or need help fell free to ask i'll help anytime :animesmil :catgirl:
  23. i have two great moments 1.the best moment that has happened to me happened last night while i was playing kh2 in holloween town it was about 10:30 [spoiler] i switched into valor form AND INSTEAD i turned into ANTI FORM i had heard about it and i didn't think it would happen to me i looked at the t.v then at my brother my brother was like holy **** is that sora and then i said omg it is it was soo awsome [/spoiler] 2.then thier was this time me and my friends ladydark we were trying to put two players on the game tales of symphonia and it was soo hard yes we can be dumb bernets we tried and tried then about 3-4 hours later we got it then we tried killing the [spoiler]wind gaurdian or some kind of dragon and the stupid dragon was sooo frekin hard her brother called it "the lord of all dragons"it was early in the morning and we finaly defeated him it was an awsome moment and at the end of the game it is so frustrating cause loyd goes"we'll name this tree...." we were both waiting and then the credits showed up DAMNIT"[/spoiler] 3.Iforgot there was another one one time me and ladydark were playing SSBM and we had unlocked the final character while we were messing around and commiting suicide with our characters i said omffg then she called her brother her brother wanted to defeat it but she said no because we unlocked and we were going to kill it then about an hour after that another character got unlocked that day we unllocked about 3-4 characters :D
  24. i like the drives and the reaction comands it makes it better than the first i also like the new characters that help you especially auron i also like the co op attacks with the characters :D
  25. [quote name='50 cent']If it's so easy play it on the hardest difficulty, unless you already did that.[/quote] that's what i am doing right now
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