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Everything posted by DNAngel360

  1. the game is pretty short and easier. that kinda sucks all the time spent and the first game was hard and the chain of memories was even harder i thought this game was gonna be hard but so far it is a breeze and i don't use valor form that much only when i am bord and feel like killing the heartless faster
  2. well i finished mulan world and right now i am on the second part of beast's castle and i only have had the game for 6 days now that i think i am playing the game pretty fast :D
  3. well right now i am a [spoiler]space paronaoid worl inside ansems computer[/spoiler]it is good so far no that is an understatement it is the best game :D
  4. [quote name='Samurai Mix]Yes we shall my good friend and once again I apoligize I should have read more of the previous posts.Now we have cleared that up I heard that Auron will [spoiler] be able to fight alongside you in the Hades stage is it true?[/spoiler'] If so that would be truly awesome.[/quote] it is true but u can't [spoiler]control him but sora and auron have some awsome attacks together like they use the bushido lore from final fantas x as one of their co attacks[/spoiler]
  5. my sig shows my love of DNAngel and how random i can be :catgirl:
  6. i got my sig from my friend adamu and the rest like the life goal and junk i made up :catgirl:
  7. i used to be catholic but it wasn't as great so i turned to christianity and it will be 3 yrs since i converted to christian it was my choice unlike catholic i made the choice to become christian and i don't regret it :animesmil
  8. i get the felling all the time cause some timeslife can be so boaring and u wish u could have the same adventures :animesigh
  9. i think the stupidest thing i've ever done was a dare i had to climb mount San Jacinto and that mountain is big and STEEP well anyways i was climbing i fell on top of an anthill i had triped and had fallen about 10 ft when i reached the top i was so glad it was over but then i relized i had to climb back down and it was starting to get dark i was one third of the way down and i couldn't see anything and there was something following very scary and then i slipped and started to slide all the way down the mountain and when i stopped myself i looked to see where i was and i was about 15 ft away from this big trench in the mountain when i came back with my sister and brother we were so tired that they let me stay home from school the next day the second stupid thing i did was that when i was little i was running and the pants i was wearing they were really big when i was about to finnish the final lap my pants fell and my crush saw the whole thing he started laughing and never let me live it down until i moved god i am so clumsy :animesigh :animeswea
  10. I'm so happy my copy of kh2 is coming tommorrow yay i am so happy can't wait :animesmil :D
  11. :animesmil thanx i'll keep that advice in mind Great news we found my friend who ran away she came to my house and wee called her mom now she's home and she didn't get in trouble finally relief from being worried [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I have combined your double post. Please remember that double posting is not allowed here on the OtakuBoards. If you need to add something to a thread directly after you have just posted, please use the 'edit' button and add the additional information versus double posting. Thanks! -Panda [/COLOR]
  12. thanx starwind :D but i just wish that all of my friends would stop thinking that i am a guru and a know it all well i'll try and stay out of any drama i already have enough of it
  13. the best gaming moment was when i was hiding from my brother in his room he started to play Dark Cloud 2 he and i both love the music and he started dancing to the music at the end of the theme song hee did a bow and then looked up and i was standing there with my cell phone and i had recorded the whole thing the look on his face was so funny i still have the video whenever he gets me mad i tell him that i will send the video to all of his friends i did it once i sent it to one of his friends and he hasn't dare to get me mad :D
  14. :animesigh thanx soo much that is good advice i just wish that my friend would hurry up and come home
  15. Well i have two things i need advice in 1.My friend ran away from home we have been looking for her since 2/22/06 6:00 pm it's been four days since she's run away her name is jazmine she's been gone and we've looked for her everywhere i am worried something might have happened to her when she ran away and on friday at school everyone who new her was brought to the school office and questioned it seems that nobody really cares except for her mother and me and emma 2.the other thing i need advice in is that well my friend emma she has a boyfriend in eighth grade and well she is afraid of him going to highschool cause then they will be seperated she is in 7th grade and when she goes into eighth he will be in 9th she is just scared and worried of that one year they'll be apart what should she do i need advice i am going crazy with my friends saying that i give good advice i mean these questions they've given me are hard to answer please help
  16. let me think the weirdest dream ever lets see oh yeah ok well i was walking to one of my friends house then she told me she was running away instead of her running away i ran away but it was a dream in my dream i woke up and it seemed normal but then all of a sudden there was zero gravity and everyone was floating it was always twilight never sunny or dark then the ground started shaking everyone was screaming and then there was gravity again every single hour it would change from gravity to zero gravity that was a weird dream
  17. hmmm.... well i would have to say from anime i would like to be Sango from Inuyasha because she can really kick demon*** and manga i would like to be Risa Harada from DNAngel because i would like to be a damsel in distress and have dark come and rescue me
  18. Well i got my username from one of my favorite animes DNAngel and the 360 at the end i ride my skate board alot and well 360 is my best trick :animeswea
  19. Well the song i relate too is from a christian rock band called skillet the song is called Imperfection You're worth so much It'll never be enough To see what you have to give How beutiful you are Yet seem so far From everything you're wanting to be Tears falling down again Tears falling down (chorus) You fall to your knees You beg you plead Can i be somebody else for all the times i hate myself Your failures devour your heart in every hour Your drowning in your imperfection You mean so much That heaven would touch The face of humankind for you How special you are Revel in your day You're fearfully and wonderfully made (chorus) You fall to your knees You beg you plead Can i be somebody else for all the times i hate myself Your failures devour your heart in every hour Your drowning in your imperfection You're worth so much So easily crushed Wanna be like everyone else No one escapes Every breath we take Dealing with our own skeleton's (chorus) You fall to your knees You beg you plead Can i be somebody else for all the times i hate myself Your failures devour your heart in every hour Your drowning in your imperfection
  20. Hey well as everyone can plainly see i love dark he is soooooooo[snip] hot :catgirl: [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]DNAngel360, Post content and quality are important at Otakuboards. In the future, try to include more content behind your posts. One way to do this is to explain [b]why[/b] you think he's hot. Instead of writing 40 "o"s after "so" you can emphasize your attraction to him by listing Dark's finer attributes. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  21. i run up and down the street screaming like a maniac :animesmil
  22. [QUOTE=Starwind No point fighting a battle that can't be won, right.[/QUOTE] yup that is my point i dont want to embarress the guy but if i really like him i'll try hard to get the courage to ask him out but still the guy just feels funny about a girl asking him out except for one guy i know i am not naming names but he was really shy and my friends at school try to make him do the first move it took a lot of people to tell him to ask me out and he did it i am not saying any more out in public if u want to know the details of what happen just pm me :animesmil
  23. once i asked i guy out later that day he comes back with his friends and they all laughed at me and then they kept on saying how pathetic he was and then he switched schools never saw him again so i rather not ask a guy out
  24. i say that it does not matter cause if you really like this boy/girl then go for is you can survive a no i mean if whoever rejects you then it is ok it is not the end of your life or the world :catgirl: but personally since i am a girl i would like it better if a guy were to ask me out it is because i am really shy :catgirl:
  25. the first anime show i ever watched was inuyasha i was six me and my cousins were having a dare to see who could stay up longer we were watching cartoonnetwork when inuyasha comes on we watched the soul and the soul piper that episode made my cousin cry anyways we were watching it and she was going to switch the channel but we wresteled for the remote and i won and we watched the rest of the show now i still watch inuyasha and a lot more but my cousin is barely starting to like inuyasha
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