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  1. Well veran was easy but Onox I cant beleave how darn hard he is. I get all the hearts I get the red ring(makes the damege you deliver times 2) and I get a potion and I only pull through with about three hearts.
  2. I did somthing like that once
  3. In G/S I have about 6 Feraligators Lv.100 and 10 Ho-ohsLv.50s
  4. Orion:come on lets get a move on. Kizu:Any of you got a torch' Drake:I do why.... Kizu:I might have a fire arrow left. Kizu: only one oh well (Kizu lights the torch) erverybody(looking at a huge pirrahna):OH MY GOD. :eek:
  5. Drake:This is the time I REALY dont nead curved walls. Kizu:(Panting) Now where did those pinguens go. Siren:What do you mean. Kizu:I mean there arent any pinguens infront of us.
  6. Drake: Looks like we are in for a rough time (As Flames spout up) Orion: Looks like we will have to turn around Drake: I got the dragonsbane Juice Remember Siren: we dont have time for that Orion: We should veer to the left and let the dragons pass by (While turning of to the side) Drake: Great that gives me time to put some of that juice on one of my nives Siren:(Low voice) Drake why dont tou think one nive isent going to do any damage to a pack of Dragons!
  7. I hate to interupt but where in the world is Matt and sean:whoops:
  8. Star fox 64 is sweet i saw my friend beat the fake andross. When you fight the fake andross I found out something funny when andross trise to suck you up you shoot a bomb in his mouth what happens is so funny his eyes go red and steam comes out of his ears and when you are in battle mode if you have land master go to the pyrimed place clime up a pyrimed you will go inside it you can shoot out but the others cant shoot in and sorry i used to now how to get land master but i forgot:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  9. I want to get orical of seasons for Gameboy and no I dont no when gamecube is coming out in UK:blush:
  10. Wich game are you talking about if Ages I hav got funny tricks for the toilet #1 push the pot in the hole #2 throw a bomb in the hole #3use somaria cane to make a block and throw it in the hole #4 put a fire seed in the hole #5put a sent seed in the hole #6 put a mistery seed in the hole. Thats all for now.;)
  11. Sorry for not puting the level and attack but I dont now them:rolleyes:
  12. About 3 Lugias I think a dragonite or two and one or two feraligater. I havent played pokemon gold for a loung time
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