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Everything posted by cancer

  1. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I am indeed a bit confused whether I am able to claim a character yet, because people keep editing older posts when they're done. I really have been waiting ages to just draw someone's character. Please inform me of what's going on currently. *sigh*.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Oh yes, I would like to add something to sign-ups for these positions. It would help if you could link me to a site that shows some of your work, or just post a few things, so that I might see your capability. I need to see that you have a basic knowledge of drawing mainly, and a suitable line quality. Please, no "imitation art." Only original work, thank you.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE]I'd be willing to help out XD Though I helped with Art of Otaku, so maybe you'd like someone else[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Artists that helped with the original Art of Otaku, such as you, would be more than welcome to help with this tutorial. I would love to have your assistance GTK. Yes, fabric tutorials would be included of course. It would still include tutorials for basic body structure though, because some people need to see the fundamentals. I want to reach out to all levels of learning artists: beginners, novices, and somewhat experienced. There's always something new to learn. Always a new technique to pick up. ^_^ Eventually, GTK, I will contact you about starting this tutorial. Also, if you would like to help with this tutorial, please fill out the following form and post it in this thread: OB username: Date you could begin working on tutorial: E-mail/Messenger: (if you don't want to post this, you can PM me) Preferences: is there a specific thing that you draw better than anything else? any details I need to know? If so, list it here.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE]I like the idea but there's a problem I've always had with the How to Draw Manga books and that's if you're already drawing manga, it messes with your personal style.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I understand what you're thinking about style, but the point of this tutorial would be to teach people the basic fundamentals of how to construct a drawing, mainly. One thing that I've noticed about style is that your own personal style always stands out in your work. "Messing with your style" as you say would not be a problem. Practicing the fundamentals of drawing would not negatively affect your style. Style is something that you can't "mess with."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]I'm all for it. It would greatly benifet me.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]You, Hanabishi, are the type of artist that this tutorial thread would be dedicated to serving in the big picture. It would be created to benefit those who need guidance or knowledge of the fundamentals of drawing anime. Experienced artists would not benefit so much.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]Assuming you have one thread for each artist, the forum would become extremely cluttered. Furthermore, if people were to request "______, please write tutorial on shading!" it would sort of exclude other artists if that one got all the requests.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]When I say one thread for each artist, I mean that each artist may have his own version of a tutorial. Take a look at Art Of Otaku for reference to what I mean. Yes, it may become cluttered. That's something we'd just have to find out. It's really hard to tell how cluttered things would get or how much attention this would bring. Of course, this would be something in the distant future. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]I saw that James had created an avatar submission thread within the Art Studio, so I decided I would start a thread for submitting banners. I looked and surprisingly, I didn't see a thread like this yet. I hope I'm not just overlooking it. Anyway, I will begin by posting a few of my own banners that I have created. All banners submitted here are free to use by anyone, of course.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/cain.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/GOLDEN-TICKET.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/greencell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/rukibanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [size=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]cancer, if you had looked around a bit, you'd have seen the Banner/Avatar Orphanage. I merged your thread here. [b]- Retribution[/b][/COLOR][/size]
  6. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Epsilon, thank you very much for your input. This is the kind of suggestions that will help this thing to work. From what Epsilon said, I think that we could have one thread for each artist; that would balance it out a bit more. And yes, I would only ask dedicated people to be involved in creating tutorials. I would tell them what would be expected, of course. Yes, it is similar to Art of Otaku, as I mentioned in my first post. Yes, well the tutorials would be posted as they're created. Everything wouldn't be released at the same time. PM's could be used if things start getting too cluttered. Or maybe there could be a separate request thread. Who knows, maybe we could even get our own section if it becomes popular enough. I think that definitely could happen; maybe in the next version of OtakuBoards. By the way, I agree that the FAQ posts may be a good idea. Keep the ideas coming ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [CENTER][IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/OBbanner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]So, I was thinking a bit earlier, and I had a grand idea. (At least, I thought it grand. I?m not sure if it?s been done before : / ) But anyway, this is my idea: I thought about creating a thread entitled Art Of OtakuBoards. It is intended to be a message-board version of Art of Otaku. It would be a completely free and interactive way for people on here to teach and learn how to draw anime and learn new techniques. Here?s how it would work: I would start by gathering some interested artists to help me out getting the whole thing initiated by drawing tutorials for certain things and then we would insert all of the text/borders and such. Then we would post it in the actual thread to start the whole thing off. As it goes, we would probably attract more artists to help out, and people could use the thread to ask questions as well or request specific tutorials. Any ideas for this would be very much appreciated. This is totally open for discussion. This is something that could definitely work and would surely help all interested artists to grow. So tell me what you think and submit your own ideas here. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I would claim bluemarble's, but it was posted out of sync. phooey.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Ezekiel is right; even I started off drawing by imitating anime artists. You think that you can only draw with something in front of you, but I can see that your line quality is good and you do have great potential to be an illustrator. You should practice drawing basic shapes of things to get started. Try [URL=http://www.polykarbon.com]this link[/URL] for some help in that if you want. I love your stuff by the way, very nice ^_^ Keep it up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Thank you for bringing this up Dragon Warrior. I thought something had slipped my mind when I was posting this. All right, you do not have to play as the gods listed above, no. Those are just the most common of the gods. I think that Thanatos would be fine to play as. If anyone would like to play as someone not listed above, then just ask about it. Also, you may play as a human, such as the president or anyone else that may be significant to the story. As for monsters, I suppose you could play a monster, but the reason I actually posted information on them is because they are going to be in the story, not because I intended for people to play as them. Finally, neutral will be an alliance that is optional in the Sign-Ups.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B]Boo[/B] Your piece I really enjoy. I appreciate the arrows in the gears all pointing up and in the same general direction. It sort of guides the eyes up towards the title: Clockwork. Very splendid. The piece isn't too busy either; it's just simple enough. The contrast is also nice and simple. Just plain black and white. I can't really find anything that bothers me with this piece. [B]White[/B] I enjoy your piece as well, though a few things about it bother me. First, though, I really like leaves design. It's fitting. Whereas normally you would see a wide assortment of color within the many leaves, you now do not have that color. I really like that. However, the text sort of bothers me with the way it is arranged and its size. It's not a bid deal, of course, but it's enough. The contrast is excellent. This was a very tough decision, as I really like both pieces. In the end though...[B]Boo[/B] gets the vote.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [CENTER][IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/zeus.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE=4][B][CENTER]INTRODUCTION[/CENTER][/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]To a majority of Earth's population, the creatures of Greek Mythology are simply a myth and nothing more. However, the gods are just as real as the air you breathe. Most of them live among regular people, disguising themselves so that they may easily make a living in modern society. High in the sky, above Mount Olympia, there is a great kingdom that is called Mount Olympia. Zeus is the only god that regularly stays in Mount Olympia. Far below Earth's crust is another secret locale: The Underworld. The only god that inhabits the Underwolrd is its ruler: Hades. Both of these grand places can not be seen by mortal eyes; they lie on a separate plane. Only gods and Titans(which are not in this story as of yet) are capable of traversing from one plane to another. Often, when an earthquake or lightning storm occurs, humans will blame it on plate tectonics or atmospheric sparks or some other nonsense. The truth of the matter, though, is that all of these occurrences are caused by acts of the gods. For centuries now the gods have lived in peace, for the most part, with mortals, and have been waiting patiently for a sign indicating that it is time to reveal themselves. With the way things are now, however, that time may be indeed be close. [/SIZE] [SIZE=4][CENTER]GOVERNMENT[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]In the year 2010, the world's government is basically the same. Of course, however, there have been a few changes. America is led by a Democratic president by the name of Ralph Boretti. He has been keeping many secrets from his people, and as a result, his approval rating is dangerously low. The economy isn't doing well in any region of the world, and crime has gotten out of hand. More churches are being burned, more gang wars are occurring, and alas, terrorism is at its peak. It seems that anarchy may befall certain countries soon one by one. Times are looking worse than ever before. [/SIZE] [SIZE=4][CENTER]ALLIANCES[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Olympia[/B] The "good guys." This would include Zeus and anyone in alliance with him. Their goal is to save Earth from doom and stop Hades. [B]Underworld[/B] The "bad guys." This would include Hades and anyone in alliance with him. Their goal is to overthrow Earth and capture as many souls as possible. Under this alliance is the cult Palios Paidia (Ancient Children).[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][CENTER]MONSTERS[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Giant Hydra[/B] This monster dwells within dark marshes. It is a poisonous, massive serpent with nine heads. When one head is decapitated, it is replaced by two more. [B]Cyclopes[/B] Giant with one eye in the middle of its forehead. This creature is what makes thunderbolts for Zeus. It normally dwells in large caves. [B]Cerberus[/B] Giant three-headed dog that guards the entrance of the Underworld. [B]Siren[/B] Giant winged creature with the head of a woman. They live on rocks on the sea and lure sailors with their beautiful singing.[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][CENTER]GODS[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Zeus[/B] Son of Titans Cronus and Rhea. He is the Supreme God of the Olympians. He controls lightning. [B]Hera[/B] Wife of Zeus, she is the goddess of marriage. [B]Aphrodite[/B] The very beautiful goddess of love, fertility, and beauty. She likes to protect sailors. [B]Apollo[/B] God of prophecy, music, and healing. [B]Ares[/B] The handsome and cruel god of warlike frenzy. [B]Artemis[/B] Virgin goddess of the hunt who helps women in childbirth. [B]Athena[/B] Goddess of crafts, domestic arts, and wisdom. [B]Demeter[/B] Goddess of agriculture. [B]Dionysus[/B] God of wine who loves theatre. [B]Hephaestus[/B] God of fire and crafts. He limps, for he was born lame. [B]Hermes[/B] Messenger of gods, and guide of dead souls to the Underworld. He is a prankster and inventive genius. [B]Poseidon[/B] God of the sea, horses, and earthquakes. [B]Hades[/B] God of the dead and the Underworld.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]I will open this RP for sign-up later in the Summer. At that time, I will reveal a few more details as well. The setting will be Earth, the Underworld, or Mount Olympus. The year is 2010. This thread will be used to discuss the RP, so if there are any questions please post them here. In a week or two, I plan to have a couple maps posted in this thread, of places such as Mount Olympia and the Underworld. Thank you.[/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][B]name [/B] Shinmen Ryuu [B]age [/B] 24 [B]gender [/B] Male [B]background[/B] Ryuu was born in Tokyo to a big-time business owner. When he was only three his parents were killed by Yakuza, and Ryuu was at the babysitter's at the time. He was sent to a private school for orphans and got heavily involved in Kendo. He practically dedicated his life to Kendo. At age nineteen Ryuu left the school and went to live on his own in the mountains to train himself. At age twenty-four, after five years of training, he finally left his secluded home to return to the city. [B]appearance[/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/FM032.jpg[/IMG]
  14. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Yes, most u's are silent at the end of Japanese words. The thing about Japanese pronunciation is that it's very simple. The o is pronounced as it is in go. The a is pronounced as it is in dawn. The e is pronounced as it is in lend. The i is pronounced as a straight e. The u is pronounced as it is in you. That covers the vowels. When pronouncing an f, it is very lightly spoken. You sort of blow through your lips. The rest is pretty simple. Hope I've been able to help.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple][B]Name: [/B] Olwe (pronounced Ol' way) [B]Age: [/B] 22 [B]Profession:[/B] Mercenary [B]Backstory:[/B] Olwe was born to two Elves of Ephebe. These Elves did not like to stay at home. No, they enjoyed travelling all over the world. They travelled so much that Olwe doesn't remember himself where his first home was, nor does he remember the names of all the towns he's visited. Unfortunately, Olwe's parents were killed by some magical creature of sorts, he's not really sure what ate them to be honest. Olwe was just a young boy when his parents were eaten, so luckily the creature did not eat him; it obviously did not like the taste of younglings. So that's how it was fourteen years ago. Olwe was stranded parentless in the midst of Bhangbhangduc. He didn't really know what to do, or where to go, so he wiped the dirt off of his knobbly knees, picked up the necklace that had been his mother's, and marched off in some random direction. It didn't take him too many days to come to the Rim, a place that scared him almost out of his mind (which is one reason he is today a bit on the odd side). He almost walked off into the abyss of nothingness, or as you may call it, outer space. For you see, Olwe was running along hoping to find some tree of an edible fruit when he slipped at the edge of the Rim; luckily he was caught by the back of his shirt and pulled back to safety by none other than a Krullian. The Krullians raised Olwe in their strange manner, and then took him to Ankh-Morpork and released him when he was about eighteen years old. There were many things he did not know about the world, and many people that would make fun of him. As a result of all this teasing, Olwe eventually grew to hate most people. He decided that a life of killing the organisms might suit him well. He became a mercenary for hire. It would keep him fed, and satisfy his hatred. Not bad. [B]Personality: [/B] Olwe, as mentioned above, hates most people. He makes no attempt to make friends or initiate any type of conversation. If someone approaches him, he will rarely reply. When he is in a good mood however, he may speak to them, and if they aren't some annoying folk, he will possibly befriend them. As a result of this behavior, Olwe has only ever had three friends in his life. He likes to sit and observe his surroundings. He is patient and reserved, waiting until he knows everything about a situation before doing anything. Most would consider Olwe an antisocial, mysterious prick. [B]Stuff:[/B] Olwe does indeed have a horse, as well as a longsword, a canteen, a knife, a rope, and a leather bag in which he keeps an assortment of things: maps, a blanket, money, a compass, a journal, and pen and ink. [B]Talents:[/B] Killing. Killing and picking locks with his tiny silver knife. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Side:[/B] Unseen University[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=Purple][B]The Real World[/B] uhsot akpr [I]cartoon show[/I][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Eliska's words tore deep into Dimes's soul. It hurt him, because the words which she spoke were so very true. He had started his career as an independent mercenary, and it seemed that now he was starting to become a cooperative of the crime lords. What was happening to him? "Damn! Shut the hell up and stay here until I return!" He turned and slammed the door as he left Eliska alone. Eliska sat still on the bed, tears streaming steadily down her soft face. Why did she even have to talk to this man in the first place? She had thought he looked like a cool guy, but it seems she couldn't have been any more wrong. After a while of just sitting there, Eliska lay down on the bed, staring up at the white ceiling. She started to drift off to sleep, when suddenly she heard a crash above her. She sat upright and listened intently for any more noise. Nothing. [I]What should I do?[/I] She would've tried escaping from the second floor, but there were no windows in sight, so she opened the bedroom door very slowly and peered out. No one was in the corridor; it was dark and silent. The next moment the ceiling of the bedroom caved in and a large man fell down onto the floor along with much debri. The man was covered in a tangle of black, messy hair, and he had plenty of battle scars. He was large, muscular, and looked like he had been born to kill. Luckily for Eliska, he was unconcious. Next moment Dimes jumped down into the bedroom from the hole in the ceiling. "Ugh. Eliska, as you can see, things aren't going so well." Dimes rubbed his dusty hands off on his pants and turned to look at the girl. "So a lot of things have changed quite suddenly for me. Guess I should tell you first of all: I go by the name Dimes. But in public you can't call me that." Eliska pinched her ear to assure that she wasn't dreaming. No, this was all real. "What the hell is going on?" She was extremely confused by the sudden occurences. Why was [I]Dimes[/I] acting so different all of a sudden? "Okay look. I don't really have time to answer all of the questions I'm sure you're dying to ask right now, so I need you to trust me right now and take me to your headquarters. There's been a big change in plans. Turns out...the Don's been killed by this big guy. And I'm on a new road now. So will you take me?" [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Eliska told Dimes what he wanted to hear. "So, you do know Soma, and that she lives with other Fate's Children," he said. "And how do you know that she lives with other Fate's Children, child?" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him. Eliska tried to think of an answer, but before she could utter a statement Dimes let go of her and stood up. "Nevermind. I don't want to know." He turned his back on her and stood motionless. Eliska sat there on the couch, unaware of what she should do. Should she say something? What was there to say? After a few minutes of patiently sitting still, Eliska asked, "So...now what?" She was still sweating from fear. "You know I can't let you leave, Eliska," Dimes said as he turned around to face the frightened girl on his couch. He sat down beside her and stared into her eyes, his face soft and gentle, "I just can't. I would risk being found by someone if I let you loose." Eliska couldn't take her gaze from this man's eyes. "It's - It's fine. I'll just...stay here." [I]Is he putting a trance on me?[/I] she thought to herself. [I]I feel so calm. So carefree.[/I] Dimes held out his hand to Eliska. She took it, and he led her slowly up the stairs and down a dark corridor to a spare bedroom. "I'm not going to tie you up or anything. I'll just be naive and trust you to stay in here." Eliska sat down on the large white bed and looked up at her captor, "How long will I have to stay here?" "I...don't know..." [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Purple]Okay, the rules for this game thread are simple: you answer the previous poster's question with a question. I'll begin. Does everyone understand this rule?[/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Dimes was walking fast, and Eliska he could tell was trying her hardest to keep up with his pace. After a few turns and many blocks, Eliska wasn't exactly sure where she was anymore. She had a good knowledge of Arcrith, but the section they were heading through now seemed unfamiliar. "So where is your apartment anyway?" she finally asked. Dimes answered without slowing his relentless pace, "Right...here." He suddenly halted and with his hand gestured to the door of a small apartment, seemingly the same as all the others that surrounded it. It was painted a light creme color, and the door was painted red. The one difference in this building from all the others was that the paint wasn't at all chipped; it looked almost brand new. Eliska looked up at the three-story apartment building in awe. She had a hard time judging whether or not she was in the slums or not. "Which floor is yours?" "All three belong to me. Now come on." He motioned for her to follow as he walked up the small stairway and unlocked the thin door. Inside, everything was very well-organized and clean. It looked as though an interior designer had decorated the place. Every room had its own tone, and the entrance hall was surprisingly calm. Eliska had expected a dark, trashy apartment with no order to it. "I - I like it. I'm actually surprised." She looked up at the shadowed figure that was Dimes. "Suprised, huh? I figured you would be. Well, let's not waste all of my time admiring the place. Come into the den." She followed him into the den and sat down on a large red couch where she proceeded to remove her shoes." Dimes also took his own shoes off, placed them by the door, and then offered, "Would you like a drink?" "Umm...do you have water?" Dimes nodded and walked into the kitchen. He poured two glasses of water and brought them back into the den, where he sat down beside Eliska. "Thank you," she said with a smile. "Oh, you're welcome." He took a drink. "I have a question for you." Eliska took a drink and sat her glass down on the coffee table. "You see, there are these bounty hunters that have been messing up the local Don's business. It's my job to find these hunters and kill them. I need to know, are you one of those hunters?" Eliska's breath left her. She was starting to grow hot. "I - no. No I'm - I'm not. Why do you ask?" Dimes slid much closer to Eliska, so that his face was mere inches from hers, "Let's just say, I have many connections kid. And I have a big hunch, that you...are lying to me right now. It's not my gift. I just happen to be pretty sure who you are." Eliska was sweating profusely now. She didn't know what to do. If she told the truth, all of her friends along with her would be in a very bad position. "Just tell me the truth kid, and you won't get hurt." "Who do you think I am?" "I've heard about a girl named Soma, and I'm guessing you would be her." Eliska coughed. "What? No, that's not me! Soma's -." She stopped. She realized she had just given away the fact that she knew Soma. "Then you know Soma!?" Silence. "Tell me!"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. Here is an avatar of Isis. [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/isis-ep123-042s.jpg[/IMG]
  22. [COLOR=Navy]I am starting this thread for all aspiring RP/story creators out there who aren't sure exactly how to start an RP or just have trouble coming up with a good idea. Also, this thread can be used for sharing of story ideas and advice. First of all, I'd like to ask everyone who could to give input on how you go about creating a role-playing story. Tell where you get your ideas, what kind of things you look for in a quality sign-up, and any other useful information. Now, I will tell how I go about creating my own role-playing stories:[/COLOR] [U]The Idea[/U] First, I wait until an idea hits me. Usually when I'm reading stuff online or looking through my bookshelf I will think of something. If you can think of nothing, then think of the most basic/common plotlines and try to model a story from that. (e.g. If I can't think of anything, I might base my story structure on the zombie plotline, like you?ve probably seen in Resident Evil or Dawn of the Dead.) :p [U]Your Story[/U] Next, you?ll want to use your own imagination purely to create a more specific plotline. You?ll want to come up with the setting, the types of characters you?ll have (Knights, Vampires, Pirates, Regular People, etc.), maybe a timeline, and also the ?big picture? of your plot. The other writers will obviously decide most of the details, but you still need to think of any major events you?re going to want to throw into it. Remember, you?re in control of this thing (unless of course it?s a cooperatively-led story) ;) [U]The Intro[/U] Okay, this is the first part of what you will actually be posting in your sign-up thread. You?ll want to include all the background information for your story that everyone needs to know. Sometimes it is also a good idea to write a prologue of your story so people can get a better understanding of what it?s about, and it?s a nice way to express the basis of your story. I?d recommend getting creative with the intro so that you can attract plenty of individuals: try using some graphics or music, and make the text part of it nice to look at. Presentation can really help in attracting people, and it?s pleasing to the eye ^_- If you aren?t sure how to spice up your threads, just ask someone who would know. I can help as well?to an extent :animesigh [U]The Sign-Up Form[/U] All right, sign-up forms can include many things; there is no real rule for making them. Basically, you?re just asking for all of the essential information on the characters. This really isn?t too hard to figure out. The most common elements you?ll see on sign-up forms are: Name, Gender, Age, Bio, Personality and Appearance. Below I?ve posted an example of an average sign-up form. Out from each element of the form, you may want to specify what you want (e.g. after age, you may put: 18-40) As I said, yours may look different. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]name[/B] [B]age[/B] [B]gender[/B] [B]weapon[/B] [B]personality[/B] [B]bio[/B] [B]appearance[/B] [/COLOR] Alright, those are the basics of creating an RP. Following are some tips/reminders. If you have any questions about what you should include in your RP, check the sticky thread for the basics. If that doesn't answer your question, PM someone who you think may know. Don't forget to put ratings in the titles of your RP's.
  23. I definitely prefer subtitles. I like to hear the original Japanese voices and such, because they actually fit the characters well a majority of the time. However, when the show is dubbed, I think that the voices often do not fit well with the characters. Also, the environment sometimes has an impact on which I prefer. Sometimes, if the show is set in America or Europe, I don't mind if it uses American voices (as long as they aren't horrible). Though, if the show is set in Asia, I definitely don't want American voices. Another thing I despise in dubbed shows is when they substitute the original opening/end themes with ridiculous rap music and such. *sigh* That really gets on my nerves. :animestun
  24. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]As Dimes and the young girl neared the pub he decided to ask her an important question, "What's your name kid?" Eliska decided to give him her real name; she didn't want him to know her alias, "I'm Eliska. And what's your name?" Dimes answered as they kept walking at the same slow pace, "No one but me knows my true name, and a very few know my nickname, so don't think I'm gonna tell you. But maybe one day, if you're lucky, you'll find out." Eliska thought she saw him wink at her. "Alright, now here we are," they had arrived at the pub. Eliska whispered to Dimes, "I don't really like pubs that much." Dimes acted as though he hadn't heard her. He pulled her close to him and said, "Hold tight. This is going to be fast." Eliska grabbed onto Dimes's waist, her face reddening. Dimes closed his eyes, concentrated on the surrounding air, and was off; within less than a second he and Eliska were standing in the middle of the pub, which was busy with travellers and locals. "Are you alright?" Eliska let go of Dimes and nodded, "Wow. How'd you do that? You're not one of..." she whispered the next part, "Fate's Children are you?" Dimes whispered, "Silence! We don't discuss that in public. But don't think you're keeping any secrets yourself." This caught Eliska off gaurd, "What? What are you ta-talking about?" Dimes grinned, "Look, we can talk later. Just follow me for now." He led Eliska up to the bar and motioned for the bartender bearing the nametag [I]Charley[/I]. "Hey Charley, have you heard anything about the," he glanced over at Eliska, then brought his voice down to a whisper, "the hunters?" Charley looked over his shoulder then said, "I don't know what you're talking about Reita. I know nothing." Dimes slipped a bill of two-hundred dollars to Charley. "Wait, I think I remember something. I think I heard someone talking in here about a week ago about a group of 'em that lives in the slums or something." Dimes rubbed his chin, "The slums huh? Okay Charley, thanks." With that he led Eliska to the exit, "Alright, now we can go back to my apartment and talk kid. Because I think you might be able to help me out." Eliska was starting to feel uneasy. "And by the way, yes, I am one of Fate's Children." He grinned.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]It was night now, and the street lights were all lit; Dimes was still in search of someone or something to occupy some time with. He was busy thinking about what kind of parties might be going on when he noticed that a young girl with black hair bumped into him. "Sorry about running into you, I wasn't paying attention. Name's Eliska and I think your hair style kicks ass," she said immediately. Dimes didn't know what to say. No one had ever complimented him before, and it made him want to return the favor, but no, that wasn't his style. He simply shoved her aside and continued his pace, "Outta my way kid. I've got places to be, things to do." The girl didn't accept this, and stubbornly ran and tapped Dimes on the shoulder. Before she could get one word out, Dimes twisted her around in a headlock with his dagger to her throat, "Nobody touches me! You got that?" Eliska's face was turning dark red as she muttered, "Y-yes. Please. L-let go!" Dimes released her and brushed his shoulder off. Eliska was scared now, but decided to speak anyway, "I just wanted to ask if you minded if I come along...with you..." Dimes sighed and frowned, thought for a moment, then said, "Ugh. Fine, I suppose you can tag along. But don't think it's because I like you." Eliska's face lit up with a smile and she and Dimes started off down the street, in the direction of some very crowded districts. "So. Where are we headed?" Dimes thought for a second, seeing as how he really hadn't planned where to go, and then said, "Well, we're going to the pub. I need a drink." Eliska scratched her head, "Umm, do you think they'll let me in there?" Dimes looked over at the girl. She did look quite young, "How old are you?" "Seventeen." "Hmm. I'll get you in." Eliska couldn't help but grin.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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