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Everything posted by cancer

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I would rather be trapped in a mall with a killer inside, because there would be plenty of room for hiding, and there would be plenty of food and such in case you were trapped for a long time. Also, there would probably be enough other people so that you could stop the killer in some way. I would hate to be stuck in a small space like an elevator with someone I hate much more. [B]To become the most famous actor in your community [/B] or [B]To become an actor on Broadway who no one really notices[/B] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]"Exactly Dimes. I aint sure who is the one capturin' all my men, but I do know that I want 'em dead. And if there's anybody that can find out who's doing it, it's you." The Don sat back in his leather chair, bathing in the sunlight that that was flooding through the tenth-story window of his home. "And if you can do this -" "Then I get my own place, right?" Dimes interrupted. "I don't just want money again. I want one of the exclusive villas that only you can provide me. You know, real fancy stuff." Dimes grinned in the darkness that filled the corner of the room. He stood up from the office chair that he had been occupying for over an hour and walked up to the Don. The Don spoke calmly, Dimes's face in his, "Look, I'll see what I can do. But right now, you just need to concentrate on finding these scum." He was beginning to sweat. Dimes frowned, stood up straight, and turned around. "Whatever Don. I'll be back soon enough," and with that he left, slamming the large oak door behind him. As Dimes walked out into the street and the sun drenched him in light, he decided he would enjoy himself for once. After all, the Don didn't exactly give him a direct assignment. He could begin looking for the bounty hunters anytime he wanted; money wasn't a problem for now. So he took a walk down the most crowded street he could find, hoping to run into something or someone interesting.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. Personally, I think that racism is completely stupid of course. But of course, it was common for the older generations to just be racist because that is the way that they were raised. I do know that racism will be around for many more years I'm sure. However, I believe that after a few more generations, racism (especially in America) will become much less common, mostly because of people dating interracially and such, most people will have many different races in their blood. It will become a much more common thing, and people will not think as much of it. It will gradually become the norm of society I believe. Of course, seeing as how racism is just an idea, it can never fully be destroyed. But it would be nice indeed.
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]name[/B] Ken Daiyo [B]nickname[/B] Dimes [B]age[/B] 24 [B]character snippet[/B] It was dark, and the rain was beginning to fall. The auction in the King's Chambers was finally drawing to a close, and the ladies and gentlemen of wealth and power started to file out into the cold night. Directly above them, waiting in the branches of an ancient tree, was the mercenary known as Dimes. Everyone feared Dimes, not by what he looked like, but by what they had heard. He was a growing legend in the city for his relentless deeds. Dimes moved slowly forward on the bough, waiting for the right person to exit: [I]the man in the red suit.[/I] After a few minutes of silently observing the crowd, Dimes spotted his victim in the midst of a few old ladies. He jumped down from the tree, ran through the crowd, grabbed the man, and departed into an empty field, all without the notice of a single person. Dimes immediately slammed the man to the wet ground and pointed his finger at the man's face. Obviously this man was unaware of what he was dealing with, for he said, "Ha, what the bloody hell do you plan to do with that? Poke me to death! Bloody, farshacking, bleah!" Obviously he was a bit on the drunk side as well. No matter. Dimes proceeded to do his dirty work. He concentrated with a little effort, and within moments the man was dead. Dimes had used his one power to do all of this. He then picked up the corpse, rubbed his glowing scar on his forearm, and darted off into the fog to deliver the man in the red suit... [B]position[/B] Dimes is a neutral Fate's Child who works as a mercenary. [B]personality[/B] Dimes is quiet and reserved. He is usually kind to anyone who is willing to do business with him. Many people would think that he is a cruel, indifferent soul, but this is not the case. Deep down, Dimes has a desire to have friends and care for others, but he is afraid to cease his life of killing, because he resents his poverty-stricken past, and is afraid to return to such a life. [B]power[/B] Dimes has the ability to manipulate any element in gaseous form. Or, in essence, he is an airbender. As for weapons, he only carries a small dagger, which was given to him by his father on his deathbed. [B]appearance[/B] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.tokidokijournal.com/journal/2-feb05/JRock5.jpg[/IMG]
  5. I have heard many beautiful songs, so it is hard to choose just one that is the best. But right off the top of my head, I would say that the prettiest song I've heard is "kimi ni aitakute" by Gackt. If you like Japanese music, you should definitely give this a listen. (by the way, kimi ni aitakute roughly translates to I miss you.) So it's basically a [COLOR=RoyalBlue]love[/COLOR] song [COLOR=RoyalBlue]
  6. Alright, this is my first real charcoal portrait. I used Faber Castell charcoal on this, both soft and medium. The paper is just cheap sketch paper, and it took me about two or three hours. It is a portrait of whom I consider the most [COLOR=Red]beautiful[/COLOR] girl in the world
  7. [B]name[/B] Jimmy Cernuto [B]age[/B] 27 [B]gender[/B] Male [B]personality[/B] Jimmy Cernuto is not the most charming guy in the world. He has his flaws, as any man does: he is often too forward, rude, sulky or just downright mean. But more often than not, Jimmy is the kind of person you?d want to run into on the streets. He had his problems when he was a child, but it didn?t take him too long to completely change his life for the better. He is quite a romantic, funny character who likes to take walks on the beach under the pull of a full moon. He?s easy to get along with, as long as you?re not too annoying. Because Jimmy is such an emotional person, it doesn?t take too much drama to bring a tear to his eye. Jimmy loves life, but he loves the sea even more. [B]information[/B] Jimmy was born to a well-known mobster and a struggling housewife in the middle of New York City. At the early age of ten Jimmy was already involved in hustling drugs for a living. His father, Dino, didn?t support the family with his profits, but instead used his money on heroine and fast cars. Jimmy dropped out of school at age twelve and spent all of his days on the streets, desperate for money or food. When Jimmy?s mother died of a drug overdose, he was in a terrible state. He had been arrested twice and he had been in drug rehab, but neither of these things helped Jimmy. Fortunately, when Jimmy turned sixteen years old, he was taken to live with his uncle, who was a marine biologist. He had a large condominium on the shore of New York. What Jimmy would see here would change his life drastically. After a week under special care Jimmy was able to stop smoking and doing drugs altogether, but what Jimmy discovered in his Uncle Danny?s library was what completely altered Jimmy?s path in life. He discovered a book entitled Devil?s Trinity, which told of a terrible place that Jimmy had never heard of before: The Devil?s Triangle. The whole mystery and fear surrounding this locale completely fascinated Jimmy. Jimmy decided that he would make it his goal in life to go to The Devil?s Triangle (Bermuda Triangle) and find out what was truly there, to have an adventure. When Jimmy asked his Uncle Danny about it, he told Jimmy to never speak of it again. This warning filled Jimmy with more awe, and made him desire to venture there even more! So once Jimmy came of legal age he bid his uncle farewell and left to become the one thing that he knew he was destined to be: a sailor. He worked long and hard under the wing of many extraordinary sailors and learned voluminous things, but never would a mentor allow Jimmy to even speak of The Bermuda Triangle. So time wore on, and Jimmy?s curiosity of the forbidden zone increased scores, but never could Jimmy find someone to travel with him to the Triangle. It crossed his mind many a time to simply venture it alone, but he knew well that this would be a horrible mistake. Jimmy soon grew hopeless of ever going to his dream locale; that is, until he heard word of a certain rescue mission? [B]appearance[/B] [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/al-pacino-mugshot.jpg[/IMG]
  8. alright thanks, now does anyone have any ideas on how to get sponsored in a different way than the social?
  9. I am interested in going to the International Thespian Festival with my costume rederings in about 1.5 months, and the only problem is I don't have enough funding yet. I doubt seriously I will be able to come up with the full $800 I need, and my drama teacher advises that I find sponsors. I have never attempted to find a sponsor or do business with anyone before, and I don't want to mess it up. Can anyone give me advice on how to be successful in persuading someone to pledge money to my cause? Thanks.
  10. Here is my problem: my high school was unable to go to the national thespian festival this year because we are unable to afford it, yet other schools in our state are able to go. So the problem for us is obviously money. I wish to fix this. Now, the state in which I live is not very wealthy, but I still believe that they have made an excess in cutting of theatre/art budgets in our schools. My theatre department barely has enough money to put on a single musical, yet the football and other sports teams seem to have plenty of money to do their activities just fine. ( I know, many people wrongly think that football is more important than art ). However, I wish to help solve this budget cut problem And the way I wish to do this is by politely writing a letter to the board asking for X amount of money for our budget. If this is unsuccessful, I would write a letter being more demanding and have petitions signed. I would like anyone's advice if they could give it, and advice on choosing the amount that would be good for our aim. Thank you.
  11. Alright, in June I am taking the ACT test. I really need to make at least a 21 on this, and so now I'm studying really hard every night. I dread math the most, and then science. If anyone could give me advice or links to good math sites I would appreciate it. I also dread the time limit *sigh*.
  12. Alright, I'm going to start posting photo mosaics in this thread, (if theres a certain mosaic youd like to see, just PM me), but first I have a question. Does anyone know where I could download a collection of like 50,000 images at once? Id hate to have to save thousands of images one at a time.
  13. Hey, Im learning the song You're Beautiful on guitar, and I know the chords, but I'm not sure what strumming pattern to use. Can anyone tell me if they know, or link me to a site that would show me how to strum it. Thanks.
  14. LOL, *sigh*, I never said that I love you went out of style. No one said that. You do have a point though, but this thread is for those people who want to use lines off here, so why dont we stop arguing about its reason and just post something relevent, thank you.
  15. Well, of course the classic "I love you" is good. But many times girls will ask you how much you love them or why you love them, so this thread is made for things you would say in that situation, or in other words, more interesting ways of saying I love you. : )
  16. Many people are faced with difficulty when trying to think of what to say to that special person they love, be it a boy or girl. You want to know what to say to make them feel great and loved, but not sound corny. So I'm starting this thread for ideas on what to say to that person. Just post all your ideas on here of great things to say. I'll start with an example of something. I love you more than there are stars in the sky.
  17. I'd have to say that I think you definitely have potential judging by this picture alone. Let me start off by giving you a quick critique. It looks like you need to work on basic shapes judging by some of the proportions. Learn the foundation of the human body (stick figure or blocks or whatever you want to do) and then go from there. You need a solid foundation. I do like all the little details you added though, such as folds in the clothing and the sweat. The main thing is to keep practicing, you will definitely be good if you keep it up, so go to [URL]http://www.polykarbon.com[/URL] and go through the tutorials. It will help you a lot, just take your time with it. Good luck.
  18. I appreciate all of the critique thus far, please keep it coming ^_^. This is the picture that I based the picture off of. [IMG]http://myspace-955.vo.llnwd.net/00307/55/95/307615955_l.jpg[/IMG]
  19. Thanks. Well I just used aqua green because it compliments the purple of her shirt, and I didn't have much time to do an elaborate background.
  20. Yeah, I posted the same thread twice on accident because OB was moving so slow and not working, so it didnt show up. The nose looks pointy there, but thats just because of the angle shes at, and yes, the face could have used more shading, that's one thing I noticed. The eye and shoulder looked like that in the picture, and I thought it looked strange too, but oh well, lol. Thanks for your comments.
  21. This is a new colored pencil portrait I did of my friend in Taiwan, please tell me what you think of it. ^_^ [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/064/a/b/Heaven_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG]
  22. Thanks a lot. Yes, the arm does look flat because it needs to show the muscle more and the shadow needs to be rounded more. The hand is a bit small, yes, but it was cut off on the photo so it was hard to compare. Thanks again.
  23. This is my newest colored pencil portrait that I just finished in Art Class a week ago. It's a portrait of my friend, Nicole. The forehead is a bit long, and some other things could have been a bit better, but overall I'm quite happy with the final product. Please give me your input ^_^ [IMG]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/045/5/8/Nicole_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG]
  24. Alright, I'm wanting to do a political-type comic about something, but I don't know what to do. If anyone has an idea they want to see drawn, tell me please. I'm open to anything right now.
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