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Everything posted by cancer

  1. Well, "Mother Nature" snowed on the days I had to walk to school to take exams. I had to walk in the freezing cold and snow. My face was completely numb and my hands as well. I must say that I love snow; it's fun and cool, but it sucks when I have to walk in it, that's for sure. Oh well, at least I had my CD Player. I listened to Nymphetamine on the way home. Music always makes things better ^_^
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Silvio heard what sounded like fighting in the commons area. He couldn't believe he'd only been here a few hours and already there was a wild brawl going on. If this was how it was all the time, he'd have to keep his guard up. He didn't want to have to use his demonic powers more than he had to though, because he had to pay a price after each time he used his demon ability. It was a condition the Lunarians call exuromine: a condition in which Silvio's veins burn madly for long periods of time after flame energy is used. This wouldn't affect a full flame demon, but because Silvio was half-human, his human portion felt the effects. That was the reason that Silvio rarely used his powerful "gift." However, Silvio thought that maybe Merlin or someone else at this grand academy might be able to aid him in his pain. Maybe they could concoct some type of elixer to halt the exuromine. Silvio decided that he would go get something to eat before his first class: Lunarian anatomy. As he made his way down the candle-lit corridor that was beautifully adorned with oil paintings, his stomach growled loudly, clearly indicating that he was in need of something to feast upon. Silvio wasn't sure where he should go; it was very easy to get lost in this place. He went down the stairs and turned a corner only to smack into a girl he had not yet seen. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you," he said, rubbing his forehead where he had hit her. The girl smiled, which surprised Silvio; shouldn't she be upset? She then held out her hand and said, "Don't worry about it. I'm Corrina, nice to meet you!" Silvio took her extended hand and shook it, "Ah, my name's Silvio, glad to meet you." He couldn't help but grin. "So, are you new here as well?" Corrina nodded, still smiling. "Oh, then you probably don't know where the dining area is do you?" Corrina was quick to reply, "Actually, I do! It's right down this hallway I just came from. Just keep going all the way down the hall until you reach it; don't make any turns or anything. You'll love it. They have all kinds of good food like waffles, biscuits, eggs, bacon, pancackes, muffins, and even some weird blood stuff, but I didn't touch that, haha!" Silvio put his hands in his pockets and started off down the hallway, "Thanks a lot. I'll see you around then." Corrina turned to watch him go, "See ya!" [/COLOR]
  3. AVATAR: right click on the smaller image and click properties. Copy the URL Address and then go to the navigation bar to edit avatar and scroll down you'll see a field to enter the URL for your avatar. Paste the URL that you highlighted there and submit it; it should work. BANNER: right click on the bigger image and click properties. Copy the URL Address and then go to the navigation bar to edit signature. Click insert image and then paste the URL in the field and then submit that. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Hope I could help ^_^
  4. This is my first time ever making a banner or avatar, so I hope you like them. Tell me if you want anything changed. I'd be glad to change it to your liking ^_^ I used the only image of an angel with blue hair I could find, so I hope this works. [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/d299b36e.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/56a85ea8.jpg[/IMG]
  5. Alright, I'll try to find that, but I doubt I can find an image to meet that specific criteria, but I'll search and find what looks the best ^_^
  6. I'll try to make those for you, so give me about a day. Is there any certain set of pictures you want used?
  7. 6/10 I like the text: Nothing can save us now. The figure in your banner is somewhat interesting, I think it works out quite nicely. I would like to see a little more creativity in it though and some more imagination maybe, but it's not bad. Interesting ^_^
  8. In my weirdest dream that I can remember, I was on this rocky island with a weird person. There were these two fish with red eyes and I'm not sure how they're significant. I went swinging through this giant tree and landed on the shore. Then I went into some house and gave someone my e-mail address. Afterwards, I went into the ocean and went under water and ended up in a place like Heaven. I was in line for ice cream or something, and then I returned and told people about it. That's all I can remember.
  9. haha, well thank you for the comments ^_^ Well if you want the skill put in the effort. I will post on here where I started four years ago. I will show you that I've developed a lot since then. Practice makes perfect ^_^
  10. Well, that's why I said I'm open to anything. As for length, I want to make it around 5 chapters, so it's a short series. I guess the genre could be like romance, humor, or action. I want to write about kuja and zidane kind of. I also like Squall. I'm really open to any kind of story, I was wondering if anyone had an idea they'd like to see written so I could take it on. ^_^
  11. Silvio finally found his dorm thanks to the girl called Aki. As he entered his room he noticed that it was lit by two large candelabras, and there was one small window seven feet above the floor. Sivlio laid his bag down upon one of the two beds that occupied this room. Obviously his roommate hadn't been in here yet, for the other bed looked untouched. Silvio untied his hair and let it cascade down around his shoulders. He looked around the large dorm room and saw that it was fancy to the extreme; this wasn't some cheap common-design room. It had a "renaissance feel" to it, and Silvio liked it. A lot. He knew that everyone else was out in the commons area socializing after the midnight class, but he didn't care to join them. He felt like reading, so he opened up his black messenger bag and extracted a novel: [U]Wicked.[/U] He only had one hundred pages left to finish it, so he propped a pillow up and lay down on the bed to read by the candle light. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] An hour passed and Silvio was able to finish the book with no interruptions. He returned the book to the bag and placed it under his bed. Then he lay back down on the bed and closed his eyes; it was already two in the morning. Was his roommate going to come in tonight? Maybe there was a party going on or something. Oh well. A minute after these thoughts had passed through Silvio's head, he heard the door creak open and his roommate Jonathan appeared with two glasses of wine. "Hey, I brought you a glass of wine since you didn't come downstairs to the -- Oh, are you asleep?" Jonathan set the glasses down on the stand beside his bed. Silvio rolled over on the bed and brushed the hair out of his eyes to get a good look at his new roommate, "Nah, I'm just resting."
  12. [COLOR=Navy]Silvio's long, black hair blew wildly in all directions in the wind as he made his way cautiously up the mountain staircase to the gargantuous academy above. It took him nearly an hour to reach the entrance of the school; the first thing he noticed was the monstrous size of the place. He had never seen a place this big in real life before, only in picture books. As Silvio walked up to the doorway, he saw an ancient man in robes standing like a sentinel before the entry way. He saw that there were already a couple of other attendants here: a monstrous figure of the likes he had never seen before, and the girl with the fox tail already within the building. Silvio was about to introduce himself, but the elderly man spoke first, "Greetings, Silvio Cernuto. Have a nice climb? Judging by the sweat that is running down your back I'd say you did." Silvio glared at the old man, "How do you know my name?" The old man grinned and his blue eyes twinkled, "I am Merlin; need I say more?" Silvio displayed a puzzled look and scratched his head. He had never heard of anyone named Merlin before. Was he some kind of psychic or something? Just when Silvio was about to question the old man's ability further, the large figure by the door spoke up, "Hey, look, while you guys have your conversation, I'm going to go find my room and get acquainted with this place a little bit." Merlin nodded, "Good, good. Your room number is 665, right beside the 'unused room.' Good luck finding it," he showed off a set of perfectly white, straight teeth as he smiled, and the large figure shrank down to normal size and took off. Silvio was growing restless, "Where's my room, anyway?" Merlin turned to him, "Ah yes, you'll be rooming with Hunter, the one who was just standing here, yes. Well, I really must run, I'm very busy." And with that he turned and walked into the giant building that was the academy. Silvio sighed, adjusted his choker around his neck, and made his way inside the vast building, hoping he could find his way around. As he looked around at all of the doorways and staircases only one thought came to mind: "It's going to be a long day..."[/COLOR]
  13. When I have nothing to do, I usually just sketch stuff, read a book, or work on fanfiction. Maybe you should try writing stories. It would probably be fun. Or you could even write poetry. If you have movies you could watch a movie, but sleeping sounds good too. If you need your beauty rest, you need your beauty rest, know what I mean? I actually think I'm going to go to sleep now. Goodnight ^_^
  14. Hey, I'm wanting to write a fanfiction for Final Fantasy 8 or 9, but don't have any good ideas. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could write about? I'm open to anything really. I'd love to hear some ideas, please ^_^
  15. yeah, well the animal didn't take as long, i did kind of hurry on it, I admit. I didn't put any effort into it i guess, oh well ^_^
  16. yeah, thanks. I see what you mean with the hair, but actually in the picture, the transition did look pretty much like that. But thanks for the criticism. Yes they were done over different periods of time.
  17. Thanks for the info. I think I am going to buy that manga now. It does seem worthy of my money ^__^
  18. Thanks for the comments. Yes there is more on the way, but you'll have to be patient. I'm very busy at the time, but there should be more up by the end of February. ^_^
  19. [COLOR=Green]I fall into your loving arms With thoughts of love upon my mind. You gaze at me with eyes of blue And speak of dreams that you once had. You've always kept me safe from harm; Of wretched sights you've kept me blind. Difficult times you've led me through And dried my tears when I was sad. Your blessed gift is a genuine charm. It's true you are one of a kind. Now I say to you: thank you; For all these things you've done I'm glad.[/COLOR] [I]I wrote this in December 2005, and I actually really like this rhyme scheme.[/I]
  20. [COLOR=Blue]Dreaming of impossible Staring off to nothing No one else may see it This perfect, placid thing. Your eyes, they are not looking But still you see the kind Of thing that only can be seen With your solemn mind. Tell me dreamer what you see So I may be at peace Now I know the thing you see And I may see it too. This vision I call paradise A place of calm serene.[/COLOR] [I]This was written in the spring of 2005 for my speech and theatre class. It is about someone daydreaming, if you can't tell.[/I]
  21. Please tell me what you think of my artwork and vote ^__^ [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/003/b/9/Miyavizm_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/011/a/c/Flames_of_the_Tribe_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/003/7/c/Erica_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/361/8/b/Elvis_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/350/0/6/Cheetah_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/338/2/3/Elkee_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/354/4/9/cole_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/334/c/4/Taking_A_Bite_Out_Of_Crime_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG]
  22. Alright, Gackt is the best I must admit. I have been listening to him for a few years now, and he's still my favorite artist ever. But there are still plenty of other good J-Rock musicians out there, and I'm about to give you a list of a few of them. Here it is: [B]Dir en Grey, Pierrot, L'Arc~en~ciel, Tetsu69, HYDE, S.O.A.P., Acid Android, GLAY, Malice Mizer, Baroque, Kagrra,, MUCC, Plastic Tree, Miyavi, Gackt, X Japan, HIDE, Yoshiki, Janne da Arc, MerryGoRound, Metronome, Persona, Penicillin, Luna Sea, J, SUGIZO, Kuroyume, Schwarz Stein, Moi dix Mois, Merry, bleu de papillon, l.ek-i'ni.s, Lareine, New Sodmy, Ribbon, Schwardix Marvally, Sex Machineguns, Shelly trip Realize, Kisaki Project, Hotaru, Inoran, Jakura, Shazna, IZAM, La'mule, Hanamuke, Psycho le Cemu, 12012, E'mu, Puppet Mammy, eight, KLACK, Panic Channel, PANIC*ch, Velvet Eden, Vinett, Aqua Leaf, Dorothy, Duel Jewel, BLOOD, Camino, SID, MASK, Charlotte, Berry, Jinkaku Radio, Silver Ash, Devil Kitty, Rentrer en Soi, Phobia, Blam Honey, Charlotte, POOL, Blast, +D'espairsRay+, Due le Quartz, Laputa, Elldorado, Fatima, Vidoll, Vizell, Phantasmagoria, [FIGURe;], Noiz, Sulfuric Acid, Alice Nine, Alu cana, Nine, Allure Idea, CHELSEA, Belle Vue, NANA, SugarTrip, gossip, DEFLOWER, Chaos + System, Ambivalent, k@mikaze, Kamikaze boys, A, Sugar, CalorZe, GELLONIMO, Kuroro, NevaR, Cinnamon, Devine + MaideN, Jewelry, Karen, Clavier, Never Crazy, DiAR, Joker, JOKER, endorphine, HISKAREA, Holstein, Ayabie, AnCafe, Baiser, Noir Fleurir, Candy, Eile de Mu, BLACK JACK, AILE, The Candy Spooky Theater, GHOST, Luvie, ichigo 69, SyvaR, Clover, Moll'e node, Shulla, Lab., Inugami Circus Dan, Onmyoza, Doremidan, D, Gullet, Gazette, Givuss, Alicenine, Bis, Kra, Raphael, Rice, Syndrome, Cali gari, S, Scissor, Babylon, Aliza Marie, Deadman, SADS, Kalimero, Kagerou, Nightmare, Madeth Gray'll, LUCA, Mad Soldiers, Foot Stamp, Acidman, The Pillows, The Bump of Chicken, The Yellow Monkeys, CUBE JUICE, Art School, Gun Dog, Mad Capsule Markets, The Back Horn, Melt Banana [/B]. I do hope this helps ^__^
  23. Alright, I believe that you should live your life to the fullest and be good, not evil. I am a Christian, but I do not follow the Evangelical view that you must accept Christ to avoid Hell. I believe that if you do accept Christ then you go to Heaven. From my viewpoint, you will not go to Heaven; that is the standard belief of the Christian. I am friends with a few Pagans though and am interested in Paganism myself, just as Michelangelo was. I believe that the most important rule you should follow is to do good deeds, which is a rule pertaining to almost every religion. It is to my understanding that Pagans do believe in one God-head, but believe in a male and female god making it up, correct? I don't think God would cast you to Hell if you lived a good life and believed in him, but of course religion isn't a very solid thing no matter what anyone says. It is all about believing, so good luck with your belief. ^__^
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed]Mister can you help me out Take my hand and pull me now Up and away I'll go with you If you can please make me feel blue For now I am happy and joyous you see Standing with my love by the apple tree And though you can not see it My heart is violently having a fit My knees are weak and my lips wet And the girl beside me I only just met You'd think I was happy and content I'm sure But if that's what you think then pick another door Because the truth of the matter is that I am lost Oh yes I am - I'm lost in love.[/COLOR] ([I]This is just a quick poem I wrote off the top of my head. Please tell me what you think ^__^[/I] )
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