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Everything posted by cancer
How Did You Come Up With Your Screenname?
cancer replied to duorocks17's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE="1"]If everyone can't guess where my username originated from, it is my Greek zodiac sign.[/SIZE] -
[SIZE="1"]Does anyone on here know how to make a photomontage using PhotoShop? If so, please link me/or create a tutorial for this. Thank you.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I like these; what do you use to color them?[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Welcome Elleius, to the Boards. I've been here on and off for a total of four or five years (even with different accounts ^^) and I find this to be a great forum. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as well.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Haha, I've seen dannychoo.com before. My favorite video is the dancing stormtrooper. And he makes me jealous in the one where he is in the photo shoot with the models : p[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]So is there anyone else on the boards that troops around in TK armor, or any uniform of the 501st Legion for that matter? I enjoy trooping as a TK. Below are some pictures from today.[/SIZE] [img]http://i11.tinypic.com/6pzkyo8.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1.tinypic.com/6lijtaf.jpg[/img] [img]http://i5.tinypic.com/8atuyrl.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1.tinypic.com/6tk94q8.jpg[/img] [img]http://i10.tinypic.com/72gdkpl.jpg[/img] [img]http://i5.tinypic.com/6toplk2.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i15.tinypic.com/728c4nb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.tinypic.com/6kpu0w6.jpg[/IMG]
[SIZE="1"]I'll take a stab at this.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Boo, I believe that your idea would work well. So should resource threads be tagged with a [T] then? I really hope that people will donate tutorials and renders to the boards. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Of course. So first of all we need people that are willing to submit tutorials, renders, etc. in order to keep such a subforum active. If you are interested in supplying the resources please let us know in this thread. I, for one, would be a regular donor. I hope to see many more volunteers. And ask yourself, what makes a forum website popular/attractive? I think that creating such a subforum would actually increase the attractiveness of the site. People are always looking for graphics resources.[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"] [B]We really need people to volunteer for this if it's going to work. Come on, step up and help out the OB Art Studio.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I know that this site is founded on anime fandom and somewhat revolves around anime, though it seems to me that we should make graphics a bigger part of OtakuBoards. I think we should have subforums in the Art Studio for tutorials, because I think that would work better than having just a thread. I also would like to see a thread of renders that could end up being sticked for use in graphics. I know there are other forums to get renders and tutorials from, but I think that OB should have this in order to make it even more resourceful and well-rounded. I haven't really thought this idea through as far as how it should best be done; give me your input.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I hope this matches up:[/SIZE] [URL=http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?image=voldemortns3.jpg][IMG]http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/4360/voldemortns3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[SIZE="1"]And I will take the next spot. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]How would I go about getting the look of a painting with the photographs I use in my poster? [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I predict that within two decades (so in the year 2027), people will have micro-computers installed in their body; possibly within their bloodstream. The reason for this is that computers will eventually become more intelligent than humans. Computers already have the ability, though it is still developing, to understand human speech patterns. Once they can understand the idea of realizing one's self, they will in turn realize their own existence and their abilities. Of course, computers are programmed by humans, so some people don't believe that they would be able to become dominant over humans. However, programming of computers will become so advanced that computers may even be able to understand the programming of themselves (referencing to the aforementioned self-realization). Micro-computers in the body would allow humans to remain the dominant existence, and of course, some people consider this whole idea to be biblical (see the book of Revelation). I am not saying that I truly think that this will come to pass. I just see it as a small possibility that we need to be wary of.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Hope these work:[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i8.tinypic.com/6p4a5qg.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i11.tinypic.com/6krr9ki.png[/IMG]
[SIZE="1"]So I'm making a movie poster for my final Intro To Computer Graphics class project, and I'm curious what people would like to see made into a movie. What kind of movies or games would you like to see spoofs or remakes of? Or what new kind of movie would you like to see made? I want to get an idea of what the most popular genre would be and whatnot. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I'll aid in the whoring of the worm then. Put me on the list.[/SIZE] EDIT: Finished. [CENTER][URL=http://img122.imageshack.us/my.php?image=astroboypm0.png][IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/1885/astroboypm0.th.png[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
cancer replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]CLICK THE THUMBNAILS[/SIZE][/COLOR] [URL=http://img233.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1002896ts3.jpg][IMG]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/822/1002896ts3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1002920dk9.jpg][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7553/1002920dk9.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] -
[SIZE="1"]I suppose I should mention that I am currently a freshman at West Liberty State College, if I did not already. I know that since Pratt is a private school they should have plenty of financial aid to hand out, but I'm just not sure how much. I'm going to try to visit the school sometime during January hopefully.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I am currently attending West Liberty State College in West Virginia, a regular college with a decent graphic design program. The graphic design facilities are pretty nice too. I am going to college here to get my bachelors degree in graphic design basically free, on a scholarship. However, I really would like to live in New York, go to an art school with prestige, and thus have better options for networking and a better environment/experience. However, I don't know if it would be worth it, because the school I want to attend, Pratt Institute, costs about 40,000 dollars a year. I would be in major debt (around 160,000 dollars) after coming out of Pratt. I'm curious if anyone here knows a lot about Pratt and could give me their input on whether it's worth the money. As for what I want to do after college: I'd like to work for a big company like Disney preferrably.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I'll claim this.[/SIZE] [B]EDIT:[/B] Handicaps: [LIST] [*]400 x 300 pixels [*]must use text: I love lamp [*]must have a border [/LIST]
[QUOTE]I don't want to be a bummer, but it's rather difficult to learn any instrument at your age, but it's definitely possible with consistent practice and passion. It's just harder for your fingers to react and for your mind to memorize those notes as you get older, so you'll probably need to put in extra effort. [/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Yes, I do know that it will take extra effort, but I will practice piano as I practice visual art: with perfectionism. I am learning from a book called Group Piano for Adults, which is a book that teaches the basics, so I'm going to spend my entire college career in piano practice rooms every weekday for say, one or two hours a day at the least. [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]All right, those were some good replies, thank you. I do have another question though. What is the best way for me to learn where the keys of the piano are so I'll be able to play with both hands and quickly find the keys? I know that for different songs your hands start out at different places and move all over, so I can't really rely on muscle memory of keeping my hand in a certain position every time, so I don't know, what should I do?[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I am a freshman in college for graphic design, and I know how to play no instrument, and I can not read music. Basically, I've never done anything involving music. However, I now wish to learn piano, and at my school there are plenty of practice rooms so I would have time to learn, though I would have to be self-taught (until I can take piano 101 as an elective possibly, though I'm not sure when that could be). Does anyone have any advice for what I should do to learn to play the piano and learn to read music in a way that I will learn most effectively? I just don't want to learn the wrong way. I have a friend who is helping me and my friend is giving me basic books on piano, though I just wanted some input from the Boards to see what you all think. Thanks.[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="1"][B]name. [/B] Dante Bertrand [B]age. [/B] 38 [B]gender. [/B] Male [B]occupation.[/B] Priest [B]items. [/B] Dante carries a crucifix, a staff, and holy water. [B]information.[/B] Dante was born and raised in a large and luxurious home with one elder brother and one elder sister. His father passed away before Dante was born. His siblings and mother constantly committed sins against God, such as fornication, intoxication, lies, and much more senseless acts. Dante was a good boy who always read the Book of God and prayed. At the age of twelve Dante finally got his own room; he had since shared a room with his brother. In Dante's room he stayed constantly, only coming out to eat and use the restroom. His room had become a sort of sanctuary for him, and he spent all of his time in there creating a stronger bond with his god. His family thought him psychotic, and at age sixteen Dante was literally defenestrated from his home, never to return. On his own with only a crucifix and the clothes on his back, Dante set out to find a holy place, a church perhaps, where he could take refuge. On the second day after being ejected from his home Dante found the home for which he was searching. A small little sanctuary situated by a stream and a beautiful forest, this place was occupied by two godly monks. Dante lived with these men for many years, and learned much from them. Eventually he surpassed them in his knowledge of the spiritual realm and he was having visions of angels and saints. He also claims to have supernatural powers granted him by the lord God himself. Dante, now thirty-eight years old, travels the land to help the poor and the suffering. [B]appearance.[/B] Dante stands roughly six feet tall and weighs about 161 pounds. His body type is quite slim, with a bit of muscle on him. His skin tone is quite pale, and his hair is jet-black in color. His jaw line is very defined, his ears are small, and his neck is a bit long. Dante's eyes are blue in color and his eyebrows are shaped quite nicely. His nose is not wide, nor is it too long; it is just right. His mouth is small in size. Dante is dressed regularly in long white hooded robes made of cotton, and he wears white boots which have a high rise. Around his neck on a string Dante wears a wooden crucifix. He carries a brown, wooden staff with him, and from his rope belt hang two small containers of holy water. [/SIZE][/COLOR]