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Everything posted by cancer

  1. Yes, I'm wondering how long it will take on average for it to stop weeping and stop needing dressed. I'm not concerned about the scarring. Thanks.
  2. Thanks Delta, your solution worked perfectly. I'd like to make a request on making images that are animated. I think you save multiple images, and then in ImageReady or Flash you can make them animate so the image moves. Im not sure how to do this though. Request: [I]Animated Image[/I]
  3. I'd like to request a tutorial on mirroring images. Everytime I try to copy text or an image, and then flip the copied image, it just flips the whole thing. Thanks.
  4. Thanks, I'll try out the blending options for the text layer. I do believe it is a lot simpler to add a glow in Photoshop. I do have PS CS2 as well, so I'll try it in that.
  5. I'm confused about the locking of the layers. I'm using photoshop, so I think that's where my problem lies. Do you know how to do the same thing in Photoshop as locking the layers in PSP? I tried to lock the layers in Photoshop, but all that did was prevent me from editing the layer at all. Or am I supposed to lock the layers that I'm not editing?
  6. On November 21st, I was burned on my feet with second degree burns. I have many blisters, and in one area my skin is really white, (the underlying layer of skin). I really have no clue how long these wounds will take to heal. Does anyone have any idea where I can find information on how long burn wounds take to heal or anything? Thanks.
  7. Okay, I've posted my first tutorial. I hope it's all right. Delta, you can go have a look and tell me if it's what you were expecting. Once everyone posts the current list of tutorials, will we move on to more advanced tutorials soon? Here's the link to the brush tutorial: [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55823][B[COLOR=Blue]]BRUSH TUTORIAL[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]I am going to teach you how to make brushes in Photoshop. I will be using Photoshop 7, but it is basically the same for Photoshop CS and Photoshop CS2. Brushes are an amazing feature of Photoshop that will greatly simplify your work. Now I will begin the tutorial on how to create a custom brush and how to use brushes. [/COLOR] 1] To create a custom brush, you can use any image you want, as long as it is a reasonable size. You can draw an image and scan it in, copy a picture from the internet, or whatever you desire. Just open the image in Photoshop to begin. Crop it or whatever you need to do to it, because everything on the canvas is going to be turned into the brush. So only have on the canvas what you want your brush to be. In the picture you can see that I have cut out just my head and neck to be my brush. Yeah, I know it looks weird : p. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_1copy.jpg[/IMG] 2] The next step is to adjust the brightness and contrast of the image. If it is not already black and white, you?ll want to desaturate it by selecting Image > Adjustments > Desaturate. Once it is black and white, you need to select Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast. From the brightness/contrast window, set the brightness and contrast to your desired levels for your brush. Once finished, press OK. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_2copy.jpg[/IMG] 3] My image now looks like this. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_3copy.jpg[/IMG] 4] Now to set the image as a brush select Edit > Define Brush. If you are using a different version of Photoshop it may say Define Brush Preset; that?s the same thing. If it will not let you select Define Brush it is probably because your image size is too large. In this case, simply select Image > Image Size and make it smaller. Once you select Define Brush a window will pop up for you to name it. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_4copy.jpg[/IMG] 5] Now I will show you how to use the brush you have just made, and how to adjust its properties. First, create a new 500px x 500 px document with a white background by selecting File > New and selecting the size and background. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_5copy.jpg[/IMG] 6] Now to adjust the properties of your newly made brush select Window > Brushes. In the new window that pops up, you can adjust all of the properties for each brush you have. You can play around with these adjustments to see what they do. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_6copy.jpg[/IMG] 7] Now to use your brush you simply click the brush tool on the tools window, which should be on the left side of your work area. If you don?t see it, then select Window > Tools. Once you have the brush tool selected, click the dropdown arrow for the brush preset picker near the top part of your screen to choose your newly made brush. It should be the very last brush in the list. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_7copy.jpg[/IMG] 8] Select your brush and adjust the master diameter at the top of the brush preset picker to adjust the brush?s size. Once you?re done with that, select the color you want to use for your brush by selecting the foreground color. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_8copy.jpg[/IMG] 9] Once you?ve selected a color for your brush, all that?s left to do is apply the brush to the image. This is as simple as placing the brush over the canvas wherever you want it, and clicking once. You can apply the brush as many times as you want. This is what mine looks like. [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m55/pravusart/Tutorials/brush_9copy.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkRed]This is the end of the basic brush tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. If I can?t answer your question, I?m sure someone else will be able to. Thank you, and I hope this helped you.[/COLOR]
  9. How do I make reference pictures for the brush tutorial? I'm not sure how to take screenshots of my monitor activity or anything. Is this a stupid question -_-. I have a feeling it is.
  10. I'll handle the tutorial on making brushes, since I've been making custom brushes and such for a long while now, using Photoshop.
  11. I think this is a great idea. Something like my art of ob idea i had a while ago, only better i think. I would definitely like to join this and make tutorials. If you want to see an example of some of my artwork, go here: [URL=http://www.myspace.com/pravusart]PRAVUS ART[/URL] : ]
  12. i need to know how to take multiple images and make them loop, either in imageready or flash. also, check out the logos at [URL=http://www.myspace.com/scleraart]SCLERA ART[/URL] and please give me advice on how to execute those kinds of techniques in photoshop.
  13. I have some specific questions for making designs and flash banners, and I hope someone is able to help me out. First of all, can anyone explain or direct me to a place that can explain how to make flash banners? I do have flash mx and photoshop. Secondly, I would like to know how to achieve the effects of the designs which I've attached: the radiating lines, the gradient fills, and the clean simple looks to them, yet also the horror look. Can someone please help me out. Thanks.
  14. Okay, so I've started doing basic photoshop tutorials. and I now understand most of the basics. Do you think I should do a lot more basic tutorials, or just start gaining experience through special effects tutorials and things like that?
  15. So I'm a senior in high school right now, and the problem for me with college besides finances is that I live in a state with no good art schools. I'm wanting to go to a school like Parsons or some other art school. Does anyone know any good scholarships that I can apply to that there's a good chance I could get. I have a 25 on the ACT, roughly a 3.5 GPA, any help would be appreciated.
  16. cancer

    My Work

    Well, the girl in the black and white was done in charcoal, and I'm pretty sure the proportion is correct. She was posing at an angle. I usually use prismacolor colored pencil to color my portraits. Thanks for the comments so far everyone. Here are a few more graphic design pieces I've created. Also, by the way, the portraits I do draw from pictures, but everything else mostly is my own idea or it is drawn from life. [IMG]http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/283/9/c/Jump_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/283/7/2/Metal_Gear_Solid_again_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/283/a/3/Metal_Gear_Solid__by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG]
  17. [QUOTE]So in otherwords if someone was able to Astral Project themselvs. The would be able to see ghosts as well... Intresting.[/QUOTE] Well, Ikillion, one would actually not be able to see ghosts I think, just because they can astral project. Ghosts and astral projection would exist in a parallel plane, the astral plane. That's a plane that our physical self can't see. (This is all just what I believe of course).
  18. Hmm, I would love to be able to astral project myself. You should ask your father how he goes about doing this, for I am very curious.
  19. I've heard a good deal about astral projection, but most of it comes from articles and other untrustworthy sources. So I'm curious to know what people on here think of astral projection. Also, have you ever experienced this phenomenon, and how does one go about detaching their spirit from their body?
  20. This thread will contain all of my quality artwork, and I will update it every chance I get. Leave any comments or suggestions you'd like, and be brutally truthful in your critiquing. Thanks. [IMG]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/277/0/7/MGS_Movie_Poster_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs12/300W/i/2006/276/3/d/A_View_From_The_Grave__by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/276/e/2/Vulgar_CD_design_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/275/5/b/Macabre_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/275/d/c/Welcome_To_Gotham_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/274/6/8/Scarf_And_Brick_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs12/300W/i/2006/268/f/3/Self_Portrait_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs11/300W/i/2006/184/5/a/Broken_Record_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/138/7/b/Take_Your_Breath_Away__updated_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/064/a/b/Heaven_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/003/b/9/Miyavizm_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/334/c/4/Taking_A_Bite_Out_Of_Crime_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG]
  21. well it's now outlook, i used to use outlook express. ive just recenlty updated to outlook.
  22. Hmm, I figured it out. It turns out I had downloaded stuff that was larger than I thought and I just found it, so that cleared some space. Thanks for the help though. I wish someone would answer my outlook express question though : p
  23. Yeah, I unchecked those as you said, and I still didn't see it.
  24. I was unable to find any folder called CSC. : [
  25. My computer is having a major problem right now, and I can't figure it out. Suddenly it only has 2% free space left, and so I can't defragment it. I have no clue what is taking up all the space. Is there a way for me to find out what's taking up all that space and get rid of it? Thanks
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