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Everything posted by cancer
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ah, back in like 2001 or 2002 I started out at [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] and from there found myotaku. Within a month after I first went there I found a link to this site, and it didn't take long for me to realize that this was the best forum site I'd ever seen, and that still holds true to this day. So I joined back in 2002 or 2003 (hard to remember), and I can't even remember my first username on here, haha. I do know that I was once under the username Ares, if anyone remembers that. So yea, I've seen OB through a lot of stuff, and it's been interesting. Definitely a quality site. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]All right, it looks good. Well take your time getting it initiated, for I am also very busy. Also, I still need to read through all of the other signups of those who got in, so I will understand the other characters of course. But you did notice that I made Tiger Lily male right? Is this okay?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Wow, I'll have to check those out. I do like VG Cats I know. You should check out [URL=www.penny-arcade.com]Penny Arcade[/URL]. It's a really really good webcomic site. I can't think of the URL's for the other ones I read, but I'll update later. Anyway, yea, I love free webcomics. They're a gem of the internet. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Yes, prismacolor is definitely a "trustable brand." I am glad to have helped. Of course, Prismacolor may be good, but you should also try out Derwent and see what you prefer. I'm not sure of the prices for the different brands. Good luck with your shopping. Also, as GTK said, I would use watercolor paper or bristol board to work with. I use 100 lb. bristol board, and it's really nice. Watercolor paper would be more textured, which I don't like.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Okay, I'd love to see more sign ups, especially a human or two. I'm going to close sign ups on July 4th, so that's about three days left. Hurry up. [/COLOR] [B]name[/B] Zeus, God of Rain [B]age[/B] 3000 [B]gender[/B] male [B]race[/B] god [B]alliance[/B] Olympia [B]personality[/B] He is an oppressive being who demands respect of all of his underlings. However, many men and gods do play tricks on him from time to time and get away with it, for although he is more powerful than all the gods combined, his strength is not boundless. He is not much of a romantic, though he has had many affairs with different females. He has also had a few relationships with adolescent males. He doesn't trust many people, though he is very intelligent and sharp. He is clever and persuades people often to do things to his advantage. The thing about his personality is that it changes periodically. Sometimes he will talk a lot and heed no one else's opinions, while at other times he is very quiet and pays attention to all said. It is very hard to read Zeus, and so therefore it is hard to get along with him. [B]bio[/B] Zeus is the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea. Rhea hid Zeus in a cave in Crete, and he was then raised by Gaia (Mother Earth). When Zeus reached manhood he cut open the stomach of his father and released his siblings and also released the Titans. The Cyclopes being among these, they then made lightning bolts for Zeus. Zeus then battled against Cronus and other Titans, and he won. After imprisoning them, Zeus shared the world with Poseidon and Hades. Zeus now dwells among the mortals of the Earth as the owner of the American Electric Power company. He makes his home in Greece, and often travels back and forth to his temple in the heavens. He has heard from his messenger that war may be close at hand, and so now he is considering finding his fellow Olympians and preparing for what lies ahead. [B]appearance[/B] [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/zeus-1.jpg[/IMG]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I kinda rushed through this, but I think it's good enough to stand a chance : p Done with pencil/colored pencil. And yes, I do have a backstory for this picture. A few humans happened upon an alien planet in the year 2295, and some were killed by the creatures that inhabited it, as you can see in the drawing. The aliens feed on humanoid blood, and it lasts them for hundreds of years. The red diamond-shaped object on the alien's chest is where they store the fresh blood. The armor is connected to the veins that run through its arms. Its own blood is green in color. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/8de9a7ca2a.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
Okay, I'm going to contact each of the artists that are working on this project within the next week and make sure that they know what to do. And thanks, Retribution, for your information regarding gesture and contour drawing. Remember, the deadline for this is mid-August. Thanks.
I'm not sure about watercolor pencils, for I haven't used them really, but I do know that Sanford Prismacolor is a great brand. That's what type of colored pencil I use, and they are definitely high quality. So if you see Prismacolor watercolor pencils, they would probably be a good choice. Derwent, as GTK stated, is also a great brand.
Yes, I would have to agree with Boo. Science claims to have the answers to so many things, but constantly they change something or something that they've said proves to be incorrect. And even what they've shown has not disproved the existence of God, and there is so much that science cannot explain. I do agree that much of it is to be interpreted not literally.
Okay, this thread is for discussion of the Christian belief that the world was created in "six or seven days by the Almighty God." For me, this is one thing that is hard to understand. I'm not sure if it is being literal or not, and if so, how could this be possible. The whole dinosaur period of time, and the prehistoric neanderthals sort of make it difficult to grasp for me. What does everyone else think of this? Any explanations or ideas? I'd really just love to understand it a bit better.
Getting in shape is easier said than done, but I plan to do it. I'm slim and all, but I'm not really "in shape." I run out of breath quite easily, and my muscles could be bigger. So I plan on working out every morning of every week for the next year to see how I can improve. I've never really lifted weights for more than a week or two, and never really had a workout routine. I was wondering if anyone would like to share any advice they had for working out, or any routines you've found helpful. Share your questions of fitness here as well, and share all the information you'd like. I want this thread to be a source of fitness inquiries and solutions. I plan on lifting weights three or four days of the week, and doing just cardio on the others. I'll start out working on muscle memory and not going too heavy, and then gradually I'll get more intense. I'm hoping that once school begins again I'll have some results that show at least.
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Sorry, CHW, but I'm really tired of the "zomfg gheys r teh wr0ngz!1," so I'm not really going to reiterate any of my views. If you're not into politics, then perhaps you're not aware of the horrid job President Bush has been doing these last six years? And if you're not aware of the horrid job he's doing, how could you judge if his approval rating is a bandwagon or the pure truth? Furthermore, the media is extremely conservative (FOX News, I'm looking at you) and censored to a high degree. For instance, that raid in Haditha happened in November. We heard of it Stateside in mid-June. There have been other stories that the BBC has covered that no American news channels have reported to any degree.[/size][/QUOTE] Well, I can judge because my stepfather is an extreme conservative who is constantly talking about it. Furthermore, I have to listen to Rush Limbaugh on the radio constantly, another conservative. CNN at least is definitely not conservative. They are constanlty showing Bush-bashing cartoons for commercial transitions. FOX news, however, shows both views a bit more faithfully. So I don't see how you could say that the media is conservative.
First of all, I read earlier someone called being gay a mental defect? Sorry, but it's not mental. It's a biological ordeal that has to do with hormones. The mentality of the homosexual person is based off of the hormonal behavior. Also, someone that slowly turns gay is probably someone who just experimented and found that he preferred males over females. Some guys are actually just weirded out by the female body. There are many reasons for being gay, not just two. As for the banning of gay marriage, I believe that it is ridiculous. I know that it is against standard Christian belief, which is what the country was founded upon, but in modern times many things have changed. It's really difficult to discuss this issue without branching off into other areas of debate, which is why this debate has been really hot and going on for a while. As for what I think of Bush: I don't really care for him, but I don't think he is as horrible as people say. I'm not really into politics to be honest, but I do agree with the bandwagon idea. People are listening to the media a bit too much, as usual.
I thank you all for the advice so far, it's helped somewhat to reinforce my self esteem and such. Here is a link to his site just so you can see what kind of person he is: [COLOR=Red][URL=http://www.myspace.com/joshyoung07]Bully's Myspace[/URL] [/COLOR] Yea, I think that if I see him when he is alone I will step up to him. Also, I think I'm going to start lifting weights, because that may help as well.
Well, that's my trouble currently. A bully. He's in the same grade as me, a bit older than me, and he won't leave me alone. It seems he only messes with me when someone such as his girlfriend or friend is with him. He drives around in his truck and when he sees me he will stop or turn around and harass me. He's waiting for an opportunity to beat my face in. His problem? He just doesn't like me. However, I've never done anything to him. I'm just an easy target I suppose. He lifts weights, and I'm not much of a fighter, so I really don't know what to do. He's been giving me problems for a few months now. Does anyone have any advice for how to handle such a bully?
Hahahaha, wow, the moderators are going to have fun with this one. Yea, you definitely need to check out the rules. And I do agree with Dodeca; hope the mods have mercy upon your soul pal. -_-
very nice, i love the effects. the fire is of course very realistic, and the intended pun is quite humorous. bravo bravo. : p I know it's your one-hundredth comic, but I was actually expecting something a bit different. However, it's obviously fitting. The fire sort of surprised me, which is good. But hey, you keep it nice and original as always. Good job sir.
[IMG]http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/5aa3b35f08.jpg[/IMG] I'm only posting an avatar, because I accidentally messed up on the banner again >_< but I'll post my tiger lily image up later.
Yes, thanks Boo. I really like that idea. I think that creating a sprite thread would definitely be more suitable actually. I mean, that's all we really need; we don't need a group. Okay, I'm going to Kazuko about how to start the thread off, and then you will see one posted in the near future. I don't really want to start it in this thread, seeing as how this thread is being used for the old idea of a spriting group and such and so on. Thanks for the nice idea boo.
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]NAME:[/B][/COLOR] Tiger Lily [COLOR=DarkRed][B]GENDER:[/B][/COLOR] Male [COLOR=DarkRed][B]AGE:[/B][/COLOR] Fourteen [COLOR=DarkRed][B]SEXUALITY:[/B] [/COLOR] Bisexual [COLOR=DarkRed][B]BIOGRAPHY:[/B] [/COLOR] Tiger Lily was born to a young housewife and an experienced medical doctor in central Manhattan. His mother left his father when he was of the age two, and she went to live with a practicing attorney down the block. Tiger Lily?s father quickly picked up drinking and drug abuse when his wife left him, and his anger he took out on his only son. At nighttime, when Tiger Lily was lying in his crib sleeping peacefully, his father would wake him up, saying, ?Kid! Kid, who the **** are ? are you!? Tiger Lily would cry at this point and scream with the fear of a child who has an innate idea of what is coming. The father then proceeded to yell at the child whilst shaking him, ?Shut the **** up, you little cocksucker!? He would punch the son in the face repeatedly, only causing the child to scream louder. The father then would drop the baby back into the crib and leave the house to have a few more drinks at the bar down the street. These nights continued in a similar manner for a few more years, some nights being worse than others. At the age of six, Tiger Lily became a bit more aware of his unique situation, as he saw the difference in him from all of his classmates at school. When he would return from school, his father (who was still single) would proceed to perform dirty actions of an incestuous pederastic relationship by fondling his son and forcefully kissing him. Afterwards he would slap Tiger Lily around and give him chores to do, such as cleaning out the bathroom with an ammonia solution. Tiger Lily?s life never got much better for a few years. By the age of ten he was constantly being teased because he dressed like a girl. He wore make up, skirts, and tight shirts constantly. Gradually, he started to hang out on the streets with other homosexuals. His father disowned him when he turned eleven years old, and he was constantly on the streets at this time. Sometimes he would stay with his friends, and other nights would sleep in parked vans. He began to do heroine on a regular basis when he turned twelve. Finally Tiger Lily?s mother came back to her old apartment to retrieve her firstborn, but the father told her: ?I disowned that cocksucker, you damned whore!? She ignored his continued yelling and went to find her son on the streets. It didn?t take her too long to find him hanging out outside of a gay bar one night. ?Tigera, come with me. You have a home now,? she said to him. He did not know whom she was talking to, or whom she was. When she explained it to him, he believed and followed the angelic lady to a decent apartment. There he lived for a year, though his lifestyle did not improve by much. When Tiger Lily turned fourteen, he got a special birthday gift. His mother decided to take him to a new theme park on a distant island. It was called Neverland, and Tiger Lily was extremely excited to get away from the city. And so he went to Neverland, and he saw many great things, though his mother he never saw again. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]PERSONALITY:[/B][/COLOR] He is suprisingly kind, yet he is sometimes petty. A softspoken youth is he, and he prefers to listen rather than converse. He's not the type to approach someone he does not know, though he does like to meet new people if they approach him. He is a lover of fashion, and is very critical of the appearance of himself and his peers. The first thing you will notice about the way he carries himself is the feminine attitude about him. Some would consider him a female in a "male's" body. He sometimes has nervous breakdowns and can get very emotional. When angered he will yell foul phrases at anyone. Most people would be careful not to get on his bad side. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]VICES: [/B][/COLOR] Tiger Lily's one major weakness is a gorgeous guy. Gorgeous ladies he may be attracted to, but they do not have the effect that an angelic male does. He seems to go weak at the knees when he meets a beautiful guy, and he can think of naught to say. He also is afraid of liquor bottles, for reasons unbeknownst to him. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]USEFUL ITEMS:[/B] [/COLOR] His useful item is a chain, preferrably with a collar attached to it. He would use this to wear around his neck, and of course to beat/choke his enemy. He loves the silvery shine of new chains. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]APPEARANCE:[/B] [/COLOR] A young, feminine male with a flawless face. He shaves most of his body-hair (if a razor is present), and hates to be dirty. His hair is naturally black. He hates the sunlight and prefers his natural pale skintone. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/82d09f438a.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]All right, I am beginning a spriting group, and I need members obviously. What we will be doing is creating sprite comics, banners, avatars, and anything else that involves sprites. We will make many things from request or just for fun, but I also plan on having a comic series in which we use the talents of the group's members. We would have people to work on script, people to work on providing backgrounds, graphic effects, and of course people to compile the comics. The group will also discuss information on spriting such as advice or ideas. We still need to come up with a name for this group as well, so that's open for discussion. If you would like to join just post saying so and give mention of your talents or areas of interest as well. [/COLOR] P.S. If this thread does not belong in here, please move it. I wasn't sure where it belonged really. Thank you.
This comic was created by a younger sibling of mine that is interested in sprite comics. It is his first sprite comic. Do comment dearies.
Okay, I'll enter. [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/003/b/9/Miyavizm_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs10/300W/i/2006/138/7/b/Take_Your_Breath_Away__updated_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://tn3-2.deviantart.com/fs9/300W/i/2006/064/a/b/Heaven_by_liquidous.jpg[/IMG] Hope it's good enough : p
[IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/kuja.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Final Fantasy [B]Name:[/B] Final Fantasy IX: Kuja [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/zidane.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Final Fantasy [B]Name:[/B] Final Fantasy IX: Zidane [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/yuna.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Final Fantasy [B]Name:[/B] Final Fantasy X-2: Yuna [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/vivi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category: [/B] Final Fantasy [B]Name:[/B] Final Fantasy IX: Vivi [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/steiner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Final Fantasy [B]Name:[/B] Final Fantasy IX: Steiner [IMG]http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e389/xliquidousx/Sephirothavi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category: [/B] Final Fantasy [B]Name:[/B] Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth Odd, now they all appear their normal size. Weird o_O
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Well, I was planning on going to the National Thespian Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska next week. I won first in my state for costume renderings, and my school isn't going. So I had plans to go with a school that was going, and the teacher agreed finally to let me go. Now he's saying that I can't go because his principal (I guess from the school board) says I can't go because of liablilty reasons. It's really ridiculous. I'm trying now, with only a couple of days to do this, to do anything I can to get to go. I have no clue how to find out how to contact the board though or anything. And the teacher isn't exactly quick at replying to emails, and no phone numbers do I have. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? I'm so frustrated right now.[/COLOR][/SIZE]