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[QUOTE=sesshisgrl01]i'd like top join but im a little confused on what i need for the bio thing and other stuff better to just ask is there any limits to be up held?[/QUOTE] All you need is to describe what your person looks like, which side they're on their personality, and how they got where they are, the Mizukai or the Governments side, because those with powers which the government fears are either gathered among their forces or killed. So explain how they got on the side they're at, and where they stand in it. Any more questions just ask!
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Name: Teticoon Arsrin Age: 149 (24 in Human years) Species: Raa`shiq Timeline/Date: The species, though very technologically advanced, do not simply count in times of years, they associate date with great battles, or eras. Teticoon is from the Era Tetishuay, after the great battle distributing the land borders between the kingdoms, arien, and tarkin. Origin: Planet Zrito, of the Andromeda Galaxy, from the origin of triego sector Tiaiyidae. Special Talents: Teticoon is a legendary mercenary that often acts as a commanding officer in Wars. He is known for his great swordsmen ship, marksmanship, and commanding prestige. His race is ultimately stronger, faster, and smarter than humans, but one of Teticoon?s talents is that He speeds himself up, which some think he slows down time around himself, making everything around himself slower. His race is very adaptable, and can stay under water for up to two days at a time, and even glide in the air, though some have gathered the talent to fly, though seldom has anyone of late in this era. Weapons/Items: Teticoon?s father used to be a mercenary as well, and had a sword made especially for him. This was only because of Teticoons enthusiasm as being in the army like his brother. This was no ordinary sword. It is made of the strongest substance on their planet, Xircon, Which is about 10X stronger than Diamond. This sword is sharpened by a laser, to such a small increment, that small explosions occur where he slices through just about any known substance. Aside from being a sword, a special function allows the sword of glittering crystal to transform into gun transfixed all the way of the users arm, which draws on that users energy to shoot ?bullets? of energy if you will. Appearance: Teticoon is roughly six foot three, His skin is a sky blue, his eyes black, there are slits on the arms and legs, that have fins or wing like structures that allow him to glide, and/or swim. He is very muscular, yet lean, with sharp pointed ears, at about five inches length. There hands that can acquire flippers, have retractable claws, much like a cat. His nose is also a bit longer and more pointed like the ears, but aside from the rest, Raa?shiq are very much like humans, in the way they hold themselves, act, and look. Though Raa?shiq do not wear any clothing with no need to, with the exception of armor, Teticoon wears a black head bandanna around his head, with the two loose ends behind his head. Personality: Teticoon likes to be in charge, and does not take orders too greatly, unless given but a higher authority, or one that he sees as higher. He often tries to get with the ladies, and often succeeds, he is very charming and cunning, he has great wits about him, and many would say he is wise beyond his years. He likes to figure out puzzles, and prizes himself on figuring them out before others, whether it is a simple puzzle game, or the puzzles of life. Teticoon is very competitive, and always likes to be number one, but He also likes to make new friends. Teticoon never boasts, but as the saying goes, ?actions speak louder than words?, Teticoon always throws himself into perilous dangers, whether trying to show off, or to save others, which is what he most enjoys. Biography: When Teticoon was young, he spent his life living in the Shadows of his father, and Eldest brother. His father was a mercenary, and fabled, among all the peoples, while his brother was Commanding officer in the Tarkin Army. [I](On a side note, Mercenaries in the planet Zrito, are not necessarily soldiers for hire, Raa'shiq find this very distastful, mercenaries are a very esteemed group of people, that strive for the peoples good will, while not always following practical, and conventional methods. At times of need the Mercenaries are called in to give council, war advice, but rarely are they put into battle, unless they enjoy the matter, or it is visibly needed.) [/I] Everyone expected him to live up to their potential, so he spent all his spare hours practicing the sword skills. He then began working along side his father, and was widely accepted among many ranks and people. During battle, a small skirmish between the two major kingdoms, Arien, and Tarkin, fighting on the Tarkin side, His father was killed during a transporting ship crash*. The group of mercenaries his father had acquired then accepted him as their leader, and so did the world.[/SIZE] *Though his father was killed in transporting ship crash, The peoples of planet Zrito all decided it was best for the planet, and much more honorable, to fight in hand to hand combat, along with small arms such as pistols and rifles.[/COLOR]
Soon after the war between the human race, and the underworld, beasts that sprouted from the depths of what some would consider Hell, the race that rose to help the humans defeat their opposers, Humans with extraordinary powers that separated them from the masses, the government turned on them. Even though they just now showed them selves in the peoples time of need, the government saw them as a threat. Soon the government began giving an ultimatum, join the government and be a significant part of the army, or be eliminated. This showed just how much the humans feared the new race. Soon they began hiding along with humans, and following everyday life, but when the army learned of their being, they burned and ravaged the villages they belonged to. Then a rebellion started forming secretly, and slowly started picking up followers, some humans, but mainly the strange race. They began slowly but they picked up speed, and began to call themselves the Mizukai race, and the rebellion sparked into a roaring flame. You are taking a part of the rebellion or the army against, and only those who join the RP, can control how events will unfurl. Name: Age: (the Mizukai live well over a hundred years) Gender: Race: Human/Mizukai Alliances: Mizukai rebellion or the Government. Powers: Practically no limits, but no god mod, the powers the person has must all have a central theme. Weapons: No guns, all blades, or otherwise. History: needs to be in depth, like how they discovered powers, why they are where they are. Description/Picture: I need leaders of both sides, one master mind, the main overseer, and a general, that is personally involved with every attack, so PM me and I?ll let you know. The story starts out where The Mizukai, are planning to destroy a major power plant, that is the generator for the army, while the Army is planning to scourge the area where the Mizukai are hiding, which is in a major forest off the east side of the erinaun river of saldia.
[COLOR=Green]OOC: I have been Informed from Ariyanna, that anyone can find their seal anytime, but just not everyone at once. Oh, and sorry for the shortness, but I couldn't think of anything else to post XD.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Tarren Leaned against a tall Oak tree, the pan flute playing soft, sad melodies through his head, and all the while he observed everyone through the night time?s moon light. Everyone was drifting paying no attention to others. Some were just fiddling around with pieces of wood or with their fingers, or cleaning their weapons, Zihark was still intent in his book, and Kain looked like he was distantly troubled, but calm. All in all, they were a rough bunch, but they some how seemed to fit. Ciara was to his right, leaning against a tree, eyes shut, humming, but had a sense of tension, ready to be alert. And that left Reeve playing the pan flute, enjoying her tunes to express herself, slowly and chilly. I wonder if we should keep a watch, Tarren wondered, even though his sleep was very light and he awoke with not but a crack of a leaf. That fire will draw wondering eyes. It was coming dark into night, Tarren couldn?t tell but he thought a few were asleep, If not just dozing. He thought about sleep himself, sweet, sweet sleep. He swayed back and forth across the line of the dream world, and reality, and starting tipping toward the eternal darkness, when he heard a twig snap far off behind him to his right. Tarren bolted up right, his eyes shot open, He saw a few others ready, whether from the sound or from him jerking up. Even Zihark had his head out of the book. Tarren noticed the White Hawk was no longer with them, and Ciara turned toward him. "What was that?? she whispered. ?I think someone is watching us.? Tarren Replied. Cade had her weapon drawn, as did a few others. Another crack came, but this time from the opposite side, and then two more, at separate corners still. ?I think we?re about to have a busy night.? Tarren said. He picked up a four burning sticks from the fire, and threw them toward the sounds, and?..[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] ?Okay, let me rephrase myself, I find it improper, to fight someone in this group. The fact that you are a girl has nothing to do with it, considering I?ve got my ass whipped by a few.? He smirked. He stood up raining in his full height over Ciara?s. ?But if you insist.? He slipped out his Menacing looking blade, and all of the sudden, it split apart, dispensing a pole between two blades. He stared at his opponent, [I]she may be pretty, but I know from experience, they can be deadly. [/I] Tarren leaped up into a twisting flip landing in front of Ciara. Before he could say his next remark, Ciara held her weapon as a pole staff, and attacked Tarren, who just in time brought his up to parry the attack. She became relentless, attacking high, then trying for the off guard at the feet, then drifting the blade near his head, to pull back and stab at the midsection with Tarren jumping away. Ciara became frustrated, and swung blindly at his midsection. Terrin saw frustration as a weak moment, and jumped over, and behind her, and swung the pole section at her feet. She was caught off guard, and started to fall. On her way down she contorted her body to land in a spinning fashion on her back, swinging the pole at Tarren?s feet, and bringing him down upon her. He looked down at her and smiled, she smiled for a second and kicked him off of her, and Tarren adjusted himself in the air, and landed on his feet with the blade pole rapping around his arm and back. He started the attack this time spinning his blade rapidly so that every attack Ciara through at him got deflected, and nearly through her Glaive out of her hand. Ciara noticed an opening every few seconds between the spins. Just as it occurred again, she stuck her glaive in and stopped the attack, and kicked Tarren into a wall. She took his momentary time of weakness, and pinned him up against the wall, pole to his throat and one hand held behind it as well. ?I?ve got you where I want you.? Ciara said haughtily. ?Or do I have you, where I want you?? Tarren said, poking Ciara in the gut with a dagger. He smiled and laughed, she began laughing too. ?Was that enough of a spar?? He said. ?I suppose it?ll do.? They walked back over to the grove everyone was sitting carrying on conversations, Cade looked disgusted that she couldn?t be the one to have fun. They sat down in front of everyone. ?I didn?t think self help groups were supposed to fight amongst each other.? Terrin said jokingly. ?Kinda ruins the point doesn?t it.? He started laughing and a few others joined in.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Tarren cleared his throat, gesturing that he would go next. All eyes focused on him, he didn?t easily get nervous around people, but something about this group made him feel different. Again he cleared his throat. ?Yeah, as I said I?m Tarren Archxian. I was born in the mountains of Bauldrea. My parents had been some of the most elite warriors, ever. They had been body-guards for kings and queens, and had never incurred a loss. They decided to calm down, and have me. They moved to the mountains, and must have grown soft; a group of assassins killed them, and missed me. My father?s best friend had been warned if something like this happened to take me to his training grounds, as he was. The training ground is secret and I cannot speak a word of it its whereabouts. I was head of my group. I graduated with honors above that of even my parents. Soon after, I was given the special sword my fathers family has held for generations. I had a calling, and soon found out I was a guardian, and I?ve been searching for the others since.? [I]Jeez, this sounds like some sort of self help group, like for those people who just couldn't cut it at the training grounds.[/I] The others stared at him open mouthed. Tarren cleared his throat once more and looked down. The only thing that broke the silence was the white hawks screech, Tarren looked up and smiled. ?So, who?s turn next?? Everyone stopped staring and was waiting for whom next to begin. A large crash had occurred on the street opposite of them, half the group jumped up to their feet, Tarren among them, and all had their weapons drawn. They peered over, and saw that a fruit cart had gotten away from its owner, and smashed into a wall. As luck would have it, it was the same man that was harassing, Ciara earlier. The man looked over at the group and eyed Tarren and Ciara, but looked away from the group at disbelief of his cart. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] So, Tarren finally stared at the gates to the entrance to the port town, Makeda. He?d been journeying many miles, city through city. The last one was about one hundred miles away, he was glad to see civilization again, other than the occasional farm. He had been to many places, but this one took his breath away. He started off toward the ocean, that had always been his favorite treat when he was younger, going to the ocean, but he had a little time to spare, even guardians do. Tarren kept noticing no one would look at him, at least when he looked, he must?ve frightened them with his stone face. He couldn?t blame them, he was pretty tall, and training his entire life, making him more buff, probably didn?t help either. He continued on ward, then all of the sudden he saw a burly man from behind a fruit stand slap a woman and grab her hand. ?You filthy wretch, you were trying to steal from me!? ?I wasn?t.? She Said ?Don?t play games with me, I saw you? heh, now you?re gonna have to pay, and seeing as you don?t have money, I?ll find something better for you.? Tarren had seen and heard enough. He walked purposefully over to the man and women. ?Please sir, let the lady go.? The man looked Tarren up and down. ?And what are you gonna do about it, you filthy hoodlum.? His eye fell on the sword, ?For the life of me you don?t want any trouble.? He pulled his coat over to show a curved blade. ?No, you?re right I don?t want any trouble.? He pulled a money bag out of his coat, and pulled out three gold coins. ?Here take these for your troubles.? The man eyed the money greedily, but then turned, ?No. She has to pay, no other man is going to come over here and help her.? Tarrens Rage was getting the hold of him. ?Leave her alone or I will make you.? He had fire in his eyes, the man looked at him, then the blade, then his eyes, he shook his head. ?Fine, but if anything like this happens again, it?s your head and the others.? He mumbled angrily. Tarren Flipped the man the three coins. ?Are you alright?? ?Thank you for saving me, but I could?ve taken care of my self though.? ?I?m sure you could?ve.? He bowed, ?Hello my name is Tarren.? ?My name is Ciara.??[/COLOR]
RPG High treason obscurer: Truth forgotten [M-VSL]
Takamor`e replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed] Shadow, was coming out of the daze, as he saw Alex be dragged away in the net, Dakota driving his Motorcycle down the street. If he hadn?t been in such a daze he could have stopped Dakota in an instant; the most he could do at the moment was follow as best he could. He quickly jumped on top of the nearest building, running and jumping across buildings like a blur. He followed the motor cycle, through many twists, and curves, as if he knew shadow was following. He obviously knew nothing about Shadow, or would not have tried this. Finally Dakota stopped at a broken down house, but looked like it had enough left standing to keep unwanted intruders out, just not Shadow. Shadow leapt down from the building, his vision, and his abilities were coming back to him. He jumped up on to the fire escape of the other house next to the house Alex was in and peered inside the boarded up window, where a crack resided. Alex lay handcuffed around a pole, and the man Shadow knew nothing about sat in a chair just looking at her. ?What a creature. But hey, who woulda? guessed you were worth so much? Oh well, I have you and you?re not getting loose.? Alex has obviously been drugged, she was still out, even with her bumpy ride, she shoulda been up by now. All of the sudden Dakota stood up and dashed over to the boarded up window peering out where Shadow Wolf had been, but all he saw were shadows, and an empty fire escape. ?I guess it was nothing?? He went back over and sat back down in his chair, still staring at Alex. Dakota had been tired before he started this he never got a chance to rest, now was not the time either, but he kept drifting in and out, keeping a conscious ring around him, waiting for anything. Once again he closed his eyes, as he did, The floor beneath him smashed to bits, causing him to fall through, he landed right on his back, the wind knocked out of him. He saw, what seemed a creature of darkness towering over him, and then a swift punch in the gut sent him into dreams. Shadow, unsheathed his Diamond blade, and swiped the binds of the hand-cuffs off Alex, tossed her over his shoulders, and started off yet again toward Killian?s office. A few minutes later Dakota came to. He eyed what had used to be his unfaultable safe house. That guy won?t get away with this again! He swore to himself. He got up from the rubble, and walked out the door, and hopped on his motorcycle. And started following anything he could that could lead him to Alex, and that shadow spawn. At least I know what to expect next time. Alex started regaining consciousness by now, and she looked around. All she saw was building top after building top. She stood up and felt of her sore wrists. Out of the darkness came Shadow. ?Feeling better? Anyhow I don?t care, are you ready to go on your own, or do I need to carry you?? She looked at him menacingly, ?I?m fine, let?s go.? She said angrily. As, Shadow started to peer over the ledge of the building, a gun shot hit the corner of the building right where he was. Instinctively he jumped back. ?Stay here!? he said hoarsely, ?I got this one.? He pulled out his Diamond Sword, and jumped down the building, stuck the blade in the side of the building to slow his descent, and stood face to face with Dakota. ?What the hell do you think you?re doing?? Shadow spat. ?I have orders, and I want money.? ?Well, I have requests too and I?m going to fulfill them.? ?We?ll see about that demon.? He pulled out his gun and fired at Shadow. The bullet seemed to go right through him, then the after image disappeared. As soon as he saw that he dove forward, into a summersault, just when a slice of a shiny sword flew over his head. Again Dakota fired, but to Shadow it seemed like a life time for the bullet to reach him, he took his sword and swung it clean through the bullet, a small explosion occurring. He took advantage of the distraction and leaped to a bullet a pushed off flying toward Dakota, Dakota had moved, but he hadn?t noticed with the smoke. He saw where he was, but was out of blade range. The Diamond sword he held in his hand slowly melted and reformed into a powerful 50. cal pistol. Just as he did this Dakota fired, so Shadow aimed at the bullet, and they both ricocheted off of one another and fired into nearby buildings. Just as this happened, they saw a winged Alex Hurst fly over their head toward safety, or away from them ?Shit!? they swore in unison. When Dakota looked back down, Shadow was gone.[/COLOR] -
RPG High treason obscurer: Truth forgotten [M-VSL]
Takamor`e replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed]Addy, and Rain shot off toward the gun shot, sure that this was their target. The dashed the streets and took an alley way between two large buildings. A large metal link fence stood in their way, one swift jump up to the wall and a rebound off and they quickly cleared it. The finally found their way into a street corner, another lone vampire streaked past them screaming about some demon. They had guessed correctly. They rounded the corner the man had come from and stood face to face with Alex Hurst. ?Alex? what a disgrace to the vampires. I?m here to take you into custody, by force if necessary, dead as well?? ?I don?t think that?s going to happen, you?? ?What!?? Spat Addy, ?You think you?re some superior race that you can just tell us we won?t take you on, you got something?? Rain cut her off, ?she?s right? look at her, you can almost feel energy rolling off of her?? I?ve got to come up with a plan to take her down. ?I doubt we?ll get as much as a step on her?? during this time he was already reaching for his weapon he carried ?stealer?, but he was going too slowly for Addy, she had lurched up toward Alex. One swift moment from Alex?s right wing, knocked Addy clear in the head and lurched her right into a nearby building knocking her unconscious. ?Let?s go easy Alex?? he had just swiped out his stealer, slicing a cut right into Alex?s wings, short of her head, due to her quick jump back. ?Aaaahh, just go away, and leave me I don?t want to hurt anyone.? ?I can?t do that Alex; you are partnering with Were Wolves, and dangerous to anyone.? This time Alex struck first a fist blowing wind next to Rain?s head, he was fast but not fast enough to see the blow come at his gut. He flew across the street, but flipped backwards and deftly landed on his feet. He rushed in jumping to the right before anything had happened and pushed his feet off a nearby wall thrusting himself toward Alex. The Katana swept nothing but air, while a large foot slammed him in the back of the head propelling him to the same building as Addy was lying at. He slowly stood up, preparing for another bout, then fell over as well. Slowly out of the shadows of an ally, Shadow walked out purposefully. ?I don?t know why everyone wants you, and frankly I don?t care.? Shadow said menacingly. ?Now if you?ll be so kind as to come quietly, my orders are to bring you in for questioning, and I am not allowed to kill, but maybe an unfortunate accident my befall.? ?You?re not taking me any where.? Alex said coldly. ?Look, save us both a large deal of trouble and just come. I?ll make you a deal, from what I?ve heard you always take deals no matter whom. Personally, I don?t care what Killian wants with you, and I could care less about anything he has to do with. You come with me for questioning, and if anything happens, you?ll be outta there, no questions asked, I don?t mind going against Killian. There?s just something about you that is alluring? oh well, so what do you say?? Alex stared at him blankly, an all too trusting look. She scrutinized his being up and down. ?Anything goes wrong, and you?ll get me out of there? Just questions?? She questioned. ?Exactly, on my word.? He bowed a deep bow. ?Fine.? Thus another alliance was born between this, new breed, and a mercenary, who all but hated being tied down. They started down the street, staring at nothing but the street that lay ahead of them.[/COLOR] -
RPG High treason obscurer: Truth forgotten [M-VSL]
Takamor`e replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed] The lone vampire walked timidly into a broken down what seemed to be abandoned gas station. The area reeked of blood. Again for what seemed a hundred times, he looked at the back of the envelope, this was where he was sent. The directions read: Walk in State your business Give the message Walk out He began to do what he was told. ?I am here to deliver a message from General Joseph Killian.? He thought he saw a flicker from with in the shadows. He continued again, with less assurance in his voice, shaking, ?I am here to for?formally request a meeting between you and General Killian.? Again the flicker occurred in the shadows. Now he was completely frightened, ?He requests a special favor of you. If you accept, he says you know where his office is and try to be there as soon as possible.? As the messenger prepared to leave, from what seemed everywhere in the room, a voice sounded, ?He requests me? Fine I?ll be there at a price.? The messenger about fell over but from the wall behind him emerged from the shadows, Shadow, one of the greatest mercenary assassins. At a flash a sparkling sword swung right toward the messenger?s neck but stopping short of causing a fatal wound but enough to cause a trickle of blood to run down. The messenger urinated himself; he knew this mans reputation and didn?t want to be another anything on his list. ?Tell him I?ll be there.? Commanded Shadow in a raspy voice. ?ye?yes s..sir.? he said very shakily. He was flown from the building out into the street by what seemed a gust of wind. He turned toward the general?s office, and ran never turning back. * * * Shadow walked the halls of General Killian?s office. The guards spaced along the halls, all but froze in the chill Shadow swept with him. He strutted to the end and opened the door with no prior knocking involved. He swept in the room and sat down in the seat, the General still looking out a window. ?What is it my old friend?? Shadow asked. ?I know you?re a busy person so I?ll get to the point. I need the best for this favor, it pays a lot too. There has been a Vampire Alex Hurst, she is a blood traitor, she is known for biting another vampire, and killing another, she is creating alliances with were wolves, and she is presumed very dangerous. I need you?? ?To kill her yeah I know the drill.? Shadow cut in. He stood up preparing to leave? ?No, I need you to bring her in alive, we need to question her.? ?Where in the hell do I get off bringing in people alive?? ?This pays more than you?ll ever need, don?t ask questions.? Killian said gruffly, but still wearily. ?Fine, but if I do this, heh, I?ll make it interesting, I get your office.? Killian stared at him thinking. ?Fine.? He said as a dismissal. He handed Shadow a picture. ?Oh, Rain is already looking for her I hear, so if you find them then you should find her.? With those final words Shadow streaked out silent as death.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Tarren Archxian Age: 17 years old Height: 6?1? Weapon of Choice: His sword, stacked on his back, which has an ruby bottomed hilt, coming up into a medium-long sword blade with an etched out hollow point in the middle of the sword going the length of the sword, with red tracing around the empty spot. The sword splits apart into two swords, and comes together as one powerful sword. Depending on how he seperates the two swords, they can either com apart completely, or come a part with about a three foot pole connecting both of them with a little metal gripping point in the middle, so that he can swing his blades around in a wrath of fury, that is very hard to evade, he is very versitile with each way he tends to use his weapons makeing him that much harder to conquer. Secondary Weapon: He has many shruikens hidden among his sleeves and such, forged to the perfection, of balance. Powers: He can send Energy along the blades of his sword, and cause his blade to catch on fire, or be electrified with what seems lightning. He basically has a control over fire and lightning, to some extent. Also he can slow down time, and then at that point, move double the speed of everyone else, which helps him evade attacks, but this drains him more so than anything, unless he is angry. Background: was born in farmland in the mountains, severed from seemingly all contact. Nine months after his birth, assassins burst into his house and killed his parents. Soon after, an old friend came to visit his friends, and found them dead. He knew the parents past of being some of the greatest Warriors, and took the child to the training grounds of the parents, which he was instructed to do in the case they were killed. He spent his life training there, surpassing most of those around him, he became, arrogant, and opinionated, but not so that he wasn?t still charming. He soon inherited the sword he would have gotten from his parents when he was sixteen. After he graduated head of his class in the Elite-warrior training school, he left off on a quest to rid the world of wrong doers, like that of his parents? assassins. Appearance: Semi-tall, short, grey spiky hair, and with grey eyes. He has a gentle look on his face, and he always wears his blue headband signifying his warrior graduation. He wears a red tunic, with dark green, pants, similar to the ones Aladdin wore, and has a black cloak. He wears brown boots, made so that he can be stealthy, and agile. Along both of his arms he has a gauntlet, each are black, with a red outline, on his right, contains a red circular jewl over top his hand, and the other has a yellow. He uses these as shields, and a stronger punch more times than not. Sometimes these can be all he needs to give him the upper hand. Personality: He can sometimes be arrogant, and opinionated, but he always has a sense of righteousness, and tries to please those around him first and foremost, most of the time. Many times his temper gets the better of him, but that only makes him more skilled in everything he does, and only fuels his energy.[/COLOR]
Sign Up RPG: High treason obscurer: Truth forgotten [M-VSL]
Takamor`e replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
Name: Shadow Wolf Age: 113 years old appears about 18 or 19 years old Race: Vampire Gender: Male Weapons: He has a special Sword made entirely out of Diamond, sharpened by a laser, so that it cuts through practically anything, and causes small explosions when it splices atoms. Also it can transform to a powerful hand gun, and has as many bullets, of which Domon has to give up blood to use. He also haves a small dagger made like the sword, which he uses for assassinations (cutting throats, etc.). Special powers: He can move insanely fast, almost to the point where it?s teleportation, he can run up walls, and hang on ceilings, he can see in the dark, and he?s just strong like a regular vampire. He is very stealthy which had come from his job. young he already took interest in the killings of other beings. Shadow is very agile, and can do more than tubmblers can. Whenever he merges into a shadow, he all but disappears, he litterally is gone in the shadow, and as soon as he comes out, the person he is after, is dead. Description: Medium-tall guy and he wears a black leather trench coat, with black pants and shirt on. His sword hangs on his back, and his dagger in his black boot. He has white short spiky hair, with red eyes. He's fairly skinny and doesn't look built but first appearences aren't everything. Bio/character snippet: he used to be a top assassin for the old king, but soon broke apart from that and became a loner, only doing what he saw fit for himself. He doesn?t mess with humans too much, except to feed. He would rather have the world shared with all the humans and vampires though, it would be more prosperous, and better for him. Everything from his past was wiped away as soon as he became the elite assasin for this man, not many know him, and the ones that do usually are dead. -
The story is: eight people from different lands, time, and dimensions, and have somehow appeared into this parallel dimension. They arouse around a campsite, in the middle of a jungle, each staring wide eyed at the next. None know why they have come here, and none know how they are going to get out. Many are already plotting to destroy the rest, and others to make friends. This story is of hardships, romance, and Violence among friends. Who among them will survive what lay ahead? As soon as I have the eight characters for the story, I can give the opening sequence which will leave the story wide open for those characters to control. Name: Age: Gender: Race: Personality: Appearance: Weapons and abilities: Strengths: Weaknesses: Bio: And after all eight characters are signed up I will start off the story for every one to continue. You can?t post until two people have posted after your last post. If you are going to post, post ?Reserved? and the edit that post with your story. I will intervene at times to continue the story, and give major plot advancements. This story will end up being a fight for life, a search for a great treasure, and a way back where everyone must stay together, or kill one another. Anything can happen in this RPG, it's all up to how the characters play it.