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Everything posted by ladytanyata

  1. Hey all!! I'm female and my names Caroline but some people call me Caz. I'm 19 and I'm in my second year of uni at the minute. I come from Mewcastle Upon Tyne but my uni is in Carmarthen (little place in Wales). I'm studying Creative Writing and English with the hopes of becoming a published novelist one day. I love anime and manga and can draw it a little too. I prefer writing original stuff but I do write some fan fiction but not a lot. I belong to some rpg groups but not many. And I love playing computer games cause they're so addcitive!!
  2. Mother Nature can have snow back to. It's nasty and cold and just horrible.
  3. My weirdest was one I had a few years ago but I had it at least once a week for a year or so. I dreamt that my little sister had killed my friends with an axe and hung their bodies from a tree and when I approach the tree my sister's there with the bloody axe and the bodies are dangling from being tied to the branches. Then before she can kill me I wake up. I've stopped having it now which is really good for my head.
  4. For manga it would have to be Vampire Game. Just to stop Ishtar from getting herself in trouble. And for Darres of course. So hot! For anime, well thats a toughy. Either Vampire Princess Miyu or Witch Hunter Robin just for the magical abilites and the hunting things down. I wonder if that makes me weird???
  5. The hottest?? Hmmm....That's a tricky one. I'd have to say either Robin from [I]Witch Hunter Robin [/I] or Utena from [I]Revolutionary Girl Utena[/I] either way they are both hot, and both have different things going for them Robin is swet because she does not really know what is happening and her world gets turned upside down but she still manages to get through it all. And Utena is just so boyishly good. She protects her friends and tries to do the right things. Either way they both hot.
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