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Everything posted by tomieharley

  1. [QUOTE=dark kitsune]I'm wondering if any of you watch it. I just finished watching episode 7 and damned if it didn't make me cry.... So anybody into this particular anime as much as me? From what I've seen so far this anime is incredible. The character development, plot and artwork are great. If you haven't seen it yet...then get busy![/QUOTE] I started watching the series kind of late in its running, when things were wrapping up. And now that the Cartoon Network aired the final episode this past Saturday, I can't wait to see the movie! I hope it comes out soon here in America. If anyone knows the date, please PM me. For me, the very first episode I ever watched was the one with Nina, her dog, and her dad. I can't say anymore without spoiling it for someone I'm sure. Anyway, the episode completely surprised me because of...well, the episode was just plain sad and gruesome. It intrigued me and after that, I started watching more. And then I saw the episode titled "Warehouse 13" (I think), in which Mustang and company go searching for ghosts and a date for Jean Havoc. It's one of the funniest episodes in the history of anime, in my opinion, that can only be rivaled by the poetry episode in Peacemaker. I just love how the creators can combine so many genres into one anime, which gives you a little something of everything. It's a great mix. I never get bored watching it.
  2. In the beginning, I hated to watch subtitled animes because I couldn't stand how the voices sounded. They just seemed to hurt my ears. But after awhile, I got use to the voices and it didn't bother me so much anymore. HOWEVER, some animes I can only watch in subtitled form and some animes I prefer to watch in English because they just sound better to me. I mean, take Fruits Basket for example. I think I lasted two maybe three seconds in the English format before I quickly switched to subtitles. It was just awful!!! None of the voices seemed to match their character at all! I also agree with those of you who have favorite English voice actors like David Kaye (Sesshomaru) and Crispen Freeman (Cougar, Amon, and Alucard). I can't imagine listening to these characters in Japanese. It would probably change how I like the characters and make them less appealing without the sexy voices.
  3. So to post here, I found that it has to be a really really general topic. So here I go for the second time! What I really want to know is which two anime characters in an anime series would make or does make the best couple? And why? 1. Sailor Moon/Prince Diamond. Although I haven't watched Sailor Moon in years, I remember how much I hated Darian. He just seemed like such an *** at times like when he tried to protect Serena by breaking up with her without any reason because he thought she would be hurt if she stayed with him. Plus, they didn't seem to have anything in common with each other, except both could transform into super heroes. I was cheering for Prince Diamond. Granted, he was a bad guy in the beginning. But he had good qualities. For one, he was sexier. He also acted more loving and affectionate towards Serena, and he gave his life to protect her. And Darian wasn't squeaky clean either. I mean, where did he get the money to afford his cool, huge apartment and that fancy sports car if he was an orphan and a working two jobs? Drug dealer? Male escort? Pimp? 2. Kagome/Inuyasha or Kagome/Kouga? I'm sure someone will mention these pairings, so I'll hold my tongue till then. 3. I'll say it again and again: Cougar and Mimori! She loves Ryuhou and well, Ryuhou loves...well, who knows?! I think they compliment each other well. Both are smart in their own way. Cougar can always be found reading a book, and Mimori is a child genius that completed grad school by the age of 17. And Cougar can find whatever information he needs on anything and anyone and is always willing to share it with her when she can't find it on her own. Also, he is probably the most laid back member of HOLY and would be a perfect choice to help Mimori loosen up and have some fun. I think he's completely hilarious and can't help but smile when he's in an episode. And although I can go on and on, I'll just end it here with the most important reason: he never forces his affections on her, nor does he try to use underhanded means to manipulate her affections for Ryuhou. He's willing to accept only her friendship and is still willing to help her when she needs it no matter how big the sacrifice, though he gains nothing for doing it. He's an honorable man.
  4. This is my first post and hopefully, I won't screw it up too much. Anyway, my birthday is coming up soon and I decided to buy myself the final two dvds in the Samurai Champloo series. So basically, I have a few questions for everyone who's seen it: 1. How did you like it overall? 2. What do you wish had been added in? For example, more fights, a love scene, a pie eating contest, etc... 3. Do you think this ending was better than Cowboy Bebop's? 4. If anything, what did you not like about the ending? 5. [spoiler]Who do you think would have won if the swords hadn't broke: Mugen or Jin or nobody?[/spoiler] Who was a better hero: Mugen or Spike? Or rather, who do you like better? 7. [Spoiler]Why do you think none of our heroes died? Was this a good thing or a bad thing?[/spoiler] 8. To you, what was the main theme of the series or point the series made? For instance, to me, the story ultimately ended up being about friendship than just revenge, considering how much killing has gone on in the series. All three of our heroes were alone and nursing some personal wound from a past event. But as their journey came to an end, they were each changed and no longer clinging onto the past. [Spoiler]Fuu finds out her father did not abandon her, and Jin no longer has to carry the guilt of killing his master or figure out why he's here in this world.[/spoiler] This never would have happened if they hadn't gone on this journey and been together. You can answer all the questions you like but at least answer more than one if possible. Don't forget to warn about spoilers. I really liked the ending personally. The meeting between [spoiler]Fuu and her father[/spoiler] was kind of a let down though. Once the ball gets rolling on this topic, I'll throw myself on in here more.
  5. Name: As much as I would like to give my real name, with my luck, someone here probably knows me and will turn my journal into police evidence. So all I can give you is my username: tomieharley. It's a blend of one of my favorite horror movies and comic book heroines. Where I Live: I will tell you that I have lived all my life in one of the most boring states ever, known as North Carolina. I hope to leave someday and move away. Very far away! I would love to travel, especially to Japan and Egypt. I'm actually planning a trip right now for the summer. I had to cancel the current one due to illness. School/Work: I have graduated from high school and college with two degrees in English and Psychology. Right now, I'm trying to figure out what my next step is and am working as a receptionist at a veterinary hospital. Birthday: February 18th, 1981 (24). Hobbies/Interest: Well of course, I like to watch anime and read mangas. My taste varies from genre to genre. Recently, I just bought Host Club, Absolute Boyfriend, and Crimson Hero to read. I just finished reading Fruits Basket volume 12 and Naruto volume seven. As for anime, I finished the series Samurai Champloo and decided to try out two new anime series: Ghost in the Shell and Burst Angel. I also like to hang out with my friends, shop , listen to music, read, and write original fics and fanfiction (when I catch my muse). As for why I am here, well, I guess I wanted to find people who I can talk about my interests with and not feel like such a geek. I am also very shy and it's hard to meet people, especially with my work schedule. I really like learning about other people. Right now, it's sort of working, but I'm finding people seem to be more interested in signing guestbooks than actually making friends. I feel sorry for them.
  6. For a manga: I think I'm most like Sunako from Wallflower. We both: 1. like horror movies 2. would kill anyone who hurt our friends 3. love our rooms and enjoy our privacy A LOT! 4. don't know how to act when our crushes are near 5. not easily scared six. have low self confidence at times 7. do martial arts 8. like to wear comfortable clothes but will occasionally dress up when a situation calls for it I also like her because of the aura of doom/danger (complete with dark clouds and sudden wind) she can create when someone pisses her off. I wish I could do that! For animes, I have two main choices on who I would love to be. 1. The Major from Ghost in the Shell. I am now just getting into the series. I saw the first movie a few days ago and really enjoyed it. I think the things I like about her the most are: her robotic body that allows her to do stuff tha t ordinary people can't do like rip tanks apart and jump from great heights and survive, her courage, the loyalty from her friends/coworkers she gets, and her dual nature (human and machine) that she's trying to sort out. 2. Robin from Witch Hunter Robin. SHE CAN SET THINGS ON FIRE! She also has a total hottie for a partner and some really cool and loyal friends like the computer hacker Michael.
  7. The very first images I ever saw of Naruto were in an AMV at an anime convention I went to in Virginia. I knew I was watching something special and couldn't wait to see it aired on the Cartoon Network. Sure enough, I wasn't disappointed! The part that hooked me for life was when Iruka, Naruto's teacher, jumps on top of him to protect him from a giant flying ninja star thrown by the traitor Mizuka. It was such a touching moment that I almost cried. I knew it could only get better from there. I can't wait for the Chunin exams to start. I've already seen some downloaded episodes and all I can say is, "Bad Neji!"
  8. Argh! Too many guys to choose from but I'll try to narrow it down to the top 3: 1. Lord Sesshomaru. :luv: First of all, he's gorgeous! Duh! I want to get close enough just to feel that furry white thing that looks like a tail but no one really knows for sure if it is or not. I also have an obsession with guys that have blonde or silver hair like Zechs from Gundam Wing or Kakashi from Naruto. Second, his attitude appeals to me as well. He doesn't let the fact that he only has one arm slow him down or discourage him from fighting a powerful demon like Naruku. But then again, he's probably the most powerful demon of them all because no one can defeat him. Naruku has only survived thus far because he went into hiding and has used Rin as a decoy to escape one time. He also doesn't like to show any emotion, but when he does (like in the third movie), it completely blows me away because I'm not use to seeing him show any hint of emotion though his behavior/actions betray him at times. Rin is probably the best example. His treatment of Rin (the way he saves her and allows her to travel with him) and his attitude towards Inuyasha when it comes to helping and loving humans makes for an interesting contradiction. I love complex men! 2. Straight Cougar from SCryed. If you've read my fanfiction, then you probably won't be surprised by this choice. What can I say. This man sacrificed his life for the woman he loves though he knew she would never choose him over that stupid Ryuhou. Plus, I can't help but wonder how I would react if he pulled a similar stunt on me like he did on Mimoir in episode 2 on the cliff. :animeangr I probably kick him in the balls! Sorry, Cougar! 3. Kakashi from Naruto. Reminds me of my last boyfriend. I definitely fall for guys who don't like to show emotions and like to act all badass and strong. Unfortunately, like my ex, Kakashi is a total perv and doesn't like to be in a relationship for too long. It would be a hard relationship, but it would be worth the trouble if I can find out what he looks like without the mask. :animeblus
  9. It started over a year ago when I first got into reading mangas. I found one, called Under the Glass Moon, in the box office (I was working at a movie theater at the time) and since I had nothing else better to do, I read it during my shift. This series unfortunately never got finished or is no longer available in America as far as I know, because only two volumes have come out since then which sucks. I really don't know how to describe the plot of the series except its characters are heavily gothic looking and magicians live among normal people in that universe. It also has some yaoi (I think that's correct term for boy and boy coupling) themes going on in it. Anyway, I found out it belonged to one of my coworkers who was seriously into manga and loaned me several others, including Mars, Paradise Kiss, Marmalade Boy, and Kodocha. Paradise Kiss drew me in because I found myself relating to the main character's problems with guys, parents, and the infinite question 'why are we here?', and Mars because of the artwork and plot. After that, I've been hooked ever since, not to mention seriously broke at the end of every month. :animecry:
  10. Is hard to put into words. We all have our own reasons for liking anime just as we all have our own favorite anime. Anime has come in and out of my life as I've grown up. I think what finally got me hooked again and turned me into a real hardcore anime junkie was the movie Spirited Away. When I saw it in the theater, I was completely blown away. Never in my life had I ever seen a more beautiful work of art. I think I was actually moved to tears, to be truthful. To me, there have been very few things that I can say in all honesty are truly beautiful as well as inspiring. It fueled my interest in writing and art again because of the way that movie brought different elements together like music, art, and writing to blend and mold into one awesome movie. (I hope that makes some sense.) I wanted to be able to touch another person on so many levels(hopefully more than one person though) like that movie touched me. So I guess you can say, I like the emotions and feelings and ideas anime can arouse in a person. Which I don't think anybody has mentioned yet. To put more simply, the messages these animes send out to their viewers can be good lessons to be applied in our daily lives, not to mention good sources of encouragement for females young and old. There's tons of animes starring strong, cool female heroines. In American cinema, women rarely have taken the lead as a strong hero except in the horror genre, as I once found out. And if you research this, you'll find that the plots of some of the most famous horror movies were taken from traditional fairy tales and myths, the very same sources for a lot of anime. Which brings me to my second reason for why I watch anime. There's so much of it! They are so many different genres of anime that anyone can surely find one that he or she will enjoy.
  11. First let me say to Anime Elf, "AMEN!" :beer: If there was one anime I could change the ending of, it would be SCryed. I'm still trying to figure out why Ryuhou and Kazuma are still fighting each other at the end. I mean, what's the point? At least show us whose arm that is, for freakin' sakes! I want to know who won and who hopefully got his butt kicked! Plus, it would have been nice for Mimori to come to her senses and end up with Cougar. :animesigh And I'm not surprised that several people have mentioned the movies X and Escaflowne. I guess I'm not the only one who likes happy romantic endings. Or for at least some survivors, in the case of X. However, I am surprised no one has mentioned Cowboy Bebop. Don't get me wrong. I loved the ending, though sad and ambiguous (though I've come to my own conclusion), especially because I love the character of Vicious and I love how Spike kicks serious butt in to the Syndicate's Headquarters. I'm just surprised no one mentioned it, that's all. Overall, I think a lot of anime I have watched over the years have never ended the way I've wanted them too and at one time, I became so disgusted/outraged, that I even stopped watching anime altogether for over a year. Thank you very much, Prince Darian (Sailor Moon). Yet, I came back for more every time. I guess it's because I finally came to the some of the same conclusions as Haru Sakurai did. First, there aren't always quick happy endings. It takes time to reach that perfect moment. This is probably why I am one of the few people to have enjoyed the Escaflowne movie. Though Van and our heroine didn't stay together, we're left with the hope that someday they will be reunited and that we can be happy for Hitome for finding someone to care about her and to give her a reason to keep on living. I know, I know. Hopeless romantic. Second, the ending isn't always as important as the journey leading up to the ending. Third, there unfortunately aren't always happy endings. Let's pray Fruits Basket doesn't end up in this category. Fourth, we'll never have all our questions answered in the end. Which is probably a good thing. What would we write about if we had no questions or were left completely satisfied at the end of a series or movie?
  12. :animecry: Rumor has it that TokyoPop has cancelled the series Immortal Rain or rather, will no longer be printing it here in the United States. Has anyone heard this rumor? Is so, please let me know either here or PM me. I really want to find out what's happening with the series. I mean, is this another Under the Glass Moon or I.N.V.U, in which only two or three volumes come out, and then NOTHING, or is there a way to get it in Japanese somewhere online?
  13. Right now, I'm in the middle of a slow manga month. I just bought the latest Fruits Basket (volume 12) and Wallflower six. I'm also getting really into The Host Club, a manga about a poor girl who dresses like a guy to pay off a huge debt to her school's host club run by hot guys. Why this manga really appealed to me was because the twins the series remind me of Fred and George from Harry Potter. In book two, they have their first fight and start pranking each other, including using voodoo dolls. I couldn't stop laughing! I don't expect anything new (for me) to come out till close to April. This will be really good for my wallet!!! However, there may yet be hope for the months inbetween! I still haven't heard when Naruto (vol. 9), Her Majesty's Dog (vol. 2), or Dramacon (vol. 2) are going to come out yet. I can't wait! I've gotten so desperate that at work, I've been secretly downloading scans from the upcoming Naruto manga. There only two problems to doing this: first, I can't print it out because I don't know how to resize it to fit the page when printing (it probably has to do with the program it opens in) and second, I'm at work so if I get caught, I'm screwed! And in case you're wondering why I don't download them at home, is because my computer really sucks! Has anybody seen Wolf's Rain, the whole series? Overall, did you like it or hate it? And why? PM because I've been thinking about getting the series. As for anime, I'm looking forward to SCryed reruns on the Cartoon Network and new episodes of Samurai Champloo and Naruto to be aired as well. In February, I'll be allowed to buy anime again (I put myself on a monthly budget), and I already know what I'm going to buy: the final DVD for Samurai Champloo and Samurai 7 (volumes 2 and 3). Why buy the final Samurai Champloo DVD before I've seen all the episodes? Because I want to know if there's a happy ending or if it's a Cowboy Bebop ending, damn it! I hope Fuu and Mugen hook up. Or at least live! Has anyone seen the series Wolf's Rain? I've been thinking about getting the series but I'm not sure because of the last episodes I saw. PM me because I would like to get people's opinions on the show.
  14. :animeswea Okay, here I go: 1. 8 Man After 2. Vampire Hunter D 3. Night Stalker Detective (I think that's the whole title) 4. Sailor Moon, including all the movies 5. Akira Revolutionary Girl Utena 7. Ronin Warriors 8. Demon City Shinjuku 9. Project Ako 10. Tenchi (the series and first movie) 11. Wraith of the Ninja 12. Bastard! 13. Super Gals! 14. Ninja Scroll 15. Jubei Please Save My Earth 17. Pet Shop of Horrors 18. Night Shift Nurses (yep, a porn. my last one definitely!) 19. Ruouni Kenshin 20. Knight Hunters 21. Spirited Away 22. Realbout High School 23. YuYu Hakusho (series and movie) 24. Inuyasha plus first three movies 25. Naruto Virgin Touch (yep, another porn) 27. SCryed 28. Samurai Champloo 29. Cowboy Bebop 30. Case Closed 31. Rave Master 32. Ghost in the Shell (SAC) 33. Neon Evano...(I'm not even going to try to spell) 34. Outlaw Star 35. Big O (a favorite of my ex which makes it one of my least favorites especially since they never finished the series. bastards!) Escaflowne (most of the series and the movie) 37. Gilgamesh 38. Vampire Mosquiton 39. Blue Gender 40. Blue Seed 41. Witch Hunter Robin 42. Wicked City 43. Venus Wars 44. Samurai X (both movies) 45. Bubblegum Crisis (the new one) Perfect Blue 47. Marmalade Boy 48. Last Exhile 49. Full Metal Alchemist 50. Lupin 3rd 51. IGPX 52. FForce (another porn that has scarred me for life) 53. Wolf's Rain 54. Darkstalkers 55. Spiral Sorcerer Hunters 57. Fatal Fury 2 58. Ranma 1/2 59. Dragon Ball Z Read or Die (both movie and series though the movie kicked total butt) Gundam Wing (the one with Zechs in it. Total hottie!) Trigun Hellsing Hoop Dreams (I think that's the title. I saw it at a convention.) X Sin City (not the one with Bruce Willis) Animatrix There was also an anime on the Cartoon Network about these androids who were once real people. Does anybody know the name of that show? Cardcaptor Sakura 70. Slayers! 71. Fruits Basket 72. Starship Nadesco 73. Paranoia Agent I know there are more, but I just can't remember them all. It hurts my head!!! And I'm always taking suggestions for new anime to watch.
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