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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. I remember everyday in fifth grade we used to get this retarded kid to lick salt off the cafeteria tables. Me and my aquaintance tripped my teacher every wednesday after she gave him an F. In sixth grade, I kicked Gouf (he called me a name) and his g/f and all of his friends came after me and started a giant brawl inside the class room. In eighth grade, we dumped all the midgets in our team into one of the giant cafeteria trash cans, then pushed them down the eighth grade hall. I'm going to get Gouf over here, he has some really funny stories about his school.
  2. [size=1]Thank you, I probably should re-start too.[/size]
  3. I have always enjoye when Zidane and Blank were kidnapping Garnet and Zidane started complaining about the smells and the cookie crumbs in his pockets. This isn't really a quote, but I like the part in FF5 where Bartz and Galuf look into the pirate (I don't remember her name) and fall in a funny love trance.
  4. [size=1]It's the same thing, but the Gym Leaders are missing and all the cards are different, they are entirely different sets.[/size]
  5. [size=1]I have 2 complete sets of a Japaneese V.S. set. Does anyone know if/when this will be released in America?[/size]
  6. [size=1][i]They heard an odd noise, someone laughing. They turned and saw Axel, sitting down by a tree a few yards away.[/i] Axel: Ha ha! So you're the rest of them! Ravwrin: Who are you and why are you here? [i]Axel stands and walks towards the group[/i] Axel: I am Axel, and I died a month ago. Ravwrin: What? You're dead? Axel: I'm not acctually sure, but-- Ravwrin: --Do you know what this place is? Axel: Nope. Sorry, I didn't catch your name...? Ravwrin: Oh, I'm sorry! I am Ravwrin, this is Tom, that's Corey in the dirt, that's Starr, and that's Sasuska over there. Axel: Heh, nice team...[/size]
  7. [size=1]Name: Axel Nessron Age: 14 Gender: Male Weapon: Cutlass Bio: He was a good child for most of his life. Hardly ever done any wrong. His parents were the bad ones, not him. They struck his mind, body and emotions, scarring him forever in more ways than one. His house was always a mess, his parents fought all the time, breaking things and throwing things... This was normal life, everyday. Then one day, the dam burst... He took his dad's revolver and shot his parents. He took the cutlass hanging on the wall and was about to kill himself. There was no reason to go on living, he disappeared without a trace... Appearence (in the other world): Taller than a 14 year old should be. He wears a black tank top, blue gloves, blue windbreaker pants, black boots, and black hair.[/size]
  8. [size=1][b]Hero Name:[/b] Axel Nessron [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Codename:[/b] Silent Inferno [b]Team:[/b] Strikers [b]Position:[/b] Advisor and General member, looked up to by many. [b]Weapons:[/b] Two Magmums, Sniper Rifle, Torso and Leg Misslile Pods [b]Bio:[/b] Former cop, former criminal, knows a lot about what goes on behind the scenes of crimes. Has failed to capture his younger brother, Sidney, several times, each mistake almost costing him his life. He was after a bounty in Raidach47 when the magnetic storm hit the colonies around Jupiter. He was the perfect distance away to see all the colonies crunch together and burn on their way down to Jupiter. He hear about his brother's death in JupiterView1, he quit the U.B.H.A. He became a mercenary, wrecking lives and twistng fates to put his own food on the table. In 00003, he accepted a job to kill someone's ex-girl. He couldn't kill her, something was just strangely warm about her. He began working for her friends organization, which she later inherited. Her name was Kris Dawn. The U.B.H.A.'s greatest hunter was back in business... [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. [b]Nemesis Name:[/b] Sidney Nessron [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Codename:[/b] None [b]Team:[/b] New Struggle [b]Position:[/b] Leader and Pilot [b]Ship:[/b] StarHawk G-99 [b]Weapons:[/b] Large Chain with Spikes and a Claw end and a Scythe end, Shotgun, 2 Magmums [b]Bio:[/b] He had his cohorts spread stories about his death. He is still alive, building the New Struggle organization. He was lost as a little one and grew up in a very dark part of Saruda99. He grew to be the best S.T.R.U.G.G.L.E. member until the headquarters hit Jupiter. [b]Appearance:[/b] Looks exactly like Axel, but the tattoo is under the other eye.[/size]
  9. [size=1]If you have any interest so far, check out the story to the first version for a better grip of the story. [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10806[/url][/size] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=1]Our story continues the quest of Axel throughout a new era. Here is what's currently going down: The year is now 0003AS (After Storm) This may require an explanation, as an important event took place between this story and the last... A magnetic storm struck in the middle of a cluster of colonies, marking the last AD day at March, 19, 4987. All the colonies crashed in the area around Jupiter. Humanity had to start over. They quickly rebounded though, as some of the colonies were undamaged. Another new thing: Project Earth... The plan that commenced a year ago to salvage parts from the fallen colonies and making a "super colony." This issue is constantly bashed by the press, but is still running smoothly. The project is to be completed by 0019. -S.T.R.U.G.G.L.E. HQ was destroyed in the first wave of the storm. -U.B.H.A. survived, but so many members died that they disbanded. Seperate, new groups surfaced, rising in society until they became higher than the law. -There are good hunters and bad hunters, and they generally hunt eachother. -Most of the action will take place in three colonies: SoulGate9826, Raidach2, and JupiterView9. [/size] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=1]Notes for joining: [u]Hero[/u] Name: Age: Codename: Team: Requested place in team: Leader(Pilot can be included), Pilot, generics... Weapons: (Limited to 5, keep things generic) Bio: Appearance: ------------------------- [u]Nemesis[/u] Name: Age: Codename: Requested Team: Requested place in team: Leader(Pilot can be included), Pilot, generics... Weapons: (Limited to 5, keep things generic) Bio: Appearance: Yes, you play as 2 (two) people, good and evil, right and wrong--or maybe they're just two lost sides of their own causes. Your application may be refused by your leader, but ultimately, it's my descision. If I don't refuse you and your requested leader does, you may be taken in by an allied (same side) team. [b]Sign Up for leader: Extra's-Team Name, Ship name, and ONLY ONE CHARACTER!!![/b] [/size] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=1]The Money Issue: You start with 50,000 Credits A head is worth about 5000C It takes 10000C to trade a weapon with a different one. It takes 100000C to add a weapon to your list of weapons. 1000C would go to re-fueling your ship. 500C for ammo (it is best to use a specialized weapon for a mission, all used guns empty at the end of a mission) You can also switch teams, even sides, by paying the leader of the team.(If you are a leader, this is impossible unless all your teammates are non-active, or "traitors.")[/size] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=1]Last notes: During sign-up, if there aren't enough people on a team, I will ask the team to combine with another. A team should consist of roughly 5 people. RPG starts on the 20th. Any questions-PM me Any extra notes will be posted below this line in a different color.[/size] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=red][size=1]Based on what my friends have said to me, I made this too confusing, here is the low-down. Teams: A group of persons consisting of at least a leader. They should consist of five people. These teams will fight eachother, they can be announced to fight a rival team on the same side as well. Leader: In charge of a team. The leader makes the team and owns the team. What he/she says goes. If you are a leader, you can only play as that character, you only get one. You also need a few extra things in your sign-up that are listed in bold. Teammate: One who is in a team. Most players will fall under this category. Other than that, come on! Join![/color][/size]
  10. A= "Good Job!" B= "You could do better" C= 1 day grounded D= 1 week grounded F= 1 month grounded (severe-no tv, games, computer, music, friends, must study for an hour each day in the class I failed, not allowed to sit on couches, cannot eat unless permission is granted)
  11. By writing, do you mean story creation?
  12. Question, now that the game is out: Does the game follow the anime?
  13. Anubis: Green/White? Make a Slide deck. I'll help you start: 3-Astral Slide 4-Planar Guide 3-Exalted Angel 3-Renewed Faith 4-Sunfire Balm 3-Words of Worship 2-Krosan Cloudscraper 2-Krosan Colossus 4-Krosan Tusker 4-Primal Boost 3-Words of Wilding 2-City of Brass 4-Nantuko Monastery 4-Secluded Steppe 4-Tranquil Thicket 6-Plains 5-Forest If you have seen a Slide deck, you sould know how to play it. Basically, you cycle cards to morph up large creatures by means of Astral Slide. Astral Slide pulls a creature out of play for a turn and lets you flip it up according to the rules. There are two other enchantments: the Words, when you cycle, you draw. What the words do, they let you do something else instead of drawing a card. This makes up a fomidable deck with some Krosan beasts. Expanding: Add Red cards like Lightning Rift and Starstorm.
  14. James, there is an anime about it. I heard about it last year in Animerica. I don't know anything about it, but it is coming to U.S. really soon. Also, I think that ZOE: The Second Runner is based on the anime, I remember seeing Dingo before.
  15. Axel--Ignition

    MTV Punk'd

    My favorite has to be the one with the locksmiths. (Yhatzee?) I'm beginning to think that they show it too much, there's a marathon every Sunday apparently.
  16. I dismantled the Red-Green a few days ago, it had too many defects. As for the mono-control as I call it, is still in play. Basically, it uses many powerful cards that only work with an all black deck- Cabal Coffers, Riptide Replicator, Nightmare, Corrupt, Mutilate. There's also some fast threats, Grinning Demon, Hollow Specter, and Drinker of sorrow. I discard hands and destroy lands and creatures in an all out lockdown. (Sorry about how long it took me to reply.)
  17. [size=1][b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] I'd have to agree with everyone else and say a personal text style. [b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Magic: The Gathering [b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com?[/b] It doesn't affect me, sure! [b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] Not sure. I guess so. [b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? [/b] It doesn't affect me, I guess so. [b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] The younger kids get annoying in RPGs, but I think you do a great job. [b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b] You tempt me to own one... [b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b] I like things that load fast, so I don't have to spend a minute trying to post. I guess I'd perfer lower quality ones. [b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works?[/b] It doesn't matter to me, I'd be content with basic "stripes." [b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] I don't have those problems. [b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? [/b] I don't care either way for them, I guess so.[/size]
  18. That is what I mean by Type II, acctually, it's the two newest blocks and the newest edition. Right now, sets you can use are Odyssey, Torment, Judgement, Onslaught, Legions, (Scourge), and 7th Edition.
  19. If anyone has apprentice, or even AIM, I'll battle you, My AIM is DoomGaze10825. I play a mono black and a red/green beatdown, both are Type II Also, some unofficial tournament acctually let you play with 40 cards.
  20. I have enjoyed the game for the first two weeks I had it. I thought it was the best game ever. This game [i]does[/i] have its faults, most have been mentioned: Over-repetative gameplay The monsters are too varied strengthwise in a dungeon (ie: ridiculously weak monsters paired with impossible ones) Choppy, yet decent graphics Same music over and over in each dungeon Piros having that stupid tune when you play with him The only grunty you ever seem to get is a Noble Grunty Yes, I pretty much killed the game right there, but don't get me wrong, it's a very good game if you don't mind going from dungeon to dungeon, like FF with all the good parts cut out.
  21. Get another "demand" for me! I've played MTG since eight years ago. I haven't been here since February (I got grounded) and I'll be sure to check out the thread on it. If this is any indication to it's popularity, there is an anime in the making, it'll be out next year.
  22. [size=1][i]Axel looked behind him, at Starr and the various creatures she appeared to be guarding.[/i] Axel: Starr! Starr: Y-yes? Axel: Unleash any monsters that look like they can take something out! Starr: *nods* Sure! [i]She follows Axel's orders, she looks at them all, unleashes the phoenix, the rhino, and all the dragons.[/i] Axel: Good-- [i]He jerks his head towards the stairs again. He saw a flash of flesh, then an arm, then the head...[/i][/size]
  23. (A digital camera? ...and I used an old-fashoned dynasty rifle to shoot the dragon down...) [size=1]Axel: I'm liking this silver dragon! Ravin: I like the gold one! Starr: I like ALL of them!!! [i]Axel looked back, Ryowa was right, danger WAS near... He walked over to the stairs, peered down them. He saw a light, it looked like it came from a fire. He drew his sword, the sound it made when it scraped slowly against it's scabbard alerted the others. Everything got quiet. The stairway grew dark again...[/i][/size]
  24. My school doesn't block anything, but they have monitors inside a small room that people watch. They see you on something and you get detention.
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