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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. [i]As they followed him deeper into the corridor, They found Ryowa crawling torward them. He had a strange look about him.[/i] Axel: Woah! What happened to you?! Did I miss something? Ravin: You nearly killed him. Axel: !!! Ryo: Help me up. [i]Axel and Ravin each took an arm and pulled him up. They both felt a sharp pain as everything swirled into darkness...[/i]
  2. Axel: No... not gonna work...this... time! [b]Raagh![/b] [i]The dragon was cast out of his body, the dragon decided to stay in his form, he had a few things in mind...[/i]
  3. Ryowa: Ravin! Run! [i]He was caught in mid-breath as he fell to the ground... motionless... Ravin began to run, Axel following close behind...[/i] Axel: [color=darkblue]Pitiful mortals... [b]Is running all you can do?![/b][/color] Ravin: Heh, that's about the size of it. [i]The dragon infesting Axel had a plan, he let him go, trapping them both inside a narrow room, they had nowhere to go. But then...[/i]
  4. My sn is Cloudstrife00009 I may have already said that, I don't know.
  5. Ryo: Ax, what happened to you?! Axel: [color=darkblue]Heheheh[/color] [i]Axel lunges at Ryowa, ready to slice him into dust, when suddenly...[/i]
  6. Kiro: ... This isn't Greek. [i]The earth was still shaking, Ravin began to hear music.[/i] Ravin: ??? What's that music? Ryo: !!! Not you too! [i]Suddenly the floor crumbled underneath them... They fell on top of a bridge, red carpet covered it. They could see the orb, all the way down the bridge in a small room. Ryo could hear a voice...[/i] Ominus Voice: ... You found my secret lair, you deserve my orb. [i]As if on cue, Ravin fell to the floor clenching her head, Ryo ran torward her... ...Once he got in arm's length of her, a trap door dropped him into another small room. Axel was there, with his sword drawn and stange markings on his face.[/i]
  7. [i]Suddenly Axel springs to his feet and clenches his head again, Ravin and Ryowa could see a transparent figure floating above Axel's head, forcing itself inside. A storm began as the ground started to shake... Axel started to scream, lightning springing out of his head, taking out chunks of the ceiling and the walls around them...[/i] Axel: [b]Run! ...D-Don't ..Know Ho--w long...... can hol-this![/b] [color=darkblue]Axel: Heheheheh-HAHAHAHAHA![/color] [i]The walls began to fall around them...[/i]
  8. I'm making a Goblin deck, it has never been beaten. (I have every goblin in the game except two)
  9. Dang! You took what I was going to do. (This post will probably be big, I feel like another plot twist...) ok, the way I took that, SW, was that all of us made it across and the bridge broke, so I'm going to go after that. Axel: Ack! that was close! Ravin: Yeah. Let's move on, we'll find a different escape route. Axel: I hear... music... Ryo: Music? I don't hear anything! Ravin: Me nither. Axel: I must be going crazy then-- Ryo: ... Ravin: ... Axel: Heh, oh yeah. Urk! Agggh! Ravin: Axel! What's wrong? [i]Axel falls to the floor, clenching his head...[/i] Axel: Burning...ON FIRE! Agh! [i]Suddenly, it felt as though Axel had another set of eyes, looking at him... suddenly, everything seemed to fade away...[/i] Ravin: Axel... Are you ok? [i]Axel got up, he seemed different, not quite himself...[/i] Axel: [font=century gothic][b]Yes I'm... fine[/b][/font] Ravin: Ok, whatever happened to you seems to have passed, lets go...
  10. Axel: Me too, I understand, I think. Not odd as in Ryowa-- Ryo: Hey! Axel: AHEM! --but odd as in counting. so doors 1 and 3 must be tight, that discrimiates them, so... Ravin: I get it, I think...
  11. Axel: I say the right one. Because it said the only one was right! Ryo: Uhhh, I say the middle one. Ravin: I say the left one. Axel: This... is going to be hard.
  12. Sure am! I'm a summoner or something.
  13. Whenever I get mad at the game, I try to keep it to myself, but some games, FFX, get me cussing it out very loudly. I get grounded for it, so a bang on my pillows instead. I just have to pay for new ones when they tear. ;)
  14. I make a deck about every three days. I have somewhere around 1000 cards and save up to buy more. (I can't even afford a gumball now!) And NOFX, it's my style too, but the boards ain't the place, ok!
  15. Tom is gone, forget him, he quit otakuboards. I guess I'll go alone
  16. Wow! I'm surprized this topic is still here! I know that we have the ability to make a mech, but the world government wouldn't let us. If the wrong person gets their hand on one of these, he could blow anything he wanted skyhigh. Don't expect them for a lo-o-o-o-ong time.
  17. Out of 60, about 40 of them fit me. My dad knows the name of every Pokemon and could name them on sight. Mom knows a good portion of DBZ and knows all the Ham-Ham's in Hamtaro. When I say Yu-Yu Hakusho, they think I'm acting stupid and they ground me. I accually have a screen saver of various anime clip all jumbled together. My dad made me delete it. I have another one: 61> You have every Pokemon/Digimon/DBZ/Gundam War/etc. card released in your country.
  18. [i]Axel pulls out his blade, not sure what to do...[/i] Axel: Hey! Show yourself! Shadow One: We are messengers from the great dragon wizard! Shadow Two: He gives you this... Ravin recieved a note, it read...
  19. I like to make a statement at school, I wear plain colored shirts and jeans or shorts to school for an entire week. Then I wear my vast array of overshirts. On weekends, I wear blue tanktops, or wear one of dad's 20 different Crest toothpaste shirts. (I'm wearing one right now!) I now wear shirts with true to life messages on them like: I'm busy! You're an idiot! Have a nice day!
  20. Name: Cloud Strife00 Char: Edward Session: Honky Tonk Women Song: The intro (don't know what it's called)
  21. Axel: Do you have anything that cures headaches? Ravin: If I did, I'd be chugging it til' there was nothing left! [i]suddenly, Strider's leg turned wierd color's it started to look like a bruise and his hair around the area started to fall out. (They got turned into wolves, right?)[/i] CF: Hey! It's working! Axel: Ravin, are you sure you know what you are doing? Ravin: Something's wrong...
  22. THÊ ÐÅRK ÕÑË HÂ? RÊTÜRÑÉÐ! After two months of family trouble, I'm back! Has it really been a month since I snuck onto the computer? Anyhow... Dang, been such a long time since I did any RPG'ing... Axel: Owww! My head! Ravin: If you had'nt fallen over, that wouldn't have happened! Axel: *falls over again* Owww! Ryo: I could have sworn something was watching us back there. Axel: *gets up* Maybe you're just paranoid. Ryo: At least I don't have lumps on my head! Axel: You have one! Ryo: Yeah... Axel: Make that two! *Thwack!* Ryo: Ahhh! [i]Ravin then walks in the middle of them and hits them both...[/i] Ravin: Your headaches are really giving me a headache! [i]Strider roars[/i] Axel: !!! He can't talk anymore! What is it? [i]Strider shows him the dart in his leg.[/i] Cloaked Figure: Heh. At least I got one of them with my poison...
  23. It's ok, (Welcome back from Florida!)
  24. Why Mickey Mouse! Why Jiminy! :bawl: Oh,excuse me...:cross: As I said, I live for this stuff. By the way, I got to the point where almost died laughing. Awww. Darn, guess it's not good enough:cross: j/k (Lucky post- 555^_^)
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