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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. Nope! Sorry! ^_^ Another fun combo of mine is Flame Rift/Inferno/Bloodfires/Something with damage to players thats Red+Circle of Protection: Red I've made a new deck out of Comeback, I like it, he's the list of cards for it... White: Unquestioned Authority Teroh's Faithful X2 Benalish Trapper Aven Warcraft C.O.P.: Black Angel of Mercy Blue: Giant Octopus King Crab Arctic Merfolk Sapprazzan Outrigger Stormscape Apprentice Wormfang Behemoth Stormscape Familiar X2 Tidal Visionary Waterspout Elemental Wormfang Drake Stormscape Battlemage Black: Mortal Combat Nightscape Familiar Enslaved Horror Crypt Angel Mesmeric Fiend Order of the Ebon Hand Filth Abomination Ravenous Rats Lord of the Pit Gold: Iridescent Angel Marsh Crocodile X2 Cavern Harpy X2 Silver Drake Dromar's Charm Lands: Dromar's Cavern X2 Ancient Spring Plains X6 Island X8 Swamp X8
  2. [quote]I AM THE MASTER!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [u]take that![/u][/quote] Why thank you, I think I will, though I have no idea what it is. (sorry, got grounded again yesterday.) All of a sudden, it got very hot and the plain started to burn around them. Something was coming... what is it? What direction is it coming from? Is it friend or foe? We shall see....
  3. Ack! Arrrgh! Happy juice does taste quite good thou. As Axel started turning the knob. He felt something was wrong, like a premonition of some sort... Axel: Ravin, maybe you should open the door. I gotta go. Oh, well... I'll try to come back on tonight.
  4. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Ravin: Sooo, we seem to be in a forest, strange, I don't hear any bugs or birds. Axel: I told you I pissed outside! Ravin: Urk! Ryo: You pissed on me! Numbskull! Axel: Hey! I found a lightswitch! Ravin: I think you are hallucinating again. *The lights come on* Axel: That is... really... bizzare! Ravin: You can say that again! Axel: That is... really... bizzare! Ravin: *sighs* Ryo: I found a door! ... In... a tree? :p
  5. I can make AC's that look like Gundams, I can make Sazabi, GM Sniper Custom II, and a couple others. And Proud Clod, why don't you rent AC3 and see what one you like better?
  6. Strengh. ( I make good plot twists don't I?;) ) We could be anywhere with this... whattodowhattodowhattodo... Ha! I know! Axel gets woken up by Ravin, her voice was shaky. Axel: Wadda you want?! Ravin: Do you have any idea where we are? What happened? Axel: Well I got up in the middle of tha night ta go-t-the ba-athroom to find it wasn't there! Ravin: Uhhh... Ooooook. Axel: I pissed outside. Ravin: *falls over anime style* *Ryo wakes up* Ryo: SO THAT'S WHY MY COVERS WERE WET!!! Axel: Hallo Ma! Nice ta see yer! *falls asleep* *Ravin then proceeds to kick him...* Axel: Ouch! Ravin: I'll ask again-- Axel: I don't know! I can't even see yet! Ryo: You are tired, man! Axel: DU-UH! Look what woke me up! [i]After everyone wakes up, they begin to explore their location... whatever it is.[/i] (You obviously tried to place it on me! You failed, I'm the reason we're origionally here! Your turn!)
  7. Yeah, I want to be laughing so hard that I fall out of my chair, then go back in my chair, then fall out again, die laughing, then come back to life and get into my chair, then fall out of my chair again... all while laughing. Think that could happen with what's coming up?
  8. Yeah, they got the best hollywood voice talent to do the characters. ...maybe this try won't get deleted. [SIZE=1] You should really just find a place to host your banner, like boomspeed.com. - Flash Thanx for the tip[/SIZE]
  9. [color=darkblue][size=1]Name: Axel Nessron Age: 27 Height: 6'3'' Race: Human Class: Dragoon Weapons (2 max): Double-sided halberd, Lance Armour/Clothes: White clothes under blue and gold armor. Has a helmet that resembles a dragon's head. If you have played as Ma Chao in Dynasty Warriors, you know what I'm talking about. (I'll try to find a picture) When at home, he wears red and black clothing. Description: Normal size for his age. Has red eyes that change to different colors in different light. (Don't think he's strange, most people's eyes do this.) Wears Black leather gloves and boots with dragon-like talons sticking out. Bio/History: Axel was taken from his parents at a very young age. The people that took threw him into the army and he had to fight in the battle against Wutai. (I'll change this if needed) During the battle, he pretended he was dead. Afterwards, he was left, in some records, you'll find his name as "dead." He's always had a desperate need to be a part of something, so he join you guys in search of his parents.[/size][/color]
  10. Jeez! that went nowhere! [color=red][size=1]After stuffing their pieholes and spending all their money, they camped out at the church, claiming to be orphans. Axel: Well this sux! Ryo: You said it. Axel: SHUT UP! IT'S BECAUSE OF THAT BOTTOMLESS PIT OF A STOMACH YOU HAVE WE'RE IN HERE!!! Ryo: Sorry.
  11. My best deck is Green and Red. I use Elvish Piper to bring out various 10/10 creatures for one mana.
  12. Ive beaten it with three Pokemon myself, Espeon, Hitmonlee and Jynx this is how... Eevee, raise it to 30 and it will learn bite, a dark attack. Then evolve it before it reaches to level 36. Then Espeon learns a Psychic attack. Jynx, just get enough coins to teach it Blizzard and send it up aganst Lance. Hitmonlee, complete the Mt. Motar side quest and get the Buraki(or whatever he's called), raise it as a hitmonchan, and make sure it has MachPunch, then breed it with a Ditto and you will get another Buraki. Make it an Hitmontop and learn a couple of his moves. Then, breed again and make it a hitmonlee and build it up. Send it against Karen.
  13. The decks I currently own are: Comback, One-Two Punch, Sacrelidge, Pummel, 6th Starter, Portal Sarter, Portal2 Starter, 7th edition Starter, and Grand Rumble: 5th Edition.
  14. [url]http://gundam.anime.net/images/mecha/[/url] Ha! I got it straight from the source! [email]scorpio@best.com[/email] (You can thank me later, Tom!)
  15. Woah! I barly remeber this RPG! I'll stay in if someone gets the party started.
  16. I try my best to tell all my friends this, only a few listen to it: Would you rather have 1 $40 shirt, or 40 $1 shirts? At my school, people slam you around all day if you either don't believe in God, or refuse to wear Abercrombie or Old Navy. I happen to qualify for both. *ducks*
  17. You are priceless, man.:cross: :sleep: :D :rolleyes: :wigout:
  18. It's ok. Does that mean you are using Strife for a story? Oh, Sacred, like our little group in my sig? Put the same in your's! [color=orange]Axel: You sure are good at sneaking stuff out of things! Ravin: That was the first time I did it in front of you. Axel: ... Ravin: ... Ryowa: You guys are weird! Axel: DUH! Ravin: Sooo... Where do we go from here? *Pulls out her map* Axel: I think there's a-- Ravin: There's a town near here, if we turn west, we'll hit it on the mark. Ryowa: I'm hungry! Axel: Me too, let's hurry up...[/color]
  19. [color=orange]Yes, that would be interesting... Given that this is in the RPG forum.[/color]
  20. Strider's my dragon's name... Now then... [color=orange][size=1]They neared the celing, rocks decending fast all around them. There was a hole in it, where a large boulder had fallen. Then something went horribly wrong... Drydon had somehow caught on fire as it spread throught the entire cavern, it covered the only exit out and filled the room with smoke...[/color][/size]
  21. I'd be the dude that comes outside in a robe, has a $2,000 recliner in his front yard, and sits down, under an umbrella and smoking a pipe, reads the paper. In other words, a rich moron without a care in the world. [size=1]thank you![/size]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]Yea I also play MTG....its cool. But I never get enough manas to use all my good cards. [/B][/QUOTE] You don't even have any cards! You use mine! I've been collecting for 10 years and playing for 2. I have some really sweet combos... Inferno: 5RR, deals 6 damage to all creatures and players + Invigorating Falls: ???, Gain life equall to the amount of creature cards in all graveyards. Taunting Elf: F, 0/1, All creatures able to block Taunting Elf do so + Venomous Breath: ???, All creatures blocking, or blocked by target creature are destroyed at end of turn.
  23. Square wanted it to be a secret, they only told about 3 american mags, I dunno about any other mags.
  24. I ve known about that game for nearly an entire year. I know that Aeris will be in it. I have a pic in a magazine!!!...buried in my closet. I'll try to find and scan it... I need this for my sig... [color=indigo]Sorry, but posting an attachment just so you can put it in your signature is against the rules. - Desbreko[/color]
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