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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. (Don't take the spelling so serious, Scrad Warorir!) Really sorry, I got grounded twice in one week, that sux. Ravin came closer to the light. The orb was there. Axel sensed that something was wrong. He could feel it. Ravin picked it up and raised it high. Ravin: What a bunch of wusses! Ryowa: Did I just hear that from a girl? Axel: You'll get used to it fast. Suddenly, the walls started to crumble and pieces of the celing started to crash onto the surface of the cave...
  2. IIIIIIIIII'MMMMMMMMMM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKK!!!! Tom's having trouble on the boards, people treating him back cuz he can't spell, I think he quit.:bawl: Errrm, tuff part, lemme think... OK Axel: Hey dragon! Drydon: *stops* yes? Axel thinking quickly... ... ... I said thinking quickly! Axel: Oh, yeah. Sorry! He shoots the dragon in the eye, the dragon falls... ...continue...
  3. I've posted maybe three times as long b4. The creature was just a diversion to lure Axel out into the open. Drydon came charging into the area with his blazing speed. Drydon: HAHAHA! I"VE SEEN LIGHTNING MOVE SLOWER! Axel: Yeah well can you best this?! *Fires* Drydon: *Seems to disapear* Ha! Do you really think that chunk of metal is going to save YOU! Axel: Well, it's worth a shot! *Fires* The bullet hits the cave wall, where the wall caves in and breaks... A lone stranger emerges...
  4. I feel the same with SW. Basically, we are in jail, looking for a way out. We are also stripped of our weapons and we'll need them. I have a feeling this is your forte so you figure something out, from that point, I'm going to let this thing run til I have more ideas.
  5. Yeah, well I don't like cold showers! They looked around, how was it so light here? They noticed that the crystals gave off light... They walked... deeper intpo the cavern... they had to swim for a long time to get to the main chamber, where Axel told Ravin to lure him out in some fashion, and he wound open fire with the rifle... Now, Axel waited, waiting for Ravin to make her move...
  6. They came to a place where the land had met the ocean. They had to fly. Ravin looked at the map she bought. The cave of Drydon, the dragon of speed. They started getting ready, and the told their dragons to dive as the four of them held their breath. They got into the underwater cave and came into an air pocket, where they would face their fears once again. I have a friend that would like to join (Sacred Warrior) but he doesn't know the info and I don't remember. Could you be so kind to put it up for him if you want him to join.
  7. Axel went to a blacksmith's shop. He ask the man if he has anything that could beat magic and extreme speed. *Thinking back to what Dromar was saying* Smith: Well, I have a rifle, I don't know about magic, but this beaut can shoot the fastest flying dragon! Axel Paid the man his §180 and walked away, looking for target practice... § is Hold ALT and press 7, 8, then 9.
  8. I was hoping to keep that a little longer actually, sorry! The machine then goes beserk and turns the giant skyscrapers into baby rattles, killing all who were inside them. All the people turned into dogs, the dogs into mice and so on... Of course we now are in our Struggle bodies again as the machine blows up and we all get blown off the roof... Suddenly, the starship was prepared for this and picked up all of them, including Struggle. There was then a big fight as the cpu inside the ship starts sending a warning signal saying that the ship is being hijacked. The police come by and kick us out because we look like our stuggle equalities... We were then thrown in prison...
  9. Sidney tells Frost to wait as he goes up onto the roof. He waits behind the door going outside... he listens to Axel, outside, talking to Tom and Zee over his armlet. Axel wants Zee and Tom to meet him. (Zee is better thanks to the wonderful doctors at the hospital.) Sidney: Heh, just what I was waiting for. *To scientist* Ready the Gene Degrader! I'll turn them all into telephone booths and tiolets! Scientist: Right, I'll commence as soon as the others show up... Sidney: Right, I'll jump him. Sidney then bursts through the door and starts firing, making sure he put up a fight without hurting Axel. Axel then released a good portion of his missiles, all locked onto Sidney. He ran toward the edge and dropped down and hung onto the edge as the missiles passed by him. Axel: Arrgh! Sidney: *Pulls himself up* HAHAHAHA! Suddenly, Tom's ship flies over the building and Tom and Zee come out as the ship, on autopilot, flies away... Frost then throws his hostages on the roof and the scientist gets ready to make his move... But something was wrong with the device, but he couldn't place it. He fired it, and Axel, Zee, Tom, Anima, and Blade all turn into Sidney, Jamie, Ryo, Shro, and Frost. The Stuggle Corporation did the same, Sidney turned into Axel and so on. Each was in a different body...
  10. Good fic, I am under Axel Nessron there, I have no story yet. Axel (with sarcasm): Well, thanks for the nice, warm shower! Ravin: :D don't mention it! Axel: ... ... Sooo, where will we eat? Ravin: Hmm, how does the buffet sound? Axel: Noisy Ravin: ??? Axel: Well you want an answer! Lets go.
  11. [color=darkblue][size=1]What is so confusing about this. I know you haven't been in the story that much and you don't like to read. Still, erm, get ready for a pm. I'll wait til Blade posts before continuing.[/color][/size]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]He probably has some problem at that time since he said "He cant" you should probably wait a while and ask him again. [/B][/QUOTE] It is amazing how you know so much about this subject! (He is my friend and I am joking) [quote]Heck holding hands? please.... if i went into detail on what goes on at my school i would be banned Kuja- go ahead... tell us... bleh[/quote] I went into a stall at my schools bathroom, and there was a couple making out! Plus there's beer bottles and condoms in the urinals. That is wierd. While were on the subject of gay, why is it when you have a friend that you are close to, why do your class mates almost always think that you are gay? You wouldn't believe some of the sick minds I have in my class.
  13. I thought you were going to Raliegh, Z11. There ARE gangs at me and Z11's school. A whole gang is in my team, they happen to be after me cuz I got on of them suspended.
  14. Yea, I snuck on it in the library and you were with me. You didn't like it until you called me saying you joined.
  15. CWB, you are freaky! Zidane11 was telling me all about the boards before I had the internet. From the first time he told about them, I wanted to join. I got the internet and joined during V3. I then persuaded gouf, scgm, and Sacred Warrior to join. Glad you're back Z11!
  16. Sorry for not posting, I was studing for a huge spanish exam coming up. [color=darkblue][size=1]...They find an underground base. Jamie's lair... Axel sent him to the hospital along with Zee, so there were only a few sentries walking around. As it turns out, Sidney and Frost were hiding there, concocting a mysterious plan... There were panicking scientists running all over the interior of the building. The front door was unlocked, and there were guards at all the other doors... MANY guards. For once they took the front door, which was mysteriously unoccupied. As if they didn't care if they went in this way. The truth was, the entrance wasn't the real entrence and Blade and Anima walked around in circles dozens of times until they went down a corridor that led back to the entrance door. Anima: Good job, Blade! Blade: Ah, shut up! Blade then gets out his snipe and takes out the guards at a door and Anima throws grenades over a small part of the building, the noise making distration... yet alerting Sidney that they were there. This time they would go up many floors back up into the third largest buiding in the great city of Colony13406. They work their way up to the roof. You need key cards for the elevator so they had to take the stairs up hundreds of stairs. By the time they made it to the roof where Sidney was, they were too tired to fight and were taken hostage. This lured out Axel and he then makes his grand entrance...[/color][/size]
  17. [color=darkblue][size=1]Yeah, what he said![/color][/size]
  18. [color=darkblue][size=1]Sidney hears gunshots from some floors downstairs and him and his crew make it out the fire escape. They knew that Blade and Axel were hunting them down after interragating one of Sidney's minions. Meanwhile, Zee and Jamie had a duel in the alley. Both drew their guns and had a person looking out his window yell "Fire!" There were two shots then two thuds on the pavement...[/color][/size]
  19. Blade, I have no idea what I'm sopposed to do with that post. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sidney: My plan is working! Axel hasen't seen any of the real members in our group! HAHAHAHAHA! Frost: He is playing right into our hands!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]Zee and Tom go to Axels room in the Hospital to bring him his breakfest. Zee: Im sure hes gonna like these. Tom: Yeeeeeeea. They open the door to his room. Zee: Dude hes gone. Tom: HES BEEN KIDNAPED!!!!! Zee walks over to the window. Zee: Or maybe hes flirting with the girl who lives across from the hospital. Tom: Uhhhhhhh...wanna go over there? Zee: Okay but let me get my weapons first. Tom: Yea me too. They get their weapons and went towards Animas house. [/B][/QUOTE] *Cough Cough* You need to read more throughly, I've been out of the hospital and Anima just joined our team! [color=darkblue][size=1]As Anima and Axel were heading out to the ship Axel stops... He talks to Tom for a bit while Anima keeps walking. Suddenly, Axel gets a call from Blade to go to the jewler... On his way, he finds on of his worst enemies, Frost. Frost comes up to him... Frost: Hello Sidney, sir! How are you doing today, come to see how I did it? Axel: [i]Sidney! How is he confusing him with me, we look nothing like eachother... was that Sidney I met that day... really my bother? ...Well if I'm fooling him, might as well get the jewels back...[/i] Well, I came to collect your goods so you can go to your next assignment. Frost: Ok, here you go! Axel then wait til he's gone, then gives the jewls and the money back.[/color][/size]
  21. Erm, I'm going to disregard your question due to the fact I told you already, you are alone. And Z11, however it turns out. I know you want to play, did you post in the sign up forum? (I'm lost on ideas at the momentent. Can someone continue the story?)
  22. [color=crimson]Na, I hate Oz.[/color] [color=darkblue][size=1]Axel:Flying sounds fun, we should check out the town ahead, Strider is pooped. He seems to be a child. Ravin: He does look a little young compared to Rouk. I'm feeling tired myself. Axel: I'm accually quite hungry, would you like anything to eat? Ravin: Yeah, sure. Get me some pizza and a root beer. Axel: Right, you get a room for us and I'll meet you here. Ravin: Ok. A few minutes later, they are at the restaurant. Axel: I should travel more often. This fun, and now we have this huge quest ahead of us... Ravin: Yeah... This pizza's delicious! After that, they go to their room for the night...[/color][/size]
  23. [color=darkblue][size=1]Axel: Hey you, open the door! Anima knew that if she opened the door it would be her last motion, but she decided to be peaceful about things. Anima: Why are you hunting me down? You're with UBHA aren't you? Axel: Yeah, I was told that you were with Struggle. Anima: Well, I'm not! *Opens her door and flaps him the badge.* Axel: Ohhh, ok. Why don't you join my team? It says on your badge that you don't work in a squadron. Anima: You seem pretty cool... *She then stares at his face* Hey, you're one of those people that fell off that building! Is the other person ok? Axel:I don't know... he was my brother, he should be ok. Anima: I guess I should join you. There's saftey, and fun in numbers.[/color][/size]
  24. Sure did, you're pretty good. [size=1][color=darkblue] Axel is walking out of the hospital. He sees a kid with a metal bat and a pistol run by. Axel: Hey you! What are you doing? Kid: This lady, with a shotgun just chased me away. Axel: You have a pistol! Why didn't you shoot? Kid: She was scary. Axel: *Grins evily* Show me her house! Kid: *points* Over there! Axel: Thanks! I'll avenge your name! Who do you work for? There was a slight hesitation in the child. Kid: UBHA Axel: Heh, right! I'll go over there. Axel then goes to Anima's house...[/color][/size]
  25. yes, I am! [color=darkblue][size=1]Dromar: As promised, I will show you how dragons and Dryphons have come to be... Axel: Well, thanks. Erm, Ravin this your department, I won't say anything. Ravin: ??? Dromar: This way. He led us to a room filled with more hierogyphs, these are older than the ones we saw earlier. The pictures were more crudely drawn than before. Dromar: Dragons were created centuries ago, before dinosaurs and were very large. Everything spawned from us. Every living creature on this earth has a little bit of dragon left in them. If you want, I can help you access your part of you that is still dragon. All three of us, myself, Drakan, and Drydon, each possess an orb. With all three orbs, you will have the powers of all of the Elder Dragons. My strength, Drakian's magic abilities, and Drydon's speed. Now here is my orb. I want you to have it. Ravin: ...Ok. Dromar: Axel, end it for me. I am dying... Axel: Right. Hyaaa! Dromar: Thanks, maybe I'll be recarnated...for my good deeds... Dromar then slowly disintergrates. Axel: Should we find the other orbs? Ravin: Sounds like fun! Lets! The wall opens up and they find themselves on the road to a nearby town. With slugs that eat thread all over the place...[/color][/size]
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