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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. What are you talking about with ur sig, I saw a bunch of your pics and they are all great! I have a picture of Gomamon and Veemon that I drew last year... somewhere in my closet. [color=darkblue][size=1]After every pound on the ground, the cave shakes. A boulder falls, barring Ravin and Axel's path to the exit. Dromar draws dangerously near... Dromar: Why did you humans disturb my sleep?! Ravin: We didn't mean to-- Dromar: Silence! I will fight you, boy with the sword! If you beat me, I will show the secret of us, Elder Dragons and grant you a safe passage to the other side of the mountain. Axel: And if I lose? Dromar: I'll eat you! Ready, you runt! Axel: Heh, I guess so. Ravin: You can beat him, Ax! Axel: *Takes a deep breath and draws his sword...* I'll let you take it from here.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=darkblue][size=1]sure will... Tom, Axel, and Zee (you forgot about him) creep into a side entrance of the building. From there they decide to split up. I take the air duct to an elevator. I then get spotted by a guard and quickly take him out with my sword. I wind up on the 59th floor... two floors down from the roof. He then finds the one he's there to kill. He finds Zee confronting him. Zee slowly backs away in a mixture of fright and bewilderment. Their enemy retreats upto the roof, just out of Blade's sight due to a sattilite dish. There is a small room where the hostages are kept. Suddenly, the leader jumps onto the edge of the building, Blade can now see him. Leader: I am Sidney Nessron! I challenge you, brother, to a 1 on 1 duel! Axel: Nessron! [i] Is he talking to me?[/i] I accept! Sidney: You're on, brother! He then proceeds to jump down and ready his gun. Axel does the same. Zee shouts "Fire!" and both men shoot and instantly fall off the edge of the building. Zee and Tom: Axel! Nooooo! Axel then snaps awake and thinks fast... Axel: [i]What can I do... Is this the end? Wait... I have an idea![/i] Axel shoots a few rounds of missles at the ground and the air moving up from the explosion slows Axel's fall. This causes him to land on his feet and break both of his legs. The money he got from the robbers was used to pay for the hospital. Two weeks later he was back on his feet, renewed...[/color][/size]
  3. [color=darkblue][size=1]Wow, this RPG is dead, we are the only ones still doing this! In side the cave there was a home to an Elder Dragon, 1 of 3. Axel and Ravin did not know this until they saw the markings on the walls of this one room very deep inside. Axel: There's heiroglyphs on the wall! I think I know what these say... !!! Ravin: What? Axel: Dromar lives here! Ravin: You mean [u]the[/u] Dromar, the Elder Dragon? Axel: Yea Ravin: We should get out of here! Axel: ... Listen! Ravin: What is that noise? Axel: Stomping...[/color][/size]
  4. [color=darkblue][size=1]I have started it. Have fun. If anyone else wants to join, they may proceed.[/size][/color]
  5. [color=darkblue][size=1][font=century gothic]The year is 4985AD. The sun hasn't exploded, but it eventually used up all its gases a bacame a large black rock. In its wake, were the planets orbiting around it. Earth is now a wasteland. The only thing left, are the souls of the deceased. The deseased that desprately clung to their land... because it was the only thing they had. As said, they all perished... their secrets and tales with them. Now let's back up a bit: In the year 4023, elite scientists all around the globe were starting to agree that the end was approaching. They spread the word to future generations until a shining light in the history of mankind was born. In the year 4546, Ian Fra Red created the first mobile space colony on the moon. They built around 40 of these and launched them far away from the Milky Way. Only the rich could go to the colonies, the poor were left to perish as the sun slowly faded away. Many tears were cried, but the same phrase ran through everyone's mind... Glad it wasn't me. Ian Red was later assinated by a drunk criminal. Now we come back to the present... The crime rate is up to 98% due to no government control. If anyone tries to start something, give them a week and you'll see their body in the newspaper... their dead body. There is a police force, not a very good one due to killers. They say a policeman dies every 5 seconds...1...2...3...4...5...dead. The colonies rely on the United Bounty Hunters Association (UBHA), an elite band of people who think they are higher than the law. Mainly because there isn't a law in these lawless streets... [/font] Axel, Tom, and Zee were chillin' at the bar when their UBHA Armlets opened with a new crime. It was just across the street from the bar. Suddenly, they heard a window break as they made their way to the door. There were bank robbers getting away. Axel fires missiles at the front of the car and it spins out. Zee and Tom then come up behind Axel and start firing until the robbers get out of the car withthe money. They need to be dead in order to collect the money, so Axel took out his mag's and shot them both in the head. He then proceeded into opening the armlet database and stated they were dead and scanned a photo for proof. He then went to a dark alleyway where he would meet the rest of his squad...[/color][/size]
  6. [color=darkblue][size=1]Thanks fer joning, I was waiting for you to join. It's time to start this![/color][/size]
  7. Axel: Crap, I left all my missles in my room! At least I still have the pods
  8. The boat turns over. Luckily, they were close to their destination. The swam for the shore.
  9. Ok, what happened to Kizu?
  10. I have no idea what you just said, but I guess so. The group enters the volcano whaere they find a large flame-breathing dragon behind them. They knew they couldn't fend it off, so they ran deeper into the chain of caves spiraling down the volcano.
  11. CCA is one of my favorite Gundam movies, I'm gonna get it the day it comes out.
  12. [color=darkblue][size=1]I only saw the 1st one. I have a liitle unoriginality too: [quote]When his parents were assasinated, he wandered around the streets of colony #032967-[u]Sardia[/u] until he was found by Axel.[/quote] Any true fan of Magic: The Gathering should know this one. Come on! Someone join![/color][/size]
  13. L M, There you go! Perfect point! I would say the same. The only show like those are Real World.
  14. It's quite good, a little boring at parts. I got the DVD! I comes in undubbed and American! (Why does it make astrisks when I say j a p a n e e s e?)
  15. [color=darkblue][size=1]Axel: Wow, that's amazing! Lets sell them on the Black Market! Raven: What's that? Axel:... ... ...nevermind! Raven: We should take them to the Weyr. Axel: Let's hang here for a while, our Dryphons are tired. Raven: All right. Where are we going to sleep? Axel: Over there, in that cave! Raven: Looks quite small... will our dryphons fit? Axel: It's probably deeper than it looks. [i]They walk into the cave to find that it leads under ground and through the water. They decide to check it out in the morning.[/i][/color][/size]
  16. [color=darkblue][size=1]Thank you all for joining, one more person and I'll start it tomorrow. Original aren't we, Vegitto? o_O; And Zee, put enters instead of spaces! Sheesh! [quote]Cool opening[/quote] Of course! I like it too.[/color][/size]
  17. [color=darkblue][size=1]Heh, I thought this RPG was history... Axel: I don't think I'll ever get used to this! !!! Strider! Look out! The thread was starting to fall... Raven: Will we make it? Axel: ... Raven: Answer me! Axel: ...don't know! They continue to dodge the thread until they meet a mountain that seems to be repelling the thread...[/color][/size]
  18. [color=darkblue][size=1]Now for me: Name: Axel (Ax) Nessron Codename: Shadow or Shade Age: 19 Alliance: UBHA Arms: 2 magmums, PSG-1 sniper rifle, Long-Bladed sword with a magical gem on the bottom of the hilt, and a backpack full of missile pods that attach to the body in various areas. Bio: If he was a terrorist, policemen would die every 0.000000001 sec. He met both Tom Red and Zee Ryowa at a young age and has developed close bonds with them. They consider eachother brothers and at times use the same last name and pose as brothers on certain missions. Never lost a duel, battle or a mission and doesn't plan to. Unknown to him, he has a real brother out there... somewhere... Appearence: Somewhat muscular, green eyes, long grey hair past the shoulders, a smug look painted on his face, and tatooes on his arms, he is definately the closest dressed when compared to a terrorist, in the group. His looks fool many people and shop owners are scared of him for it. Wears a red or blue shirt with baggy black jeans with pockets that go down to the bottom of the pants. You could also find him in a cowboy hat with a trenchcoat when he has his missile pods up. His trdemark attack is throwing his tranchcoat in front of him and firing several missiles or magmum rounds. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-= Name: Sidney Nessron Age: 19 Alliance: Stuggle CORP. Occupation: Leader of Stuggle CORP. Arms: A chain clad with steel blades, Flamethrower, switch blade, and 2 revolvers. Bio: Brother and mirror image of Axel Nessron. Appearence: Same as Axel. He wears a black tank-top under a long blue trenchcoat. Black Baggy jeans.[/color][/size] [color=crimson][size=1]Gouf has requested that I sign him in... Name: Tom (Infrared) Red Codename: Desert Rose Age: 22 Alliance: UBHA Occupation: Science Arms: Long and thin Sword, 2 Uzi's, Sheild that can deflect most bullets and types of metal (he invented it himself), Giant Gatling Gun that was originally mounted on his starship that we travel in. Bio: Called the desert rose because of his missions in the desert and his way of making it off with the ladies. A little dull in the head but he gets the job done. Like Axel, he has never lost. When his parents were assasinated, he wandered around the streets of colony #032967-Sardia until he was found by Axel. Tom is rich due to his father's will. The starship we travel in is Tom's. Our supply of money is mostly Tom's. He is probably the most trustworthy and loyal in the group. The only thing keeping him from being their leader is the fact that he has three paperclips, one penny, and a gumball for a brain. His father was the great Ian Fra Red, the scientist that made the mobile space colonies that we live in. His mom was assinated by the same killer 9 months later. App: Blue spikey hair. Red eyes. Weak and sometimes scared expression, as if he knows something the other's don't. Wears a faded red button-up shirt that he usually leaves unbuttoned. Kakhi and baggy pants. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Name: Ryo Maxwell Codename: Stealth Striker Alliance: Struggle CORP. Occupation: Assasin Arms: Knife, Shrukiens, Long, thin sword, PSG-1 Sniper rifle, Magmum Bio: Killed Ian Fra Red. Very old fashioned and into ninjas of old. App: Green Pants, hat, and shirt. [/color][/size]
  19. [color=darkblue][size=1]The year is 4985AD. The sun hasn't exploded, but it eventually used up all its gases a bacame a large black rock. In its wake, were the planets orbiting around it. Earth is now a wasteland. The only thing left, are the souls of the deceased. The deseased that desprately clung to their land... because it was the only thing they had. As said, they all perished... their secrets and tales with them. Now let's back up a bit: In the year 4023, elite scientists all around the globe were starting to agree that the end was approaching. They spread the word to future generations until a shining light in the history of mankind was born. In the year 4546, Ian Fra Red created the first mobile space colony on the moon. They built around 40 of these and launched them far away from the Milky Way. Only the rich could go to the colonies, the poor were left to perish as the sun slowly faded away. Many tears were cried, but the same phrase ran through everyone's mind... [i]Glad it wasn't me.[/i] Ian Red was later assinated by a drunk criminal. Now we come back to the present... The crime rate is up to 98% due to no government control. If anyone tries to start something, give them a week and you'll see their body in the newspaper... their dead body. There is a police force, not a very good one due to killers. They say a policeman dies every 5 seconds...1...2...3...4...5...dead. The colonies rely on the United Bounty Hunters Association (UBHA), an elite band of people who think they are higher than the law. Mainly because there isn't a law in these lawless streets... You are a bounty hunter and a criminal. Two men, two groups, one avid poster. Keep in mind I said AVID, If you will not post often, I suggest that you DO NOT join. Clear? Goood. What you'll need: Name: Alliance: UBHA is required Arms: (five is the limit) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-= Name: Alliance: Struggle CORP. is required Arms: (5 is the limit) Anything else is completly optional.[/color][/size]
  20. Axel: Man, that guy was crazy. Commander: Woman! Axel: Well, you sure look like a man! Commander: ARRGGGHHH! Axel: Sheesh! Man...Woman... what's the difference when you have warts all over your face. Commander to someone: Make sure he doesn't get paid this mission. Bang! Zee: Put the gun away, Axel. The bullet hit the picture of the commander hanging on the wall as they sailed off....
  21. He is Super Android 17. We all know how he died, but in GT, he gets wished back, along with other past characters. Dr. Miro experiments on him, making him far stronger. Goku fights him while chibi.
  22. [quote]4) Double, Triple, and I think even QUADRUPILE postings.[/quote] I don't know about Triple+, but there were a few double posts. This was due to a few things. Two people were having a good time posting and then deleting. [quote]3) No effort put into it.[/quote] I tried my best, I had some effort in it when it started. Then everyone joined, and never, or rarely posted. Plus, I had an organised chart on who was playing who about two weeks into the game. Then, people that decided not to have a team, all made teams that no one joined. I anounced the battles and after two weeks of nothingness, I gave up on it. Then a group of people joined and immediatly started fighting. It looked like no effort was put into it. [quote]2) No rules.[/quote] I had rules, nobody followed them. [quote]1) No plot.[/quote] It had as much of a plot as ZOIDS season 2! (The afternoon one) [quote]Oh, and I'm 'slamming' how annoying all this is. How would you like it if you poured your heart and soul and some punk came up in there with a post that says "i shot u i win hah loser"? Hmm?[/quote] This is [u]very[/u] hard to address without saying names. War of the Elements blew, and ZT turned into a mess. I agree with you fully. [_______ presses a button and his comand system unfreases!] *cough* As long as some people don't go crazy, my next RPG will go well, and it won't spam up your forums.
  23. [quote]4) Double, Triple, and I think even QUADRUPILE postings.[/quote] I don't know about Triple+, but there were a few double posts. This was due to a few things. Two people were having a good time posting and then deleting. [quote]3) No effort put into it.[/quote] I tried my best, I had some effort in it when it started. Then everyone joined, and never, or rarely posted. Plus, I had an organised chart on who was playing who about two weeks into the game. Then, people that decided not to have a team, all made teams that no one joined. I anounced the battles and after two weeks of nothingness, I gave up on it. Then a group of people joined and immediatly started fighting. It looked like no effort was put into it. [quote]2) No rules.[/quote] I had rules, nobody followed them. [quote]1) No plot.[/quote] It had as much of a plot as ZOIDS season 2! (The afternoon one) [quote]Oh, and I'm 'slamming' how annoying all this is. How would you like it if you poured your heart and soul and some punk came up in there with a post that says "i shot u i win hah loser"? Hmm?[/quote] This is [u]very[/u] hard to address without saying names. War of the Elements blew, and ZT turned into a mess. I agree with you fully. [_______ presses a button and his comand system unfreases!] *cough* As long as some people don't go crazy, my next RPG will go well, and it won't spam up your forums.
  24. Wow, I'm losing by alot! Can I buy some stuff?
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