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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. Heh...heh... I'm in. I know a lot about NES and Genisis.
  2. *****!!! I gotta go! Sorry, Pm me and I'll answer back when we're both on
  3. Ya, I'll need it, and I'm sure you will. Axel attaches the blades onto the wings and reinforces the wings with the armour
  4. Sorry, but I ain't waiting for Psyco, the battle is on! (Who goes first?)
  5. My test is in my sig. Off topic: How do you get the pics in your sig?
  6. I found the books, witch one should I buy first? (writers block, sorry)
  7. Heh, sorry Gavin, I got swamped with homework for a few nights. Name: Axel RBB: Strider Type: Dragon with guns protruding from it's wings (changed) HP: 50 Gun: 10 All: 10 Carrying: Nothing Money: Whatever you start with Win:0 Loss:0 (Buys the armour and the blade for 160)
  8. [quote]I'm sorry your highness... I wasnt aware that wind was taken... but if I absolutely HAVE to change it.. I'll take Fire.. but c'mon, Hi my name's Feather my element is... fire? Can't I jsut keep air? No one else seems to have a problem with that. [/quote] We find them they are not given to us. [quote]They all agreed. But personally abob had doubts, all their powers were creative, his was distructive. How could he help them , he was so different. He continued to think as he finished his breakfast...[/quote] See above, I tried to tie this in as a dream for char. motivation, we DO NOT HAVE OUR ELEMENTAL FORCES YET, WE WILL GET THEM ON OUR JOURNEY! [size=1]sorry[/size] Axel: Y'know what? I think that rock that the moron on tv found is what we're searching for. We are going to the meauseum! Raven: How will that help us? Axel: ... What do you mean? Raven: How are we going to get it? Axel: Myself, you, and feather are going in. Mostly since you and her and I have experience stealing things... Raven & Feather: We're going to steal it???!!! Axel: Of course! Feather: Sounds like fun... shall we? Axel: lets...
  9. [color=crimson][size=4][b]I hope you are not bombing my RPG, it is my most successful![/color][/size][/b]
  10. Axel--Ignition


    ... I chalange Dragon warrior!
  11. ... We don't have the powers yet!!! I'll mess around with it thou... [i] Suddenly, Axel wakes up in a cold sweat...[/i] He comes down stairs to find the rest of them eating breakfast. Raven: Wow! What a sleepyhead Axel: Not in the mood right now, I just had a wacky dream. (Continueing on with the whole quest now that [u]some[/u] ppl signed up...) Why don't we figure out the whole thing, the rock, the lack of spirit in the earth, and the dream I just had, it felt so real, like a premonition. We need to figure all this out or the earth may die out at any moment, it all seems to be conected... *thinks* Tom: Wow, nice speech! Axel: ... Thanx. So are you with me???!!! Everyone: Yes! Axel: Lets go!
  12. ... He wakes up to find Raven in front and Strider beside him... Axel: What day is it??? Raven: Sunday! Axel: Oh, I knew that! Raven: Riiiiight Axel: I know Raven: ... Axel: I'm going back to bed (seriously) Raven: 'Night!
  13. Axel--Ignition


    Heh, reminds me of a japaneese import I played... Name: Axel RBB Name: Strider Type: Knight that uses guns O.o;
  14. It messes up the graphics if you have it in ur party, it cannot permenetly mess up the game
  15. Thanx... clears it up! Axel notices his friends calling to him from below. He lands... Raven: What were you doing??? Axel: *dizzy* Wheee! That was fun! Raven: Cut it out! *Slap!!!* Axel::blackeye: :( :bawl: Raven: *Slapp!!!* Axel: :blackeye: OWWWWWW! *Falls off his Dryphon* AAHHHHH! My :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: foot! Zeonic puts Axel back onto his "Mighty Steed" Zeonic: The hospital ran outta medication, you'll have to go with that foot for a while. Axel: ..... .... .... I was prepared for that, I'm going home...
  16. Infinite of any one item... Put an item into the sixth slot of ur inventory. Talk to the gatekeeper in Veridian city and let him show you how to catch a PKMN.Now fly to cinnibar and surf the right coast until you get into a fight with a MISSINGNO. After the battle find the item and it will have a waky icon next to it. That is how you know it works.
  17. Nah, course not, I wish you'd be some other job thou, it would screw the RPG. [i]Time to bring in Abob[/i] As Abob jumps out the window he finds himself near town no.05. He decides to go to the bar and get a drink. As Axel is about the leave, he hears a familiar phrase and turns around... Abob: ssppppttttt *cough cough* What the hell did you put in that!!??!?!?!!! Axel: *whipers to Abob* ((Ya shouldn'ta come here.)) Abob: I had nowhere else to go. Axel: Wanna come to my place, I still got some beer, 1976. Abob: A good year... yeah sure, I'll come. They go to Axel's house... Raven: Hey Axel! I brought a friend of mine! Her name is Feather! Hey who's the dude in the trentchcoat??? Abob: Hi, I'm Abob. Raven: Hi, I'm Raven! *shakes hands* Axel: So, Feather, what are you here for? Feather: I'm hungry, and Raven told me that I could eat here. Axel: *sweatdrop and grits teeth* You're pushing it Raven!!!!:flaming: They all go into the kitchen and eat...
  18. In Victory Road. Im sure that they have something @ [url]www.gamefaqs.com[/url]
  19. The lifestream. U go over Midgar in the airship and your characters will parachute down
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nataniamon [/i] [B]Ravin sat in here room with the door open and the shutters open. Suddenly Sere ran into the room. "Ax is gone!" "What the ****!" Ravin said as she stood up. "The bird thing is gone too."Sere added panting. "Ax could not have gone far because of his foot." Ravin walked out of the room onto a ledge." Start a search party i want Ax and that bird thing found now!" Niko came in and started to talk about seeing the bird thing fly over the weyr. [/B][/QUOTE] Waita minute 'ere, I haven't read the book, but the way you drew the dryphons made it look like you could ride on them, that is what I'm trying to get at. and can you clarify this thread thing? [i]Axel soars through the air on his new friend's back, he even gave it a name: Strider...[/i] Axel: Wow! you can fly this high!??? Strider: Squawk! [i]The search party takes a look around outside to see a shady figure flying to the mountains to the north.[/i]
  21. (sorry if I go insane during this post... I go crazy at night...) Axel: Ahhhhh, my leg! Doc: Don't worry, just take this.... *sprays ointment on this messed up foot* Axel: Ahhhh.... ****!!!! Doc: Cussing is not helping your foot! Axel: Hell that you would know you (bleeeep) Doc: .... We may need a tranquilizer on this one.... Axel: Shut up! Hey, what are you putting on my forhead...:mad: :flaming: :hippy: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: Doc: It never fails... lets see how the bird is doing... Walks into the room across the hall Doc: OMG! What in the world happened here!?!?!?!?! Assistant: 'e got away... Doc: What! and I was going to sell him on the black market! Suddenly, the window in Axel's room shatters and the Doctor and his assistant check it out to find that Axel is missing. Doc: I bet I know what happened... Assistant: me too Doc: and we didn't even inject the medicine into his foot... (the foot's useless, get over it)
  22. Heh... meh sorry bout that, I ain't changing my post cuz it wuz a lotta work. Just skip they stupid stuff and move on with ur **** life!
  23. Thread??? Whatever, I'll try to stay away from that until someone clears it up... Axel is woken up at about 1 in the mourning to hear a strange pecking noise coming out of his window on the bottom floor of his house... followed by a large shattering glass sound. (
  24. heh heh... I have that game Gouf's right, one element
  25. [quote](writers block. Strife where are you when i need you to finish up?)[/quote] Sleeping! Erin and Axel look up to see a shady figure flying above their heads... Axel: 'Bout time you show your true form! Erin: Woah! Ax, how'd you know about this. Axel: I had to fight it. Erin: Did you win? Axel in thought: ....:blackeye: :bawl: .... "Nope! Can't remember" Erin: riiiiight Axel: .... Erin: .... Axel: .... Erin: .... Tom: [b]....[/b] Axel:[size=3] Alright already! I **** lost! Are you happy!!![/size] Erin: no Axel: Whats wrong? Erin: His spontanious burst of energy has just died out and he is back in the shape he was in... if not worse... Tom: Uuuggghhhh Axel, don't worry... b-out m-me... Axel: [size=1]shut up Tom[/size] Tom: s--ave yoursel...*cough* ves... Axel: [b]Shut up Tom[/b] Tom: *cough, cough* Axel: [size=4]Shut up Tom![/size] Tom: Alright, you don't need to yell. Axel: Didn't I just say shut up???!!! Save your strength!! Tom: Ok. Axel: I said shut up! ---the two go at it until Tom passes out and the griffyn gets tired and runs home---
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