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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. Yays! I made the second-silliest thread! Thank you Gavin for coming up with the idea!
  2. I would enjoy a decent card game discussion to say the least. Someone made a Magic thread a while back that wasn't very interesting. I spend most of my time (and money) playing Magic.
  3. [i]...Or at least they tried, the impact from the fight caused the mini-tower to collapse, it detached and our group fell to the ground...[/i]
  4. [i]Axel was flung into the air, he kicked the wall behind him and leaped off of it, towards the dragon and drew his sword. He slashed at the behemoth's neck and beheaded it. Now they were left free to explore the castle at their own pace...[/i]
  5. Axel: Pay them no heed, run! Ryowa: Right, we mus'nt fight it, it'll slow us down! Ravin: I don't even know what it is! Axel: Perhaps it would be better if you didn't know... Ryowa: We have to get up to the top! Starr: Where are we going? Axel: Here! [i]They saw a large door at the end of the hall...[/i]
  6. Key: Black Power: Red MP/HP: Green Eva/Spd/Acc: Yellow Ability: Purple-Pink cross symbol Defense: Blue I think there's two I'm missing.
  7. Sorry that I let the RPG slip away, I have been very sick and I've had a lot of work. I'm back and posting now. [i][size=1]Axel looked back at the several camps lined up. The sun decended once more and orange light covered the landscape. He walked, casting a lonely shadow in front of him, towards the castle. He stood at the doors, for the the first time noticing how large they were. The battle was won, but there were more he had to fight. He turned, looking at the speck of the camps, making his decision of his feeling towards his crew... Names, personalities, and skills ran through his mind; Ryowa's hatred, Nepenthe and Lacroix's bickering... was there anybody who could just get along? Of course there were, he hoped. He gave a small smile, and opened the right door...[/i][/size]
  8. [i]The group followed Ryowa through a door and up some very long stairs, the stairs did not reach the top. There were yet challenges to be faced in the tower in which they stood.[/i] [size=1]Sorry I haven't posted in so long, I've been sick[/size]
  9. I happen to have the CD, it [i]is[/i] very good. I like the song after Cochise, "Show Me How To Live" something like that.
  10. General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Male Otaku of the Year: Syk3 Honorable Mention: Dragon Warrior Female Otaku of the Year: Juuthena Honorable Mention: Raiha Most improved Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Silliest Thread of the Year: Big Brother II Honorable Mention: Funniest Member: Sara Honorable Mention: DeathKnight Silliest Username: Honorable Mention: Member most likely to be here in two years: ...James... Honorable Mention: ...Adam? Avatar of the Year: Honorable Mention: Signature of the Year: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: Best Otaku Couple: Piromunkie & Queen Asuka Honorable Mention: The Harlequin & Ravenstorture Best looking Otaku: BabyGirl Honorable Mention: wrist cutter (I think that was her..) Otaku clique of the Year: Honorable Mention: Best Newbie: Honorable Mention: Best Oldie: Tasis Honorable Mention: Sephiroth Best Otaku-Related site: Honorable Mention: Most likely to become a Staff Member: Honorable Mention: Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Honorable Mention: Writer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Role-Player of the Year: Too many to choose, The Harlequin Honorable Mention: Brawler of the Year (sparring): Honorable Mention: Role-Playing Game of the Year: The DuskRider Legacy? Honorable Mention: Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: Honorable Mention: Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Honorable Mention: Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall): Syk3 Honorable Mention: James DragonBall Guru: Honorable Mention: Digipeep of the Year: GinnyLyn Honorable Mention: Sara Gundam Member of the Year: Domon Honorable Mention: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: gouf Honorable Mention: Domon Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Sephiroth Honorable Mention: Crazy White Boy Nintendo "Mario" Award: James Honorable Mention: The Sony Award: Crazy White Boy Honorable Mention: Sephiroth Xbox Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: PC Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Syk3 Honorable Mention: Shift Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): GinnyLyn Honorable Mention: Best Spriter: Final Flash Honorable Mention: Alexander Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy): Tasis Honorable Mention: Desbreko Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto): Medra Honorable Mention: Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario): James Honorable Mention: Desbreko PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Lady Katana Honorable Mention: The Triforce Award (Zelda): Desbreko Honorable Mention: If I think of any others I'll put them in
  11. [size=1][i]Axel woke up early, most others were asleep, he cooked a small meal over the fire and walked outside, eating it with his hands on the way out. He sat on the grass right out of the castle. As he finished his breakfast, he watched the sun rise. He fell aslep for a little more...[/i][/size]
  12. [i]As the sky slowly grew dark, Axel knew -that just by the odd shapes of clouds- trouble was brewing. He looked at his sword, laying parallel to him in the grass, smiled, then looked to the sky once more. While he watched the sun set, he heard a terrible, loud crash inside the forest to his left. He got up from the hill, hoping to get a view of what mde the peuliar sound. No, saw nothing. Then he heard it again, then again... two... no, three- four! Four more times he heard the crash, then-- a pause... Looking back at the sun, he regained the warm comfort, then it grew dim, closing in on night... Suddenly, another crash, which immediatley caught his attention once more. More noises came, the started to blend together, making a horrendous noise. The trees began to fall, clearing a path for a large creature. Axel, who was still a young lad, grew a little scared. A correct metaphor would compare his fear to the blackness of the sky. Then... he saw the accursed beast. It loked like a giant spider, but was too far to completely make out. His fear also distorted his sight. Alatariel and her entourage neared the hill, they too saw the creature. Axel gripped his sword and charged down the hill, to greet his soon-to-be friends, and to fight the monster with them...[/i]
  13. [i]It's also quite exspensive, lol[/i] I found the [i]American[/i]site. It's at [url]http://www.dothack.com/[/url] The graphics are blurred, and it's slower, but it's readable...
  14. Great! I hope have any homework tomorrow...
  15. [i][size=1]We have sent a unit to keep an eye on you during your adventure. As you may have guessed, you job is not complete, we are trouble too. We'd like to have your services help us as well. [center]-King Garmeicia[/center][/i] Ryowa: We are not done, we cannot part home yet... Axel: Of course not, there are other nations that need our aid. Ryowa: Well, my king is in trouble, we have sent so many troops to help other nations, that we have few forces for ourselves... Axel: I see... Don't worry, we will help you. [i]Nepenthe walks up[/i] Nepenthe: I'm not sure if I agree to that offer... Ryowa: Heh, fine, that's your decision, I have enough forces to take down that army! Nepenthe: Do you want me to? Axel: That's fine with-- Ryowa: --Shut it Ax! Yes, its ok by me. You may come if you want to... Nepenthe: Hah! Of course you'd say yes... Axel: Can we stop bickering and move on?![/size]
  16. Cid was also in Choc's Racing. [COLOR=royalblue][size=1]There's twice in a row you've posted reply's with less than 10 words, try to refrain from doing this. -Tasis[/size][/COLOR]
  17. The game, from what I've heard, will be a lot like Wild Arms, gameplay wise. The graphics are bad, but the fact that it's a game... about a game kind'a forces you around the fact. "Blame the Game, why? Because it's a game!" It has a unique presentation like no other has, from what I heard, you play as the green haired guy in James' avatar, he has apparently just joined, but hackers input a virus that doesn't allow him to leave. He gets stuck having to beat the hackers so he can leave. That's just what I heard, it's quite tentative. Although it does make a good story. This rumour of the story does intrigue me more about the anime, and it makes me strive further to get it. I wish these sort of odd things would actually happen in real life. A game where you acctually get into the game? That's just cool. I'd buy it for any cost!
  18. Thank you for sharing that, it's hilarious. I hope you do enter. Which person were you? Were you even in it? BTW: Gavin, stop, you are spamming.
  19. [spoiler]Oh yeah! Rikku's father! Shoot...[/spoiler] [color=royalblue][size=1]Added spoiler tag. Make sure you use it with possible spoilers ;) -Tasis[/color][/size]
  20. Axel: I know what happened. Ravwrin: Well? [i]He tells her, this action was followed by a loud thud out the front of the house...[/i]
  21. [i]Axel cycled through their story again.[/i] Axel: What was that creature? Knowing these days, it'll probably be striking again soon. Well, I'm prepared... [i]Sather walked outside, joining Axel[/i]
  22. Ok, that's enough, let others join...
  23. Aye, but that's where I come in! [i]With her gone, the arguement ended. Axel quickly got bored and went outside.[/i] Bah, no point either! Oh well...
  24. There has been a sudden rise in "Random Chat Excerpts" from which give many great laughs. Me and Dragon Warrior have been thinking... Why not hold a contest? All you need to do is to post your funny excerpt here. After a week, The competition will begin, where viewers will view and vote on, via posts, the one they like the best. Let the contest begin! Have fun... [center][size=1]By the way, Gavin is cool...[/center][/size]
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