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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. You don't have that one Gouf
  2. Name: Axel Age: pointless Weapon: Long Sword and sniper rifle Materia: Thunder, Cure, Fire App. I'll think about it. Bio: ...
  3. Yeah, can we plz make our own, I don't like the char. for ff10
  4. You need to PUBLISH THE SITE!!!!! and yes josh is twice my height. (inside joke) and gouf, no illeagal drugs during signups!:laugh: your weapon is either katana or rapier ( not to be confused with...) The pants were'nt that funny, edit it to Gi, clothes, or tunic. Remember, I have my ... ACE IN THE HOLE!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!:laugh: (another inside joke)
  5. Ax: More guards! That's it! (Holds out sword) ENDER SWORD!!! (sword charges up and he dashes through the crowd killing them all off.) A few yards away he notices Tom fighting off many guards too. Ax: Erin I found him. (all three of them fight until their foes are vanquished.) OOC: I had no idea we were in a cave.
  6. Uhh, that last part you put down would be your bio.
  7. Is it tooo late for me to join?
  8. Kick! Punch! POWWWW! (all the fighters stand breating heavily, as all the corpses lie all round them.) Ax: lets... go.... Tom: Right!
  9. This is the notebook post where I will keep updates so you don't have to read the whole thing if youv'e been away for a little while or if you start in the middle of the rpg... NOTEBOOK: 2/17: [u]players[/u] Axel (Cloud Strife00) Raven (D* Star) Tom (Gouf) Abob (Boba Fett)
  10. Planet earth is starting to decay, the wind stops, and the water becomes stagnant and undrinkable. A war of the elements is to blame. No one really knows what started it, but there is a prophecy. Written aeons ago, this prophecy stated: When the world is in trouble, numerous warriors shall come together, with their combined strength, they will vanquish their foes. There is only one way, through a portal through the ages, into the spirit world made by four magical stones, fire, wind, water, and earth. There is also ledgend about legndary weapons and armour scattered around the world. All you need is the following: Name: Age(op) : Stature(fat, tall, lanky will do) : Skill: (listed below) Element for later use: (listed below) Weapon: (listed below) Armour: (listed below) Bio(op): Description(op) : I think that should be everything. I am also including a notebook post, new people can look at it, I will update it every 40 posts. (To mods: I wouldn't consider this double posting, I am simply helping new people out.) If youre going to join, please wait until you see the notebook post. Gouf is also in charge (sory folks, this was his idea in part.) Now then, the lists... [u]Skills:[/u] Snipe: Weapon: Sniper rifle Armor: clothes Armor of choice(for later): Right gauntlent Warrior: Weapon: Axe Armor: Leather vest Armor of choice: Breastplate Knight: Weapon: Broadsword Armor: Chainmail Armor of choice: Helmet Swordsman: Weapon: Rapier Armor: Gi AOC: shinguards Gunner: Weapon: Pistol Armor: clothes AOC: Left Guantlent Thief: Weapon: Daggers Armor: Tunic AOC: Wind Boots [u]Elements:[/u] Fire Water Thunder Earth Air Light Dark Animal Ice Have fun! Oh, my stats: Name: Axel Stature: Somewhat muscular and medium boned Skill: Knight Element: Thunder Bio: ... I'll think about it, not sure yet Oh, and there can only be one of each skill, if the amount goes over, I will make new jobs. It would also be good to have one of each element until there are no more. Then you can double them up.
  11. I agree. Exelent, I can't do anything like that, I write comedy for a comic. -> There are three men that stand for more than crime and money... They are the one, and only... SPACE SQUAD! They fight for truth, justice, and a free soldier's buffet!
  12. Sorry i havent posted in a while, got hit with 6 school projects, I'm way behind in story, I'll read it this weekend.
  13. Cloudy Mirror: Go to entrance of Calm Lands. Find a yellow choco feather on the ground and examine. This will take you to reminem temple. on the outside, have a race between the 2 chocs and win.
  14. Someone hacked into my name, that last post isnt mine Sorry I haven't been able to post, I got hit by 6 projects, don'[t worry, I'm in the clear now. It's amazing that youve managed to keep my character in this, thanx. Now then... Gouf, your assistance is no longer needed. Tom finds himself overwhelmed by all the guards. Tom: Just a few... ...more! Axel: Tom, get out of here! Let me handle them! Tom: NO! Its... all ...right... ahhh! (Axel stuns him with the hilt of his sword) Axel: ...Twas for your own good. (Goes to a fighting stance) All right! Who wants some!
  15. as the group starts running to a base a group of archers spot us and start firing. we been spotted tom: start attacking guy's!! nick erin ax let's move it nick: i see a base it's striat ahead of us. erin:so what do we do when we get there tom: umm umm fight??? nick:what erin:what ax:that's your plan tom:yep:) all: moan
  16. Oh, come on morons! It's the letter [size=9]E[/size]
  17. (still drunk) K': [size=6]VACTION![/size]
  18. Myself=first consumer in USA to beat it. Hat colors= Red, blue, pink, yellow. Stages= Burger restaurant, A tv set, Shrunk down in PaRappa's house, Army training camp, hair solon, "food court" video game, Noodle's hangout, final levl party.
  19. Axel and Tom get on the shuttle just as it is about to take off. Gouf= clear your PMs
  20. [i]Axel notices the large grouping while eating his meal.[/i] Axel:Ahhh, yes. I have heard much of you. I think it was a year ago. (He stands up.) My name is Axel, and I wish to join your entorage. Treme: Well, welcome to the team. Any useful abilities? Axel: Yes, these. [i]Suddenly, Axel's shirt shreds along the back as beutiful dragon's wings spread from behind him.[/i] Treme: Woah...:eek: (Shakes Axel's hand) Welcome to the team! Axel: Thank you. [i]His wings fold as Axel gets a new shirt out of his backpack.[/i]
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