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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. Axel--Ignition

    Ff X

    Sorry that you didn't have time for it at my house, Gouf. I'll try to break it down for you and anyone else. [u]Story[/u] Water is the theme to this one and if you liked ff8 or 4 you would like it. [u]Battles[/u] You can now switch characters in the middle of fights. No experience is gained either. Instead, there is a sphere grid and you get steps and orbs and you set the orbs in slots for abilities and the steps to move to them.
  2. Ive seen all of GW Trowa, Heero, Duo, Judau Ashta(ZZ), Garrod Ran(X), Char(0079), Anavle Gato(0083)
  3. they just replace the items for the same ones. Besides, Excalibur sux
  4. Tips on Grand Dragons: Level 5 Death (Quina) I could never get Excalibur out of the 13 times I've beaten it, I can't get the Fingertip, it never shows up in the auction for me, but twice I got ExcaliburII. coolkam007 is right, there are many good things you can synthiesize there. Also, play the 4-armed man in cards, he has all the airship ones. If your collection rank is rank S, you can figure out his true name. *hint*- think back to ff8 during the final battle against Seifer. Also, about the frindly creatures. If you give all of them what they ask, it lets you use normal attacks on Ozma.
  5. I don't remember the exact location but it should be on one of the small islands.
  6. ---- and he uses a gun instead of a hand-hand weapon so he can get his revenge by shooting Hojo back... That's what I heard anyway.
  7. [b][size=1]Name: [color=crimson]Krizalid Prime[/color] "That's [u][color=crimson]K'[/color][/u] to you bub!" Hair:[color=silver] Down past ears slightly. Grey and kinda messy[/color] Eyes: [color=teal]Teal[/color] Clothes: Red T-shirt with baggy black pants. Has a green vest over his shirt and it has many pockets. Height: 5'6 Weapon: Long- bladed sword and an empty revolver. Level: 2 Bio: [color=dkblue]Not sure who he is or where he came from and is searching for the answers. He makes a living by selling spare parts of weapons and street fighting. He can forge metals into weapons in his workshop, but he has had a long journey away from home, searching for his parents.[/color][/b][/size]
  8. Axel--Ignition


    They should give him life in prison, that'll teach'em
  9. Name: Zack (Cloud's "brother") Weapon: Buster Sword Materia: Bahamut, Contain, Chocobo Lure, and Comet Limit: Omnislash
  10. I think the best (not most powerful) weapon is Nu Gundam's Fin Funnels. They act as a shield, surrounding Nu, then when you want them to attack, you can make them shoot a barrage of beamcannon shots.
  11. [color=dkblue]Name: K' Animal: Grand Dragon Type: Thunder Name: Dauragon Bio: Kind'a strange but can also be serious. :gulp: :alcohol: :drunk: knows when to get the job done. Grey hair, sunglasses, Red shirt, baggy black pants, and a long trenchcoat. Has a sword and a sniper rifle forming an X strapped to his back. Carries a revolver. He does'nt know it yet, but he comes from a long line of battlemages. Dauragon: A brilliant blue and green dragon that can breathe fire, ice, and lightning. When I found him he had heavy titanium armour so I kept it on him.[/color]
  12. dangit! I live in USA and you guys have to tease me by saying everyone else gets a better version! ...continues on :cussing:
  13. U have gundam gifs?! I could use those for [url=cloudstrife9999.tripod.com/omegadynasty/] my site[/url] please email them to [email]cloudstrife00009@aol.com[/email] pleeeeze?:help:
  14. I have read the novelization of Char's Counterattack as well of GundamW: Blind Target.
  15. ... not bad, I'd play with that.:laugh: :bellylaug :purplelau::rotflmao:
  16. Iv'e seen some too, only one that I've seen works though, but it was really long and I do'nt remember the site. But it is really fun to play as him.
  17. I knew it:rotflmao: :smoke: :alcohol:
  18. [color=darkblue]Dragon: Lets rest. Theif: Ok. * they both fly down in a village inhabited by fox-human hybrids* Fox-men: *gasp* dragon... oh yes... so... pretty.... "is this yours?" Theif: "I... think so..." *runs to the pub and takes a seat, while the dragon goes to sleep in the middle of the crowd of people* Theif: "I'll have a hard beer bartender. *suddenly, a large crowd barges in and trys to interview me since they're not getting anything from the dragon* *rents a room at the inn close to midnight, the dragon is still slepping, the townsfolk think it's dead...* *wakes up at sunrise, and stares at his new long bladed sword... decides to go to the Blacksmith... the dragon is still sleeping...* Theif: "Hey, can you sharpen this?" Smithy: -- y-yes sir! * goes into the back and whistling can be heard throught the store.* *the dragon comes to the window of the store, with a sad look on his face...*[/color]
  19. [color=dkblue][i] Runs to the village and evacuates it. He then hides in a bush, he takes his near-empty gun out and attempts to shoot down the dragon. The few shots miss since I'm so far away, the gun is now empty. He runs out and takes the long bladed sword and climbs up a house. "Creature of the mountains, go back to where you came. If you don't I will have to use force!" but at this moment he has a strange vision about looking out from a cliff with a baby dragon by his side. "You're-" I mutter "Yes, I am" says the dragon s-l-o-w-l-y "why are you attacking our village?" "I was looking for you, master" "!!!" -soon, they both hear a strange sound, and another dragon flies to the north...- (Akria's dragon) "Where's that one going?" "I don't know." -The boy and the dragon both start following it-[/color][/i]
  20. [color=dkblue][i] A young man and his little brother are running across a hill in the forest with sword and shield in hand. Wait! I yell... "Where are you going! They answer." We are going to slay the big bird thats about to attack our village!" *He points to my town inside the forest where only elves and mythical creatures may go... if they have the password.* I look a little higher, and there is a giant figure that is blocking out the sun. "Are you well trained?" I ask. "no, our dad died before he could finish our lessons, but don't worry, we CAN take care of this!" Yeah, right... "Hit me! Right now!" The Kids are uneasy about it but they do it, andsadly, I knock them flat. "Ahhhh, what do we have here..." *picks up their equipment* "This could be useful..." and puts it away. Well, I guess I have to kill the bird. - But as he gets closer, he realizes that it is not a bird, but another dragon. -[/i][/color]
  21. I'll join, for the heck of it... Name- Theif... for now age- 19 Race- Hybrid between human and elf. Weapon- 2 daggers, long sword, and an [u]empty[/u] gun Bio- A nameless treasure theif---- i mean, treasure hunter! -
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Britty, did you see Gave's post??? He losta lot. He shouldn't even be a member any more. Didn't he use to have about 700?? What happened to all them. You know all about that miss 19 otaku, errr wait make the member, no i mean 19th otaku, wait i had it last time, member. Adn like I said, i want Gave to do this one too. I don't remember how we did the last one. [/B][/QUOTE] -- the dating game:flaming: :blackeye: I would like to join Character: Krizalid (K') Dash Game/anime: The King of Fighters'99
  23. the stupid est thing that happened to me was when i was i 1st grade and got pushed off a spiral slide and fell on my funny bone and broke it.:blackeye:
  24. that goes back to the "sprit board" that i was talking about. Those Spheres add to a stat or ability by so much. Like in ff7 you can put them in certain areas such as attack power or stealing. Also, in case some of you haven't heard this already, you can use summons and they come out as a real playable character for the battle.
  25. Hey,Emma... Do you know wehere to find GundamX tapes?
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