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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. Aye, I like these RPGs. Besides, I'm bored.
  2. Kingdom Hearts, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8, 9, Choc's Dungeon 2. If that's right... What games did Moogles appear in? [size=1][COLOR=royalblue]Nope, isn't right - Tasis [/COLOR][/size]
  3. [i]Axel was sitting back in his chair, he realized that it [/i]was[i] a good day for hunting, he got his rifle and left the house through the back. He was almost immediately slammed into by Sather. Ravwrin heard the commotion, saw the unconsious bodies laying there, and dragged them into the house. When Axel woke up he was in bed, and he could hear Sather and Kizu talking loudly to Ravwrin. He got out of the bed and walked into the living room of which the discussion was taking place...[/i]
  4. Bleh, another copycat, j/k I'll join... Name: Axel Nessron, Edge of Fire Age: 150 (-17 in Elf years) Race: Human--Elf Weapons: Screw-Together "Fusion Swords" One has holes, like a flute, which I play songs that create the effect similar to fire magic. I'll post my bio later, basically a traditional warrior's background. Appearance: Strong and medium in stature. He has a pale face with piercing red eyes and hair hanging down that is as black as his former heart. He wears black, white, and gold armor and two screw-together swords he calls Fusion Swords.
  5. [i]I never tried to kill you... that's planned for next week...[/i]
  6. [i][size=1]She looked up, still all she could see was the dark figure. Ryowa saw it too, he shot it in the head, it didn't even flinch. It lowered itself to strike, Axel saw it, he suddenly realized that it was an ogre, oddly large, even for an ogre. It would be stupid to attack, so he killed the soldiers while keeping an eye on it...[/i][/size]
  7. ...There is not a boss in the Iifa Tree, if you mean the Mistodons, they are undead, so just give it max recovery items... Question: What four things can you steal from Ozma?
  8. They don't play anything even half decent in NC. I get a lot of those cheesy boy bands and ballads, also all the odd soft rock varieties. Nelly gets played too much. I'd wish they'd play AudioSlave, KoRn, and other hard rock songs. We don't have anything, seriously, pop and country...
  9. Name: Axel Nessron, The Sword of the Skies Age: 17 Rune: Storm (Weak mix of Thunder, Wind, and Water) Beast: BattleDrake (Krodos) Description: Strong and medium in stature. He has a pale face with piercing red eyes and hair hanging down that is as black as his former heart. He wears black, white, and gold armor and two screw-together swords he calls Fusion Swords. Background: Spawned from the deepest pits of Hell, he arose to destroy the human race so that Hell would more populous. Something snapped inside him in a small city called Grunda, where he saw a small girl screaming for her dear life inside of a car that was turned over by his maleovent winds of hatred, the driver was dead. He shed a dead tear of pity, and went to save the girl. The demon then died... Axel was born out of the sinister being's carcass and strove to rewind the madness that his former had caused. After years of life, he came across many perilous dangers, and yet many happy moments. He saved a castle and became know as "Axel of the Skies". After a few more years, life began to bore him, so he sought out for something more, thus his story begins...
  10. Are we all forgetting about The Bouncer?! I wish I could! Every mag, every site, everything said that it would be the ultimate game for the PS2. When the game came out, I immediately got it and almost threw it away. It had the worst fighting system ever! Sure, the graphics were brilliant, they still stand up today... but all the music was ripped off of old horror movies! The story sucked (Did SquareSoft really make this?), the gameplay sucked, the music sucked... Can I point out anything (not including the graphics) that was acceptable? Acctually, all the first few runs of games for the PS2 were terrible, almost there for the specific reason to show off the PS2 awesome graphics. The only good old games for it were Tekken Tag Tournament, ZOE, Dynasty Warriors 2, and SSX.
  11. I'm starting to get that way too, I hardly care for anything anymore. I have my own ways of getting over it... don't worry.
  12. Hmm, thats cool, I hardly know her though. Nice to know! ^_^
  13. In America, it will come out with the game, .HACK//INFECTION, which will be coming out in Feburary. I all ready have the money for the game, and Iam working on the money for the series.
  14. [quote]Well, Square makes a lot of crappy games. The Bouncer and Driving Emotion Type-S were both major shockers.[/quote] Don't get me started about The Bouncer!!! It was supposed to be the best fighter/action game of all time! I can't believe I got my *** kicked at a martial arts tournament just to get that worthless piece'a crap!!! Thank you for letting me vent, now, the poster gives me a new look at the game. It appears to be at an ideal age for magic and dragons, etc. I heard a few neat rumours about the game, and of course I'm going to get it, along with X-2. And yes, if we could only swap Goofy and Donald for Cloud and Leon...
  15. I can't believe this thread lasted so long. I guess it's fun to make fun of such a serious show like Gundam. Zeon member one: Sir! We can't hold him anymore!!! Member two: We need more support! [i]The commander looks out his window to find two Zakus struggling to hold a Big Zam over their heads.[/i] Commander: Imbeciles...
  16. Hah! I pointed out Yuna's eyes to you! Anyways, I recall that scene too, in Alexandria. The shape of his head was rounded. Like that was his real head. Plus, all the times he looked up and was still black. Also when there were lights on the floor at one point, wouldn't his head be revealed? On the same account, in older games, like 1 and 5, you can see that the mages are human. In FFT they even have hair! Well, that should start a fun arguement...
  17. I got the Perfect Collection and I loved it, I'd love a NGE forum/sub-forum!
  18. I've never heard of it, I'll guess that it is an anime?
  19. The only Otakus in NC that I know of are Me, Zidane11, Gouf, and Sacred Warrior. I'd be happy to meet anyone that lives in High Point or Greensboro.
  20. I join in, for Desbreko's question: 2, Ultros and Dirt Dragon (I think)
  21. [size=1][i]They were free, right behind the army. Ryowa had the first shot at a soldier, this distracted the enemy and our army charged them, killing many.[/i] Axel: Good job Ryowa! [i]Ryowa kept silent, focusing on his next arrow. Axel led the charge of true, physical attacks, also killing many. This war was in the bag. But, there was something they didn't see, something they should shed a tear of worry about...[/i][/size]
  22. (I guess I called you there, I'll edit it) [size=1][i]Axel unleashed his dragon again. All the others readied their beasts as well.[/i] Ryowa: I don't understand how it can be so hard if we have our beasts... Axel: Look around, we are surrounded by mountains, we are sure to get caught... Ryowa: Then what will we do, and what do you need you dragon for? Axel: As another aide for the war. We will go by the underground cave behind the castle. That cave leads just about everywhere. [i]Axel gets back to the room, he announces that this is the time, they begin their journey...[/i][/size]
  23. 1. I found myself attacking with all 5 pieces of Exodia 2. I use Ultimate Offering to bring in a blockade of Man Eater Bugs 3. I used dark hole, killing my two BEWDs, two Summoned Skulls, and a Man Eater Bug to kill a Labrynth Wall 4. I killed my opponent with a Labrynth Wall
  24. Sorry again, am I always late??? [size=1]Axel: Everybody! Come here! 45 minutes have passed! It is time to begin our quick journey, the battle is moving closer to the castle, meaning that we have less distance to travel. Begin your final preparations! We leave in three! Ryowa: I have to wait three more minutes? Grrr... why can't we just charge them. Ravwrin: We should not underestimate our foe. Nepenthe: Yes, that's right, we should-- Ryowa: WHY DOES EVERYBODY HAVE TO GANG UP ON ME???!!! [i]The room goes silent[/i][/size]
  25. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, I had some personal matters to attend to. [size=1][i]Axel suddenly got new orders from one of the guards. He called everyone back to his room.[/i] Axel: I have just recieved new orders from the king. A weakness has been found in the line of the battle. We are to "sneak" around the battle area unseen. We will arrive here... [i]He shows a small map with various markers on it and pointed to one of them.[/i] Ryowa: That's a decent way... Axel: Yeah, it's quite far, but you should handle it. Anyways, we will attack this area, which if it works out, will give us the opprotunity to charge the enemy. That is all, we will begin in 1 hour. You are free until then...[/size]
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