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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. Name:K' Dash, K' is fine Appearence: Grey hair. Black tank top with a brown vest with many pockets. Medium build. Jeans. Holster with an ammoless gun and a huge sword, an empty sniper rifle, a wallet with 25 bucks in it. Age:19 Personality: whatever you make of it. Bio: I have many secrets that will come out slowly...not! I dont know what to say here.:confused:
  2. one question sg, howd you get happy again?
  3. then i Cloud shlash the the hell outta both of them, i dont like those guys!
  4. then I, K' Dash comes in HYAAAA!!!!! Flicks koolaid in the head.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kileone_s_n [/i] [B]The year is A.D. 12,001, the earth is only half now, as the super adapted humans no onger need oxygen, the 12 greatest fighters have been called by the temple of xian, to come and enroll into the ancient temple so that the coming invaders will be destroyed, each of the warriors are destined to become true xians, if you are truly destined, enroll now, just give this info, pm me if you want help on these name: alias(nickname): age: current power: current chi: current true power: parents: special powers/forms: background: and all of those who want to be evil guys, just hold on till after i get 12 good guys [/B][/QUOTE] name-unknown alias-K' age-unknown current pwr-what ever 5,000,000,000/35 equalls current chi-75 current tre power-5,000,000,000 parents-unknown spc powers-manipulate flame and lightning bkgrnd-...he...he....he...
  6. [u]Cloud[/u] hi everyone! Did i hear somethin'? *puts ear to cave wall* [u]Kuja [/u] Fly my silver dragons! [u]Cloud[/u] :eek: Oh,no!
  7. i forget how to get image capture, try beating the game with every character. im unstoppable with almost anyone but my best are lee and king.
  8. okay, i had to do this. whatcha do is make up a story relating to ff while staying origianal. u do this by posting. u can use anything from anything. in other words, i'm the great cloud strife, see picture attached, and i have a mobile suit from gundam: chars counterattack called the Nightingale. [url]www.gundamproject.com[/url] and go to works/charscounterattack/mechanics/nightingale for a pic. lets say were in a cave looking for an anchient relic. if youre just joining introduce yourself and give a motive for your chacter joining. Have fun!
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I liked 7's the best, 8's just plain sucked.... [/B][/QUOTE] couldnt say it better.
  10. me too i love that game, and as zidane said, you can PM me too!!! :p :laugh: :D :) :confused: :bawl: :sleep:
  11. Thats what i say about it. (i dont hate the game, i dont like stuff in the game that wasnt in the last one- pimps & prostitutes)
  12. ff7 is the coolest game ive ever played
  13. gameshark is fun! I like toying around in the game... like swapping vincent wit sephiroth.:freak: :flaming:
  14. if i had to share a room with HHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMM, id shoot him!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :
  15. sorry but you are. you want to see my eon team, its under rate my team.:butthead: :sleep: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead:
  16. the whole idea is to attack wit sneasel and if all else fails, you still have electabuzz. :laugh::worried:
  17. I agree fully Kuja. Exept for one part, if the game lasts an eternity even you would get sick of playing it. and james i agree with you about sega. dreamcast was my fav system...isold it.:( :bawl: :sleep:
  18. I love PB so whatcha gon do about that huh? Oh,quiet you deranged gerbil:butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead:
  19. niether did the US. There's still gameshark...:D
  20. in ff 8 you forgot the moomba. you summon him from a frindship item that you get from the pocket station.
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