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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. think you can beat it? Oh yeah heres my team in crysal (in training) Espeon lv49 psywave bite psychup return Umbreon lv46 feintattack bite return shadowball Jolteon lv48 thunder thunderbolt quick attack Vaporeon lv52 blizzard acidarmor icebeam surf Flareon lv50 fireblast flamethrower quickattack Pigeot lv43 fly wingattack extremespeed fireblast That will eventually be one of my better teams!
  2. ff7-jenova ff7-onewing angel ff9-battle ff8-intro
  3. have all of you forgotten Tenchi forever? Its the 4th seires. on the cover of one videos for it he hugging ryoko.
  4. that looks like the stuff i see at [url]www.gundamproject.com[/url]
  5. that was hilarious! i pity da foo who dont think that funny!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. Like i said: Whats your fav side quest/ mini game? Mines chocobo breeding in ff7
  7. I never got to him so i wouldnt really know. the beastary was misleading. i thought that u would have to beat someone else to finish the game.
  8. thats all they care about anymore. they dont even care about the important part: the game.
  9. sorry if this an insult. ranma1/2 is the gayest thing ive ever seen.:butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead: :butthead:
  10. i heard somthin' really wacky. You keep breeding golds to get a silver. then you can fly. if you fly high enough you go into space and the chocobo loses control. there you crash into meteor. and a new weapon called platinim weapon fights you. his attack=the number of battles youve fought in the game. you beat him and meteor blows up in space and you beat the game because theres no more meteor.:babble:
  11. wasnt the dragon bahamut? hey there was a book that came with it and it had a full beastary. In it had a shillouette of a devilish thing. and it said you dont have to fight him but you can if you think youre ready, or somthing like that.
  12. Ive survived a tornado. our old house is in shambles now.:bawl:
  13. so? theyre still games with ff characters. Hey, it was the best i could think of. Oh and when i said that ff11 was next spring that was ff10. ff11 coming late next year.[QUOTE]Zidane- those arent role- playing games.[/QUOTE]
  14. I agree. that picture is tight!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  15. ive never been there whats it like?
  16. i want a nodachi (a type of long sword):naughty:
  17. oh i forgot its called [B]waky wildlife[/B]
  18. i have a really stupid one i wrote in 3rd grade. there once was a duck that though he was worth a buck so he went and cashed himself in but soon he found out he was worthless no doubt and he let everyone know with a shout he wandered aimlessly in despair he had nowhere to go but he did not care he came to a fork in the road where he met a toad that dude was sorta cheesy but the duck was glad he found a friend this easy here they are a truly worthless pair they didnt know where they were going but they did not care
  19. my cousin won some power rangers trip to ride the bullet train in japan so yes ive been there. They have cemetaries on top of skyskrapers! and there food is tasty!:tasty: See? tasty!
  20. it took me 30 min. just to get to the point where i can type this. I guess my computer sucks!:bawl:
  21. lol, James. Whats the world of video games coming to any more? The nes still has some of the best games: ff, dragon warrior, Guardian Ledgend, and so many more. Do these games stack up to NOW? no they dont but the itself is what counts, not the graphics, sound or anything. Many people still say that when the NES was new, well that to many people consider that the golden age of video games. The same thing with ps2. It shouldnt be the graphics sound. I mean Orphen took me 6 hours to beat, ZOE took me an afternoon, and if mgs2 is going to be as long as 1st one, than the world will have alot of fun playing for the short time itll take them to beat it. I personally think that the quality of video games are rapidly declining. :babble: :sleep:
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