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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. it definately the game hes talking about. Its very good.:)
  2. Hows a deck with 4 sneasels and 4 lt. surges Electabuzzes?:p
  3. Yeah, i loved the game so much. There are sevral missions where u are hired to give a woman sexual pleasures. Plus u are the bad guy aganst the good guys, yeah thats in all the games. But in this game its much worse. Think about it, u blow up a car with a rocket launcher and the guy driving the car sprawls out caught on fire and splashing blood all over the street as he starts to die. You torch a guy with a flame thower and he splashes blood all over the place. If you shoot a guy he starts to limp around holding wherever you shot him leaving a trail of blood behind. Yes it all adds to the fun but theres things that i really dont wanna mention.:eek:
  4. well I hope youre over 20 then. ESRB was going to rate GTA3 adults only but it needed to have a little more to be rated that. Although you are halfway correct, the high rating does make most games cooler.
  5. he...he...he hahahahahahahahaha! mew lv100 Blizzard,fireblast,thunderbolt,megakick mew lv100 Dynamicpunch,thunder,flamethrower,surf Ampharos lv100 dynamicpunch,thunderpunch,thunder,thunderbolt Magmar lv100 Fireblast,thunderpunch(haha!),flamethower,firepunch Sneasel lv100 Blizzard,Beatup,substute,feintattack Gengar lv100 Hypnosis:sleep: ,dreameater,curse,substitute :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. LoD was okay but Xenogears ROCKED! and plese, I happen to like BFM, okay!:D ,:flaming: Oh I forgot FFT2 would be great! I still havent beaten the origianal [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]edit your post dont add a new one!!--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. Im gonna have one soon: Anime and video games! Ill let you know when I make it;)
  8. The first 2 GTA games were cool. The 3rd one just came out today where I live. I feel this game is repulsive and they should remake this game. The guy in best buy said that if he said some of the stuff in GTA3 he'd get [U]FIRED[/U]! I want to know your opinion!:flaming: If you can find a way to email these sadistic minds at rockstar games, PM me!:)
  9. Lionheart masamune punisher zidane ultima wpn
  10. its coming in Japan this spring. Oh and I know a site: Go to aol.com and search for final fantasy 7 midi's then you sould see in the results a top 10/100 or something like that. Go there and find the unofficial final fantasy xi website. get in there and there should be a games section. theres a tic tac toe thing with zidane and dagger. theres also some other stuff like a maze. Plus they have an amusing rumors section:laugh:
  11. tell me what level youre on and I'll help you.;)
  12. Aeris cannot be revived. Here are the ways I prove you all wrong. 1- That's Holy that she dropped. 2- I got her 4th limit! 3- it made too good of a plot twist in the story. 4- her fighting abilities suck- try beating the game depending on her attack like you do with the other characters! GAMESHARK-Lv 99 equipped+masamune= about 5000dmg per attack! 5- they added that platform to be natural. 6- all my mags are starting to say that a remake won't reach Japan or America. :laugh: :demon: :mad: :sleep:
  13. My question about this topic is: How do you get your GIF's under your name?:
  14. I'd like to say that it is the optional boss of the game (CHAOS) But I'm not sure.:butthead:
  15. Sorry, but this is just a rumor. I've heard it too.:(
  16. I beat the game in 9 hours. I forget how many minutes I liked ff7 the best.
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