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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. I'm good at, and enjoy most RPGs. I'd have to say my weakness is those little immature RPGs (no names...) that use smilies instead of char. names and terrible grammar. My favorite RPGs are 'parties', hands down. Too bad about them...
  2. Sorry it took so long, as Erin was hopefully told, my computer got messed up. I found the problem, I had somewhere around 10,000 pictures stored on my computer. I also had to delete some big games *sniff*. Axel: ...So, you're a rouge of sorts? Starr: Yeah, I guess you could say that. Axel: Well, what's so special about your sword? I have one too! [i]He proceeds to pull out his long sword, tinted red from past battles. Their dryphons came to a rest at a nearby cliff, overlooking the next town...[/i]
  3. Name: K' Fighting Style: Violence Birthdate: Unknown Age: Around 16 to 18 years old Birthplace: Unknown Blood Group: Unknown Height: 183 cm Weight: 65 kg Hobbies: None Favourite Food: Beef jerky Favourite Sports: None (he doesn't do well in them) Most important thing: None Hates most: The King of Fighters tournament Attacks: Iron Trigger Blackout Crow Bite Minute Spike On ground or in air Blackout
  4. I personally believe that suits and tuxedos are the worst misuses of fabric in the world... [i]Ravin checks her sack for her books. She finds the Dryphon Care book. Inside, she saw the dryphon that Starr has... Ravin's eyes grow wide.[/i] Ravin: ...The sacred fighting dryphon...? They are extremely rare... almost impossible to find! Starr: !!! Wow! What does it say? Ravin: ...Almost impossible to train, this breed of dryphon are the rarest and most wild dryphons discovered. It is called the fighting dryphon because it has keen instincts and has longer claws than other dryphons. It can be identified by black eyes... Starr: Uh... Should I be happy? Axel: That's your call...
  5. [i]Deep inside Axel's mind... I sense her presence... But where? The picture comes to mind again... it flashes, beckoning him to move towards it... Axel: If she's here... Then why am I...[/i] Axel: ...alive...
  6. Axel: I saw this in a movie before... Ravin: What happened in it? Axel: The travelers got eaten... Starr: So... we should run? Axel: Yep! [i]The run out of the entance[/i]
  7. ... [i]Deep inside Erin's mind... Why was I dragged here? What is this thing that Tom has become? Is he even Tom? What a creep, he won't even let go of me! I must break free! Erin begins to fight against the creature's grip... If only this was... Ahhh![/i] Ravin: Ahhh! Tom: Haha! You will stay here with me! [i]He then gets a boot in the face, making him lose his grip on Erin. She runs down the hall to find Axel...[/i]
  8. I am, but I am quitting, this has to be the most ommature RPG I've ever been in...
  9. [i]Deep inside Axel's mind... Am-am... I dead? Where am I? Axel gets up to find there is no ground. Wha... ...? What is this stuff? Axel decends, down to the bottom...[/i]
  10. Axel: Is this the power we were told about? Ravin: I... guess so... [i]Somebody bursts into the room...[/i]
  11. A drake is a smaller variety of a dragon.
  12. hmmm? I thought it was the size of a chocobo... Well, mine is then. It is your turn to post in the story...
  13. I use AOL and occasionally IE6. I get the same problems with both servers.
  14. ...Spelling and grammar, kids... I definately wouldn't do it, trust me, I've experienced all the cards talked about, and nothing is even halfway decent next to Mirror Force. A decent trade would be something like Raigeki, Magic Jammer, something like that.
  15. *asks* Aside from that, many things can obliterate the obliterator himself. Such as Card Destruction, Delinquent Duo...
  16. Oh, I never saw that episode, that's why. I have a picture of him.
  17. Yes, you need to name it, and a good initial number would be 1, considering that I have Strider, and Ravin has Rouk and a baby drake. I'd consider one a good number...
  18. ...oi... the people I hang out with...
  19. My current team (w/o Mew) is: Espeon Typhlosion Lanturn Butterfree Snesel Articuno
  20. One great help would be, instead of making people's characters, let them make them. What fun is something when you have to follow a certain line, a certain role you must play, a certain decision in the past that made you what you are now. I will gladly help if these conditions are met...
  21. May I do the same? I have dibbs on K' Dash...
  22. [i]Deep inside Tom's mind... Why am I here? What am I doing here? Where am I? WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO ME?!!! Tom himself wakes up inside a glass bubble... Who are these creatures? ...monsters? One of the creatures get closer, says something, and all fades to black...[/i]
  23. A made up being, similar to a griffin, yet somehow like a dragon, ask Nataniamon when she gets on, this includes info for joining. If she's not here by 10:00, she probably won't be on.
  24. Three things go into your question... 1) Are you joining? 2) Read the RPG 3) What are you talking about? Now then, since you are obviously new, have a nice stay at Otaku Boards, I know I am!
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