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Everything posted by Axel--Ignition

  1. I think that was done on purpose. Hmmm, strange and just stupid. Well! I suppose you'd never hear it! Especially from Trowa.
  2. [i]This thread is a little (taken lightly) old, but this is the first time I saw it and I just have to put in my two bits... I consider myself a slightly above average Role Player and a slightly better writer. Spelling really helps when you write, obviously, as well as proper gramm[u]a[/u]r. If you need help with this, just say it out loud, how it looks to you. If it doesn't sound right, you should definitely change it. Just spell the word like it sounds. If you think you made a grammar error, just read it out loud, if it doesn't sound right, then change it. It really isn't as hard as people make it look like, I can spell words like mononucleosis without even thinking about it. My biggest problem are peoples' profiles when they sign up. I've used this as an example about 4 times already...[/i] Age: 18 ------ Bio: About 11 years ago, ________ was walking out of his college. He suddenly spotted a troop of aliens, the war was beginning... [i]That should be all you need to figure out what I am getting at. I see things like this so many times. Anti pointed out something else a few months ago, backgrounds make a character what he is. You can't have an almighty god-like wizard who was a chivalrous knight for 20 of his 23 years. Another thing I don't like is when you post a giant turn in the events of an RPG. Then somebody comes in and completely disregards your post and keeps on the old events and everybody follows him. That annoys me to no content. I could go on and on, but I have other things to do tonight...[/i]
  3. [i]I suppose I'll join... Cloudstrife00009 and Axel the Igniter[/i]
  4. [i]One thing I don't understand about Polymerization, why are fusions so easy to get when Poly is so rare?[/i]
  5. [i]This club is definately regressing... Something needs to happen...[/i]
  6. [i]Oh, come on! That session was so predictable! I did not find the end song, BLUE, sad. I accually liked it. I found the end song in Jupiter Jazz was depressing though...[/i]
  7. Age: Can't say... Height: 6'1" Eyes: One is blue and one is teal Hair: Brown Weight: 137 Occupation: Ametuer Comic Book Artist (Space Squad) Intrests: Video Games, Anime Favorite Anime: Cowboy Bebop Other: I make a website (in my sig) and am an almost-brown belt in Karate
  8. [i]A better idea with Maha is to use 3 Nuzzlers, 1 Stim Pack, and a Ring of Magnetism. This makes a sweet creature, around 5000 ATK and all of your opponent's monsters must attack it, lose, and deal the difference to their frusterated controller.[/i]
  9. [i]Maha Vailo is probably my best card, along with Raigeki, which destroys all of you opponent's monsters on the field.[/i]
  10. This forum is practically dead, I was just hoping to bring some life to it... Domon: No, I do not like Sweed's! *Hugs Allenby* Domon: I love you Rayne! *Hugs Allenby* Char: Ok, Amuro, I cannot defeat you, I know! I'll battle you in Yu-Gi-Oh! *Turns into Yami Char* Domon: Help, help! My Gundam is Burning!
  11. [i]Models would be the first item you described, anything that you put together piece by piece. I hate it when I buy a sweet Gundam model... I have my friends over and we play with it. By the end of the day, it has been stepped on like, twenty times and most of the damage is un-reparable.[/i]
  12. That kind of Hybrid beats me all the time...
  13. Aw, come on! Didn't you expect this? It's in every other Anime forum... Just type in anything from Gundam, random, or carefully thought out, to make us laugh. Domon: Go to bed with itchy butt... Wake up with Shining Finger!!! Domon: Burning Finger!!! Owww! Hot-hot! That hurts! Domon: This cat of mine glows with an awesome power... Its loud roar tells me to... Cat: Meow! (purrrrrr-rrrrr) Domon: ...Pet it... Domon: This hand of mine is burning red!!! Oh no! Not again!
  14. [i]Gah! Finding out that you were being used hurts! I know this from over 20 experiences! I'm way too passive. I fully agree with James and the others, I also think that you should cut the friendship.[/i]
  15. [i]The ground started to rise torward the cieling, the demon flew back to his throne, waiting for them to get crushed...[/i]
  16. Axel: Why? You need the 3rd orb to do anything! Demon: As you think! You have not yet witnessed my power! [i]The orbs levitate out of Ravin's pouch and slowly float over to the demon...[/i]
  17. Gee, thanks... Beast: Are you challenging me?! *Stands up* Ravin: Yes, I am! [i]The giant behemoth of a creature jumps down to the ground they stand on...[/i]
  18. [i]You can have parties of 8 people. Then you can form an alliance, three parties, making a grand total of 18 players in an alliance.[/i]
  19. [i]My translation is... (yes, I do speak jibberish.) Sorry about the--oops! I was trying to spell recieve, sadly I had to break out the dictionary... I can send messages, but when I recieve messages I can't(?), so I just want to know if anyone else has had it and if there is a way to get rid of it because I have had it since the middle of the last version of the otakuboards.com. (Can you help me?) If so, I would like to send you a smilie, I give it to all of my friends to get rid of the annoying pest in life... I think I got it close, now the answer: Yes, I had it during V3. When it turned V4 I didn't have it anymore. The only thing I can tell you is to look for a drop down menu that tells you from what time frame to show the posts, after that, delete them, then, check out your sent items and do the same... I had a similar problem in V5, it kept saying that my box was full in my emails, I wiped it clean and it still said it. Glad that problem's fixed![/i]
  20. [i]I've been wondering what the dots mean, I don't see them on there...[/i]
  21. I was messing around with a blue eyes and some equipment cards, and I killed my 7650LP'd opponent in one hit!
  22. [i]Axel throws it into the beast's mouth, the monster melts away...[/i] Nothing better from me yet!
  23. Anything I ever had that was made from China blew in to pieces...
  24. Green Day is a great band, they have some nice tunes to listen to when you are bored... Tocca, what the heck were you trying to say? Me you uber newbie?
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