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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [COLOR=Sienna]One song I'd say I'm currently obsessed with would be... STONEHENGE! By SPINAL TAP! Ever see the incredibly awesome mockumentary This is Spinal Tap? Yea, those guys. Jokes on us, because they ROCK. Stonehenge[B] Stonehenge, where the demons dwell Where the banshees live and they do live well Stonehenge Where a man is a man and the children dance to the pipes of pan Stonehenge Tis a magic place where the moon doth rise With a dragon's face Stonehenge Where the virgins lie And the prayer of devils fill the midnight sky And you my love, won't you take my hand We'll go back in time to that mystic land Where the dew drops cry and the cats meow I will take you there I will show you how[/B] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Sienna] Methinks this RPG could use some more uglyness. [B]Name:[/B] Rusty Rivet (Pronounced Riv-eh) [B]Age:[/B] 46 [B]Crime in the past:[/B] Various. He once picked up a hitchhiker, a 16-year old girl, and raped her, than posted the pictures on the internet. He's stolen more than once in his life and has a long criminal record, aswell as a dependancy on alchohol and marijuana. [B]History:[/B] Rusty grew up in a broken home. His father was a drunk who beat him, his mother a heroin addict. When he was 14, he was arrested for grand theft auto, and spent 5 years in juvinial detention before being placed in a foster home. He bounced around North America like that for a few years. Eventually he stopped moving around, and one of his friends - a drug dealer and a pimp - set him up as a drug runner. He did that for years, smuggling cocaine and heroin and kinds of drugs he'd never even heard of. Needless to say he lead a very immorale life, including the rape that he was never charged for. [B]Personality: [/B]Rusty's upbringing and lifestyle has lead him to become a total self-centered asshole, and a very mean one at that. He's gruff and rough and rarley consideres other people's opinions. He's also a bit spacey, due to being a complete burnout, and has a tendancy to act very slowly. [B] Apperance:[/B] Rusty is a very uncooth and unkempt person, with unwashed and uncombed brown hair, a scruffy, unkempt beard, and a very hairy beer gut. His skin is covered in thick, dark, dirty hair. His teeth are nicotine-stain brown, and crooked. His oft-distant eyes are a simple blue. He is, indeed, a sterotypical loser. [B] Sex: [/B]Male[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Sienna]Huge hockey fan... and I mean obessivly huge. I'm one of the biggest Montreal Canadiens fans you're likely to find. Even though they were eliminated in the first round I'm still not disapointed... we had a really fun season. As for the Cup, got to go with the Canadian team. I watch pretty much any hockey game I can (Playoffs and regular season, thanks to NHLCenterICE), and the Oilers have been the best throughout their lineup. I'd like the Sabres to get to the finals aswell, both because I love the guy who calls their games (And he said the one thing he wants is to call a Buffalo final) and they're fun to watch. Still, Edmonton is going to win! BTW, I'm currently laughing my *** off at the Leafs signing McCabe for 5.5-6 million/year for 5 years. Hahahahahahahaha![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Sienna]Ok, I'm fairly sure I spelt that right... Anyways, are there any pseudointellectuals here (There are bound to be)? If you weren't aware, a pseudointellectual (I hate writing out that word...) is someone who is, essentially, faking intellegence. Someone who repeats what they see on the Discovery channle and the learning network while trying to pass themselves off as knowledgable. Things like that. I like to think of myself more as a pseudonerd rather than a pseudointel.... you get it. But it is essentially the same thing. Anyways, I grew up as someone who didn't really strive for popularity, but I wasn't smart enough to be considered a nerd. Rather than fall into the category of outcast, I decided to craft a mystique of nerdiness and intellegence by watching the discovery channle and expanding my vocabulary. This resulted in me growing up as someone who was not in fact smart but was very good at passing himself off as smart, if you know what I mean. Obviously, this doesn't cut it with tests etc and my marks are crap, but I still act like I know more than everyone. So who else suffers from pseudointell...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Sienna]My experiance with betrayal is rather limited. I don't think the reason for this is very deep; in fact it's rather simple. I don't care what people think. As such, when someone who I considered at some point to be what we call a friend tells me that he (And it's always a he... women in my area of the personality of plywood) doesn't like me, it doesn't bother me. I've had maybe 2 or 3 consistent friends, and a bunch of people I say "Hey, how's it going" to if I meet them in the hall. That's the way I like it. That way there's almost no chance for betrayal, right? And since I don't have any secrets to keep than I can't be betrayed that way either. Really, I'd be just as happy without any friends, so I don't consider it betrayal if they just up and leave.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna]Oh, I just remembered one particular story. On a rather windy day, the wind blew down a tree outside my house. I'm talking really, REALLY windy. We live in a heavily forested area. A big, BIG ******* tree came down on the power-lines, aswell as blocking the road. The thing is, we live in the middle of nowhere. As such, we're not on top of HydroQuebec's priority list. There were blackouts across the province and we didn't get power back for 5 days. Ok, let me get something across to you people. Me and my computer are TIGHT. If my computer was a woman, I would make sweet, sweet love to it with Barry White music and wine and a kinky butler and everything, on one of those heart-shaped beds. So yea, I like my computer. When I was 5 days without my computer, I was like a heroin addict in withdrawl... I spent about 5 hours one time just pressing the 'On' button, hoping againts hope the motion would generate some static electricty and cause my computer to come back to life, even if just for a moment. When this engaging task was not consuming my time, I normally read. I read In Search of Lost Time, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, Lolita, and the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy. That is perhaps the most enlightening collection of literature this side of Alexandria, right? Well, the second the power came back on I instantly forgot everything I had learned and reverted to my computerphillia in a matter of moments. Fun, isn't it?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Sienna][B]"This is why we signed up for this job, Johnny my man,"[/B] Marcus said jovially, his voice muffled slightly by the thick cigar clenched between his teeth,[B] "The luxury! This is the life!" [/B]He reclined further in his padded sofa, his smile broadening. His assistant, Johhny McElroy, was busily fiddling with some camera equipment, and making sure the lascaster they used to keep in contact with Earth was in working order. He was a thin man, with short-cropped hair and thick glasses, dressed in an Earthnews Net uniform. Looking at the pair, you wouldn't guess they were co-workers and best friends. [B] "Come on Johhny boy, have a cigar, sit down, ride the gravy train buddy. The equipment's fine - I checked it myself before we left - and we've got quite some time to kill before we touch down with earth."[/B] Marcus laughed heartily, blowing a plume of smoke out of his mouth. [B] "Legs,"[/B] Johhny said, using the nickname Marcus most disliked jokingly, looking up for his equipment, [B]"you should take this more seriously. If we mess this up Pink will have our heads." [/B]Johhny spoke of Ricky Pinksworth, their editor-in-chief back on Earth. [B] "Oh come on man, he doesn't need to know. It's not like we paid for these cigars with the studio's budget anyways, just sit down and relax." [/B] [B] "I guess you're right..."[/B] Johhny said, zipping up the bag he was fiddling around with, and standing up with a sigh, [B]"but shouldn't we be fraternizing with the passengers and crew, since that's really what we're here for, isn't it?" [/B] [B] "I love it when you use big words, Johhny."[/B] Marcus laughed. [B]"But you're right. Maybe I should head down to the food halls and interveiw some of the people there." [/B] He got up and walked to the door, putting out his cigar and tucking it back into the pack, placing that within his pocket.[B] "Have fun with your cameras, minion. Don't screw anything up!"[/B] Marcus said playfully, laughing as he left the room. He could have sworn he heard a muffled 'Asshole...' [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Sienna][B]The Police - Greatest Hits[/B]: With such classics as "Roxanne," "Message in a Bottle," "Every Little Things She Does is Magic," and the infamous "Every Breath you Take," this album is indeed a great thing of music. People say Sting was better without The Police? Bah! The Police Rock. They have a great, unique sound and this is their greatest hits album... can't go wrong with that, right? Giant steps are what you take... walking... on... walking on the moon. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Sienna]Cry... When it gets dark though, I like to walk around in the darkness with a barbecue lighter and randomly flick it on when someone walks near me. Sometimes people come over and I stand behind the door and flick it on, it makes me look really creepy and sometimes it'll startel people. Thats about all I do. Oh, and I play Risk if I have anyone to play with. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Sienna]Why not the classic "Let's put vaseline in locks of some random persons car so they'll have to call ******* CAA to come unlock their car! Think of the minor inconvenience!" I don't know how it works but damn is it funny to watch people be unable to get into their car and be late for work and be fired as a result - a-haw-haw-haw! I'm not that good at pranks though. Always seemed umm... ******* stupid to me. Some of these are pretty funny though, haha.[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]I'll have to second Undergrads and Family Guy. Thank goodness Family Guy was braught back though, that show is genius. My number one pick though will have to be ReBoot. I'm not sure if it was aired everywhere... but here's an excerpt from a fan website: The series first aired on YTV (in Canada) in 1991 and ended in it's 4th season in 2001. YTV still shows reruns on weeknights, and I watch it every night. It's such an awesome show, I wish it never ended![/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Oh my god do I miss ReBoot. I remember watching that every morning as a kid. My favourite episodes were in the later season where Enzo was a total badass and hung around with that chick in the bikini (Andrea, I think.). I also remember the really good ReBoot movies. Daemon Rising was my favourite. Some of the CGI was fairly lame but didn't take away from the overall feal of the show. Megabyte is still the most terrifying villain of all time. Another show I miss is Beast Wars (AKA Beasties, Transformers: Beast Wars, whatever floats your boat), although I guess that show kinda ran it's course. Maximals Forever! Futurama, Undergrads, and Kid Notorious are shows I definatly agree should have been kept around. Kid Notorious especially. Something about Slash and Robert Evans fighting the Chinese was just TOO good for TV.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Sienna]Me and women have... nothing in common. Now, don't get me wrong - I love the ladies. They rev my engine, y'know what I mean? I just don't have anything in common with them. I have no interest in them in terms of relationships. I mean, when your girl friend says something stupid, you can't call her a retard or wrestle her to the ground - what's the fun in having girl friends if you can't spontanuously break into a fist fight? Honestly! I don't get this whole 'love' thing, it's a very alien concept to me. So, in short, I don't really have an interest in women... they're like, a completely different species that I'm not interested in at all. I personally find the slutification of women offensive.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Sienna]Congradulations! You now have the power to control minds! Unfortunatly for you, you don't have the power to control your new-found power to control minds. This leads to a very interesting situation. You have the power to control people's minds, twist them around your finger, make them obey your every command, you have the power to control the entire planet at your fingertips... but you cannot use it. You become very depressed and start to hate yourself - if only you'd been more specific with your wish! You try everything - uppers, downers, meds of all shapes and sizes, but nothing takes away the crippling self-loathing and depression. Fully emo-ti-sized, you commit suicide in a bath tub. I wish that my illegally pirated copy of Dogma (The movie) would download faster so I could have something to do. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Sienna][B]"Nothing is worse than watching a fat man weep." [/B]Jay, from Dogma (Classic). Simply, this quote is why I don't cry.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Sienna]My recipe is fairly simple. It's a recipe for the greatest fatty snack of all time, known effectionatly as poutine (Which is acadic slang for either 'Heart Attack in a Bowl' or 'Gigantic Mess', no one knows for sure). What you'll need: French fries Cheese curds (From what I understand, cheese curds are sold almost exclusivly in Canada and the northern US, which is a shame, as they are delecious. If you cannot get your hands on cheese curds than I must say, there is no substitute and no reason to continue reading.) Gravy (Make sure it's thick gravy. Watery chicken gravy will not suffice. The ultimate poutine gravy is so thick you can stand a knife in it, understand?) Bowl (Styrafome if you've got it) What to do: The first thing to do is prepare the french fries. They're best when deep fried (If you hate your body, do it in lard for ultimate enjoyment) but baked is ok. Prepare your gravy. If you think your gravy isn't thick enough, add corn starch and possibly some spices. WARNING: If you add corn startch, you must constantly stir and not overcook your gravy, as you will actually cook your gravy. I managed to do it once, and it's disgusting - you'll have to see it to know what I mean. Than, poor a little bit of gravy into your bowl. Put a small amount of french fries into the bowl. Sprinkle in cheese curds. More gravy, french fries, and cheese curds. Repeat this until you have the desired amount. [B]THE GRAVY MUST BE BOILING HOT FOR IT TO WORK[/B], please! That is the most important thing! Ok, let it sit for a bit. Not long, but long enough for the boiling hot gravy to both cool off and soften the cheese curds. This is not crucial but it's worth the wait. *Note: Any and all injuries resulting for the cooking of this meal, including heart attacks, are not my responsibilty. Consume at your own risk.* [IMG]http://www.uoregon.edu/~jloucks/Bubba's%20poutine%20deluxe.JPG[/IMG] [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine[/url][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Sienna]Congradulations! You've got more cocky! Unfortunatly, you become so cocky you often boarder on arrogance. As a result, many of your friends and family hate you, and you live out your life a total jackass. *Note: any and all typos are the result of the user (You) and the Wishmaker is in no way responsible.* (Sorry, I had no idea what pocky was, and there was no way in hell I was going to put that in Google...) Same old fear... How I wish... how I wish you were here.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Sienna]I'd like to pleade my case for the band RUSH :D As some of you probably know, RUSH is far and away my favourite band. I like them for many reasons. Not least amongst those reasons, they are incredible talented. They also work very well as a unit. There aren't many bands out there, IMO, who can match the sheer talent of RUSH. Geddy Lee, one of the best bass players of all time and a love-him-or-hate-him singer, Alex Lifeson, very underrated and skilled guitarist who produced one of the best guitar solos ever on La Villa Strangiato, and the Professor himself, Neil Peart, the greatest drummer to ever live, each member of the band was sheer talent. However, despite all this talent, they never quite made the jump to 'mainstream' and stayed, essentially, a cult band pretty much everywhere, except for Canada and, interestingly, Brazil. I believe there are several reasons for this. For one, many of their songs were very, very long, often exceeding 9 minutes - few radios were willing to play songs that long on a regular basis. Another thing is that they were Canadian. During the time of their height, Canadian bands were almost never played on American radios, because they were, well, from Canada. It's a shame but it's also true. The only exceptions I can think of are Bryan Adams (And that's only because he was essentially a Brit) and Neil Young (All his songs were about friggin Alabama). I think the final nail in the coffin is that they were what I like to call Nerd Rock (Also known as Math Rock or Sci-fi Rock) and, rather than sing about drugs and women and money, they sang about black holes and trees and how parts of your brain work and things like that. So really, all I'm trying to say is... try and listen to RUSH. Please. They never got credit for what they did and I find that a shame. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Sienna]The Da Vinci Code is, at it's heart, a compelling and well written fiction story. Dan Brown, for the sake of drama and story telling, distorted and blatantly invented various historical facts in order to make a good story, but that doesn't change the fact that DVC was a very good book. IMO Angles and Demons was his best novel, but I really did enjoy DVC. The story did keep me guessing and definatly kept me interested. I've definatly read better books but if you need something to keep you interested for short periods of time than the DVC is fine.[/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=tanukioh]BOOMY BOOMYBOOMBOOM!!! ^_^ You have a new cape and ocarina! O.o it only cost you 50 cents!! o.o but the bad thing is, they're cursed O_O now you'll never be able to take them off. I wish everyone's rights where respected fully.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Error 2456: We are sorry to inform you that your wish could not be fulfilled. Reasons: by granting your wish, we would create a logical paradox. If everyone's rights were to be respected, that would mean that people's rights to hurt other people would also be respected, but that would interfere with the rights of the person being hurt, thus creating a paradox. A paradox of this magnitude would doubtless cause a collapse of space-time, sucking all matter into a space-hole. We are sorry for the confusion. I wish I was a good hockey player.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Sienna]Three come to mind. As Ozzy mentioned, My Generation (And most Who songs) has an incredible bassline. Another great one, or at least recognizable one, is from Another One Bites the Dust (Queen) that is truely bitching. However, the greatest bassline of all time is, as you'd predict from me, the song YYZ from Rush. No song I've ever heard has such an incredible complex and generally rocking bassline. Combined with the guitar playing talents of Alex Lifeson and the drumming greatness that is Neil Peart, YYZ is just rediculously good. [/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Charles] Resident Evil 4 was refreshing because it got with the times. The developers had the luxury of taking as much time as they needed to begin and scrap the project several times until they got it just right. Ultimately they went with a new direction that was in many ways a departure for the series. I thought the mechanics were still somewhat archaic (no strafing or walking while shooting) but the general principle is very important. If more developers would re-invent their aging series then the market wouldn't be cluttered with so much crap.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] So essentially what you're saying is they turned it into an action game... which was really what I was saying. The game itself was fairly entertaining, but it just didn't seem like a Resident Evil game to me. It was arcady and flashy but just not the same thing. I can see where you're coming from, though, and the series was due for a bit of change, but I would have prefered another cinimatic-style RE game to what we got in RE4. To each their own, as they say. As for the storyline, yea, it's fairly disjointed and sometimes just plain weird. But there's a reason for this. You have to remember that this game came out in Japan; and, in Japan, things don't necessarily need an explination. People will accept something without knowing, nor caring, why it happened. However, in North America, we have an obession with knowing everything, so they had to cobble together a backstory as quickly as possible to try and satisfy us... They obviously didn't have enough time to make something that made much sense, but, whatever, I find the backstory interesting. Also, many of the plot elements (Like the Wesker Reports that were released on the internet a while back) were added long after the fact, which would have had an effect.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Sienna]Critic. I want to be a movie or book or whatever critic. At first, I wanted to be a writer. Until I learned that most writers are poor because they make **** all. So, that was the end of that dream. Than I thought maybe I'd do good as a political aide of some kind, until I realized that would take work, which again ended a dream. However, being a critic is something I genuinly feel I can do. I know what I like and I know how to spread my opinion, which is something I like. The money is modest at best but I figure with a job as easy as being a critic, I'll take a pay cut. Especially a food critic. Mmmm...[/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Avenged666fold]Hey if zombies are stupid then WHY DD OU BUY ANY RE GAME? So this is bad strategy? Get chainsaw man to look make him keep his distance get a person to throw axes at him. Then wait as the rest of him flank and maim him. Dude did you play tis on easy mode only or something? Oh and they move slower only when you have alot of firepower in your hands like a shotgun. Also the village was either full of crazy people or dirty and deserted. Is that plain for the average european vilalge? Hell no. Also you call 40 bullets enough for a small army? lol ok w/e. Again no zombies and you are attacked by larger groups but not pelted. This was also a horror game not an action game(and if its not horror its an 3PS) Also cops DO have those things they need ammunition which includes grenades and ALOT of bullets.(I don't know where you came up wit hthe Kung Fu crap) Also I was talking about the actual crates that had ammo in it. Also what is so strange about a terrorist at his base with bullets on him? Sure he may not be using it exactly but they weren't expecting visitors till later in the game (which is where all of the guns show up) Lastly who really cares about puzzles in horror ames of this type? If they were hard as crap then it will jsut split up the action and make the game tedious instead of fun. So getting rid of the craziness of them is a good move imo.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] When I said stupid, I meant the baddies themselves are not intellegent. I played the game on hard mode and noticed no such stratagies, just Las Plagas as far as the eye could see and more than enough ammo. And yes, I was exagerating - your not always being attacked. However, when there are no zombies around, your never afraid one is going to pop out because if one does, you have all the ammo you need in order to deal with it. You don't even need ammo, you just need to use that judo-kick thing and take it's head off. RE4 was the horror equivelent of an Uwe Boll movie. Ever see the movies House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark, or BloodRayne? They're all gigantic pieces of crap and they all fail to be scary; they just the exact same tactic as RE4, lots of guns and lots of baddies and lots of dark rooms, but nothing scary. No, they don't. This isn't a movie; cops, special forces especially, are trained to use as little ammo as possible and, as such, don't carry a small arsenal with them, especially when they aren't expecting to run into any combat. Why would they? They bring a few clips and a pistol, and that's usually it. What are bullets doing inside villagers? That's the real question. Also, what are bullets that fit exactly into your type of gun doing sitting in boxes in a creepy village, where no one even knows what a Baretta 9mm is? In RE1 it makes sense because Wesker and the STARS Bravo team members left them there specifically for you, you find a shotgun in a hunting loung, all these things make realistic sense. Horror is not about constant action, as Uwe Boll has proven time and time again. If all your looking for is constant shoot-em up go play CS or Halo or something, because RE4 is not horror.[/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Avenged666fold']... Ok I didn't see any zombies in this game did you? They were people infected with a virus. So therefore making them instantly more frightening. What is more scary a town of rabid people or 7 zombies in a 8 block radius? The poeple are. Why well lthey have brains and teamwork and are capable of strategy. Also the kind of scary RE4 is is better than the old "Boo your dead" It's "OMFG ahh there is a town of crazies with chainsaws out to kill meeeeeeeeeeee". Your panicing. Haven't you heard the phrase "anticipation is worse than death"? Also the environments are big so when there is a guy sneaking around behind you with a bunch of friends and you get hit in the back of the head with pitchfork your like WTF what the F**K was that? Also for sake of arguent lets say a zombie game should be realistic(which it shouldn't) why would COPS having bullets be unrealistic? Also whats unrealistic about AMMUNITON boxes having AMMUNITION in them? Huh? Yea and lastly about the typewriter thing. That does not require strategy that requires BACKTRACKING JUST TO STOP PLAYING which me and many others find more than a little bit annoying.[/quote][COLOR=Sienna] Zombies, Las Plagas, they're both stupid. I heard of this so-called stratagy, but all I saw was a gang mentality... aside from cut-scenes, they just ran towards you, until they get close, at which point they stopped running and walk slowly in your direction. There was no discrenable stratagy. I'd take the Arklay Mansion over otly scary, the Village any day. None of the environments in RE4 were creepy or unnerving; they were... plain. The 'Town full of crazies' kind of scary doesn't work if you have enough bullets to take on a small army! It's not scary, it's a shooting gallary. "Anticipation is worse than death." Absolutely correct. However, what anticipation was there in RE4? You were literally pelted with zombies all the time, there was no time to anticipate anything! RE4 was just another generic action game. There's nothing unrealistic about cops have bullets. However, cops having 300 bullets, a shotgun, a rocket launcher, a horde of grenades, and super kung-fu skills is. Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with there being ammo in ammunition boxes, but how did those ammunition boxes end up inside a Las Plaga? While we're on the subject, what ever happened to puzzles? The puzzles in RE1 were normally very challanging, and they required you to think and use your brain. There was absolutely no challange in any of the RE4 puzzles, not that there were many. The only one that I found challanging was literally lifted right out of RE1 (Everything, down to the room it was in), and the only reason it was hard was that I didn't expect the answer to be "1, 2, 3, 4" or something that stupid. On a final note... the only thing scary in RE4 was the Sac Monster.[/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='Avenged666fold']A step backwards? Dude Re4 is one of the best games EVER MADE. Also when did you see a game like Re4 before it came out? Exactly. Also RE1 the best console game ever? LOL im sorry that may be your oppinion but I stil lthink that is impossible. I mean the controls were so clunky that you wanted to throw the damn controler out of the window. The camera angles were eerie they were bad. It's one thing not to see the enemies but a whole nother thing NOT TO SEE YOURSELF! + you run out of bullets literally within minutes and NEVER get more.[/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] RE4 was "Ok... here's a gun, and those are zombies... enjoy. Oh, and don't froget to pick up the generic shiny things they drop when you kill them." Really, really, really... dull. And easy. And the last boss qualifies as the easiest boss of all time, although I'll admit Tyrant was far from hard. I find it funny Capcom couldn't think of another way to kill the last boss than a rocket launcher, just like the first one, but whatever, hah. And yes, the controls were clunky, which I already adressed. They made it hard to kill bosses and things, rather than just an easy shoot-em up like RE4. The camera angles were fantastic. Let's say you have the controllable camera, and your about to go around a corner, you turn the camera and see there are 4 zombies there waiting... what's scary about that? When you werre in a room in RE1, you were afraid to go around a corner because you simply didn't know what was going to be there; THAT WAS THE POINT. And you do run out of bullets fast, although bullet conservation is another thing that makes the game much more challenging. Running out of bullets is very REALISITIC. Wouldn't make much sense if you shot a zombie in the head and it just happened to have a box of 9mm's on it, now would it? That was another thing that made the game terrifying. Another thing I hate about RE4 is they got rid of the typewriter. The typerwriter was one of the most vital parts of the game. The type writer had you literally on your toes all the time. You couldn't just save before you go into a room, go in, die, and try again, you had to carfully consider where you were going to go because you didn't have 100 kicks at the can. [/COLOR]
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