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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [QUOTE=tanukioh]I was always too scared to try... :( O.o Though I do have to ask myself why "Bloody Mary," Queen of England, killer of 200 some odd protestants would show up in a bathroom mirror when you called her name X amount of times. O.o Makes no since to me. o.o unless that's a different Mary.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Common misconception; it's not Mary I of England, it's Mary Worth (Normally, although that varies), who was a 'witch' killed for the crime of being an uh... witch. At least, that's my understanding of it. Pretty safe to assume there's nothing to be scared of, mate...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Sienna]RE1 is without a doubt my favourite console game ever, at least, the GC version. I'm not that easy to scare, but I was terrified when I played Resident Evil. Part of it had to do with the fact that the combat system is so clunky it's hard to defend yourself, but the creepy cinimcatic camera angles and the general atmosphere were just terrifying. The scariest parts were always when the zombies didn't attack, IMO. Like the part where you walk past a pair of windows in a hallway, and you see the zombie's shadows in the lightning flashes clawing againts the window, you were terrified to go down that hallway because you didn't know if you were going to be attacked or not. It was great. IMO RE4 was a huge step backwards. It wasn't scary at all and turned out to be more of a follower, rather than the innovater RE1 was. Than again, the RE series was never that good again. I also loved how you found little tidbits of backstory as you progressed throughout the game, it just gave everything an air of depth. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Sienna]Wait, sorry, what did you say? Didn't catch all that... something about being the king of the... Tanuki? Yes, that was it. Ok, fine, whatever - you're now the king of the Tanuki. You are far from a benevolent king, and you are prone to putting your subjects to death. Eventually, you have every one of your servents beheaded, including your executioner. As you climb the pike to place his head amongst the rest of them, you slip and fall to your death. Irony, yes? I wish I had a Cuban cigar.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue]I'm concerned about the price of the PS3. Five hundred to six hundred dollars!? Are you kidding me!? Sony is releasing two kinds of PS3s, one is $500, the other $600. I forget the difference involved though. Also, what about HDTV? I don't have a HDTV, and many other people don't either. What does that mean for people who have regular TVs? "KAMEHAMEHA!" Dragonboym2[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Don't forget, that price doesn't include the add-ons Sony always comes out with after the release to make the system's load-times barabel, among other things, which will probably cost quite a bit. All in all, someone looking to get a PS3 of good quality with a few games will probably end up blowing a grand or more on it (Keep in mind, that's a Canadian grand ;) ). Hardly seems worth taking up a second job for.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Sienna]Bloody Mary? Don't be foolish! Of course it doesn't work! Now Slightly Disgruntled Jack... there's a bugger who's bad side you'd be advised to avoid.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna]I'm glad that they're going to not try and be TOO innovative with the new Super Smash Bros. game. I would hate the game to become overly complex and not as fun, although the prospect of fighting my friends by actually fighting them with the controller is inticing.... Can't wait! Any news on the new characters I've heard a lot about?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Sienna]My to-do list goes something like this: 1. Eat a 6lb burger in one sitting. 2. Get into politics, where my talents (Uselessness, assholery, and lieing) will be used to their fullest. 3. Ensure Queen Latifah never acts (Or breaths, for that matter) ever again. 4. To create a penis-shaped crop circle. Ha ha ha ha! 5. Get high-speed internet. ****, it doesn't even have to be fast high speed... I just don't want to have a 360 ping on CS :"( 6. Become a sportswriter for TSN. I got tired of writing stories long ago, and have decided I have much more fun, and am much better at, writing about hockey, so I think that'd be nice. Aside from that, I'd just like to live a simple life and be happy with mysellf. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Sienna]I recently purchased two CDs... [B][I]ZZ Top - Greatest Hits[/I][/B] - Just generally an awesome album. ZZ Top weren't the most skilled or epic or unique band ever, but dammit they're just plain fun. From the classic "Sharp Dressed Man" to the great "La Grange," the album is fun to listen to but doesn't do much to help the soul searcher, hah. [I][B]Boston - Boston[/B] [/I] - Pretty hard to say this isn't the greatest debut album ever. Although Boston would never match the success their debut had, it was still a fantastic album from a fantastic band. My favourite song is without a doubt "More than a Feeling," an awesome anthem with great backup vocals and catchy guitar work, but "Peace of Mind" is another great song, especially the chorus. PEOPLE LIVIN' IN COMPETETION, AND ALL I'M LOOKIN' FOR IS SOME PEACE OF MIND! Both of them are very much rocking![/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well first of all I think it?s obvious that a movie is going to take a few facts and then present a worst-case scenario. Otherwise what would be the point? I?m quite sure that the movie is loaded with scare tactics designed to get more attention. Honestly I would find a documentary about bird flu far more scary since it would likely be based more on facts than on Hollywood drama. Although two teams of scientists announced that they had reproduced the 1918 Spanish flu virus and found it to be a bird flu, I think that if it did break out it would not be the same as it was back in 1918. For one thing back then we didn?t have antibiotics or viral medications or other forms of treatment for diseases. The flu may be viral but often people are killed by pneumonia or other complications caused by the flu that although initially viral later end up being bacterial as well and proper treatment can halt the disease especially if someone is treated quickly enough. So I suspect that improvements in medicine will help to keep it from being an all out disaster. Not that it wouldn?t be terrible, just that without modern medicine it would probably be a hundred times worse. I suspect the biggest factor that would cause it to be another epidemic if it were to mutate and become highly contagious, is the lack of doses of the viral medicines Tamiflu and Relenza for treating people. I understand that the government of many countries is moving to secure enough doses to treat people but that right now they only have enough for about 25% of the population. Here in the USA that is, I don't know about other countries.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] I'm not really worried for myself, because I have faith that modern medicine and other precautions will keep me safe and secure. However, places like China and Russia, where there is a rediculous amount of overpopulation and poor living conditions, don't have this luxury. If the flu does muatate - and there's no gauranatee that it will - I'm more worried about what will happen to them. Let's say this virus runs rampant in China and India and places like that, causing massive insability and loss of work force, what will happen to the wests economy? The west cannot survive without it's trading partners in these squalid ****-pits and I'm very worried about them. Keep in mind this is also a worst-case-scenario, and there is no gaurantee that it will ever come to fruition - there isn't even a reason to think so. I'm just saying bad things may happen and we can't go about this with complacancy.[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=Amelia][FONT=Arial]I spice up "lol" whenever I use it. In replacement of the useless letters, I add some flavor to the otherwise meaningless characters and let the other person know that what they just typed was funny. There's a whole family of new "lol" phrases. For example, a mild humor is "[B]lolz[/B]," whereas a gutbustingly hilarious quote gets a "[B]lolzasaurus rexington[/B]." In between there lies "[B]lolzasaurus[/B]" and "[B]lolzasaurus rex[/B]." Sometimes I don't use the reptilian version, though. Sometimes I use the "Roller" set. "[B]Lollerskates[/B]," "[B]Lollercoaster[/B]," and so on. Maybe it will be "rofl," but used as "[B]rofflecoaster[/B]," "[B]rofflecopter[/B]," or just plain "[B]roffle[/B]." Finally, as an in-joke between some of my friends and I, there's "[B]lolzasausage[/B]." [/FONT][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Speaking of roffle, I once saw a woffle that said roffle on it... it went for 60$ on Ebay. Hahahahahaha. I mean, lolzors. Seriously, I try to avoid using acronyms because than I feel like a total n00b and let me tell you, I hate newbs. They're also degrading to the english langauge and in general annoying to read. [/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=Swedish Chef]Unless of course they come to your house creating a new religion, The Gate witnesses. (Not to shun any religion mind you. Good for you to worship what you believe in) As for me I look forward to the Playstation 3. God of War 2, Kill Zone 2, FF series that come in the future. Mind you I might concider to buy the 360 also what with Halo 3 coming out but only time will tell. In the meantime my pay check will all go into the PS3 as will most of my hours in life to play it's champions (hopefully) On a side note When they do make Kingdom Hearts 3 on the PS3 I will look forward to that as well. But i have a feeling that is either way to far in the future or just not going to be *highly doubtful on the second part* What I liked about the feature in the Controller of the PS3 is the abillity to use it without the sticks or arrow buttons. from what I saw you can use them like it was the Wii controller unless of course I am mistaken. NOVEMBER HERE I COME![/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] No, the PS3 controller doesn't, from my understanding, have any 3d perception. You can tilt it and and things that type of thing, but as far as I know it's not going to be half as fun or engaging as the Wiimote. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Sienna]I think Sony is banking too much off Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fans. 600 dollars? That's rediculous! For a system that is essentially "PS2 with slightly better graphics and totally 'ingenuitive' controlers" that is just stupid. And the worst part is Sony can and will get away with it. They charge rediculous amounts of money for a substandard, easily-breakable piece of hardware and still corner the market. Unbelievable. At least the Wii is trying to do something apart from upgrading the graphics... 600$![/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Avenged666fold']You really should nto worry about this. I mean think about it. There are about a trillion different species of creature on this planet. Sure it could mutate but to our species? Well yo ucan see the odds. Anyway if it does shoe up big deal. I mean there always has to be a plauge eventually right? It's better to get it over with(your gonna die anyway why not this way?). Also my philosophy is to cross that bridge when you get to it. So when I meet the guy who gives me the diasease then I will worry till then ill just sit here and glare at my new wallpaper of Cameron Diaz(Droolz).[/quote][COLOR=Sienna] Oh yes. That's a great stratagy. I mean, it's only a pandemic the likes of which hasn't been seen in a century, and it could only kill millions of people, what's there to worry about? The bird flu is indeed disturbing, and hopefully the significantly-smarter-than-us scientists can develope a vaccination, because if they don't the West will be in quite a lot of trouble. The East is already suffering right now as it is, it would be disasterous of the same thing happened hear. Everything would be out of wack. The work force would be decimated and the economy of the entire world would suffer greatly. I trust the men in white... but I still don't wanna get a frickin' needle >.>[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Sienna]I'd also like to add Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd is one of the greatest songs ever. From the incredible vocals to awesome triple-guitar solo to the meaning of the song, it, quite simply, RIPS. [B] Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be travelling on, now, There's too many places I haven't seen And if I stayed here with you, now Things just wouldn't be the same Well I'm as free as a bird now, And a bird you can not change. And a bird you can not change. And a bird you can not change. Lord knows I can't change Bye, bye, its been a sweet love. And though this feeling I can't change. Please don't take it badly, The Lord knows I'm to blame. And, if I stayed here with you now Things just wouldn't be the same. For I'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you'll never change. And the bird you can not change. And the bird you can not change. Lord knows, I can't change. Lord help me, I can't change.[/B][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Sienna]Who here loves instrumentals? Instrumentals are generally songs that are just instruments with little to no lyrical content. Some of my favourites include: Rush - 2112 Overture: Just generally a very awesome song. It's got awesome guitar work and incredible-as-usual drums. Rush - YYZ: Greatest use of bass in a song, quite possibly ever. Geddy Lee is truely a master. Rush - La Villa Strangiato: Without a doubt the most sheerly epic instrumental ever. It starts off slow, with a soft spanish guitar playing, and than builds into an awesome display of sheer incredible talent and incredible musical unity of all three band members, in an incredible display of.. well, you'd have to hear it. What are your favourites?[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Sienna]To me, life is a cold beer, a bag of cheetos, and a half-eaten pizza, and I love it like that. I'm not interested in things like 'love' or 'popularity' or 'beauty' or the like, to me music is just something to pass the time, as is reading and writing and that kind of thing. To tell you the truth, nothing inspires me - I don't live a very inspired life. I love things monotonous and dull and just like to be alone with my thoughts. So yea, pretty lame definition of life... but eh, least the pizza is warm. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Sienna]Congradulations! You've got a one-way ticket aboard the TC Deadulous, which destroys the fabric of time and space and lunges forward to summer vacation. Unfortunatly, you come out of the time-space vortex in Siberia, where it's always winter. The Deadulous gets stuck in the mountains, and all of the crew and passangers are forced to canabilize each other. You draw the short straw. I wish I was in Siberia.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Sienna]Ok, first, that sounds absolutely nothing like Finnish... It sounds vaguely like Swedeish, and Swedeish sounds nothing like the language of the lion. >.> Ok... you now have the anime channle on your TV! HOWEVER, it came in a package (It was half-price, come on, give us a break...) with the GOLF NETWORK! You flip through your new channles with glee and, as you pass over the GOLF NETWORK, your remote breaks. The lazy sod that you are, you can't get up and change the channle manually, so you sit there watching golf reruns for the rest of your life. Who likes watching golf? Honestly?! I wish I was Indiana Jones.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Sienna]"I wasted time, and doth time waste me." is a quote from, as I recall, a Shakespeare play. It basically means that I'm a complete procrastinator and I waste time like cheap toliet paper, and I'm cool with the consequences of that. Time doth, indeed, waste me. Oh, and sometimes I'll put a little fresh bit of wit in there as it strikes me. Been meaning to change it.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Sienna]Yay! The OB has a brand-new red skin! And by that, I mean we murdered you and covered your monitor in blod, thus makeing everything thereupon appear red. I wish I was in Finland. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Sienna]The point is, if you eat your cake than you no longer have it, which means you can't have your cake and eat it too. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Sienna]Have my greatest desire granted, of course! I mean, just because I can't remember it doesn't mean that I won't rule the world! Would you rather... Have your face melted off by a rippin' guitar solo OR Have your gut busted by a toe-tappin' drum solo[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Sienna]Narrator: Ugh, we ******* get it already! Just because the damn box is an item in the game doesn't mean [i]everyone has to ******* use it![/i] Argh, just go... follow your ******* footsteps or something. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Sienna]Ooooooohhh, you have pie alright! Pie! DEATH PIE! You promptly die because, as the name would have you believe, the pie causes instant mortification of anyone who eats it. Owned by pie. Hahahahahaha. I wish I had a whole heapin' stack of blank CDs.[/COLOR]
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