Albert Flasher
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Everything posted by Albert Flasher
[COLOR=Sienna]*sigh* No sloth love, eh? Come on, sloths are people too![/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]Another few lyric line I like: [B] Bloodstained velvet, dirty lace Naked fear on every face See them bow their heads to die As we would bow as they rode by [/B] - Rush, Bastille Day [B] He knows changes aren't permanent But change is [/B] - Rush, Tom Sawyer [B] Just then the Captain assures us We will land 'I'll have you on the ground In 25 minutes or less." 'Or less', did he say 'less'? Unless what? We're not on time? Or less he said 'or less Jet stream And engine combine Unless he said 'Or less' as if a joke might Just keep us flying [/B] The Tragically Hip, Freak Turbulence [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Leon Fury][COLOR=Red]i only like MCR for two of their songs: 1. Helena 2. Astro Zombies their image is not cool, noir is it different. they dont sound too great as a live act. im always confused about what genre they fall under, are they emo or punk? my friend is a MAJOR fan of them, he's managed to convense the reamining five of my friends that they are the best band in the world. im against them, because they are mainstream, almost everyone i know say, that i have no taste in rock music just because i dont listen to them. WTF. :animeangr i hate them in my own opinon, they only have 10.00$ or 5 pounds to their name. thank you for your time.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] No taste in [i]rock[/i] music? There are people who actually think MCR is[I] rock[/I]? I'd say 'unbelievable' but strangly I'm not surprised.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]People take the time to make them, I might as well take the time to read them. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior][b]Dragon Warrior casts [i]Revive[/i] on [i]Star Wars 411[/i][/b]! Basically I was having a silly discussion with my Star Wars-crazed friend the other day and we got to talking about Boba Fett. It was agreed he's the greatest bounty hunter ever [spoiler](and has yet to die in the series)[/spoiler]. Having discussed that, my other friend asked us if General Grievous could kill Boba Fett. Well, first off, we went on a rant about how Fett works for himself (despite the fact that most of his work is given by the Empire) and he'd probably never have conflict with General Grievous. I'm not sure why Grievous was the one chosen to fight Fett in our little discussion... perhaps 'cause my friend likes Grievous. Nevertheless, it was stated Fett could waste Grievous, even if Grievous had many of his guards helping (which he wouldn't anyways). [spoiler]In one of the many SW books, Boba Fett fights all the bounty hunters and wins. There's no way some half-robot/half-alien dude could defeat his skills.[/spoiler] Having said all that now, I'm sure many of you will agree Fett is the best. I dunno how he does it, but he gets away with a lot of stuff. I wonder if George Lucas had planned for him to be a favored character in the series. He was hardly a main role in the trilogy or even in the new episodes (mainly just playing the delivery boy). After popularity soared, he got his own books and everything. He's one of the most popular characters in Star Wars now. Go figure.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] I think Fett's popularity grew out of the fact that so little was known about him. He was just this cool guy with a jetpack and a spaceship who happened to be a bounty hunter. There was no fleshed out backstory, which left the door open for the subculture of Star Wars fanatics to fill the void with countless fanfictions and the like. This lead to him being insanley popular, IMO. And yes, Bobba Fett is far and away the greatest bounty hunter ever... although he'd get his *** kicked in a fight with a jedi or sith. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Tical] Rush - I only have one Rush CD (Moving Pictures) but I still say they are a bloody awesome band because they have great music with lots of sounds and Geddy has a cool voice and awesome lyrics.[/QUOTE[COLOR=Sienna]] You have not experianced Rush until you've experianced the classic album that is 2112. Moving Pictures was a great album but it pales in comparison to 2112. It's from the period where they were more metal-influenced, before they got into synths and keyboards heavily, and is just generally a rocking album. Don't expect many deep messages though, just awesome instrumentals and kickass drum solos with a neat sci-fi overlay. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Fasteriskhead]Well, err, this isn't really my area, but I'll see if I can clear up the discussion a little. First of all, its crucial that yin and yang should [I]not [/I] be understood as energy types or substances of a certain kind, at least as far as something like a "substance" is usually thought of. It's totally missing the idea to think of taking a certain amount of each, mixing them together as if following a cookbook, and getting a particular thing as a result. Rather, the interaction of yin and yang (and it always has to be an interaction - neither is complete without the second) is understood as a [I]precondition[/I] for anything to exist at all, in the same way as you couldn't have any particular object without it being situated in time and space. Yang and yin together ground the complimentary movements of heaven and earth, man and woman, hot and cold, etc. - again, it's not that everything that is is a "mix" of them, but that [I]to exist at all[/I] means existing in the field created by the interaction between the two. I say again: they are not substances or objects, they are preconditions for [I]any[/I] substances or objects to appear, and also ways of measuring and understanding those things. Properly understood, it makes no more sense to say that yin and yang don't "exist" than it does to say that centimeters or hours don't exist - it's just the wrong kind of question to ask. Well, this is inaccurate in two ways. First, yin and yang are not always "balanced," although even using this word is to fall back into the idea of a "mix" which can either be equal or unequal. It's not a question of whether something is balanced or imbalanced (the gods are [I]supposed[/I] to be yang-heavy, for instance), it's whether how the forces in play on a thing (or, if you like, "how it acts") accord in a stable way with that thing's own nature and the nature of the world around it. How Hitler is "structured" by yin, yang, and various other forces (which I won't get into) is only "good" or "bad" in terms of whether that structure is basically unstable and dangerous in the context of where it's placed. In Hitler's case, "danger" and "instability" are understatements. Second, and maybe I should've mentioned this earlier, the absolute [I]last[/I] thing that yin and yang are are "evil" and "good." Again, this would be like assigning a moral category to a yardstick. And no, "good" isn't balance and "evil" imbalance, as if the people concerned with yin and yang were AD&D-style druids; absolute moral judgments of that kind just don't enter into this. Rather, the purpose of keeping track of yin and yang is stability, harmony, everyday reliability, and keeping things running for the purposes of keeping a healthy community (think Miyazaki). When you get instability, mismatches, and other screw-ups, on the other hand, bad things happen. The idea is similar to what happened to the Mars Climate Orbiter when it crashed because no one remembered to convert one little English measurement to metric: this isn't "evil," it's just unfortunate, a poor miscalculation, and a complete waste. Well, I hope that helps a little, anyways![/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] For something that isn't really your area-of-expertise, you can sure write one hell of an essay on it... that said, I agree with everything you said... I think.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Tical]OMG... well, you see, I am always declaring a line "The best line in any song ever". My little brother hates it so much... XD For now, I'll use the one in my sig "Conform or be cast out" from Subdivisions by Rush. I think it's fairly straightforward.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Personally I think that the best line from Subdivisions was [B]'Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone.[/B]" but that one is good too. Me, I can't decide on one single line, but one of my favourites comes from another Rush song. It's more like 3 lines, but whatever - [B] "Live for yourself -- there's no one else More worth living for Begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more" [/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]"There's no sense getting all riled up every time a bunch of idiots give you a hard time. In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should." That's from Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (Greatest achievment in cinimatic history). It's true, too. I get a lot of flack in my life because I'm very much a fatass, and, until I saw this movie, I always let that bother me. Seeing H&K quite literally changed my outlook on life. And to finish the qoute... "Plus I have an extremely large penis, that keeps me happy."[/COLOR]
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
Albert Flasher replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Touchstone][FONT=Georgia]I think this argument is getting pointless! So let me sum it up here: [list=1] [*]Pearl Harbor was a big budget trivial Hollywood movie masquerading as something with substance. [*]Pearl Harbor and the use of the atomic bomb were tragic events of WWII. [*]These two points have no correlation whatsoever! [/list] Okay, I think I'm done.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Aaaaaa, once again the power of the bulleted list solves the problem... What was this thread about again? [/COLOR] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
Albert Flasher replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]It wasn't 2 vs the entire japanese air force, that's an exageration. There were other planes in the movie, just not any involving main characters. I don't think the movie was made for the purpose of promoting America at all. I think it was a work of fiction based on an actual event. Ultimately i believe what most people were worried about in the making of the movie was their salaries. They wanted to make something that people would want to see, hence the love story, and kinda wanted to make it in tribute to Pearl Harbor which will also attract customers, hence the battle scenes. If they were truly promoting America then they wouldn't have portrayed the Japanese as the humble and respectful men they were. Instead they would have made it out that they were blood thirsty brutes. As i remember the movie made it out so that the japanese pretty much had to implicate a suprise attack on America to even stand a chance in the war. Movies are ultimately made to make money. Somebody else said something about the A-bombs which reminded me of another thing that bothers me. The bombs were originally going to be planted on military bases which would have minimized civilian casualties, but for some reason at the last second the president decided to drop it on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It personally bothers me that our president decided to do that, there was no reason to. The bombs were mainly planted as a scare tactic to scare Japan into surrender. It would have been just as effective with no casualties. As long as people saw the big mushroom cloud and the destructive force i'm pretty sure Japan would have gave up. And Retribution, yeah i was pretty much saying that. 9/11 was an act of terrorism, Pearl Harbor was an act of war. Innocent people dieing vs soldiers dieing. The intent of the terrorists to inflict pain among the American people vs the intent of the Japanese to win the war and preserve their way of life. Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Your right, that was hyperbole. Cuba Gooding Jr. was there aswell, although he wasn't really in a plane so I can't include him. And then there was Tom Sizemore and Co in that tower-thing... If they have to do something stupid to make people go see a movie, like adding the cheesy love triangle, than they shouldn't be making a movie out of it. The movie was like a chick-flick with guns and explosions stapled on top. Even from a purely entertainment standpoint this movie blows. Ben Affleck is only any good when Kevin Smith directs him, and Josh Hartnett was only good for the 30 seconds or so he was in Sin City. The special effects were ok but unspectacular, nothing that isn't in every single movie these days. The dialouge was hilarious ("I'll never look at another sunset without thinking of you." What lol?!) when it wasn't downright terrible. And mostly it was friggin [i]boring[/i]. The climax of the movie was the attack on Pearl Harbour, but than it's like the director thought that the audience wouldn't like it to end on an American defeat, so the movie grinds on for another 1 or so of pure tedium and painfully dull action sequences. I do respect it for showing the wounded, though, something T!T!T! wouldn't do. The A-Bomb was dropped on a residential area because the Americans needed a high death toll to wave in Stalin's face. They knew that Stalin was a vigorous expansionist and wanted to stop him with threats... which I guess worked in the end. Civilians died at Pearl Harbour to, y'know. And the Japanese weren't even at War with the US... the US was almost completely uninvolved in the war, they were just trying to profit off of it... I know for a time they were supplying the Germans aswell as the British, but I'm not sure how long that went on for. As I recall the Japanese attacked the US because they stopped supplying them with oil, but I'm a little foggy on the subject if somone would like to clarify.[/COLOR] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
Albert Flasher replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Yukina123][COLOR=DarkOrchid']Okay, what I intended to say originally, was that I was crying during both movies. And I'm guessing you're a guy. Did you ever stop to look past the 'crappy acting' and think, 'jee, I wonder how many guys actually went to war while their girlfriends/wives were pregnant and never got to see their children. Granted, the love plot was a little sappy, but you seemed to be a little to high on your soap box to get the meaning of what the director was trying to get across. There were several scenes, like when the planes explode, the ships sink, the president stands and the sailors drown in the U.S.S Arizona! C'mon!!! If you imagine your brother, your father, your grandfather dying that way, I don't know why you wouldn't cry. It's rude to criticize people's opinions. Criticize the movie all you want, but basically saying that someone is shallow because they take a deeper look and that's THEIR opinion, not yours is just having your head too far up your butt.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] For the record, the movie Pearl Harbour was never made to be about Pearl Harbour, the director even said it was a love story that just happened to be taking place during the attack on Pearl Harbour. If I recall correctly it even says that at the start of the movie, but I havn't seen it in a while so I may be wrong. And I do have relatives who were in the war; one of my grandfathers faught in both WWI and WWII, and the other was a subhunter in the English Channel during WWII. And The13thMan, please... your telling me a movie where, essentially, 2 American pilots fight off the entire Japanese air force isn't an over-exaggerated excuse for Americans to toot their own horn? I could have made a more realistic war movie if I was stoned. Sorry, I have nothing againts Americans, but this movie was just like National Treasure or Windtalkers; a chance to show as many closeups of the American flag as humanly possible. [/COLOR] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
Albert Flasher replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Touchstone][FONT=Georgia]I think you're taking that a bit too personally. He was just saying it was a bad movie, which I have to agree it was. The acting wasn't that good, the plot dragged on for hours, and got really boring by the end. It failed to entertain. And thinking about Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, and 9/11 still make me cry. I can just distinguish between reality and crappy fiction.[/FONT][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Speaking of which... imagine if they made a 9/11 movie and, instead of focusing on the human tragedy and the impact it had on the world, they focus on some sappy, unrealistic and just generally stupid love-story? It would be a travesty and an insult. It would be Pearl Harbour *gaspshockamazed* Wait, why are we discussing Pearl Harbour again?[/COLOR] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
Albert Flasher replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Over-patriotic exagerated garbage??? What gives you the right to say that? Did you experience the attack on Pearl Harbor first hand? Did anybody you love die when the japanese attacked??? I think it's absolutely ridiculous to have such a strongly negative opinion on a MOVIE. Movies are meant to entertain. Good thing we live in America and we can express our own opinions, eh? Later. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] I'm allowed to say the movie sucked, because it did. It was not realistic at all, it was just some tripe love story under the guise of a bad war movie. T!T!T! is a great, realistic and powerful movie, but Pearl Harbour is just crap. It was just another of those movies where a handful Americans take on the entire Japanese/German army and win (I'm looking your way, Windtalkers!) and should not be taken seriously. T!T!T! is a different story, though, which was actually the point of me saying that; was she crying during Pearl Harbour or T!T!T!? Oh, and I'm not American.[/COLOR] -
Politics. Warning--Very Controversial and Sensitive
Albert Flasher replied to Yukina123's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Sienna]I don't get it... Are you saying you won't be able to cry and feel for the victims in the Twin Towers until they make some soppy movie about it? Are you saying you actually cried during [i]Pearl Harbour[/i], the most notorious piece of over-patriotic exagerated garbage ever made into a feature-length movie? Your post is confuzzling.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Sienna]Easy answer: disgusting rapper. No talent hack is maybe a better way to word it, or a contreversy whore. Every time I listen him, I think he wrote down the most random and offensive **** he could think of and put it into MakeThisRhyme.org, and than got a bunch of his tone-def friends to mash away on their keyboards and beatkits, than sang (and by sang, I mean orally farted) them in the most annoying way possible. I cannot stand him. Terrible, terrible, terrible. The only songs even close to being listenable to are songs where he imported those Aerosmith and Stevie Nix songs.[/COLOR]
The hardest choice you ever made in your life
Albert Flasher replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=daredevilsdad]come on man you were right and i was wrong theres no need to goat right :grumble: (i must plan ways in which to avenge my defeat) [I](swiftly changing the subject of defeat)[/I] anyways you didnt answer the question yourself. which would you do kill or be killed? ha ha now its your turn [I](vengeance shall be mine muhahahahahaha)[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Indeed I did. I said everyone in this situation would choose to kill; everyone, last time I checked, includes me.[/COLOR] -
The hardest choice you ever made in your life
Albert Flasher replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=daredevilsdad]Well he put me in my place.... lol :grumble:/ :animeswea if i was in that situation thats what i would do (if im in that situation in then next 24 hour its Ziggy Stardust's fault and you know who to blame, avenge my soul :demon:/ :flaming: ) when im in that situation (god forbid me for being in it) i'll call you for advice your'll give it to me right? And by the way it was ment to be; 1) to be killed 2) to kill My typing mistake And we are all hypothetically specking right? :angel:[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Sure... I can see that conversation happening. "Hello, Ziggy? Yea, there's thi- Aaaaaaaaahhhhh... *random screaming and slicing sounds, interspersed with desperate gunfire and screeching* And your right; this is a hypothetical situation. And you really can't predict what will happen in a situation that you've never experianced, which was my point.[/COLOR] -
Did anything good actually happen at school today?
Albert Flasher replied to a topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Sienna]Today we had a special dance-drama-lights show thing that I was a part of. I was a stage hand mostly, and I directed one of the drama plays, but for the most part I sat in the basement (Creepiest place ever... the entrance is a big creepy gate... and there are some straight-from-the-movies hallways with grafiti and stuff...) and played blackjack with some friends. Oh, and we stole some prop swords (Real metal, just not sharpened) and had a sword fight for about 2-3 hours. We had to stay until about 10 because we did two shows, but whatever, it was pretty fun. The only thing I hated was listening to the offensive-*** rap-hiphop garbage that they dance too. [/COLOR] -
The hardest choice you ever made in your life
Albert Flasher replied to a topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Sienna][QUOTE] you hear it all the time, everywhere you go, on the buses, in the schools everywhere. boy/girls says: i'd do anything for you, i could kill, (and the most common one) i'd die for you well it sound all good and romantic on the t.v./movies but whos got the balls to do it?for one i have and always will (for someone that i love or family) [/QUOTE] How do you know? Have you ever been in this situation? Well, your still alive so my guess is no. How can you know how you'll react in a completely new situation? You say you'll do anything for your love and all that, and, while it's a romantic notion, it's a completely unrealistic one. No matter who you are, when it comes to the choice of 'Shooter or shot' the person will always choose shooter. It's human nature. Self preservation and all that. [QUOTE]secondly i only see two possiblities here as stated by Metal Dragon 1) to die 2)to be killed [/QUOTE] Difference being...? There are, but only one of them involves dieing. You can stand there and be spitted like a pig, or you can shoot her and live. [QUOTE]really try to explain it to her that i was just trying to save someone[/QUOTE] This isn't like some movie where the badguy goes on a cofee break while you spout off some 5-minute speech - your going to have maybe 5-6 seconds to react to her trying to cut you from croch to crown. Your not going to have time to think 'Hmm, maybe I should just kill myself...' you'll have time to think 'Oh ****!' and either die or shoot her. You may think otherwise but anything other than scenario is just unrealistic. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Sienna]The Legend of Dragoon. aocc-loca scialsc Hint: Considerably better than Pepsi.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]The Boondocks. Never seen the show, but I recognize the name Riley. ascai msoiva Hint: The most influentail sci-fi author of all time. Invented the ground rules on which all sci-fi robots are based, including the imfamous 3-laws.[/COLOR]
If I had to guess? Top Gun. That's the only thing that comes to mind.
[quote name='Starwind']To this point, I am unimpressed with the next gen. systems. They made such a hype and the XBOX 360 isn't half of what I hoped for it and the PS3 is looking much the same way at this point. Microsoft has traditionally had poor sucess with console system. I personally think the first XBOX was a fluke and there slowly going to slip back into obscurity once again. The biggest dissapointment is PS3. For as much hype as it's gotten, I've yet to see anything that has blown me away. It hasn't hit stores yet, so I'll with hold my judgement until I actually play it for myself. But in all honesty the only one I still have faith in is Nintendo. From what I've seen of the other two, I'll admit I'm worried, but right now there my flicker of hope for the future of gaming.[/quote][COLOR=Sienna] Exactly... the 360 and the PS3 are the same exact consoles with slightly better graphics... Ooooh, groundbreaking! I love how Nintendo always tries new things and takes a lot of risks. They're not content to just sit there and upgrade the same system and remarket as a new one. That's what I love about Nintendo.[/COLOR]
What do you think are the best and worst foods?
Albert Flasher replied to Up4anime's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']Small pieces of broccoli are good when lightly breaded and deep fried. It's about the only way I'll eat more than about one piece of it. Of course, deep frying it negates any nutritional value it would've had, but hey, it tastes good.[/color][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna]What about stir-frying it? I hate brocoli but I love it stir-fried. [/COLOR]