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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [COLOR=Sienna]I am stoked for the Revolution. I've always loved how Nintendo doesn't just make a console and say 'Hey look, our graphics are slightly better than the ones that we had last year!' Because Nintendo doesn't focus on making a game ultra-realistic or with the best graphics; they go for the game that is, really, the most fun. I'd take ToS or MarioKart Double Dash over anything I've ever seen on the X-Box or the PS2. I'm incredible excited about the new controller layout. I've seen some of the demos for it and it looks very user friendly and very innovative. Another thing I like about Nintendo is the sheer durabilty of their products - I'm a very abusive guy, and when I lose or forget to save our something I get VERY angry. No way a fragile PS2/3 or X-Box could survive my pure rage. Furthermore, I'm not interested in a media center that is essentially a computer with all the hardware and guts ripped out, I'm looking for fun - Nintendo has always provided that to me more than Sony or the X-Box ever could. NINNNNNNNNNNNNNNTENDO! [/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Jedi Dude: Oh yes, mortals - fear me! And my lightsa- what the hell? ******* George Lucas stiffed the video game budget again? George Lucas: *Offscreen* What are you talking about? You look ferocious and evil and generally badass! I mean, come on... purple? Hitler? Connection? Jedi Dude: What the hell? Look, I don't care about your stupid Nazi fantasties and ********, the ******* lightsabre is [i]going through my ******* hand![/i] THIS FRIGGIN HURTS![/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=Sienna]Pink Floyd - Shine on you Crazy Diamond "Shiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnne on you crazy diamond." New Word: Pirate[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=shinji172]Wonderful! I love confessions! Well the only thing i can think of (that hasnt been said in an "official" confession) is that im a MUCH better liar than i let people believe. I have developed a "fake tell". When i say a petty lie (e.g. in a joke) i have a very large grin on my face which i have led people to believe is involuntary on my part. However, in a more extreme situation (e.g. taking the blame for someone) i am able to just lie to my hearts content. Unfortunatly, if i lose focus (e.g. someone gets me laughing or even smiles at me) I cant keep it up. However, it is helpful when dealing with people i hate. [/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Wow... that's exactly what I do lol. A deception within a deception within a deception, like a twisted version of those Russian doll-thingies. Anyways, my confession... I don't really have one, y'know? I try to maintain a lie-within-a-lie but I don't really have anything to lie about lol, I do it just because it makes people think I'm complex and hiding something, but I'm not. I'm a very in-the-open guy, I don't keep secrets. [/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Sienna]Why the hell would I be jealous of my friends? The only reason I can think of is they have the privalage of being freinds with me. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna]My favourite food, far and away, is the dish known only as 'poutine'. It's a fairly localized dish that is, essentially, fries, gravy and cheese curds all put into one steaming bowl of deliciousness. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine[/url] Other than that, pizza is great (I only like meat; as much meat as possible. No vegetables.), subways (Again, mostly meat and lettuce), hamburgers, bacon sandwhiches, and pizza pockets, of course. I hate umm.. anything even remotly healthy, fake cheese (I'm looking at you, Kraft!) and umm... chili.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Sienna]With company, of course - they provide conversation and double as a source of food! Pick up a bar of soap from a prison shower. OR Get caught sleeping with Bruce Lee's girlfriend.[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1] [B]My Questions:[/B] Do you watch [adult swim]? What is your opinion of Hip Hop? Why? What is your favorite video game? Optimist or Pessimest? Finally, the age old quesiton... Pirates or Ninjas?[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] No. I've never heard of it. What is it? I'm not a fan. I just don't like it. Some hip-hop seems derogatory and uncooth, while others just annoy me and sound terrible. Tought choice... umm, Warcraft 3, NHL06, and Hearts of Iron 2 all tie for my number one spot. I don't define myself as either. I don't like to decide how I'm going to feel about something before I know what it is. Pirates all the way. Ninjas... come on, only women attack from behind and from the dark with their masks and knives n' ****. Real men use cutlesses and flintlock pistols :cool: Starwind: No, never been parasailing... I prefer to stick to regular sailing. Ugh no, the beech ranks #4 on my list of 'Most Hated Places.' I hate sand and the heat and therefore I hate the beech. Yes, I fish a lot. I once spent a month in Newfounland fishing off the fjords and fishing in Lake Winnipeg and just generally fishing. No, not at all. I don't really care about romance or anything like that - to tell you the truth I'm not interested in 'love' by any definition. I only post in this thread because... I don't know.[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Up4anime][COLOR=Navy] Questin 1 What's your favorite season? 2:DO you watch samurai 7 or samurai champloo?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] 1. Winter. I love it because it's cold. I love the cold. I love vast expanses of snow and seeing my breath hand in the air; I love it all. For the record, I hate summer - I hate the heat, mostly. 2. I've always been a fan of Samurai 7, mostly because of the original movie, which I will always maintain is THE greatest, most influential movie ever made. Screw Citizen Kane. Some questions of my own: What are your favourite movies. Mine are Dr. Strangelove and Maurice Richard. What are your favourite brands of Cola. Coke all the way! What is your opinion of the 3-toed sloth? IMO they're totally awesome. What time is it where you live.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Sienna]The three-toed sloth is far and away the greatest animal of all time. Come on, it doesn't even need to hunt - it moves so slowly it can just eat the moss that grows on its back. It doesn't move for anything - the world slows down for it. Or it gets horribly slaughtered by a tiger...[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=PiroMunkie] [size=1]Keep in mind people are given free will. If a person does not believe in God then God does not exist in them, and therefor are marked with "evil." Given, they may not be walking around worshipping Satan, so "evil" may seem like a pretty heavy term. His "presence" is a gift that is always before you, whether or not you choose to accept it is up to you.[/size][/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] So... what, because I find the idea of god (in the Christian sense) laughable I drive 6-inch nails through baby skulls every night? I'm sure my habit has nothing to do with my non-Christianity, thank you very much. The way you make it sound, people who don't 'have' god lack this special 'gift' that makes them 'happy'. Anyone remember that interview Tom Cruise Mapother IV (Full name as of now...) gave on Ophera where he described the joy he recieved from being a Scientologist? Does that make him any less of a loony? I don't think so.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=Sienna]Are you even trying anymore? That's Boondock Saints, come on, easy clue. zcietni neka Hint: Widly considered to be the greatest movie - north american movie, anyways - ever made. About a publishing tycoon's final utterings. [I][B]Rosebud[/B][/I][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Sienna]Ann Rice's classic Interview with the Vampire, of course. BTW, he's not Tom Cruise anymore - he's Tom Cruise Mapother IV. Bloody loon... ramch fo het giuennps Hint: A charming docu-movie about a bunch of Emperor Penguins. Highly acclaimed.[/COLOR]
  14. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Outlaw Star. rahirdc aden dsanoern Hint: Actor who plays a creative survival specialist/secret agent dude in one show, and who's best friend is a black, normally bald alien with a gold thingie on his forhead in another.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [QUOTE=daredevilsdad]i would firstly not do anything to hurt a person i hold so dear but if somehow i manage to mess things up ( i do that alot) i would ask my girlfriend/wife to allow me to take my own life if she does then hold the gun to my own head count till 5 and pull the triger without another moments thought if she does not then i would stick out my head and hope for forgiveness in the next life. life is full of **** and i have seen my share of it. Jealousy Hatred Pain Suffering there all part of life but love i cant define because i do not believe in it maybe someday i will maybe not either way the only thing any person can be sure of is death it will come someday anyday you never know when[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] So some crazy, screaming, probably sweating banshee is lunging at you with a sword and your first instinct is to put a gun to your head? What? [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Sienna]Should I have macaronni and cheese or should I deep fry some french-fries for lunch?[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='soulrls']I only listen to metal and a lot of the many different types of rock. Main bands I listen to as of lately are Panic! at the disco, The Used, Finch, and Bullet for my Valentine. And I absolutely cannot stand country music! It sends chills over me just thinking about it.[/quote][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] None of those qualify as metal, just so you know. It's emo, which, come to think of it, doesn't qualify as rock either. Also, why do so many people hate country? I'm far from a country fan, but it's head-and-shoulders ahead of rap or hip-hop.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [COLOR=Sienna]If some crazy wench is comeing at me with a sword, what do you expect me to do? Pistol whip that crazy woman to the back of the skull and get the hell out of there![/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=Lost Lightbulb]This is not entirely true. The OT is not all hell fire and brimstone, although many parts of it are due to what God was accomplishing in that time, which was the establishment of Judaic society and from within that a pure bloodline that would eventually bring forth the messiah, Jesus Christ. Did you know that Jesus based his ministry off the OT? He got many of his philosophies from the scrolls of his predecessors, he didn't just pull the "love thy neighbour" out of nowhere, he just reminded the ignorant religious leaders of it and it's importance. In fact, the nutshell of Jesus' ministry can be found in Isaiah 58, and OT book. [quote] does the text agree with itself? [/QUOTE] If you do enough reading, you can see that God's personality hasn't shifted, and he's not some celestial schizo, God's plans have always been to restore humanity to oneness with him, and he desires to know, love and have a relationship with everyone. The only difference is that in the OT, peoiple had to come to God through animal sacrifices for their sins, while Christians have been saved by the blood of Jesus and this covenant is everlasting, rather than temporary. The text agrees with itself, and considering that the book was not actually a book until well after Jesus time, that it was a series of scrolls written by 64 different authors over thousands of years and who had little knowledge of eacht other and certainly could not have conspired together to keep things consistent, the consistencies in the Bible are even more intriguing.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] So what you're saying is that god showed his love for the people.. by drowning every human being on earth (except Noah), destroying entire cities with fire and the like because he was displeased, turning people into salt for the heinous crime of 'looking over your shoulder,' killing hundreds because they used incense, slaughtering people because he was (again) displeased with, as the bible puts it, his own sword, killing 42,000 for mispronouncing 'shibboleth,' and... hell, just go [URL=http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/long.html]here[/URL], and than tell me god was a loving god in the OT.[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1] It's proven that the first Christian Emperor of Rome, Constantine, had the Holy Bible assembled from various different relegious texts which circulated around the known world at the time. There were literally hundreds of texts and scrolls written with Christian intent. So, yes, the Bible was written by men, and assembled by man. The Book of Enoch, The Gospel of Mary, The Gnostic Texts, The Enfancy of Christ, and many more texts all were considered, and denied entry into the book now known as "The Holy Bible". Aswell, I don't think anybody should look into the Bible as a 'literal translation' of what we should do in our lives. If that were so, then men wouldn't shave, women wouldn't cut their hair, and most of the worlds major city's are worse than what was Sodom and Gamora. I think it's more of a spiritual guideline than anything. Also, why is this thread pointing towards the Christian Bible alone? Why not the Kohran? Or the Kabbalah? Or the Buhddist Texts? [/color][/size][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] And, while we're at it, why not tear into the Book of Mormon. Afterall, we do need a good laugh once in a while, don't we? Oooooooooooohhhh, John Smith, you little hat-reading rascal :D[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=orochisnake]all i have to say is that it is very surprising that you people can say that the Bible contradicts itself yet know so much about it.the Bible is not an interpretation,it's there for the christians to read from and learn what God intends them to,it is also a collection of words inspired by God himself and passed to the papers by apsotles for people to get closer to God. yes,the Bible is right,yes,God is everywhere,all-powerful,and all-knowing.but He still loves everybody,which is why He sent His son to save not just the isrealites but the entire world. please don't take me for being too religious or something....there's plenty of things in the Bible i will never understand. :animesigh[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Ah-ha, you bring up another point... it says God is everywhere, and than says that evil is the absence of god, which would mean that there is no evil, but god often says man is evil at its heart, which means that either A, god's lying, or, B, god doesn't exist anywhere. However, since god is perfect, and lying is considered bad, that would mean that the only correct option would be B. Hurray for conveluted logic! (Shizzle, I used 'convuluted' twice in one thread, and spelt it wrong both times. BAM.)[/COLOR]
  22. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Many times in the bible, it is said that god is everywhere, and many times it says that prophets 'went out of the presence of the LORD.' That sounds fairly difficult. In 1 Tim 1:4 we are told to 'avoid foolish questions and genealogies,' but the bible has more boring genealogies than you can shake a stick at. Even the story of Genisis itself is convuluted and contradictory in it's entirty, but I'll leave this up to the [URL=http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/contra/accounts.html]boys at SAB to explain.[/URL] I don't have the chapters on me anywhere, but god says that he drowns the world because 'man's heart is evil from birth,' and than, later, in one of his interesting monolaugs, he decides NOT to drown the world because.... 'man's heart is evil from birth.' Interesting! The bible in general is both poorly translated and heavily edited... who knows what's going on with it. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [QUOTE=The_Mix_Breed] My Questions: 1, What's your most embrassing memory? 2, What's your favorite sport? 3, Do you have good morals and do you uphold them? 4, Are you reading this post cause your bored you because you care about what I have to say? l[/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] 1. I don't know. I have a terrible memory for anything. If it's embarassing than I probably went out of my way to forget it. 2. Hockey. I like hockey and hockey alone. Screw everything else. 3. No, I don't have good morals. I'm a general jerk and an asshole, and I don't hesitate to steal things from people or go behind somone's back. 4. True. Name: Alex 'Baillie' Kilpatrick Baillie Age: 14 Despriction: Dangerously overweight, blue eyes, glasses, some freakish matted brown-blond hair, and remarkably pale skin. Favorite Color: I don't make friends with colours. Location: Canada Personality: Generally a sarcastic jerk, I'm told that I'm quite funny to people who don't mind being insulted (i.e people with a sense of humour). I'm rather quiet unless I'm with my friends, when I'm rediculously loud. I'm also maddeningly self confident, and love being fat and love to make fun of people who like to make fun of me for being fat. I'm also incredibly lazy. I mean INCREDIBLY lazy, I never commit to anything. I have no real desires in life, I just want to float through things in what I call 'content mediocre obscurity' Hobbies: Hockey, Counter-Strike, surfing the net, reading, sleeping, occasionally writing, being a jerk, Slight History: I've lived in one house my entire life and have been spoiled rotten by a mother hen, but I don't care. I've had a few life-long friends and made a few new ones. I've never had a girl friend and I don't really have a desire to have one (not that I'm gay). I have a few dogs and a cat and some other things like that. Likes: Hockey, computer games, internet stuff, complaining, smiling sarcastically, and TV. Dislikes: I don't particularily dislike anything... I don't like my sister but that's all I can think of. I may be a jerk to somone but it doesn't mean I hate them. Other: I have a minor learning disabilty that has to do with attention and working memory, which translates into me being ****** at math and french and terribly uninteresting.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
  24. [quote name='Sayuri-sama']well in situations like these i always sem to find it helpful to just smack her over the head or something.....no talking seriously here you can do either one of two things. create a situations with the drugs where you'll scare her so much she'll just quti (i.e. raped because she got knocked out on meht or coke etc.) or you can let her hit her own head on the wall(learn from experience). when she realizes she screwed up then you can be all "i told you so" about it. but hey thats just me. good luck with the situation though. and p.s. in my opinion you dont need friends like those[/quote][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] "I told y'so!" would be a pretty indecent eulogy, don't you think? As has been said, the only thing you can do is betray your friend for her own good. Tell her parents, tell anyone who can help her, just get her some help. I always used the line "Drugs are for rock stars and hippies - and since you are neither, what the hell are you doing?" but I don't think that would work with meth and cocaine. Still...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Name: Bruce Liptons Age: He's gone back in time to many times, his age is not known by anyone, even him. Let's just say he's 'totatally rad' years old. Gender: He's ALLLLLLLLLLL man. Physical Discription: [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/7f/Bruce-Campbell-G4-Jun72005.jpg/260px-Bruce-Campbell-G4-Jun72005.jpg]Bruce in casual (i.e under cover) mode.[/URL] [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/13/Bruce_Campbell_Army_of_Darkness.jpg/250px-Bruce_Campbell_Army_of_Darkness.jpg]Bruce in totally badass mode.[/URL] Special Skills: Bruce has the uncanny abilty to drink an entire jug of boiling hot water without flinching, and looking really cool well doing it. Oh, and he can use his belt as an Indiana-jones style bullwhip, which is really quite useless but impresses the girls. Weapons: When he transforms into badass mode, he has a chainsaw attatched to his wrist. Need I say more? Yes, I do. Ok - he also drives a car that, a, has totally rad flame decales, and, b, a spinning blade thingie on the front that kills everything in his path. And yes, the spining blade thing also has totally rad flame decales. And how could I froget... he carries his boomstick, a shotgun with an infinate amount of aummunition. Personality: *edit later* [/COLOR] [/FONT]
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