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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Sweet, lol, I only remember the movie from a vague recolection from when I was much younger. Coincidentally, that and the Sin Bin scene was the only scene I remembered from the entire thing :animesmil Ok, movie buffs should know this scene from the imfamous 1951 classic: [IMG]http://www.scifig.com/dayearth.gif[/IMG] Here's a hint, becuase this might be hard: Gort! Klaatu barada nikto And yes, David Bowie does indeed rock.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=Sienna]Snake Trek III: Snakes on an Enterprise![/COLOR]
  3. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna][B]"Try not to kill anyone," [/B]Chris said as he unslung his crossbow and let it fall to the ground; he wouldn't be needing it, [B]"the last thing we need is Kikya authorities after us." [/B] Geri nodded her head slightly as she loosened one of her katana from its sheeth. [B]"Right, right, no killing." [/B] Chris counted the enemies - 7 of them, all burly and strong with assorted crude weapons, or just their fists. They were approaching in a semi-circle, slowly, cautiously. Than, unexpectadly, on of them - armed with a long stiletto dagger - lunged towards Chris, his dagger crudely held above his head. Chris stepped back and lifted his arm to block the attack, catching the blade in the gauntlet on his wrist. With a twist of his arm, he tore the weapon from the man's hands, and just as quickly planted a kick to the man's misection. He collapsed with a gasp, clutching his chest - broken ribs, Chris guessed. He turned to see how Geri was doing, just in time to see her knock one of the men clean out with a wack from the blunt end of her katana. [I]Good[/I], Chris thought, [I]she's not going to kill anyone[/I]. He felt his mind wander, but luckily he came back to earth just in time to spin away from another lunging goon - this time armed with some kind of nail-in-a-club. The man recovered quickly and swung his club towards Chris, but he danced out of the way effortlessly. [I]The man was slower than the last one,[/I] Chris mused, as he kicked out his knees. The man collapsed, but again he recovered and was back on his feet in seconds. [I]He's also resilient[/I]. Chris decided to end it quickly, and used his gauntlet to land the knock-out blow to the man's skull. He collapsed just like the last one. He turned to look at Geri again, and another man lay at her feet, this time with a more serious head wound than the last one. Chris smiled; 3 left. OOC: Figured I'd save some of the fun for you :animesmil [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]*cuts to one of those face-the-camera documentary thingies* Vincent: Ya know, just once I'd like to fight a villan who didn't live in some freaky-*** castle. I mean, is that so much to ask? I mean, they throw ******* enchanted gargoyle, golems, zombies, and all kinds of ******** at me - and they can't even give me a brightly-lit place kick their ***** in? Honestly can't they give me SOME consideration? And what's with that perpetual ******* full-moon anyways, it's creeping me the **** out... [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]That's hardly what I had in mind for something 'VERY' (Note the CAPS for emphasis) immoral... it's more like 'Help me be a jerk on the internet', but whatever: Does this person have a video game that consumes their life? Like, an MMO or something? WoW or EQ2? If they do, try and do what I do to everyone I meet; ruin their life and do not allow them to have any fun whatsoever. They will than proceed to quit their game, and will find themselves lost in the real world without any idea what to do; than you can laugh maniacally!. Er, seriously though: what's the point? You honestly think some chick who [U]went out of her way to conspire againts you[/U] would take you back just because her old boyfriend vanished from the face of the net? You've got no choice but to move on and PLEASE stop asking us to solve your friggin problems... I can see it 5 years from now... "HELP ME, HOW DO I PAY MY TAXES!', 'HELP ME, HOW DO I PASS MY DRIVERS EXAM!', 'HELP ME, WHAT'S THE ANSWER TO THE SAT QUESTION!'[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Oh man... I don't know if anyone else watched Trailer Park Boys... but I just got a flashback... hiarliously! "It's just a big, stoned, horny kitty with the munchies." Er, anyways - probably catnip or something of that sort. I've long suspected my cat to be on cocaine but have yet to bust here with it, so meh...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]OOC: Hurray! [B]"So Kura," [/B]Chris intoned cheerfully as the three made their way through the darkened street, [B]"any idea where we should start?" [/B] [B] "Not really,"[/B] Kura replied, biting her lip a bit in contemplation, [B]"Joseph was always a bit of an enigma, he could be anywhere, really." [/B][B] "So what are you saying? We wander around Kikya Port calling out his name like some lost puppy?" [/B]Chris said, throwing back his head at the thought of such tedious bordem, [B]"What about you, Max, any ideas?" [/B]Chris said, turning to face the trailing Maxcine. She thought for a second, and than replied,[B] "Well... we could split up, cover more ground, and than meet back at the ship if we find anything."[/B] They both looked at Kura. She was the captain, afterall, and she made the decisions.[B] "What other choice do we have? Kikya Port is a large town, it would take all night if we did it as a group." [/B] [B] "Ok than," [/B]Chris announced in false drama,[B] "splitting up it is, cover more ground and such... but what if we run into marines or some thugs? I've been to Kikya before, rough place." [/B] [B]"Calm down Chris, we can handle ourselves." [/B]Maxcine retorted haughtily, laying her hand on the hilt of her sword lightly. [B]"Still, Chris has a point,"[/B] Kura said as the group came to a split in the main street, [B]"sometimes numbers can overwhlem skill."[/B] [B]"You two should stick together, than - since we only have two options,"[/B] he gestured to the intersection[B], "you might as well. I'll go left, you two go right, sound good?"[/B] [B]"Well, I don't like it, but ok... I've got a bad feeling."[/B] Kura sounded genuinly worried, but she didn't see any other option. [B]"Meet us back at the ship if you find anything" [/B] With that, the two parties split up and went in search of Joseph. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]"That them?"[/B] the gruff voice asked, gesturing from the darkness at the Chris, Kura, and Maxcine. [B]"Ye, just like Zerus said."[/B] another, equally gruff voice responded. The other man drew his sword and took a step forward, but the man who had spoken restrained him. [B] "Don't. We still need them to lead us to Joseph, right? Keep close and don't be seen."[/B] With that, the crowd of people withdrew deeper into the shadows and the dark allyways of Kikya Port. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The street Chris had walked down was unnervingt. All the houses and buildings were light and seemed cheerful enough, but something still kept Chris on edge. He wasn't normally afraid of the dark or anything, but he definatly felt something... [B][I]I hate being watched...[/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
  8. Albert Flasher


    [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Does anyone else enjoy Folk music? I personally love folk music a lot. I find it manages to tell a story, but avoid the vulgarity of rap, and the redneck-ness of country. It's also a very versitile genre; you've got your John McDermott-style beautiful folk ballds, you've got your Stan Rogers-style upbeat and riveting folk, you've got your Neil Young-style folk-rock, you've got your Gordon Lightfoot-style fast-paced folk, amongst others. So my question is this: who are your favourite folk artists? Personally, my favourites are: Gordon Lightfoot Neil Young John McDermott Bruce Cockburn Stan Rogers Stompin' Tom Connors[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] 1. If your avatar has a character, what race, age (if applicable) and gender is it? (avatars without characters are neutral or asexual)[B] His name is Chef Cookie, he's a man, he's white, and he's 8-bit.[/B] 2. Would you say your avatar is masculine, feminine or both? Why?[B] Masculine. Can't you feel the masculine-ness just flowing off the Chef?[/B] 3. Does it have mature or childish attributes?[B] His name is CHEF COOKIE, what do you think? [/B] 4. What gender and race are you? [B]White male. Fat.[/B] 5. When you meet someone online, unless they specify, do you feel you naturally think of them as white? (Answering yes is not racist - this is much more common than you think)[B] Naturally I do assume their white, but that's only because I live in an area which is essentially 100% White Bread, so I just naturally assume... [/B] 6. Do you roleplay? If yes, identify your roleplaying character in terms of race, history, gender and sexual preference (if applicable). [B]I havn't roleplayed in a long time...[/B] 7. Have you ever been mistaken for another race or gender or have been asked due to the lack of detail in your profile?[B] Not really. Generally people can feel the whiteness flowing off me from a mile away.[/B] 8. Have you mistaken others for being of another race, age or gender? How many times (if applicable)?[B] Definatly. Everytime I meet somone in game I naturally assume their guys because chicks who game are relativly rare. Once I thought somone was a guy who was a girl for about 5 months before I found out. I don't catch on quick.[/B] 9. What does your online nickname mean or how did you come up with it?[B] My nickname is Ziggy Stardust, a charcter created by my favourite singer David Bowie. [/B] 10. Do you think people online tend to correctly guess your age, race or gender most of the time without being told?[B] No. Most people think I'm older than I am, but gender and race they usually catch.[/B] 11. Do you think people tend to correctly guess your sexual preference without being told?[B] Does that include people who go around using '***' as a synonam for 'asshole'?[/B] 12. Would you feel threatened if people online knew your age, gender, race or sexual preference? If so, why?[B] Not really... I'm not sure why I would...[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Alfred Ashford is by far the most terrifying game character ever. Oh wait, I meant hilarious. MOVING ON: To tell you the truth, the only video game character that has ever truely invoked terror in me is the generic video game zombie from the resident evil REmake. It was really a combonation of things more than the zombie itself; the way the camera angles are set up, a zombie could be around every corner, and when you combine that with the clumsy and hard to manuver controles it becomes a nightmare to try and avoid them without losing half your health. Doesn't help you have a grand total of about 7 bullets to kill it with. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Hey, why would I search for somthing? Man, I got everything I want... I'm very easy to please and have no motivation whatsoever. I got a tv, a computer, good friends, good food, good life. I don't ask nor want any more. I don't want to go on some hunt for 'truth' or 'the answer' or 'Bush's Brain' or some other nonsense, I just want to live my life in content mediocre obscurity. Hurray for introvertism![/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Snakes on a Plane has Uwe Boll written all over it. It's your typical 'Let's make a movie so bad that thousands of internet nerds bash the **** out of it, thus making everyone who visits the internet buy a copy of it, and let's just get a big-name actor to star in it, promising him a cut of the profits.' It's a brilliant stratagy invented by General Ed Wood, and it's been carried on by masters such as Uwe Boll and the Polonia Brothers, and now Dan R. Ellis takes up the torch. :S[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [QUOTE=Touchstone][COLOR=DarkRed]I think the strangest I heard was on NPR about this guy in Alaska who was planning on putting a nuclear reactor in his home so he could create isotopes, I think it was. Needless to say, his neighbors weren't very happy. Also the story about the woman who robbed banks while talking on her cellphone the whole time! I wish I could have heard [i]that[/i] conversation....[/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna]"What? Noooooooo way, that is sooo coo - HEY! I SAID DON'T LOOK AT MY ******* FACE! No, not you - PUT THE MONEY IS THE BAG! So really, her hair was [i]green[/i]? Hold on a sec *gunshots*" Ok, well, I read a story about a Japanese firm called Mail Order Goons, which is quite literal; you get a goon, in the mail, who becomes your personal goon, to do gooning and stuff. Oooooooooh the Japanese, when will they learn. :animesmil [/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]From Wikipedia University:[B][I] The terms introvert and extrovert (spelled extravert by Carl Jung) were originally employed by Sigmund Freud and given significant amplification later by Jung. The terms refer to "attitudes" and show how a person orients and receives their energy. In the extroverted attitude the energy flow is outward, and the preferred focus is on people and things. Extroverts tend to be energetic, enthusiastic, action-oriented, talkative, and assertive. Therefore an extroverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. In the introverted attitude the energy flow is inward, and the preferred focus is on thoughts and ideas. Introverts tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and disengaged from the social world. Thus, one who is introverted is more likely to spend time alone or in contemplation, as these activities are rewarding. They may avoid social situations entirely, not because of shyness, but because they choose to. While most people view being either introverted or extroverted as a question with only two answers, the reality is that this is probably more of a scale, with people falling on both ends and in between. The term ambivert was coined to denote people who fall more or less directly in the middle and exhibit tendencies of both groups. An ambivert is normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the crowd. Ambiverts tend to be moderate thinkers and weigh more than one side to an issue. Most have warm but controlled personalities.[/I][/B] I'm just curious about this; what would you describe yourself as? Me personally, I consider myself more of an ambivert than an introvert, but I could easily be considered introvertive since, aside from my select group of close friends, I really don't like social contact all that much. Anyone?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Well, I was once called Mr. Schwartzenegger (SP?) because I once spent two whole weeks talking in nothing but cliches. You should have heard the conversations I had with friends and teachers... Teacher: Did you do your homework? Me: You better shove it 'fore my homework does you, punk. (Clint Eastwood voice) Teacher: Don't talk to me like unless you want an after school (Detention) Me: Heh, well I guess what they say is true; one in the bank is worth two in the bush, a rolling stone gathers no moss, to many cooks spoil the broth... I'm done with you. For the record, I only used 'I'll be back!' 4 times, one of which was online so it doesn't really count. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Tests... see, I'm hypomanic (Esentially, the exact opposite of hyperactive, and a nice way of saying 'rediculously lazy'), which means I don't have any preformance anxiety, and don't get worried before tests. I don't get stressed out by tests or anything like that, which in the long run is definatly a bad thing, and usually don't do well on them. I don't hate them, though, because I can finish quickly and get some sleep. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]Hm you would be suprised. your right it wasent that bad or was it? I?ve seen recently a video on the net that show a mans head getting cleavered for steeling food hmm ya nothing wrong there. I would post the location but that is Highly inappropriate to miners and just plain sickening . I do agree to you at some level. You seem to be a very smart person. But I don?t think it was better before we came there oh and Sayuri-sama tell use why you hate him dont leave use hanging. :animesmil[/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] Wow. One isolated incident. Islamic law is a bit... cruel (Although I believe that it's supposed to be the hand, not the head, correct?), but is shared throughout most of the area, in fact it is a lot worse in places like Iran, where the country is run religiously, rather than a secular nation like Iraq. Things were much better before the US got there. 'Give me liberty, or give me death' is a very romantic notion but not a practical one.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [quote name='D. Resurrected]I am glad that everyone hates bush because of they?re opinion not because it is the fad going around the state now. You would be surprised how many people hate him just because friends or family do. Personally I love bush a mater of fact I was fortunate to meet him at bank one ball park in phoenix Arizona[where I have lived my entire life']. Lets face the fact?s people bush is only human he is going to make mistakes, what president hasn?t. I support the war completely. Iraq use to be a place where people would be murder in fits of rage, slaughtered tortured and what not. I have seen this personally and it sends chills down my spine. To see something like that get totally eradicated in my opinion sends a warm feeling to my hart. The loses mite be big but the over all rewards will way over weigh the loses. ;)[/quote][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] See... this is one of the biggest misconceptions about the Iraq situation. Now, it was no paradise, in fact it was a ****-hole, but people weren't just walking around with guns shooting random citizens and car-bombing everything to hell. Saddam didn't just wake up, check his schedual, and go "Ok... wanton slaughter a 12... gas some Kurds at 4... nap at 5... slaughter the innocents at 6... jee, busy day! Might want to schedual in some uranium purchasing and WMD making to spread things out." Yes he did a lot of evil things, but a lot of those things were done to keep his country from doing exactly what Bush has done - turned it into a terrorist hotbed where extremeist bombers strike every day and men with guns prowl the streets and break into homes. Who's the bigger monster?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]This is how I see it: the US had stepped on a landmine. Ya know, like in those war movies, were the guy hear's the click and everyone freezes, because one false move can set it off? And while that guy is standing there, contemplating how to get off the mine without being blown to hell, a distrubed colony of warrior ants attacks him and starts crawling up his pant leg. He can't move, because than he'll get blown to hell, and he can't stand there, because no one likes ants in your pants, right? It's essentially correct; the US is stuck in Iraq now. They simply can't leave, and almost definatly won't ever leave without Iraq degenerating into a civil war/seperate radical states/glass. Now, I agree Sadam was a monster and a cruel dictator, but one thing he could do was keep a country filled with religious radicals (note: not all Muslims, but there are a lot of radicals in Iraq) run secularily, and keep it from destroying itself, witch would have ultimaty done more damage than he ever did personally. IMO this war will do far more damage than Saddam ever did, and Saddam was a bastard, don't get me wrong, I hate the guy... this war is just... *bleh*[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]It all depends. If Sony uses this time to actually work out the bugs and make their consoles more durable than a wet paper bag, than this will probably help. If it comes out in November, than it'll still be new and exciting by Christmas, which will definatly boost sales. However, if they screw everything up and launch a fault product, people will turn to the redily available Nintendo Revolution (Isn't that slated to release around the same time? Correct me if I'm wrong). The Revolution will doubtless be cheaper and, in my opinion at least, superior in terms of quality (see: not breaking every god damn time you spill a bottle of coke or shoot it with a shotgun or something...), and just generally more fun. If that is the case, the PS3 could flounder completely. But realistically, the whole thing hinges on wether people take to the new Nintendo controlers - because if they don't there won't be a contest. And, like I said, I hope they took a lesson from Nintendo and make their product durable and reliable on launch, rather than just casually releasing new models the year after everyone hates them.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Hunter: God [i]dammit[/i], my leprachaun bait keeps attracting friggin deer! *think The Simpsons*[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Name: Craig Tarnstrom Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=11]Craig[/URL] Allegiance: Loyalist Race: Human Weapon: When Craig can't use his fists, he uses a long dagger made of an ultralight material. Its incredibly sharp and he uses it with deadly ability. Personality: Craig is a fairly easy-going guy. He's nice and easy to talk to, and he'll stand by his friends. EDIT: Had to go, will finish soon.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]What'd I say? What'd I tell ya? CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I'm interested in which film will take Best Picture. Personally, I'm pulling for Crash, simply because, A) it's a fantastic emotional roller-coaster of a movie, and, B) it's directed by a Canadian. I've never seen Brokeback Mountain but I get the impression its going to be a competetor... oh well, GO CRASH![/COLOR][/FONT]
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