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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [COLOR=Sienna]Huh. Personally, I didn't find the trailers to Transformers or TMNT all that impressive, and I really wish that we had more to look forward to in 2007 then re-hashes things that have been done before. I mean, the Spiderman series is pretty good, but still, its just a movie version of a comic. The Hobbit just a visualization of a book (And its been done as a cartoon movie before too). On that note, Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End should be good, and Smokin' Aces looks really cool. But other then that... looks like a slow year. Ghost Rider looks terrible, although maybe Cage can save it, and who the hell wants to see a movie about how Hannibal Lector became a demented psychopath (Hannibal Rising... I'm not kidding). I really don't know what else is coming out of any significance, but it seems like a slow year. Nothing original, anyway... As for music, well, I'm not sure. I know Rush has a new studio album that should be out sometimes this year (Who knows... they're like Blizzard, always missing deadlines and always producing quality stuff!) and I'm looking foward to that, but I don't know what else is on the way. I've heard rumblings of Van Halen getting back together (Looking for a vocalist... they had Sammy Hager set up for a while but that fell through, so I don't know what's going to happen there. They've also got Eddie's son playing bass now... Geez, it must be really awkward when the groupies come back stage to sleep with the band...) and putting out a new album, but who knows if they've still got anything left in them. EDIT: Ah, I just remembered, HAROLD AND KUMAR GO TO AMSTERDAM! That movie is going to friggin RULE![/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]I think the game is pretty average at best and I have no idea how it got such high scores. I could really get into this, but I think every thing, except the firefights, is just subpar. The AI for these enemies and the use of cover was done better than any other FPS that I've played, but I don't know that that's enough to make up for all of the other ridiculously overrated qualities about the title. So, I wouldn't mention it at least... although it seems many people here aren't naming PC titles at all lol[/QUOTE] Everything but the firefights? There was nothing [i]but[/u] firefights. That was the point of the game. It had a spooky theme to it but it was really just an excuse to kill baddies in increasingly amusing ways for 40 hours. The firefights were intense and a whole lot of fun. I don't see how anyone can have a problem with that. Maybe you can explain more?
  3. [COLOR=Sienna]How [b]F.E.A.R[/b] doesn't at least get a nomination for [b]Best PC Game[/b] is beyond me. Just unbelievable game. Great story-line, well executed in all respects, incredible graphics, it's actually hard as hell even on the moderate settings, and it's spooky! The sound-track is simple but perfecft, chilling and appropriate. It's fast-paced and very stylish, like a great action movie. The slow-mo ability is a bit abuseable but it still makes for a very fun experiance. IMO the only game that comes close is [b]Medieval 2: Total War[/b]. There are still some fundamental bugs in the battle AI (The damn CHARGE BUG is the most annoying thing ever...) and the campaign AI is rather stupid, but with some modding here and there it makes for a great gaming experiance. Visuals are stunning and massive battles are simply epic, although if you play on the largest scale-factor you need one hell of a machine. Not the most historically accurate game ever but it's forgivable because it's so damn fun! Plus there's nothing more awesome then seeing a horde of Scottish Highlanders running down a fleeing mass of English peasents. Also of note was [b]Prey.[/b] It may have been rediculously easy (No matter how many times you die, you just re-spawn... you can basically run into any room with fear of death and blast away at the enemies) but it was damn fun. Some of the physics concepts, and especially the portal tricks and the gravity physics, are incredibly fun and great to look at, the visuals are great. Plus I [i]swear[/i] if you crouch at the right angle when you find that Rebel leader, you can see her goodies.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff] Personally I think he sort of earned the death penalty. He was responsible for a lot of chaos and people being killed.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]There was (And is) a lot of chaos in Iraq, but he sure as hell wasn't responsible for it. [/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='PWNED']It's cause that Saddam is 69 years old right now and wouldn't be in jail for long until he carked it. The Death Penalty is the only way that justice would actually be served t othe Iraqi people.[/quote][COLOR=Sienna] Justice? What justice? Saddam was already powerless, a caged madman... This was revenge. Cold, hard vengence. Nothing to do with justice. Besides, things aren't a whole lot better in Iraq... Hell, they're a lot worse I'd argue. Saddam was a tyrant and a despot and he opressed his people... but at least he kept his country from degenerating into a mass of anarchy and religious zealotism. Say what you want about his methods, but it's pretty hard to say that anyone else would have done a better job in Saddam's position. IMO the West is just using Saddam as a scapegoat. We caused the entire situation in the Middle East, especially the one in Iraq. When the Western Powers (The US and Britain especially) carved up the Ottoman Empire after WWI, we invented countries were there were none and ultimatly left the Kurds with no country to call their own (We also forced religious extremeists to co-exist with other religious extremeists, which is never a recipe for success.). This caused the Kurds to rebel (Rightfully so... they deserve Kurdistan) and forced Saddam to put them down or risk destabilizing his entire nation. We're just blaming him for a problem we caused...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna]*shrug* Not like his death is going to make Iraq magically go away or anything...[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=John][b]Boston - Boston[/b] (Sorry for the bad image quality.) [img]http://encyclopedia.quickseek.com/images/Boston1317.jpg[/img] This album cover, like the album itself, is nearly perfect in every way. It's iconic, aesthetically pleasing, able to be taken in at a quick glance, and yet also conveys the feeling and (unstated) auditory premise of the album absolutely to a tee. This is, plainly enough, "This is what the city of Boston would sound like if it suddenly found itself rocketing through space." The cover reflects this, and Boston's sound in general, with magnificent precision, down to the level of visual detail (or, almost, lack thereof) present. A lot more intelligence went into it than you'd realize at first glance.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Agreed 100%. Incredible album, great artwork. Nothing fancy, just simple and well done, accomplishing a lot with a little. The Artwork on [b]Don't Look Back[/b] was pretty great aswell. Now, as for my nomination... [b]Fully Completely[/b] [IMG]http://www.rounderstore.com/images/catalog/0114310532_0.JPG[/IMG] [b]Band[/b]: The Tragically Hip Just the coolest art I've ever seen (And one hell of an album to boot!). It was made in quite possibly the coolest way possible; the Hip photocopied different parts of their bodies and then made into an awesome collage out of them. It looks really cool and crazy, although it's not really that related to the album itself... Still looks great though.[/COLOR]
  8. Albert Flasher


    [COLOR=Sienna]Cover songs are a mixed blessing. I mean, on one hand you've got [b]Stevie Ray Vaughan's[/b] classic live covers of [b]Voodoo Child[/b], [b]The Sky is Crying[/b] and [b]Superstition[/b] (By Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Stevie Wonder, respectivly), and George Thorogood's classic cover of the Rock n' Roll national anthem, [b]Johnny B. Goode[/b], is one of my all time favourites. [b]Tom Cochrane's[/b] version of [b]Spirit in the Sky[/b] is a refreshing take on a classic. They were all testements to the originals, but none of them really outdid them. Some times, though, the cover does outdo the original; [b]Jonas'[/b] version of [b]Edge of Seventeen[/b] completely outdoes Stevie's version IMO, not a great song that was improved on and is now listenable. To me, [b]Warren Zevon[/b] outdoes the great [b]Bob Dylan[/b] with his version of [b]Knockin' On Heaven's Door[/b]. [b]The Guess Who[/b] broke out with their cover of [b]Shakin' All Over[/b]. All of these songs IMO outdid the originals. But man, when covers go wrong... they just go [i]wrong[/i]. Like Hillary Duff (No bold for you!) doing [b]My Generation[/b]; doubleyou tee ef? Just... no, it shouldn't happen, it's not right. Or Snoop Dogg's massacre of [b]Rider's on the Storm[/b]. I mean, enough said... [b]Jim Morisson[/b] is rolling in his cocaine-encrusted grave![/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Sienna]Harry Potter isn't evil... it's just an average series that, for whatever reason, has become rediculously popular. Nothing special about it, nothing to set it apart. That's the only problem with it. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Sienna]Probably cry. Yea, crying sounds about right. Then I'd lock myself in the room with the least number of sharp objects and tape my eyes open so I don't fall asleep... and probably cry. I might do something cool with my body before I die, like that **** from the Da Vinci Code, keep the police on their toes. Oh yea, and I'd burn/delete all my freaky assorted erotica too... maybe one last go-around, and then die screaming and sobbing. Dignified.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Sienna]Ok... my perfect day would be pretty simple. I'd like to sit on my couch with a massive HDTV with a kickass soundsystem, grab all the junk and softdrink I could get my hands on, and then sit there and watch hockey all day long. That'd be it. Just me, a rediculously large HDTV, an endless stream of hockey, and... I don't know, a bowl of Poutine and a coke or something. Oh, and I guess I'd sneak in some masturbation during the intermissions just to kill the time. Yep, pretty simple. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Sienna]Personally, I feel that anything that makes you happy (So long as it doesn't interfere negativly with another person) is just fine. Personally, I don't drink much (A beer now and again during the game, that type of thing) and I don't do drugs (I don't need pot to sit in my underwere and giggle at Simpson re-runs for days at a time), but that's just me. So long as it makes you happy, it's all cool. So basically, live and let die. Don't tell people what they can and can not put into their bodies. [/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE=kumi-chanmi] My Questions: 1-Do you think your life has a questionable meaning? 2-Who would you give up anything for? 3-What is the most precious thing in the world to you?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] 1 - Yes, but if we were to determine such a question the universe would collapse and be replaced by something even more bizzare (Assuming this hasn't happened already). It's Douglas' Law. 2 - Wayne Gretzky. Because I'm Canadian. 3 - My autographed abridged Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy book, probably. I don't usually hold things in high esteem. Riddle Me This... 1 - How do you feel about the statistically low amount of Star Wars porn on the internet? 2 - If you came face-to-face with whatever diety you worship, what would your reaction be? If you're an athiest and worship no diety (Like me), just replace 'diety' with 'proof that there IS no diety.' 3 - Have you ever snorted boiling-hot coffee/tea/whatever out of your nose? [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Sienna][CENTER][B]World Container[/B] [/CENTER] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/99/Worldcontainer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Band:[/B] The Tragically Hip The Hip's 11th studio album is a brilliant one. As a follow up to 2004's very slick [B]In Between Evolution[/B], it had a lot to live up to, and it exceeded these expectations. From the great opening track "Yer Not the Ocean" to the sheerly brilliant closing track "World Container," it's an ear-to-ear masterpiece. It's a shame the Hip have never managed to become popular outside of Canada, because they're an incredible group. Frontman Gord Downie continues to demonstrate his fantastic songwriting abilities and his singing is great. The drums are unusually prominent in this album, thanks to the fantastic producing by the legendary Bob Rock (He can capture the drums like few others!), and the mix is superb. To tell you the truth, I have trouble listening to the 2nd-to-last track "Family Band" because I can never wait to get to World Container... but it's probably a great tune too! [B]Best Songs[/B]: World Container, the Lonely End of the Rink, Luv(sic), Yer Not the Ocean... Hell, they're all great. [B]Honourable Mentions:[/B] Bob Dylan's Modern Times, Eric Clapton & JJ Cale's The Road to Escondido, Tom Petty's Highway Companion, Bob Seger's Face the Promise. Some classic rock legends getting back into the fold this year, solid musical season.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Sienna]How big is this guy? I mean, if you ran into him in a dark ally, could you take him? 'Cause it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to go running in and playing the hero against a guy who'll KO you in one punch, now would it? Either way, if this guy raped two women, maybe more, then the best option is to report him to someone who can handle the situation a lot better then you can. I don't know the whole situation (I mean, was it a violent, dark-ally kind of rape or a 'no-means-no' kind of rape?) but in general when this kind of thing goes down that's the best option. Usually going in all gung-ho guns-a-blazin just makes the situation worse. [/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Tekkaman] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=gray]You awake in a lion's den filled to the brim with about a dozen beasts. The exit, 50 meters ahead of you, is surrounded by three (3) of the biggest lions in the pack. A truck - engine running - is parked right outside the exit. You have a hatchet in your hand and 2 grenades. Some of the lions are beginning to stir.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=indigo]Get out of it.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Simple. First, I'd use my hatchet to make a hole in the truck's gasoline tank. I'd then toss a grenade into said tank with some form of delay device I'd rigg together; then I'd jam the truck in drive and send it screaming towards said wee beasties. If my timing is right, the truck will explode just as it reaches the thickest section of lions and blow the bastards to smithereens. Then I'd calmly walk out, just because I can. [B]THE SITUATION![/B] Egad! You wake up in total darkness, with a throbing headache and a pain in your lower back. Getting up, you strike a match (You have a pack of them!) and discover you've been walled up inside a... MORGUE! Looking around frantically, you spot several things that might be useful; a large lead pipe, a group of rotting corpses, a pair of shurikans, and a broken beer bottle. QUICKLY! Time is of the essence! As the corpses rot, the air you need to breath is being replaced by fowl, extremely flammable corpse-gas! [B]GET OUT OF IT![/B][/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE=ForgotteÑ-HerÖ][COLOR=DimGray] [COLOR=Blue][B]1. [/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Have you ever eatin something nasty before that others thought was disgustiong?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]2.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Were you ever dared to yell something out loud when it could have been heard by the town?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]3.[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Has anyone ever pulled down your pants in public? Was it embarresing, if idt hasn't happened would you be emberased? Why or why not?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] 1 - Some people seem to think that poutine is disgusting... In fact, most of the things I eat are considered disgusting, if just for their complete and total unhealthyness. As for nasty things I've eaten, well, I've had brocoli and nasty-*** vegetable soups and the like, but there are people out there who seem to find some sort of redeeming quality in those slops... What do I know... 2 - Does that include that stupid game everyone played in elementry school where they tried to see who could shout "PENIS!" or "VAGINA!" the loudest? If so, then sure... 3 - Yep. Pretty funny. I just stood there in my boxers and asked "Anyone else feel a breeze?" before nonchalantly looking down and noticing I was pantsed, giving it a 'would-ya-look-at-that' look and casually pulled them back up, asking "Anyone else feel like lunch?" [B]Answer Me These Questions Three...[/B] 1 - Have you ever gotten so mad playing a video game you smashed your montior/TV/mouse/keyboard/paddle etcetc? 2 - Have you ever belted out "MAN! I feel like a-woman!" when you thought no one was around? 3 - Have you ever had your socks rocked in a fight before, to the point where you were barley concious and down a few teeth?[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=ForgotteÑ-HerÖ][COLOR=DimGray][COLOR=Blue]Manga [/COLOR] for me. I mean with manga you can look at the picture anywhere you are. And read it anywhere you are. So that's no ultimatum. Would you rather Have sex with the same sex for a muillion dollors or...[/COLOR] Have sex with bill gates for [COLOR=Blue]$100?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] Answer truthfully![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Option one. I mean, holy ****, that's a MILLION DOLLARS! A million! I'd never have to work again if I spend with some brains, and for what? 30 seconds (give or take) of awkward grunting? Sign me up! Would You Rather... ... read the Narnia series? OR ... have hot pokers jammed into your eyes while maggots noisily eat away at your inner ear and a large man goes to town on your genitals with a corkscrew?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Sienna]The usuals... Vampires, Dr. Moriarti, Ninjas, bird flu, Death Metal, nothing unusual... I don't really have any arch nemisis... I mean there are people out there I can't stand (My math teacher, for one...) but no one who is my true antithesis. If I had to go with one, it'd probably be myself, but not for the normal reason; my problem is that I am so happy with my life and myself right now that I have no desire to improve myself, and thus my life as stagnated to the point where I've become completely and miserably content with everything. That's pretty much the only thing that's preventing me from going forward... complete and total happyness.[/COLOR]
  20. [center][img]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/Bklynstyles/Bow.png[/img][/center] [COLOR=Sienna][center][b]King Bowser[/b][/center][/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Bowser was sitting in his high-backed, dark and gothic throne in a particularily bad mood. [I]Why can?t I just come up with a new scheme? [/I]He thought, [I]I used to be really good at this? Now all I can come up with is the same old ?kidnap the princess!? stuff that never works?[/I] He was feeling rather depressed. So, as you can imagine, he was none-to-pleased when the massive pair of iron doors at the far end of his cavernous hall were thrown open and a flustered-looking Koopa scurried in. His shrill voice echoed through the hall, and Bowser?s mood sank considerably; he had asked not to be disturbed. [B]?King Koopa! Oh, Great King Bowser of the Koopa,?[/B] the Koopa-Troopa mewed pathetically, panting heavily. Bowser gave him a if-looks-could-kill look and hoped he was giving up an aura venomous enough to scare him off; but at the same time he knew that his Koopas wouldn?t disturb him unless there was something important to report. [B]?What is it?? [/B]Bowser grunted, shifting his weight to try and find a more comfortable position. He didn?t. [B]?Er? Well, you see, there is an? Umm? Emissary, Lord,?[/B] he stammered, bowing as deeply as his body would allow, [B]?from the Mushroom Kingdom. A Toad.? [/B] [B]?Mushroom Kingdom, eh??[/B] Bowser said, leaning forward, interest piqued, [B]?And what does this Toad want, exactly?? [/B] [B]?Well, Lord, he has a? uhh? a message??[/B] he paused, afraid that his next words would anger his Lord greatly, [B]?from Mario.?[/B] He braced himself. [B]?Mario, eh??[/B] Bowser muttered emotionlessly. The Koopa went stiff with surprise; normally even mentioning Mario around Bowser meant an explosion of anger and a massive belch of flame, but Bowser seemed unaffected by the name this time.[B] ?Send him in.?[/B] As if on queue, the small, perennially-bubbly Toad bounded in through the open gates, a small satchel around his waist. He bounced towards Bowser?s throne with a cheerfulness that made Bowser?s blood boil, and produced a small piece of paper from his satchel, holding it towards the hulking, imposing Koopa King without even a hint of freight. [B]?Letter for one King Bowser the Koopa,?[/B] the Toad beamed with a smile. Roughly, Bowser grabbed the note from the Toad?s hand and glanced over it wordlessly. [B]?Is this all??[/B] Bowser muttered, his frown deepening as he spoke. The Toad nodded. [B]?Then get out of my sight.?[/B] The Toad complied, turning on his heel and bounded merrily out of the hall. [B]?I hate Toads??[/B] he muttered to no one in particular as he learched up and out of his creaking throne. Turning to his still-shivering servant, he said,[B] ?Get me my cape and claw polish. And prep the zeppelin. We?re going to Star Hill.[/B]?[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE=Damburaki][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]I was on YouTube and I was looking through Stephen Lynch songs. I'm sure it was him, I can check up on that later. Anyway, the song is [B][U][SIZE=3][I]Life's Gonna Suck.[/U][/B] Life's gonna suck when you grow up When you grow up When you grow up Life's gonna suck when you grow up It sucks pretty bad right now [Hey if you know the words sing along!] You're gonna have to Mow the lawn Do the dishes Make your bed You're gonna have to go to school Until you're 17 [It's gonna feel three times as long as that] You might have to Go to war Shoot a gun Kill a war You might have to Go to war When you get out of school Santa Claus does not exist And there's no Easter Bunny When you grow up You'll realize Big Bird isn't funny Funny Funny Ah ha ha ha ha ha ooh... Life's gonna suck when you grow up When you grow up When you grow up Life's gonna suck when you grow up It sucks pretty bad right now You're gonna end up Smoking crack On your back Face the facts You're gonna end up smoking crack And then you're gonna die [Interlude] And then you're gonna di-i-i-i-i-i-i-ie Hey! Hey![/I][/SIZE] Yes, the song is short, and man it's funny. I'll try to get more. Go Stephen Lynch![/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] That's Dennis Leary, I believe. Quality song, not as funny as "Asshole!" but good nontheless.[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I would rather be a guy and have a rumor going around about me shaving my legs. Then when i hear it i'll be like...yep, it's true ::shine::. ^L^ Would you rather live in the internet or live in a painting. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] That depends on what painting. I mean, is this the Garden of Worldy Pleasures or that thing with those melting clocks? Because I don't feel like melting... Lets go with the internet, just to be safe. Hurray for live porno! Would You Rather... ... take a huge bite out of a pie only to realize it's stuffed with maggots? OR ... take a bit out of a pie only to realize the pie was a figment if your imagination and you really took a bite out of your hand? [/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm....I think i'm gonna have to go with the spider smoothies. I mean, I do love smoothies you know....^^ Would you rather get beat up?(EXTENSIVELY) Or.... Would you rather eat a piece a meat that expired a year ago?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Get beat up. First of all, I hate rotten food, ew. And secondly, I've been beaten up before (I fight a lot in hockey... usually lose) and I'm quite fond of it, I love the rough stuff. Would You Rather... ... preform an a capella preformance of Every Sperm is Sacred in front of a live audience? OR ... wrap yourself in christmas lights and do the chicken dance in front of a live audience with no cloths on? (Unless you consider christmas lights cloths...)[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm.....interesting decision there, but I think i'm gonna have to with stinking. I mean, I would much rather stink than have a annoying voice.(because I hate annoying voices) Would you rather watch the original Batman series all day? Or.... Would you rather watch the new Batman series, along with the new Batman movie, all day?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] The old Batman series EASILY. That show is the most entertaining them to come out of Hollywood EVER. Friggin hilarious stuff right there. Would You Rather... ... have German Neo-Nazi Death Metal pumped into your ears at max volume through headphones with no way to escape? OR ... listen to country?[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Wow... this is a hard one...even though i don't know what vanguard is. I just know Wow is hella addictve, and i've already got enough addictions and not enough time.... but, i also don't know what's good for me, so i'll go with Wow. Hopefully wow isn't as affective of a birth control as it's lead on to be. ^L^ Would you rather go deep sea scuba diving or fly a jetpack? Assume both are totally safe. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Jetpack, baby. Everyone can go scuba diving, but how many people do you know who own a friggin JETPACK? It's second only to owning an Apache or a Tank, man, it'd friggin RULE! Would You Rather... ... be forced to eat the disgustingly bad Lays STAX Chips? The X makes it cool :D OR ... would you rather get hit right in the chops by a hockey puck traveling at over 100 MPH?[/COLOR]
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