Albert Flasher
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Everything posted by Albert Flasher
[QUOTE=John]The world won't crash because of that, heh. There's plenty of alternate fuel sources readily available, and when the urgency of the situation becomes something the public can't deny anymore, we'll go to them. We may not be doing too much about it now, unfortunately, but we're still aware of this a long time coming. You can't really judge the fate of the earth so early in the game. :p[/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] What kind of alternate fuel source out there can supply our needs the way Oil can? Our transport etc can't be supplied by electric energy or hydrogen (of yet). We can't survive without oil as it stands. We've gone too far.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]It's fairly obvious that when the oil does run out the world will simply collapse. We're like crack addicts with a dwindling stash. Once we're out we're out and than we slowly (Or quickly) deteriorate into a Mad Max society sans cars. 'Tis said.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman]I'd choose theartict cliff. I live in Winnipeg. It's friggin -36 here on average. I'm rather fond of the cold, so I'd be fine. Ok: Getting in the ring with Mike Tyson while he threatens to eat your children etc etc OR Get in bed with Micheal Jackson[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ya... MCR.. umm... I'm not a big fan of emo music, as anyone who read the Emo Thread knows, so... no MCR for me.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Lan][size=1]See, what's more interesting is that you continue to be this biased person towards "Emo's." I don't like how you say "an emo" person either. We're people just like the prep guy or cheerleader. I'm sure you're in some fad too, whether it be metal, prep, jock, and so on. Frankly, I don't care what fad you're in. You've shown us all in this thread how narrow-minded you are towards any other "fad" or in this case, the way an emo kid dresses or what style of music is listened to. Listen, I'm not calling anyone stupid here. Don't get me wrong, I just really don't like it when people discriminate towards an emo kid, and yet you know there are the "pot-heads" at school or the kids that love to play and shoot guns. I don't see anybody discrminating towards those kids, and yet you seem to only take it out on the "Emo's." I've heard plenty of people say, "Oh, he just smokes pot because his family is going through a hard time right now." C'mon. Does a tough time at home automatically mean you have to smoke pot? Try talking to someone about it. Usually helps a hell of a lot better then becoming addicted to marijuana. Not all emo kids cut, or are depressing to socialize with, or give you "that collective 'Whatryoulookingat' stare every time you walk by" either. None of my friends are like that, nor am I. To tell you the truth, I think I can honestly tell you I'm a funny kid, if not a little sarcastic. That's just towards people that are being lame though. I'm very nice, unless I've already met you and don't like you. I like being happy and funny and have fun too. I'm not depressing around my friends, and no, I don't just have friends that are emo. I have plenty of friends that consider themselves prep, jock, metal, and somewhere in between. Even me, I don't feel I'm restricted to only wear what is typical for emo kids to wear. I wear American Eagle too, thanks. I'm not trying to tell you what the "politically-correct" term really is. It's just that you've got this mind-set that says all emo kids are depressing, gay because they wear girl pants, or just tight clothes in general. Well, guess what. [b]Not all of us are like that.[/b][/size][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] [FONT=Times New Roman] What do you expect me to say? "Well, every emo I've ever met (And I have met many) is an annoying prick who cuts him/herself despite having no actual reason to, but I'm sure not all of them are like that"? No, no, it doesn't work that way. We're all products of our environment, which would make my 'narrowmindednes' the product of dozens of whiny-*** attention seeking pricks who generally call themselves emo. And for the record, I hold equal dislikes for people who spend all their time baked on a sofa watching reruns of Jackass, but this isn't the 'Cracked out loser' thread, this is the emo thread, and thus we will talk about emos... Oh, and I also don't belong to any fad, unless you consider 'doing everything in ones power to avoid being in a fad' a fad.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Lan][size=1']If by posting this you were trying to convince people on how narrow-minded and how truly unintelligible you are on what Emo is, don't worry. You've succeeded extremely well.[/size][/quote] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Interesting. See, here's the thing. I don't care about people who don't want to be labled, and I don't want to be lectured by somone about how emo's this and not that... because like I said, I don't care. I hate people who sit there all day and do nothing but complain about how their life sucks, in their little cliques, who give you that collective 'Whatryoulookingat' stare every time you walk by. In fact, the only thing I dislike more than an emo is somone who feels compelled to lecture me on the correct use of the word emo... since when did people have to be politically correct about a fad? I can see being politically correct about races and religious groups... but a fad? Come on, that's just plain stupid. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Charles][CENTER][IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/9717/yuuchan3bc6cv.jpg[/IMG'][/CENTER][/quote] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Charles: never at a loss for words. Er, pictures.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]For the record, I'd go with the pink room full of toys... we're talking about Hello *****, right? Ok, to answer Sayuri-sama: I'd go with the preps. What's the matter with preps? If they get on your nerves just break their heads open and eat the copious matter in between. Than, steal their champaign and wait for somone to come get you. Ok... Trapped alone in the Resident Evil Mansion OR Trapped alone in Silent Hill.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Steal the blanket! The man's probably poor because he spent all his money on cocaine and booze, beating his wife and ruining the lives of all those around him. He'd probably trade the blanket for drugs if he kept it anyways. Mac or Windows[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Caviar. Then I'd know what it's like to be rich. Drinking an ocean full of the hottest sauce imaginable (mexican hotsauce or somthing) OR Listening to country music[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I guess that all really depends; am I getting tickled to death by a plethora of hot naked women or just some old dude with a creep beard? Because if its the latter than I choose tickled to death. Gundam SD OR Pokemon *Shudder*[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ah... the 'We don't go to hell, just our mem'ries do' theory... interesting. In a sense, I do agree, so long as somone is remembered they'll never truely be gone. But that won't comfort me on my death bed, I'll still be dead, and so far as I can tell dieing isn't much fun. Really, I don't have a theory on life. I've learned that overthinking things often isn't a good thing, so I try to lead a life as simply as I can. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Well, it doesn't involve Uwe Boll so that's already a point to its credit... but it'll probably turn out to be, well, nothing. Some mindless action that'll sell well because the game has so many followers. Hey, I'll go see it, but it won't win any awards.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Gaming Memorable/Favourite Gaming Moments
Albert Flasher replied to celestialcharm's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Well, ok... me and one of my friends were looking for a science fair project that we had to do. We were running out of ideas, when we came up with one of the most brilliant plans ever - let's see how song it is physically possible to play video games for. In other words, our plan was to play video games for 5 days straight and than wright it off as a science fair project. Ya, pretty ingenous of us. Ok, well, we managed to go for 5 days - with copious amounts of RedBull, mind you - and beat almost every video game in our collective possesion. Except Rouge Squadren 3, I ain't touchin' that ****. By day 3 my friend was having uncontrolable muscle spasms in his face from the amount of cafine and lack of sleep. My teacher, who's a good friend of ours, passed us for the sheer fact that we managed to stay awake for 5 days and still be concious enough to not only record our results, but beat the living **** out of every boss in the video game world. [/COLOR][/FONT] -
Whee! Picture Caption Game!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Sienna]Man in Back 1: Hey, those kids know the gator's still alive, right? Man in Back 2: *snicker* No, I told them it was dead so they'd poke it and than it'd roar and they'd all be scared! Funn- OMGIOSH! BILLY GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THERE![/COLOR][/FONT] -
Whee! Picture Caption Game!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Hey Charles, where exactly [I]did [/I]you find a picture of some rednecks gang-raping an ET with milk, anyways? I think it might be an interesting story.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Rikku: S-c-rew you guys, I'm going home! [/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ya know, it's things like this that make me and bullet-proof GameCube smile... I'd suggest you don't try any crackpot home remedy that'll more than likely void the warrenty and make the situation worse. Send it into Sony. They're cheap but they're damned effeciant, so don't expect to miss it for more than 2 weeks (Note: 2 weeks is not a long time!). It shouldn't cost you anything so long as it wasn't broken by somthing you did (or didn't do). Hell, you might even get a brand-new PS2 for your trouble. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]That all depends on my mood. If I'm feeling monotanous, dry, and sarcastic, than my voice reflects this. If I'm feeling happy, my voice is... monatanous, dry, and sarcastic. Yippie. Oh, and in Drama Class, whenever we have a play that involves a crazy man I'm the first one to be picked... if that means anything ;')[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Tough question... one of my definate staples would be Pat Travers' Boom Boom, Out go the Lights! Because I love the style of the song so much! The Dark Canuck by the Tragically Hip is another one. [B] [I]This one is for you and it goes on and on and on when nothing seems to do for when the doubtless and the wrong ask; 'can I help you?' in that way that says, 'I can't' or claim we're all the same just inconsistent or pretend all understanding turned out to be pretense then pretend the pretense of understanding How long does it take depends You can cast your doubts Turn em inside-out Hang em upside-down Til their art falls out-the short answer's; forty-eight hours Let your heart all out-the short answer's; forty-eight hours Til your art falls out-the short answer's; forty-eight hours Let your heart all out Summon up your power If you need a good connection for drugs or a strong tolerance for alcohol Too little religious education Some pain threshold If from the outside There's no demand for what you do And inside there's an army waiting For their marching orders for you Come sit on my swing-set Come sit on my porch After Ten at night, smoke your cigarettes if you like, of course You can cast your doubts Turn em inside-out Hang em upside-down Til their art falls out- the short answer's; forty-eight hours let your heart all out- the short answer's; forty-eight hours Til their art falls out- the short answer's; forty-eight hours Let your heart all out Summon up all your power And it does on and on and on If we ever get home let's don't compare let's relinquish all our holidays and Drive-In Premieres if we ever get home gonna have me three children Apple, Zippo, and Metronome that's what I'm gonna name them and get celebrity skin the illusion of tough I'm gonna talk about nothing til nothing's enough if we ever get home and the subject comes up this War isn't for children War is nothing's enough O' in the clouds of blood at the end of JAWS in the misted cars honking their applause at the Drive-In Double Feature at the heart of dark enough O' it's JAWS and The Dark Canuck (JAWS and The Dark Canuck) should we stay for The Dark Canuck? (Should we stay for The Dark Canuck?) yea. Everyone, hands up!? (Everyone, hands up) Who's for 'The Dark Canuck'? (Who's for 'The Dark Canuck'?) I think we relinquished enough and it's still dark enough and it goes on and on and on [/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]If he's as much a loser as you seem to describe him, than I'd suggest you try and not get involved. He make you feel good now, but nothing good can come of it (See: Romeo & Juliet). It's spur-of-the-moment. It'll pass and than you'll come out the better for it. Or don't, get yourself involved with his drug culture and loser-ness... It's your decision to make. Hell, there's a good chance that the guy doesn't even like you; you're just a fling, like his previous women. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Whee! Picture Caption Game!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Previously: Man 1: Hey boys, I got an idea! Man 2: Your ideas always suck. Man 1: Shut up and listen - ok, listen, we'll get some random hot chick, we'll get an ET look-a-like, and we'll rape em'! Man 3: My mom said rape is bad. Man 2: You're mother's a whore! Man 1: So, ya, rape em'! Man 3: We need to bring milk! Man 1: Well of course we're brining milk you idiot! [/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]OOC: Since it appears that the rest of our crew has not shown up yet, I might as well post some [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][I][B]FILLER![/B][/I][/SIZE][/FONT] She is rather terrifying when angry, Chris mused, and violent as well. He chuckled loudly to himself, and took a deep breath of the salty air flowing in through the open gun ports. His smile broadend. The water made him feel like swimming. He loved swimming, it was one of his favourite things. He was quite the acomplished swimmer, he liked to think, as he had won the 'Who can hold their breath the longest' contest back in the days of the Cross-Scar Pirates. The gun ports were larger than on most ships, they were just large enough for Chris to dive through (Provided that he moved the cannons first) head-first. He removed his shirt, hat, sunglasses, sandles, and crossbow, smoothed his hair back, and proceeded to do just that. Chris had, unfortunatly, frogotton that he was a remarkably [I]bad[/I] diver (Despite being such an amazing swimmer) and ended up belly-flopping. Hard. He laughed at himself, took in a mouthful of water in the process, and than managed to caugh and laugh at the same time. He hoped no one had seen that, and than floated placidly on his back, letting the ocean current's rythem relax him. The back-and-forth rocking motion was, and always had been, one of the more relaxing things Chris had ever experianced (And he definatly had a lot of experiance with relaxation). He took another deep breath of the ocean air, and this time he dove straight down. The water wasn't that deep here, in the harbour, but it was still teeming with interesting species of fish and reef-dwelling coral. Chris reached the bottom fairly quickly, feeling his way along the muddy sea floor (For his visability was nearly zero this far from the light). He got a bit of a start when his hand came down on a camoflauged ray-fish, witch darted along the sea floor as fast as it's body would carry it. Than, just at the edge of his visability, Chris saw a small school of bright red fish with black stripes, and he kicked off powerfully in their direction. The fish were terrified of the oversized invader, and they took off as fast as they could go, but Chris easily kept up with them. He laughed - well, he thought-laughed - as the fish scrambled in all directions to try and escape him. He just floated there for a moment, enjoying the moment. Than he saw somthing odd; right in front of him, two floating yellow dots. No, wait, eyes. Fishie eyes. Slowly, Chris made out the shape of the creature attatched to said eyes - and he barley had time to think 'Oh crap...' before he was spinning out of the way of one of the larger fish that Chris had ever seen. It seemed to be a fairly mean creature; if Chris had ever seen fish eyes full of malice, these were them. It had the body to back it up, of course - it was at least twice the size of Chris, with menacing spines lining it's back, and razor-sharp fins to go along with a massive mouthful of daggers. Chris spun out of the way again as the fish tried to slash him with one of its fins, this time delivering a powerful attack of his own. He kicked the fish in belly as hard as one could kick under water. If Chris had ever seen fish eyes full of surprise, these were them. It was almost as if the fish couldn't comprehend somthing fighting back. Chris felt his lungs tighten, and knew it was time to return to the surface - so he gave the fish another good kick. This time the fish didn't stand around - it turned tail and fled faster than seemed possible, to go lick his wounds in his dark, damp cave. Chris powerfully kicked to the surface, breaking the water with the loud sucking sound one makes when one has not had a breath of air in upwards of 10 minutes. He breathed heavily for a few minutes, and than laughed loudly - he was sure that half of Lougetown had heard him - before somthing dawned on him. How was he supposed to get back on the boat? He floated there for a little while, contemplating this problem, when all of a sudden, over the side of the boat, somone had thrown a roap ladder. "Ahoy, Chris me harty! Looks like you could use a hand." Somone onboard, beyond Chris' line of sight, shouted. He didn't need to see him, though, to know who it was. "Murphy, you master of timing! You dog of dogs! Ahoy!" Chris laughed almost crazily, as he swam towards the side of the ship and climbed aboard... OOC: Please excuse the excessive filler, as I was terribly bored and no one seemed to be posting (Let alone viewing), so I didn't think it would hurt to try and start somthing. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Canada finishes with 24 medals, shattering the old record of 17 set in Salt Lake. We've got the most medals-per-capita in the entire olympics, which makes me happy. We're improving in leaps and bounds; I can't wait for Vancouver 2010! Oh, and about the Gold Medal hockey game: SISUA SUOMI SISUA! *Little Finnish for ya there*[/COLOR][/FONT]
Gaming The most overrated game ever; Hands Down.
Albert Flasher replied to PWNED's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna][QUOTE=? Nomad Tical ?] As for my pick for most overrated game - Resident Evil 4. Did NOT deserve the hype and was way overly repetitive. One of the few games where my complaint is that its too long.[/QUOTE] EXACTLY! The game was hailed as groundbreaking and teriffying, but it was hardly either. The scariest thing in the entire game was a freaking twitching sac in a dumpster - A TWITCHING SAC! Somone at Capcom HQ frogot that graphics don't make a game scary. The plot was terrible... the original RE had a very subtle plot that you had to put together yourself through various clues that you piece together over time. RE4 was like a James Bond movie... 'Rar, an American agent has infiltrated our village, rar! Oh, and by the way, the target he is looking for is located in the wooden house behind the woods... follow the path to your left... press A to open the door... look out for Dr. Salvadore to your left...'. I can't make this stuff up people! They actually have a file called 'Our Plan' in which they detail exactly what is going on for you! I'd also like to ask; who are these files being left [I]for[/I]? They are written in perfect english, while everyone else in the village is Spanish... oh wait, never mind, they're mindless zombie-things anyway! PLOT HOLE! I'd also like to point out just how stupid the enamies seem... especially Lord Saddler. He's also pissed off that his pathetic underlings can't kill you, but every time he has an opertunity to kill you he just walks away laughing maniacly. Ah, the bosses! The one thing that might actually have been skill testing, if each one wasn't instantly killable with a rocket launcher... did I mention you could buy rocket launchers? They're a dime-a-dozen from the convienently placed Merchant. Honestly, ANYTHING in the game dies in one hit with a rocket launcher - even Lord Saddler, who turns out to be the easiest boss since the dude at the end of Tales of Symphonia. The Puzzles! Oh my god how easy were the puzzles! They were linear and boring and repetitive and EASY! The most skill testing one in the game was lifted directly from RE1 (Even the room looked the same!) but was ruined by one of the easiest answers of all time; press button 1, 2, 3, and 4 in that order. But never fear, there's also an alternate answer! 4, 3, 2, 1! MY SKILLS HAVE BEEN TESTED! The game was filled with so many plot holes it's incredible; like, for example, at what point did Leon become a kung-fu master (his kicks do more damage than a shotgun shell to the head...) and a super soldier (1 man vs the entire population of Spain? Bring it on!), not to mention an acomplished medic (Hmm... random green plants... maybe if I put this here... A HA! Full health!), and a bat-man impersonator? (He has a grapling hook just like Batmans!) Oh yes, and the voice acting! Ya know, Capcom doesn't really have a good track record for voices (The original RE1 sounded like a 4th-grade nativty play)... but the voices and dialouge in the REmake were superb, I thought they'd learned their lesson. NOT SO. Leon sounds ok, but everything he says is a cliche! EVERY SINGLE THING! And if you thought Alfred Ashford was the most annoying character in history, you've never heard Lord Salazar. He sounds kind of like Alfred with a girble clawing away at his throat from the inside, with a bad cold. All in all... a terribly addicting sin againts nature that deserves to burn in hell. I'm still going to beat The Mercenaries though :cool: [/COLOR][/FONT]