Albert Flasher
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Everything posted by Albert Flasher
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] 1. Pick a Band or Artist: The Rolling Stones 2. Are you male or female: Jumpin' Jack Flash 3. Describe yourself: Sympathy for the Devil 4. How do some people feel about you: Under my Thumb 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Honky Tonk Woman 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Angie 7. Describe where you want to be: Get Offama Cloud 8. Describe how you love: Satisfaction 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Gimme Shelter 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Start me Up 11. Now say goodbye: Brown Sugar[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=KatanaViolet]however, I always wondered what would happen to Canada if anything ever did happen to the US, like if they lost their power or what.. and not just Canada, the rest of the world... well I guess for the rest of the world the power would just shift to another country....[/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] I wouldn't be to worried... it's generally thought that Canada is symbiotic to the US, but that is not the case. In fact, it's often the other way around. In terms of millions of dollars, Canada gets less in trade than it gives the US ( [url]http://www40.statcan.ca/l01/cst01/trad45a.htm[/url] ), we don't depend on them for protection (Who would want to invade us?), we don't rely on them for our survival. Now, obviously the US' fall from power would be harmful to our economy, the US is our biggest trading partner, but we could get by. We're capable of being self-sufficiant with our low population and large amount of production, our surplus is incredible. We'd be fine.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Eh, try a bit higher on the debt-estimate. We're really screwed. But we're still a superpower, despite our huge debt. We're certainly one of the strongest nations on the block -- I mean, whether that'll change or not is up for debate, but for the time being, we're still a formidable foe.[/size][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] Oh, yes, millitarily the US will be formidable for some time, barring somthing drastic... the US' biggest strength is the willingness of it's people to defend it, and the ease with which they can be armed. But being a superpower means more than being able to bully your way around with a millitary, a superpower is a country that excels in all aspects... not just millitary, but agriculture and economy and trade and foreign policy and everything... once the US is gone, which it argueably already has, from superpowerdom, there will be no one left. It sure as hell won't be China :animestun [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Does anyone else realise what the consequences of the Iraq war ARE? Not just in lives, but in money? Most non-partisan (OK, maybe a bit partisan...) economists project America's debt to reach 1.3 [b]TRILLION[/b] dollars. I don't know how many of you can comprehend that number, but that is a LOT of money. Not only that, but this isn't like WWII. The US had a pretty big debt after that, but they were also the new go-to-guy economically, they were the giant, you wanted somthing built you got it built in the US. That's how they recovered from their gigantic debt. It isn't like that anymore. The landscape has changed. Now, China is the economic giant - everyone builds things in China, the US can't just burn through 1.3 TRILLION dollars of debt anymore... Basically what I'm saying is... the US is ******. The days of being a superpower will, soon enough (if they don't already), exist soley in the self-made image (aka propogandga) that the US has constructed for itself. Have fun.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Renate] Are you kidding? There are so much other great nations in this sport! I'm thinking about USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan,... [/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] In this particular event, the Koreans have won the last few olympics and almost every world championship... I don't remember which one, the 300 m or somthing. Just for the record, the US athlete who won the speed-skating long-track 5000 M thingie, he lives and trains in Calgary, so HA![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I don't really have a problem with Marijuana... hey, if people wanna mess with their brains, they're more than welcome to. We've already got Jerry Springer and reality TV, our brains are pretty out of it anyways, why not get high. Hell, I want it to be legalised. The biggest problem with MJ isn't the drug itself, it's the drug culture that people get drawn in to... eliminate that and you'll just have a bunch of hippies, not a bunch of losers (Argueable...). But cocain et al, those are just stupid. I mean, Cocaine gets you high, it does somthing, it makes you feel good... all cocaine does is make you want more... it doesn't make sense to do it. There's a reason that the phrase "Let's play a game. The loser has to get addicted to crack!" exists. Oh, and one of my friends got high and than went on X-fire to talk to me, the first thing he said is 'All of a sudden I can't get enough cheese cake... and I hate cheese cake! It's disgusting but I'm shovling my face full of it!'[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ugh, I'm really pissed... there was a Canadian speed-skater today in one of the events, he was competeing againts 2 Koreans, 2 Chinamen, and an Italian. He was in 2nd up until the final two laps, where he was passed by the 2nd Korean. Ok, the Koreans ARE the best in the world at this sport, Bronze is fine. Than the Chinamen make their move, and as they pass him, they PUSH him way off balance, and he ends up back in 5th. They CHEATED and knocked him way back to the 5th. The thing that gets me is that they weren't disqualified, it wasn't even reviewed... poor Matt :( Oh well, Go Canada Go![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]One Piece. Sweet. [B]Name:[/B] Chris DeWolf [B]Nickname:[/B] DeWolf [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B] Appearance: [/B][URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?album=18&pos=12]Chris DeWolf[/URL] [B]Short Bio:[/B] DeWolf grew up in a small coastal. Very quaint, laid-back place, with a colourful cast of nice residents and the like. It had it's share of bad apples, sure, but they were tolerable. DeWolf's parents were fishers, so his life at sea began early. They'd somtimes go away for months at a time so it became like a second home for him. When DeWolf was 12, their boat was caught in a terrible storm. His father lashed him and his mother to the mast to keep them from being swept over board, but before he could secure himself he was swept into the ocean - never to be seen again. After the storm ended, DeWolf and his mother drifted at sea for weeks; their sails had been shredded by the storm and their rudder had been torn away, they had no choice but to hope somone happened upon them. They had limited stores of water left aboard and most of the fish had been lost overboard during the storm. After days of being adrift, they were finally found. A pirate ship, captained by Cross-Scar Kane, had spotted them and come to search for loot; what they'd found was a half-dead boy clinging to the body of his mother, who'd died of dehydration only hours before. Most of the crew wanted to slit his throat and see if there was anything valuable onboard; but Cross-Scar Kane decided instead to take him aboard the ship. Most of the crew questioned why they'd take a child aboard their ship when they were in search of One Piece, but Cross-Scar Kane kept him anyway. It didn't take long for his sailor sense to become noticed. He knew his way around a boat as well as anyone and was very obediant. He did all the little menial tasks, like scrubbing the deck and repairing the sales, and became well-liked by the crew for his aimiable attitude and fearless aproach to doing... anything. He also became known quickly for his marksmanship; it was Cross-Scar Kane who first learned just how accurate he was with a crossbow, and he learned very quickly. It wasn't just with a crossbow that he was accurate - he could hit a target kilometers away with a cannon, if the gun was of good enough quality, and split a cork with a knife from 25 feet. He was always a faithful friend of Cross-Scar Kane. [B]Short Personality:[/B] Despite all he's been through, DeWolf has always been a laid-back, go-with-the-flow kind of guy. Talkative and aimiable, he doesn't anger quickly. Cool and collected, he rarley gets frustrated with things or afraid. His one major fault is his fearlessness. He rarley considers the consequences of his actions, but isn't necessarily brash or hot-headed. [B] Position on Ship:[/B] Gunner [B] Weapons: [/B] He uses a crossbow, as seen in appearance. [B]Dream: [/B] To find One Piece, buy his own island, and lie in a hammock all day, sipping island drinks, surrounded by several beautiful island dancers. Pretty simple dream, really. [B] *can't believe he wrote 'Cross-Star Kane' several times*[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
Whee! Picture Caption Game!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ok, good captions, this one was tough to choose... [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1]"[B]Poseidon: I like my surfer shaken, not stirred.[/B']"[/SIZE][/quote] I love Poseidon jokes... [quote name='John']"Of course, surfing abandoned naval minefields was an exciting but short-lived fad."[/quote] Good stuff :cool: [quote name='Charles]"'Chicks dig surfers,' he tells me. 'Waves? What waves? [i]Naw[/i], this water's calmer than a bird bath. Just float around on your board and you'll be tanning with the babes in no time. It's a sure thing,' he tells me, '[i]a sure thing[/i'].' Mike, I'm goooooonna kiiiiiiiiiiilllll yooooooooouuu!"[/quote] Close but not close enough... Ok, so, Gavin's turn. [/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Jen Hiel wins gold for Canada in the moguls! Me, I'm rooting for Canada... I love following the olympics. The opening ceremony was amazing. I'm most excited about the mens hockey tournament and the womens hockey tournament (We beat Italy 16-0... jeez). Go Canada! :animesmil [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]1. Pick a Band or Artist: Neil Young 2. Are you male or female: A Man Needs a Maid 3. Describe yourself: Cortez the Killer 4. How do some people feel about you: Prisoner of Rock n' Roll 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Cinammon Girl 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Like a Hurricane 7. Describe where you want to be: Lost in Space 8. Describe how you love: Far From Home 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Are There any Real Cowboys Left? 10. Share a few words of wisdom: The Needle and the Damage Done 11. Now say goodbye: Keep on Rockin' In the Free World[/COLOR][/FONT]
Whee! Picture Caption Game!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]How many more of these do I have to win before I'm officially declared god? [IMG]http://bigpicture.typepad.com/writing/images/surf5831.jpg[/IMG] Enjoy.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[quote name='Raquel']Screw that. Never give that bottom feeding, soul sucking, crime against humanity that calls itself the school system what it wants. I spit in it's face. Technically it's the lawn, but I try to remember to every time I pass. Sure I think education is important, but not at the cost of our individuality... Public school breeds the close minded, tie wearing, cramped-into-a-tiny-white-cell-for-eight-hours, suck up zombies. Online schooling is the way to go. In our middle school they have a 4x6' room with a two way mirror for the "bad" kids. Or the retarded ones when they flip out. The reason I spent time in there was I refused to eat my dignity and take off the goth makeup I wore. They never locked me in, for which I am grateful or I'd still be paying property damage bills, but they used to lock the "socially inept" boy in, and the rest of us bad kids would have to sit in the nurses office and listen to him scream until he went hoarse. In my high school they attempted to expel me for wearing a trench coat. They did expel a friend who wore blue three days in a row. It was a sign that he was in a gang, they said. And from then on, no one was allowed to wear the same color three days in a row, anything with an eight ball on it, any billabong clothes, anything with sexual innuendos, sharp bits, carry a purse, backpack or any other bag, jackets, or hoods. So I quit. Now I'm on an online program. I can work on it anytime I want, and am free to work, or in my case, stay up all night a country kitchen gaming. The moral of the story is, public schools are a really bad example of a place for freedom of speech. Or self expression.[/quote][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] Jeez, that sounds more like [I]1984[/I] than a public school...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I hate emos with every fibre of my body... although I love jokes about them (I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself). What do they do? They sit and whine and complain and piss everybody off, they threaten to cut themselves but they never follow through (And you believe me I wish they would some times), they're making themselves into freaks on purpose just for attention, I hate them so much it's incredible. Their music is **** (Who the **** cares how many times you cut yourself!), their lifestyle is ****, their a waste of skin. There are some people who genuinly have a right to be depressed, but they don't dress all in black and whine and complain and cut themselves, they suck it up and continue making Nike shoes or whatever it is they do. I even go so far as to no longer consider emos people; they're figmants of their own imagination.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I too am fed up with this whole 'free speech' whathaveyou. But, I propose we go one step further than 'limited speech'. No matter what you say somone will be offended by it somewhere, and eventually everyone would become broke. I prepose a complete and utter elemination of communication. Logically, it's the only solution; surgically remove the vocal cords of everyone on earth, aswell as lobotomizing everyone. This way we'd have a population of grey, emotionless, uncreative, unofensive people, all living in harmony! Hurray! [/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Sayuri-sama']well actually thats the beauty of the game. discussing tactics and planning it out. what i do infact like about rugby is the fact that its so violent. but i've never actually seen a game . yesh i live in the dtates. not to much of a big deal. i do wish to live in italy. but nonetheless i grew up with american football and as a steeler fan! so thats how it goes!:animesmil[/quote][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] If people liked to watch stratagy than Chess would be a far more televeised event than it is. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]This is why religion frustrates me so much... it's so damn easy to drive religious people to extremes. I mean, ****, if this was a cartoon about, say, GWB, we'd all find it either plain un-funny or chuckle or whatever, but as soon as religion gets invovled, it's a damn national issue. I really hate that religious groups (The extremists; please keep that in mind, I'm talking about the EXTREMISTS) feel that they some special niche reserved for them... that they're not allowed to be offended... It's just illogical that they can go to these extremes over a CARTOON! I'm just frustrated... [SIZE=1]*Braces for flames*[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=CoLoR_Me_EviL][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS] I disagree. Just because it has been widely believed that all artists put everything they had into their music back then, it definitely doesn't make it true (I bet some people just picked up some rocks to throw). I just don't think it's anything you can measure. I do believe that just like now, some musicians were likely in it for the fame and the money. I think music from now can speak to you just as much as music that came from then. In fact, the music you mentioned does nothing for me and it really doesn't speak to me at all. Artists from now can put just as much of themselves into their music as artists from back then did. (Sorry if this is a totally ****** response, but I'm having a really really bad day.)[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] Well maybe it's just a difference in taste, because, for me, I can tell... I can feel it, I can live it, it's just an inexplicable difference. When I listen to new music, I'm to busy trying to figure out why somone would write a song about cutting their wrists and their old boyfriends/girlfriends or some other depressing whathave you, or what a 'gangsta' is (What happened to the Italian accents!). In any case, I'm not the only one who can tell this difference. I mean, in twenty years, who's going to remember 'The Killers' or 'My Chemical Romance' or 'Britney Spears'? Probably no one; but the names of the Beatles, the Stones, the rest of them, will always remain. That's the difference - new music is just a flash-in-the-pan, cash-in-on-the-latest-craze cash-grab (for the most part, there are exceptions to every rule). Again, I qoute, this time Gord Downie:[I] [B] Fireworks exploding in the distance Temporary towers soar Fireworks emulatin' heaven Till there are no stars anymore Fireworks aimin' straight at heaven Temporary towers soar Till there are no stars shinin' up in heaven Till there are no stars anymore [/B][/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]What's with the players posing (hugging, even) with the Trophy before the game even started? Man, I know if hockey players in the NHL did that they'd be crucified and black-makred from history... isn't there a 'Don't Touch it 'Till You Win it' unwritten rule in the NFL? It kinda made me sick...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]It's all about the soul, man. This new crap, man, it just don't got that soul. Rock n' Roll, real Rock n' Roll, is more than music; more than beats and rythms and riffs and notes, it's a way of life. A living, breathing, evolving entity. That's why I listen to music. Music that people poured their soul and spirit and identity into; songs that grab hold of you a shake you until you scream for more. Guy's like Bowie, Peart, Plante, Lennon, McCartny, Hendrix, Clapton, real-live music in it's most pure incarnation. In the words of Randy Bachman... [I] [B] You realize now You should have tried now, oooh ooh The music's gone now, you'll find out You lost it somehow[/B][/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
Whee! Picture Caption Game!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Philisophical Wandering Turkey of Wisdom: Are you on the inside looking out, or the outside looking in? Kitty: Why don't you come in here and see for yourself.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman]Feet make me hot.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]1. Pick a band or artist: David Bowie 2. Are you male or female: Nature Boy 3. Describe yourself: Starman 4. How do some people feel about you: Rock N' Roll Suicide 5. Decsribe youe ex boyfriend/ girlfriend: Queen ***** 6. Desribe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Prettiest Star 7.Descrobe where you want to be: Life on Mars 8. Describe how you love: Under Pressure 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Fame 10. Share a few words of wisdom: We Could be Heroes 11. Now say goodbye: Ashes to Ashes [/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='JJ][Font=Arial']Just to point something out here. The comcis were republished within the last couple of weeks in Germany, Spain, France and a couple other countries. That's what's really upsetting, I think.[/font][/quote][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] I recall reading that, predictably, most of these magazines were Chritian-oriented magazines. So maybe it's not the nationality that should be troublieng. *Yes I know I'll get flamed for this*[/COLOR][/FONT]
Whee! Picture Caption Game!!!
Albert Flasher replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ok, I hath decided! [quote name='celestialcharm][COLOR=DarkOrchid']Bush: I spy with my little eye, something that is black.[/COLOR][/quote] GJ! [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Bush: (Says whispering all quietly) " I see..dead people" Commander guy: ".... O rly?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Also good! [QUOTE=Ecstasy]Bush: Wow, I guess New Orleans really [I]is[/I] gone... (couldn't think of anything else...)[/QUOTE] Made me chucle.[/COLOR][/FONT]