Albert Flasher
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Everything posted by Albert Flasher
[QUOTE=Your Mother][SIZE=1]You are beginning to f**king piss me off. You wanna make it your little stupid mission to oppose every single pro-Religious post in this thread? Some people have already stated the "sticks and stones" philosophy. And that's fine if you feel that way. But if some punk like you is going to go ahead and mock all Muslims in the world (I'm Muslim), then I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit here and take it. You think all Muslims are terrorists/ idiots? When you [B]PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR A**[/B], feel free to come back and post. For every single stupid psycho terrorist who claims to be a Muslim there are many, many pacifist Muslims (who obviously, get zero attention from the media, but that's the way it is.) You think those ******** deserve to be labled Muslim? They deserve to be labled **** in my opinion. But you know what? So do you! Yes I agree that this embassy-attacking is way out of line, and I'm all for holding an AK-47 to their damn heads and giving them hell. According to you, some "petty" people want to boycott a country? Well, guess what, idiot? They [I]have the right to do it.[/I] If those idiots in the Danish newspaper claim "freedom of speech", then the Middle East can claim "freedom of expression". And there ain't jack **** you can do about it. Get the hell over yourself, instead of mocking a region you don't know about and obviously will never understand.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] I in no way think that all Muslims are terrorists etc. But a lot of people do - hence the bomb-in-turban thing. I was commenting on these individuals, who feel that in order to stand up for their prophet, who was a peaceful individual, they should commit acts of terrorism. Those are the people I'm calling stupid. And yes they have every right to boycot a country... but it still doesn''t make any sense, because, from a purely economical POV, they both end up losing money. They also blame all of Denmark because of one random comic; tell me that isn't petty and childish? Kinda I'm-taking-my-ball-and-going-home-ish, don't ya think?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Yes of course... burn down the embassies! That'll convince people you're not terrorists![/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE]Do you really think that? If relations between the two worlds would have been better, I'm sure they would. It'd be like tasteless the Netherlands-Belgian jokes are over here. But with the tensions these last years, it was bound to happen.[/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] Yes, yes I do. It was tastless, but people have the right to be tastless. If the Mid Easterners don't like it... tough.[/COLOR] [/FONT] [QUOTE]We had a riot from the Christian church a while ago, it was on the news and stuff. The Christian society was complaining about a poster of Maria with a naked breast. So these things aren't only happening with the Islam.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] Which is a fairly rare event... it happens, but it seems to me that whenever even the slightest little thing offends Islam, the extreme fundis of the Mid East are burning flags and screaming death-chants and that kind of garbage. [/COLOR][/FONT] [QUOTE] See, it's generalisations and tensions that cause this particular event to being so huge. Every since 9/11, Muslims are so generalised that nothing can be said about either side without being blown out of proportion or ending in a riot. It's a simple cause and effect. I'm sure the Muslims feel the whole world is against them at this moment in time, and to be honest I don't blame them.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] It's events like this that lead people to believe that these generalizations are well founded. When they go to pieces and start burning flags and demanding death and the kind of crap over nothing, it's their own actions that give this impression. [/COLOR][/FONT] [QUOTE] I don't see the Western world move on ever since it was 'offended' since 9/11. I don't see the Western world move on and stop staring at people different than them. If the Muslims are unable to move on, we are too.[/QUOTE] Yes of course... because 3,000 innocent people being killed in a vicous terrorist attack is comprable in scale to a cartoon... [QUOTE] But then why should I be familiar with the term Satire if it wasn't even close to anything like that? This was close-mindedness at its worst. The stupidity here isn't Mohamed, it's the person who drew the cartoons. Of course it was not consciously meant to be unfunny and tasteles, but that's often the case with stupid mistakes. [/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] It was Satire - not good satire and funny satire, but satire nontheless. i.e not serious. A joke. A bad joke is still a joke. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[quote name='EVA Unit 100']Those cartoons fail at satire simply because satire is supposed to exaggerate issues to comedic extremes, thereby making them funny. The problem here is that these cartoons aren't funny because their target is misdirected. Since they were trying to make fun of psychotic Islamic terrorists, they should have tried doing something to make fun of psychotic Islamic terrorists instead of making fun of something that has never been implied in the slightest that Mohammed ever did. Some whacko in the world is always going to be offended by something, but it's not impossible to make a psuedo-offensive satire (which can be really, really funny) instead of a totally offensive hate crime (which is wrong on every level and has no comedic value whatsoever). For example, Wuncler's comment in the first episode of The Boondocks about "people of terrorist descent" is funny satire because it's making a statement about racism and xenophobia in America. Or to give an example making fun of religious belief in general, in the Invader ZIM Xmas special when Dib says something along the lines of "What's next? You're going to tell me that chimp in a Santa suit was the real Santa?" followed by some random guy in the crowd saying "Wait, he wasn't!?!" it's funny satire because it's making a statement about how people tend to listen to blind faith more than reason. The Danish cartoons in question, on the other hand, don't have any valid point to make about Mohammed and therefore are just hate crimes instead of real satire.[/quote][COLOR=Sienna] [FONT=Times New Roman] Do the witless not deserve the same rights as the rest of us? That's called discrimination, isn't it? ;) [/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Renate]I very well know this world isn't a world where everyone loves each other. That's impossible. But I'm a highly idealistic person. I believe we can express our opinion without being completely low and rude. If you don't like someone or a group of people, say so and move on. And I think this goes in this situation for both sides. [/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] [FONT=Times New Roman] Well, we can't - and we shoulldn't have to. Because we're humans. And that's life.[/FONT] [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Freedom of speech always offends someone. I'm not against freedom of speech. But take flaming for example, everyone hates flaming. I see these cartoons as such a flame. Completely idiotic and serving no purpose but to generate hate. Freedom of speech is perfectly acceptable as long as it's intelligently done and serves a purpose besides just being offensive: expressing a point of view.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] No, this is an attempt at satire - a failed attempt, mind, but an attempt nontheless. It's lame and it's tasteless but that's what it is. Unfunny people have just as much a right as you or I, don't they? [/COLOR][/FONT] [QUOTE] People often don't ignore things they don't like either. They'll always try to convince the other of their opinion. Everyone's like that. [/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] ... which is the bigger problem in this situation. Some petty people can't get over one little comic, so what do they do? Boycott and entire country! That's just so ******* stupid it's almost unbelievable! If people could just move on and not care about this than this wouldn't even be news! [/COLOR][/FONT] [QUOTE] That's because their religion is so important to them, a thing completely absent in the Western world. Religious groups are so small here, we understand so little of religion, that we can't understand the Muslims anymore. I'm like that as well, but at least I try to. And to think that the only people offended are religious fundis, that's just funny in my opinion. There are thousands of everyday people who are muslim and offended right at this moment. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] The vast majority of the western world are Christians. VAST majority. And people do 'offensive' satiracle drawings of Christian religious figures all the time. It's just that, for some unknown reason, Islam feels that it is special; that every country in the world must listen to it and that type of thing. Thus, when somone in some random country rights somthing offensive about the Muslims, they feel the world should bend over backwards to make sure that nothing offensive can ever be writen about them. Then when the world doesn't, they do some stupid little thing like boycott an entire nation and burn Danish flags etc, which makes them look more radical and extremeist and downright nutty to the eyes of everyone else... everyone is offended at one point or another... they move on. For some reason the Muslism can't. -_-[/FONT] [/COLOR] [QUOTE] In my opinion, cartoons are supposed to be funny, to put things differently. And in my opinion, these cartoons were created by someone who just repeated the view of many native Europeans - Completely suspectful of anything different than them.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] [FONT=Times New Roman] Ok, are you familiar with the term 'SATIRE'? 1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit. 2. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature. 2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity. This of course is a failed attempt at satire, as it lacked any wit or originality, but you get the point.[/FONT] [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Why, isn't it about time we start making fun of ourselves as well if this is so funny?[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] [FONT=Times New Roman] We make fun of ourselves. I mean, literally the time. SNL, The Daily Show, Rick Mercer Report, WE MAKE FUN OF OURSELVES ON A NIGHTLY BASIS! You don't hear GWB demanding John Stewart's head when he cracks a joke about him, no, he's probably laughing about it to, just like everyone else with a sense of humour! Comon![/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Renate]But doesn't anyone think that comics of Mohamed as a terrorist or the profet being ****ed by an animal are completely without taste for humour? It's not funny at all! It just shows that the Western world almost has no respect left for people different than them in lifestyle. I'm not saying that there can't be any funy comics about religion. In today's paper, there was a comic of Mohamed giving out autographs saying 'God is just my starname'. That's funny, and not disrespectful like these cartoons! People keep blabbering about freedom of speech, but if they can't respect people then do they even deserve that freedom of speech? Doesn't the Muslim society deserve freedom of speech as well? Because they're reacting on it, also verbally, and we're all offended because they do![/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] They don't have freedom of speech is the majority of the Mid East. Well, that sucks, but it's their own problem. We in the Western world do - and we, as citizens of free nations, have every right to say WHATEVER we want! This isn't some fuzzy-fuzzy-hug-hug world where eveyone loves everyone and is willing to express that! They will hate and they will express thus! They have every right to. That's why it's called FREEDOM of SPEECH, not Freedom of Speech so long as it doesn't Offend Anyone. If you don't like what they have to say - ignore it. You have that right aswell. Besides, only one of the comics was even remotley offensive... the bomb-turban one. But people make offensive comics about EVERYTHING! Every single thing, you look on the entire, and you will find a piece of satire dedicated to it - this is only 'news' because the Religious Fundis are so damn easy to offend... I for one will excersize my right and laugh at this entire situation! It's effing hilarious![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Sweet, I rule at this stuff! Anyways: [IMG]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/8529/buckethead2zs.jpg[/IMG] This apropriatly named fellow is named Buckethead. Enjoy.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]It's just that it feels like the wrong thing to do to ignore these images. It's a sign of good character to ignore nasty remarks made at you, but not ones directed at someone else, especially one you care about. I think many of the rioters are doing what they do, because the feels it's actually wrong to remain silent. We are standing up for our prophet. I definitely don't think we should remain silent, or ignore the images. Just because we don't look at the images, it doesn't mean others won't. These images are spreading lies, and many people ignorant of our religion, of what are prophet really was, will see these images and accept them as truth. It's important for muslims to spread the truth about our religion, and standing back while our prophet, our religion and our dignity is being attacked just isn't the right thing to do. We need to make our voices heard (but without resorting to violence of course).[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] So in order to dispel the lies about your religion, you riot and boycott a country? This is sure to make everyone think of Islam as a less radical, peace-loving religion! KÃ¥re Bluitgen (born May 10, 1959) is a Danish writer and journalist whose works include a biography of Muhammad. When he wrote Koranen og profeten Muhammeds liv (English: The Qur'an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad ISBN 87-638-0049-7), he apparently had difficulty finding illustrators to draw Muhammad for the book, for fear of reprisals from Islamic extremists. Jyllands-Posten responded by asking 40 illustrators to make drawings of Muhammad, 12 of which were published in the newspaper, September 30, 2005, sparking the Muhammad Drawings case. -Wikipedia See? This whole thing is just a big joke! An overreaction and a misunderstanding! [/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]This is so horrible, more and more people are creating their own offensive cartoons, and posting them on the web. They're even worse than the ones in the newspapers. Now THAT, is childish. And plain unnecessary. Don't these artists realize they are offending all muslims with these images, not just the rioters?[/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] If parts of the Muslim world are going to do somthing childish like boycotting all of Denmark, is it surprising that the worlds idiots are going to respond in kind? Just ignore them... they're welcome to their opinion and you're welcome to not give a ****. EDIT: Ok, for those who don't know, let me break down the cartoon for you: On September 30, 2005, the daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten ("The Jutland Post") published an article titled "Muhammeds ansigt"[4] ("Muhammad's face"). The article consisted of 12 satirical drawings of Muhammad and an explanatory text, in which Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Posten's culture editor, commented: The modern, secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They demand a special position, insisting on special consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible with contemporary democracy and freedom of speech, where you must be ready to put up with insults, mockery and ridicule. It is certainly not always equally attractive and nice to look at, and it does not mean that religious feelings should be made fun of at any price, but that is less important in this context. [...] we are on our way to a slippery slope where no-one can tell how the self-censorship will end. That is why Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten has invited members of the Danish editorial cartoonists union to draw Muhammad as they see him. [...]" [5] After an invitation from Jyllands-Posten for around forty different artists to give their interpretation on how Muhammad may have looked, twelve different caricaturists chose to respond with a drawing each. These twelve drawings portray Muhammad in different fashions; many also comment on the surrounding self-censorship debate. In the clockwise direction of their position in the page layout: * The face of Muhammad as a part of the Islamic star and crescent symbol. His right eye the star, the crescent surrounds his beard and face. (I don't know, is that offensive?) * The most controversial drawing shows Muhammad with a bomb in his turban, with a lit fuse and the Islamic creed written on the bomb. (Ok, that's offensive) * Muhammad standing with a halo in the shape of a crescent moon. (I don't get that one...) * An abstract drawing of crescent moons and Stars of David, and a poem on oppression of women "Profet! Med kuk og knald i låget som holder kvinder under åget!". In English the poem could be read as: "Prophet! daft and dumb, keeping woman under thumb" (Yea, offensive) * Muhammad as a peaceful wanderer, in the desert, at sunset. There is a donkey in the background. (Oh those damnable evil Islamophobic Danes!) * One shows a nervous caricaturist, shakingly drawing Muhammad while looking over his shoulder. (To tell you the thruth, that actually made me chuckle... not really offensive IMO but whatever) * Two angry Muslims charge forward with sabres and bombs, while Muhammad addresses them with: "Rolig, venner, når alt kommer til alt er det jo bare en tegning lavet af en vantro sønderjyde" (loosely, "Relax guys, it's just a drawing made by some infidel South Jutlander". The reference is to a common Danish expression for a person from the middle of nowhere.) (Again, not really offensive... making light of Muslim doctrine, but really not enough to warrent a 'Zomg ban the Danes!' * An Asian-looking boy in front of a blackboard, pointing to the Farsi chalkings, which translate into "the editorial team of Jyllands-Posten is a bunch of reactionary provocateurs". The boy is labelled "Mohammed, Valby school, 7.A", implying that this Muhammed is a second-generation immigrant to Denmark rather than the man Muslims believe was a prophet. On his shirt is written "Fremtiden" (the future). According to the editor of Jyllands Posten, he didn't know what was written on the blackboard before it was published. (wtf?) * Another drawing shows an angry Muhammad with a short sabre and a black bar censoring his eyes. He is flanked by two women in niqaabs, having only their eyes visible. (Again, don't get it...) * Muhammad standing on a cloud, greeting dead suicide bombers with "Stop Stop vi er løbet tør for Jomfruer!" ("Stop, stop, we have run out of virgins!"), an allusion to the promised reward to martyrs. (Again, making light of Muslim doctrine but hardly offensive...) * Another shows Kåre Bluitgen, wearing a turban with the proverbial orange dropping, with the inscription "Publicity stunt". In his hand is a stick drawing of Muhammad. An "orange in the turban" is a Danish proverb meaning "a stroke of luck." (That's actually pretty funny... not even about Mohammed) -Wikipedia Really, comon people! This is just a piece of satire, a funny little comic that you see EVERYWHERE! The only reason this is news is because the Religious people in this world are so incredibly easy to offend that they'd go to such ludicrous lengths as to boycott an entire nation over this... it's absoultely STUPID and the people being the most childish are the Muslims![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ah, I remember those scooter-thingies. From hell they were!!!!!! Ok, well, one of the most painful moments in my life went somthing like this (Little fuzzy): Me and some of my friends were going on a skiing trip during the March break. First off, yes there is skiiing in the spring up here - it's called 'spring skiing' and it's basically the same as regular skiiing, except you don't have to wear a jacket or anything, and the snow is a lot more melted (thus making you go faster, for the most part). Now, I fancy myself as a pretty good skiier - I'm capable of going fast but I enjoy the side-to-side use-the-whole-mountain skiing. Anyways, the whole trip went pretty normal - some fast runs, some big air, some nasty spills, etc etc. We decided to go for one last run before heading home, though, and here's what went down: I went ahead of my friends, moving pretty fast, trying to get to the bottom first. I was making good time, too. Than I caught a bad rut in the snow, I lost my balance, and went careening into the trees that surround the course. I was off-angle at this point, so I hit the first tree square on with my chest. The momentum from my skiis kept me going though, and I went ski-first into another tree. As I bounced off this tree, one of my skiis got caught on the tree and bent my leg in a way it's not meant to bend, before popping off. So there I lay, face down in the snow, bleeding and battered and generally ******. I somehow found the strength to stand up on my one-ski-and-boot and start to stumble around. I'm pretty disoriented at this point, I can't see straight or hear, and I'm trying to figure out where I am, when all of a sudden I look up the hill to see one of my friends coming down very fast. I try to turn around, but my concussed body doesn't react the way I want to, and I fall... into the oncoming skiis of my friend, who than falls on top of me. Needless to say I was mighty ****** up for a few days afterwards, but I consider myself a tough cookie. I didn't end up with any major injuries but it's pretty needless to say that I was in some kind of pain![/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Syrius']This is just my opinion, but i believe bush to be an idiot, and that the only reason he's president was because of his father.[/quote][FONT=Times New Roman] [COLOR=Sienna] No, it's not just your opinion: on the inagural IQ test, Bush scored a whopping 91. That's an idiot by any sense of the word.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Right, right, but when I said "Europe" I was basically lumping them together under the assumption they were in fact more liberal and open-minded than America. I never really acknowledged "Europe" or the European Union as a political entity -- just as a region for my own immediate reasons in this conversation. I understand that each area is a different from the next, but on the whole, they are generally accepted (to my knowledge) as more acceptant of difference than Americans. So when I heard of Denmark's newspapers publishing something as racist as this, the myth in my mind was debunked -- whether it's fair or not of me to lump Europe in together wasn't my point. Admittedly, I shouldn't've done it, but I don't really think it matters a whole lot. The main point I was trying to make is: - America's newspapers haven't published something this racist for a while. - Denmark really surprised me with this. - Denmark [apparently] as acceptant as I thought they were. - And yes, only Denmark, my bad people, I shouldn't've lumped Europe in with their lot. As for the reactions to the article -- I can't really blame them all that much when I step back and put myself in their shoes. Yes, at first glance it seems pretty absurd, but I think I'd probably be extremely offended at something equally racist aimed at African Americans. No real telling what I'd do, but I'm not going to dismiss them with a "Cry me a river" attitude.[/size][/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] So one random Danish cartoon done by some random Danish cartoonist, published in some random Danish newspaper makes all of Denmark close-minded and intolerent? This same comic was reprinted by some random Chrisitan newspaper aswell, does that make them 'close-minded and Islamophobic' (Does it?)? What about the German magazine that reprinted it, Germans must be intolerent (Er... bad example). Come on, this is just a hilarious example of OVERREACTION! People have a right to their opinion - whatever it may be! That's free-speech! Now unless you feel like abolishing free-speech, why don't we all just laugh this off and go on with our day?[/COLOR][/FONT]
Music What genre of music do you listen to?
Albert Flasher replied to sweetpeach14's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I like Classic Rock exclusivly. With the exception of folk, I cannot stand any other genre - in fact I'd go so far as saying that I HATE this new crap-rock, rap, or whatever else kids listen to now-a-days.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]The soundtrack to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is without a little bit of doubt the best soundtrack of all time. The David Bowie songs, many sung in Portuges by Seu Jorge, are fantastically appropriate, Mark Motherbrough's classical compositions are incredible, and the soundtrack itself is just executed so well...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Horgh: *screaming* We like to eat babies!!!!!!!! Abbath: Arg, yes, we are the eaters of baby flesh! Horgh: *screaming* We also like Pepto Bismal and those little heart-shaped candies with love notes written on them! Abbath: PINK DOES MORE THAN YOU THINK!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAARGH![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Wait, wait... wait... Is this a joke? Seriously, this is hilarious. A newspaper, that just so happens to be Danish, makes a cartoon that is Muslims find offensive, and now the Muslim nations are boycotting the Danes and pulling out their ambassadors? And this makes sense where? Muslims have every right to be offended but honestly why the hell would they blame Denmark for this? Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech, and if Muslims don't like it than that's their own problem... not Denmark's. Man I got a real good laugh out of this whole thing.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna][B]1. Pick a Band or Artist:[/B] The Tragically Hip [B] 2.Are you male or female: [/B]Emperor Penguin [B] 3.Describe yourself:[/B] The Dark Canuck [B] 4. How do some people feel about you: [/B]Scared [B] 5.Desscribe your ex-girlfriend: [/B]So Hard Done By [B] 6.Describe your current girlfriend:[/B] Thompson Girl [B] 7.Describe where you want to be:[/B] One Night in Copenhegan [B] 8.Describe how you love:[/B] An Inch and Hour [B] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [/B]Save the Planet [B] 10.Share a few words of wisdom:[/B] Escape is at the Hands of the Traveling Man [B]11.Now say goodbye: [/B]Vapour Trails[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna][QUOTE=Dagger]Yeah. Cold weather is pointless unless it brings snow with it, but then again, it's hard to hope for snow when it's warm... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Hey, the cold is awesome. Anyway, it hit -39 here today. That's not even close to a record but still cold enough to warrent a coat and a toque. Nice and grey and icy aswell. I love this place![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]The Origonal Mario Music, of course... comon: Do do do, do do do, do da do do, do do do do da do do da do or nenenenenene *paus* nenenenenen *paus* nenenenenenene[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ew... I love sports but I HATE football... I hate it, I cannot stand it. It's an absolutely atrocious sport. I actually prefer doing homework than watching a football game. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman]Jeez, what is it with scientests ripping off movies these days... first the camo-cloak-thingie rips of James Bond, now these guys rip off Dr. Octopus...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman]The Tragically Hip wrote a song back in 1994. It was called Inevitability of Death. It was a tribute to Terry Fox. It's beauitful and thougtful and an overall great tune. Puffy lips glistening skin And everything comes rushing in We don't go to hell memories of us do I get a sense of connectedness Exclusive tight but nothing dangerous We don't go to hell memories of us do And if you go to hell I'll still remember you But I thought you beat the death of (I thought you beat...) inevitability to death just a little bit (I thought you beat...) I though you beat the inevitability (Yeah...) of death to death just a little bit (Yeah...) Terry's gift is forever green It got me up and back on the scene We don't go to hell just our memories do Fantastic gap common space (Fantastic gap common space) Open concept in your smiling face we don't go to hell memories of us do And if you go to hell I'll still remember you[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Crisp, cool, Winnipeg Winter... which means a limb-tingling -33 with crispy snow and ice on the ground. Blue skies right now, but it's still nice and cold - just how I like it. This is why I came to the Peg. The sun reflecting off the vast expanses of snow hurts my eyes, though.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='darkruler']well he also had money that we provided him from years ago when are government hired osama to take care of somebody in the war i forget who it was i learned it in history last year, and no it was not on fox news it was on numerous news stations like the wb and kcra and tnn. i'm not completely retarded when i state faqs i actually have heard them from valid sources not that i care about bush or any of this junk i just wrote it because my friend hentai started it so i figured i would write in it. i do think bush is a biznitch and i don't like him but unless he's putting our country in serious danger like starting a war so that bombs are coming back at us then i could care less. so look i'll stop writing on here and u just go on about ur bush loving hippie *** ways alright. peace out.[/quote] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] Wow... can I nominate that for the most hilarious post of all time? You know, just because you hear it on the news doesn't automatically make it fact. They were reporting for a while that Saddam had WMD's and could attack the US and surrounding Mid East nations - that didn't exactly pan out. They were also reporting on almost a nightly basis that the terrorists were going to attack again at any moment, and that it could be as bad as or worse than 9/11. And unless you know nothing about economics (likely), you'll probably know that debt is bad - and wars cost a lot of money. In fact, I have trouble recalling a war that has put a country further in debt than the Iraq War (Not including the WW's, because those had the opposite effect). What is it, over a trillion dollars invested in Iraq now? There is a good chance the US will never be able to get out of that debt - meaning the days of superpowerness may be coming to an end. And what's with the insults? And what's with calling me a 'bush loving hippie ***'? Especially since I've posted many times my dislike for Bushie. Also, do you realise how different hippies and bush-supporters are?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='darkruler']personally i don't want to start a fight here but if u look on the internet and it was also in the news so it's not just the internet but apparently saddam was paying osama during whole 9-11 thing. so in ur face and stfu.[/quote][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] Which news? Faux News? That makes no sense at all. Saddam supressed Islamic insurgency, Osama WAS an Islamic insurgent. The only source of cash for Al-Queda came from the Taliban (and maybe Iranian royalty).[/COLOR][/FONT]