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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [QUOTE=hentai#1]I have never said anything bad about the war, and I'm happy to say that I liked what Bush has done for the Iraqi people. Although some Iraqi's might not agree. All I'm tired of is that people think that was the only reason, and I'm tired of it. Here are some good reasons that you might have not thought about, or forgoten. 1. The first thing that came to mind was the contract for oil Bush senior had with Iraq. Reset the country, destroy the old contact and make a new one. 2. The U.S. thought or found evidece that Iraq helped Alqueda. Although there was more evidence found that Iran did a better job to help. 3. To over throw a ruthless Dictator and free the Iraqi people from its Tyrant. Then set up a new democracy and will be indebted to us. So possibly we can call on them for help if our situation is dire. Put these in any order you wish, but these if you really think about it are the reasons, and there are probably more that you can think of. If so tell me. [B]I hope all our troops come home safe for they are fighting the good fight.[/B][/QUOTE][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] 1st - If by that, you mean invade Iraq so you can build a pipeline through it. 2nd - There was never any evidence of connection with Al-Queda... in fact, it's the opposit. Al-Queda hated Saddam because they were Islamic insurgents and Saddam tortured Islamic insurgents. Besides, if you're going after religious fanatics, you don't invade the most secular nation in the mid east. 3rd - If you're going to overthrow a ruthless dictator, you don't go back to the country that is still in shambles from the LAST time you invaded it... especially since Saddam was a begginer compared to a lot of the mid eastern dictators. In the end, Bush needed somone to draw attention away from his absolute failure as a president, and since Iraq and Saddam were familiar to the Fox News Crowd, and they're not likely to put up a fight, why not. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Yay, all the crap on one channel! Convenience![/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Actually if you heard any of the speeches made by the conservatives and any of the losing parties, they are willing to cooperate this time. The NDP's are glad they have more seats and a bigger voice and they don't think we need an election any time soon. The same goes for the liberals. Harper said we voted for a new government, not a new country. Just because Canada becomes more conservative, we're not going to suddenly turn into America. As for the Bloq Quebequois, they actually [I]lost[/I] seats. I think more and more Quebecers want to remain part of Canada. I don't want the conservatives in power, because I'm a socialist at heart. But I think a few good things will come out of this situation.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] I know the PQ has less seats, but so do the 2 major parties, so it's good to know they may cooperate this time... but that may just be another broken promise. I understand that it's just a new government, but it's also a government that supports things like Deep Integration (Basically, that would turn Canada, Mexico, and the US into one amorphous, culturless fortress of nations... bad.). I wouldn't be surprised if Harper got on the phone to Bush and said "Infiltration completed." In any case, I hope that there isn't to much damage done by the Conservatives... just enough damamge so that the Librels can come in and win a majority next eleection (Unlikely...) I also hope you're right and more Quebecers want to stay in Canada... I don't think the Conservatives will help the situation though. They're in love with the West, especially Harper, so I don't think Quebec will get the same slack that they got from the Librels.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I am the picture captioning god! Anyways, won't have to look hard to find this funny: [IMG]http://www.willthomas.net/images/Is_Bush_Nuts.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ok, I hath decideth! First: [quote name='John']"And we put that there, and... damnit! I still can't pick up All My Children!"[/quote] Good stuff :animesmil Second: [QUOTE=0ber0n the Neko]Neil Peart sat basking in the spotlight, inside the confines of his mighty drumset. He set his face in a dismal grin, readying himself for the most amazing perormance of his life. As he reached for his drumsticks, he realized that all of his preparation was for naught. "****! I left my drumsticks in the van!"[/QUOTE] That just like... surprise, pow, bam, owned. 2nd place is pretty good too ;) Third: [quote name='Amelia][FONT=Arial']"Dat is da pimpin'-est piece a' blingety bling that I done eva seen a white man with!"[/FONT][/quote] Ha ha, you're third! Ok, John, find a pic and post er'.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I'm worried. Not so much about the cons getting a minrotiy government, which is bad, but with the amount of seats the PQ has gotten (60 wasn't it?). They're now officially the most dangerous party in Canada. Now nothing will get done unless it directly and often biasedly benifits Quebec (Or if for some reason the Libs and Cons agree on somthing). This is bad because no province should hold so much power. In any case, Harper will screw over Canada (America North once he gets through with it) faster than you can say 'Iraq' and we'll have another election soon... yay, more money to waste![/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Girl in background: Oh god, [URL=http://www.bassinside.com/2003/february/geddy2.jpg]Geddy Lee's[/URL] drunk on my porch... again![/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Not that it was all that stable to begin with, lol ~_^ I don't particularly like Bush, though his actions affect me to a far lesser degree than you Americans. I'm a rather Liberal-minded person, so I disagree with some of his views. I think he has been over-criticised to a degree over the 'War On Terror' though. Some awful things have been destroyed, and now the recovery period is underway. It's not going particularly well, but the odds are that it will improve.[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] Iraq was stable... backwards, stagnant, and horrifying, but stable (i.e not about to collapse in on itself). All that the Bush War did was make things considerably worse.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Sweet, I am GOD! [url]http://www.mezzanota.it/55.jpg[/url] (I'd post the pic but it's too big) His name is Neil Peart, and that is his drum 'kit'. Have fun :animesmil [/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. Albert Flasher


    [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna][B]21 albums.[/B] [B] 22 world tours. [/B][B] Over 40 million albums sold. [/B] And all that without a single top-10 pop-chart song. They paved a path of their own, they ignored the mainstream completely, they forged their own genre. They pioneered progressive rock. They are indeed GODS! Even today, over 30 years after their first album, they till manage to draw absolutly gigantic crowds no matter where they play. Their world-wide success rivals that of the Beatles. They are indeed one of the greatests bands of all time. Peart is without arguement the best drummer to ever live. Lifeson is arguably the most underrated guitarists of all time, up there with Hendrix, Clapton, and van Halen. Lee is one of the greatest bass players to ever live, and he's a gifted singer - terribly ugly, but that's forgivable. My favourite songs are the absurdly long heavy instrumentals, like 2112 Overture and La Villa Strangiato or Cygnus X-1 (both books). HERE'S TO THIRTY YEARS, AND THIRTY MORE! BTW, man Neil Peart has a way with words... he could go on to be a best-selling sci-fi author after his days in Rush finally conclud. He's already shown that he can be a touching author with Ghost Rider and his other books, now lets get him into writing about zombies and spaceships and explosions![/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman]I don\t really see what this has to do with the pollution of our oceans... yes it's a problem and yes it's vital to earth's survival, but what does that have to do with some Whale winding up in the Thames? I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did in the Thames, which has been used as a toliet for thousands of years. Really, somtimes these things happen... animals get caught in places they don't want to be caught in. What were they supposed to do? [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]The members of the band Super Death and Fire Raining from the Skies Stained with the Blood of my Foes were to busy having a staring contest with the Shiny Demonic Sword of Loathing and Death to notice the ninjas sneaking up from behind.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Wait, wait, wait... This is no longer a suggestion. This is an order. Get Neil Young's Cortez the Killer. Absolutly the best guitar solo, and it lasts for 90% of the song so it's even better (Song is 5 min about).[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]I've noticed that a lot... the 'What good will one vote do' mentality. Jeez, 90% of NDP supporters don't vote for them because they think that their vote will be wasted, or they don't vote at all. It's really rather sad... I mean, if all the NDP supporters who aren't voting went out and voted they'd win by a landslide. I also don't like the people who vote for somone because they hate somone else, no matter if they agree or not with their policies. It seems stupid and petty. Funny how politics go. Those 'Stand up for Canada' ads may well be the worst campaign ads I've ever seen... especially the one where he's talking to a woman and than somone asks him a question... even when it's rehearsed Harper can't dish out and charisma or intellegence. Although the Librels have their share of wierd policies... the handgun ban is the only one I really disagree with. Crime is part of it, but there's a lot of times when people (Mostly in BC) have to use a handgun to defend themslelves from a wild animal, and a barreled gun really wouldn't cut it. Than there's the obvious 'Badguys will get guns, banned or not' arguement. IMO that was the deathblow to the Librel campaign. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [quote name='Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Just popping in to make sure the amazing solo in [B]Sympathy for the Devil[/B] gets mentioned at least once.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] Although SftD is one of the best songs ever preformed, I don't seem to recall their being a bonofied guitar solo... although the guitar riffs are really well done. There's about 5 seconds of Plant ssheeeeredding his guitar, but I don't think that's really considered a solo with all the other music going in the background. Still, good suggestion for a song in general :animesmil While I'm in the area: Ritchie Blackmoore's solo in Deep Purple's Highway Star is absolutly sick, Neil Young's solo in Cortez the Killer is mind-blowing, and Steve Vai's in For the Love of God is intense. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Can't say I've ever heard of the Unification church before, but sects are always popping up here and there from time to time. Well, what you're saying is that you can't have a girlfriend because of your religion, or what? How did you're parents ever get married? This is all very confusing. Perhaps you could explain you're religions restrictions a bit more... Edit: Oh, wait, just wiki'ed the Unification Church. Turns out I have heard of it. *Leaves the converstion*[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I wholeheartedly agree that the UN is very important in this day and age. Surprisingly enough, I agree with almost everything you said. However, I always thought that China and North Korea were larger military threats than Iran. China would probably wipe the floor with America in a land-oriented battle, due to their heavily superior numbers. Although America does have superior technology, there's only so much you could do against a D-Day invasion of something like LA by the Chinese. I also thought that North Korea was a huge threat due to their posession of nuclear weapons and willingness to use them. I might be wrong, though. I haven't read any real statistics.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] Well, just for the record, China and Korea are relativly harmless to the direct North American landmass... China has over a million soldiers but they have no way of moving them (especially across the Atlantic Ocean) and many of them are armed with weapons that predate the M1 Garand. They'd be completely outclassed but any army in the West. Yes, even France :animesmil As for Korea they really can't do much with their nukes... yes they have them but they're also relativily primative, and are most likely a big bluff... they know if they use them it's full-scale invasion and obliteration. Even then the nukes would be picked off in the high atmosphere by sophisticated missile defenses. I'm not a nuclear expert or anything, but I think that the Nukes wont explode unless they're detonated by the detonators, but I could be wrong, so detonating them in mid-air would make them relativly harmless. Er, that was a bit off topic...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]This is how I see Bush: Bush gets elected. He sits around for a while, trying to pass bills and do somthing. He gets absolutly nothing accomplished, he's completely lost and doesn't have any idea how to run a country. Than, all of a sudden, a sign decended from heaven. The clouds parted, and it decended wreathed in light, with angles singing a chorus. Soaring through the sky magestically, the words "Boeing" clearly imprinted on its side. So than he invades Afganistan to go after a few guys (Makes sense). Afganistan is occupied. Bin Laden was never found and even recently he sent a recording to the US offering a truce or he'd bomb more cities or somesuch. He's alive and well. That begs the question, where exactly is he? Well, the logical choice would not be Iran (Where he got the majority of his funding from) because it owns 6% of the US... why would they ever want to attack America. So than Bush finds himself in a bit of a pickel. He's wasted to many lives and to much money to just say 'We so many bombs we must have gotten him at some point!', so he decided to draw attention away from Afganistan... but invading Iraq. Iraq of course was harmless, as the US et al had been engaged in the No-Fly-Zone war with them since the end of the Gulf War and they had no ability to go on the offensive, even if they had the weapons to do so. But Bush knew what he was doing. So now Afganistan is completely frogotten, bin Laden is sipping wine with Iranian royals, and Iraq is a complete and total mess. They have almost no chance of their ever being a stable country again. The only reason that Iraq stayed a single country for so long is because Saddam was such a cruel dictator - the extremists of the three main Muslim sects would have torn the country apart trying to kill eachother. So now the US has no choice but to stay in Iraq, probably forever. If they leave than the country will implode and than there will be genocide galore. They've got their foot on a landmine and no matter what they do their royally boned. Meanwhile, in his own country, nothing is happening. Nothing positive anyways, just trillions of debt and coffins by the boatload. So, in order to deflect this from the public eye, Bush brings up trivial issues (i.e gay marriage, abortion), the kind of thing that gets covered on Faux News. So in answe to is 'Bush a good president?', the answer is a simple, resounding 'No'. He would have been impeached long ago if it wasn't for Osama, he should be sending him gift baskets instead of bomb-drones. Oh, and Amelia... his IQ is not 125 unless he was doing one of those online IQ scams that try to make you feel smart so they can rip you off. In the inagural presidential IQ test, his score was an impressive 91. That's impressive since I always thought it was more around 20-30. I know IQ's really don't prove anything, but still... hahahahahahah![/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Ah, the Greatful Dead... rock's longest, strangest trip indeed! I too am a Dead Head. I'm not fanatical or anything, but I definatly enjoy the work of the Dead. My favourite song by them is 'Fire on the Mountain'. I really find the Dead have a very catchy style and I love the vocals. Jerry Garcia is insanley talented. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Without even a little doubt, the final few minutes of the song Layla by Derek and the Dominos (aka Eric Clapton). It is just such an amazing guitar solo. Eric Clapton is one of the greatest guitarists of all time and this is proof. A pure classic. Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb, Jimi Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower, Jethro Tull's Auqalung, Dire Strait's Sultans of Swing and Money for Nothing, and Rush's La Villa Strangaito are also absolute masterpieces.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]A few of you may know that, for the better part of a month, there has been no government in Canada. The Minority Librel Government was given a non-confidence vote by the opposition and disolved by the Governer General. Now, after a campaign of propogandga, negative attack ads, lies, promises, more lies, and photo-ops, the election is once again looming. For those who don't know, I'll give you a rough rundown of the electoral system of Canada: In Parliment Hall, there are 300+ seats. Each of these seats represents a riding somewhere in Canada. Each riding has a series of MP's (Ministers of Parliment) all trying to get the same seat. Each MP belongs to a certain political party. There are four major political parties, which are: The Librels (Paul Martin), The Conservatives (Stephen Harper), the New-Democrat Party (Jack Layton), and the *shudder* Parti Quebecious (Gilles Ducceppe). Now, each riding votes on the MP they want. When an MP is elected, he/she goes to Parliment Hill in Ottawa. Basically, whichever Political Party has the most seats gets elected (i.e if 60% of all seats are Librel, Paul Martin is the Prime Minister). There are two situations here. Either: There's a minority government, where the party with the most seats has less than 50% of all Parliment seats. Basically, six months go by where nothing is accomplished and than the government is disolved and we have another election, wasting more money. There's a majority government, where a party controls over 50% of all seats in the Hall. Usually more things get done in a majority government and in about 4-5 years we have another election. It's a needlessly complicated and overall stupid way of running a country but that's the way she goes. Just to give you a rough idea of how the different parties behave on a regular basis, here's a rough summary of one of their debates: Questioner: *Random, well thought out question* Paul Martin: *Answers by discrediting Stephen Harper* Stephen Harper: *Answers by calling Paul Martin a crook and a lyer* Jack Layton: *Well thought out and articulate response. Unfortunatly for Smilin' Jack, no one gives a **** about what he thinks.* Gilles Ducceppe: *Reminds everyone not to froget about the best intrests of Quebec* So that's the way she goes. If anyone's intrested, I will update the thread as news comes along. As it stands, most preliminary polls show the Conservatives winning in a minority government. This worries me. Although I disagree in general with the Conservatives, Stephen Harper quite literally makes George W Bush look intellegent, making it even worse.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]If you think that all the UN does is Peacekeeping than this conversation is already over.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]Tarja: Emo, I thought I told you I wanted my collection of human heads on [i]spikes[/i]! Shall I have to kill you, AGAIN! *Emo cuts in with a hypnotic guitar rif* Tarja: Wait, what was I saying? Hey, buddy, Johnny Cash wants his clothes back! *wanders around proding human head collection (not on spikes) randomly*[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna]If they're politically competent than yes... it should be like a special-cases-only type of thing, were somone who truely wants to vote and be examined and if they're found to be competent than they can vote. But not widespread, no. Oh, and how is this anything like giving them the right to smoke or somthing like that? I mean, I get it, they both rot your brain, but... [/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman]Ya know what, if you want to run away, just go. If you really truely wanted to go than you wouldn't come to some random internet site to ask for advice knowning the kind of response you would get would not help you even a little bit. It's obvious that you really don't want a 'Dont do it!' response, so why did you come to a site like this when all you'd end up doing is argueing with people about your motives and the like. Unless you knew this would happen and really just wanted a chance to tell somebody, anybody, about how ****** your life is, you really aren't going to find what you're looking for here. All I can do at this point is shake my head.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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