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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [COLOR=Sienna]Hmm... I'm really quite fine with where I am right now, but I suppose there are a few places I would rather live, all of them in what I consider to be the best country on earth, Canada. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Winnipeg is one of my dream cities for one reason - it's bloody cold. It's not "Brr, chilly, eh?" cold, it's "If I blink I won't be able to open my eyes again" cold, and I love it. I wan't to go to the World's Coldest Intersection, and hang out in the World's Coldest Brothal. The city itself is also a really nice place, from what I've seen and heard, and it's definatly a place I'd like to visit. St.John's, Newfoundland: I visited St.John's when I roadtripped across the province, and it absolutely rules. It's a city but it's very rural, the people there are very simple. There are some awesome retstaurents and some really neat views. It's generally a dream city for me... Plus St.George Street has the most Pubs/Square Meter on the continent, lol. Ummm... That's about it. I'm not the kind of guy who goes "Man, I wish I was in Hawaii right now!" because I would never wish that. I'm very much adverse to the heat and I can't stand beaches (Friggin sand gets into every nook and even the smallest of cranines!), and I generally don't see the appeal. The only reason I could ever see myself leaving Quebec is because of the language issue... I'm a tremendously ****** french speaker, and it causes a lot of problems, most notably my inability to graduate highschool without a passing French mark...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Sienna]Indeed, spell check is your friend. Anyways, I'm pretty certain that astral projection is, like most things of this nature, complete bunk. There is simply no reason to believe that it IS possible, unless you happen to believe the testemony of some wacked out hippie who likes Pink Floyd for reasons other then their musicianship. There is simply no reason to believe that people can have out of body experiances. Even if there was a spirit, why would it willingly leave the body? Defenders of such paranormal whatbits typically refer to the "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" quote when faced with the above logic; well, that's true, but the complete and total lack of evidence, combined with the fact that natural laws and even logic scream their disaproval of astral projection, certainly doesn't lend credibility to the supporters of astral projection.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']Two things about your post DarkFactor, and really the first one is more so in relation to the collective of people out there who claim to be Christian and yet belong to no particular Church from which to draw knowledge. Once you start adding outside beliefs to the mix, for instance chakras and neo-Wiccan theology then you need to stop referring to yourself as Protestant, because I'm pretty sure your local Reverend or depending on the denomination, Pastor would have issue with your beliefs. But hey your beliefs are your beliefs, I just have an intense dislike when people use the term Christian for an all-encompassing spirituality that they find convenient to latch their own beliefs onto.[/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] Gavin, I'd just like to point out the fact that Christianity, as a religion, has been heavily influenced throughout the years by paganism and other forms of spirituallity, to the point that the modern incarnation is almost completely different from the one that existed when the religion was first concieved. Even such Christian staples as Christmas are heavily based on pagan celebrations (Ever wonder what a Yule Log is supposed to be?). It's pretty hypocritical to say someone isn't really part of their church because the want to integrate other religions into their spirituality.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Sienna]I've personally gone out of my way to avoid relationships; partly because I'm not comfortable around women, and partly because I've got not interest in that kind of thing. It's also got to do with the fact that people I once considered good friends start to suck tremendously once they got a girlfriend. Examples: One of my friends, Chris, is the kind of guy who does nothing but some how gets all the girls, despite his total lack of worthwhile qualities. Despite that, he was a pretty fun guy to hang around with, etc etc... Then he starts going out with women and I hardly ever see him anymore. He's been deballed, and lack-of-pussywhipped. No way I'm letting that happen to me. Better example: Another of my friends, Ian, was an awesome guy. He's funny, smart, fun to be around, etc etc. Great guy. Then he gets a girlfriend, and, well, it was alright for a week or two. They really did like each other, and it did help that she actually had a personality... But, after a while, he started getting all emo on us. It wasn't that she broke up with him or anything, it's just that, for some reason, their relationship was making him all depressed and quiet... And he's Brazillian, so that's definatly not normal. It wasn't until he did the most hilariously ballsless thing and broke up with her over MSN that he returned to his normal self. So I've never had a girlfriend, but I don't especially want one, so I can't really offer any advice other then what you've been given. To paraphrase RvB, just because I like milk doesn't mean I go buy a cow, y'know?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Sienna]A wacko AND a Baptist? What are the odds! Wait, is that Felps fella the guy who made those GodHatesX.com sites? I love it. The guy tried to enter Canada with his hate signs and whathaveyou, and they were confescated at the boarder, so he and his cronies went to Ottawa and burned a Canadian flag... So we made a law called the Fred Phelps Law, which bans Fred Phelps from ever entering Canada again (If he tried we could condem him to a small concrete prison on an island in the artict circle, from where he would never escape_). In response, Freddy made a site called GodHatesCanada.com. Ooohh... I'm shaking in my boots. Others hilarious websites: GodHatesSweden.com, GodHatesFags.com, and GodHatesAmerica.com. Anywhoo... I live in the general area around Montreal, which until recently was the home of the sick and twisted Kimveer Gill, the 'man' who recently shot up Dawson College and killed Anastia DeSusa and injured 20 other people. But he's dead now, so I've got nothing, really. Crazy people don't usually hang out around here. I mean, there's this kid at my school who climbed a telephone pole with a trashcan on his head that one time, but that's not really the same kind of wacko. Probably the craziest person in Canadian history is serial rapist Karla Hamolka, aswell as "That Dude With the Cowlick Who Crossed the US Boarder with a Homemade Sword and a Bloody Chainsaw." and that OTHER guy who shot up an all-girls school in Montreal because he claimed God told him women needed to be exterminated. Charming, lol.[/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker]Does he even remember what he is protecting anymore? He damn well isnt protecting our freedom, he took that away himself.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] He know's exactly what he's protecting; the interests of his investors. It's sad when a country has basically become a corporation, but that's the state of things in the upper echelons of power in the world these days.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna]Everyone lies, at some point or another. Everyone embelishes and tells untruths and exaggerates, either to make them feel bigger or for no real reason. There is, however, a difference between a compulsive liar and a casual extravigizer. As far as I can decern, all people fall into either the first or the second category, and I'd say I fall mostly in the 2nd category. I'm remarkably honest, really. It stems from two things; one, I rarley do anything wrong (Because I happen to believe rules are there for a reason) and two, when I do, it's something that I have no shame in. Example 1: "You eat that slice of pie?" Answer: "Sure did." Example 2: "Baillie, you listening?" Answer: "No sir, can't say that I was." Most of the people I know aren't what I'd call compulsive liars, at least so far as I can tell. Much like me, whenever they do lie, it's blatant and clearly intended for comedic effect. Generally, though, I don't have much of an opinion on liars; I'm quite fond of them, in fact, for they have a habit of telling the most entertaining stories. I can understand the kid's position, though. Everyone wants to be a hero, and, hey, who's gona know you were lieing? I bet it happens all the time, and they usually get away with it because their lies make good media stories. I guess the kid just couldn't go through with it...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Sienna]You know all those pictures with Bush holding his hand in the air with photoshoped Swastikas and other Nazi memorebellia? I'm not convinced they're entirly off the mark anymore. I'd like to say 'Unbelievable' but, for some reason, I have no trouble believing that this is the kind of thing the Bush Administration would approve of. It's rediculous. Torturing prisoners? What ever happened to the Geneva Convention? What ever happened to being the 'leader of the free world' and those other sound-bites? It seems that, with every bill that passses, the US is becoming more and more of a police state. They can pretty much accuse anyone they don't like of being a 'suspected terrorist' and send him off to rot in Gitmo, and for some reason I don't doubt that Bush and Co will hesitate to do that. I'm glad that every time we elect and idiot in Canada, we elect a harmless one...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Sienna]Without a doubt the best Japanese television show is the immortal Human Coliseum. Basically, a bunch of people with freaky-deaky talents and abilties demonstrate their mad skillz to live audiences. Some great examples of freakery on that show... like those little girls who turn their elbows all the way around or that guy who breaks beer-bottles with his teeth... Come to think of it, any Japanese gameshow-type thing is generally entertaining. In the words of the Simpsons, "On American game show, you reward intellgence. On Japanese game show, we punish ignorance!"[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Sienna]My current favourite subject is my Advanced science class, at least for the moment. I'm not tremendously interested in science, but we always do these cool little labs with chemicals and reactions and such. It's not really the experaments themselves so much as the hilarity that ensues when me and my friends accidently light a girls hair on fire with a series of hydrogen explosions. That was funny... But the eventually we're going to get into atomic and theorical physics classes, and our school doesn't exactly have the budget for that kind of lab, so I'm probably not going to like science as much. My favourite subject in general is either LA or Digital Media. Digital Media is cool because we have laptops at my school (Only public school in North America with them) and we basically screw around on them and play video games all class. Well, that's what I do. And LA is fun because we get 10 minutes every class to write, and I write about random crap and them give it to my friend to email around the class, because everyone loves my writing lol. We're also reading... That Scottish Play and kind of mini-preforming it, which is cool because I get to be MacDuff. Teehee... Duff...[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker]You are fourteen; not ten. At least you are a teenager. Don't get me wrong, i grew up on pinhead and other movies like that. I love horror films still. I just think its hypocritical for parents to blame media and then not do their job. I think that if we are enforcing ratings then we do have a right. I don't mean to come off as a meddling person trying to take a parents control away, im not. It just seems unbalanced that they cant get into Harry Potter but they can sit throught that.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] I personally don't believe in enforcing the ratings. I think that all movies should have a something that indicates what the movie's like, but it should only be a reference for parents, not a rule. All movie's should be parent's guidance. If a parent wants his/her kid to go see a gorey movie, then the kid needs the parent with him/her for permission. That's what I mean. And yea, it is hypocritical, but that's only because a lot of parents are lazy and like to make scapegoats out of the media so they don't look bad.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=sienna]Parents should be able to do whatever they want with their kids. If they think it's ok to let their kid sit through a 2 hour gore-fest, let them. It's their kids, we've got no right to decide what they do with them. Personally I love gore and violence in movies. I rank High Tension, Devils Rejects, The Hills Have Eyes, Ghost's of Mars, Ong-Bak, and the Dead series. I rank Alex Aja and George A. Romero as my favourite directors. Stephen Segal, Jean-Claude van Damme, and Arnold Scharwezenegger are some of my favourite actors. I'm 14 and I go see movies that are bloody and gory and generally lacking in plot or writing, and I'm a fairly level-headed individual. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Sienna]Watch out where the Huskies go... Don't you eat that yellow snow! Ahh... Frank Zappa... Good stuff. Anyways, my new favourite artist are [B]Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble.[/B] SRV is, as far as I'm concerned, the second best blues guitarist ever. Obviously BB King is still the Lord and Master of the Blues Guitar, but I love SRV a little bit more. The bassist for Double Trouble has some really great riffs, too. My favourite songs have to be "Pride and Joy," "Texas Flood," "Crossfire," "Cold Shot," and, of course, "Couldn't Stand the Weather." Texas Flood is the best example of his guitar playing abilties, besides a live cover of Hendrix's "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)," and involves an awesome guitar solo. "Scuttle Buttin'" is a neat little instrumental too. [/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]My brother was quite pissed when he found out that the gunman died of a self inflicted wound he shot himself in the head after being hit several times in the body by the police. The coward. He knew he was going to die painfully if the police peppered him with bullets, so he finished himself off quickly to avoid it. I know I sound vengefull, but I also wanted him to die a terrible and painful death for what he did. There is no excuse or justification whatsoever for what he did, so he deserves a painful death. People can't take out their social problems on the wolrd. So what if he was aloner and had no friends? I was a loner and I was bullied and teased and always felt like an outcast in school, and the few friends I had weren't always nice, but you don't see me trying to kill people.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Well, if it makes you feel any better, Kimveer shot himself vertically through his jaw. Considering the calibur of the gun he was using, there's a good chance that the bullet didn't kill him instantly and there were a few seconds of unbelievable pain before his death. [/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Mewprincess][COLOR=RoyalBlue']I don't really use Wikipedia. A staff who works in the Media Center in my school said some info on that website may not be correct. She says it's open to anyone who wants to submit an article, even if it's written by a 5th grader! :faint: Imagine using resource written by someone like that!! (no offense if he/she really knows what he/she's talking about) So instead, I use Britanica.com ...i think that's what it's called... [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] See, that's a common misconception. It's true to some extent, but whenever somone edits an artical, it is voted upon by members of Wikipedia. If it is considered accurate by the majority of the people who voted, it gets put up, but if not it just gets thrown out. You can't just go and edit the Holocaust article and say "teh holocost was a zionits li!" because you'll get shut down and probably banned. Generally Wikipedia is very reliable as a result. Not that Wikipedia should be taken as absolute, but it's not like some no-nothing no-body can just go and post whatever he or she feels like.[/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue']I agree. It just makes no sense paying money for an expensive gun that other than warfare really has no use. But then I'm not into guns at all so I've never understood the attraction to them. It's not like most people have to worry about being attacked by a bear or some other large animal, even when you are hunting. And though I do believe people have the right to bear arms and all I have to wonder if making it harder to get the more powerful guns would help to cut down on such shootings. Though I suppose then they would just use the black market. If they knew where to go to get one that way that is. [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] Well, the thing is, what he was using was not heavy weaponry. The legal version of the Storm in Canada is chambered to hold 9mm bullets, and only has semi-auto capabilties. Which basically means that the only difference between it and a small-arm are clip size and the stock. There are versions which use larger bullets and ones that use full auto, but they are not legally available in Canada. As far as I know, auto weapons in general are banned, but I'm not too sure on that rule. The reason that we had 19 wounded and only one death is either because he was a terrible shot, or because he was using such a pea-shooter of a gun. I still think, though, if a relativily light fire-arm wasn't available to Kimveer, then he would have aquired bigger, illegal weapons from seedier locations, and we'd have 20 dead kids on our hands right now instead of just one. It's kind of like those clinics that supply clean needles to heroin addicts; if you can't stop it from happening, you have to make the problem less severe. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Sienna]Thank you, Morpheus, I was just about to post that. Satanists, pedohiles, and pornogrophers, you say? Right-o. The whole thing sounds like the delusion of a distraught mother who lost her son and is trying to convince herself that he's still alive somewhere.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Sienna]Number 4 is true. You are a major Star Wars fan, so it only stands to reason that you'd buy any SW merchandise you can get your hands on. The other seem possible but less true.[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I'm really sure what to make of this, except for the fact that the title immediately made me suspect another American High School shooting, though I'm even more surprised to hear it happened in Canada. Honestly I really don't know what to make of it all, another nutcase gets his hands on a semi-automatic weapon, walks into a school and nearly kills a bunch of people and we all wonder how stuff like this could happen. Maybe it's Canada's proximity to the U.S., maybe not, but seriously, semi-automatic weapons, hell any gun bar hunting rifles and shotguns should be police and army-only weapons, this whole "armed and safe" concept is a crock. In the end I'm simply left wondering, how can we keep letting things like this happen ?[/SIZE][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Well, the thing is, like I said before, this is rarley a problem in Canada. We have the occasional nut - as we had here - but in general Canada doesn't have a problem with guns. Our gun laws are, as a result, very lax. But this can be looked at in two ways. Let's say we step up our gun restrictions and make only rifles and shotguns legal. What does that create? A black market. A black market for guns is a very, very bad thing. People who want a handgun or a semi-auto or a full-auto will get them, but we won't have any records and the weapons won't have any of the legal restrictions that they would have if legally purchased. The CX4 Storm, for example, has two versions - the small calibur kind used by Kimveer Gill, and a much larger, illegal version. If he had gone underground, which version do you think he would have gotten? We'd have 20 bodies on our hands right now instead of one. You might say "Well, why can't they just crack down on the Black Markets?" Well, simply because we can't. Canada especially. We simply don't have the resources to police any major black market activites. We have trouble with drugs already, can you imagine guns? It's a very difficult situation [\COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#038000][size=1] BTW, how was he able to build up his weapon stash (if that could be called a)?[/size][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] As far as I can tell, he aquired all his weapons legally. He had no past history of violence or misdemenor, and Canada's gun laws are very lax. We almost never have problems like this, so the Baretta CX4 Storm (For example) is only considered 'Restricted.' That means that if you have no criminal record you can aquire one perfectly legally. The CX4 is basically a semi-automatic pistol with a stock; it's got little stopping power and uses tiny little buttles, luckily. That's why there were 20 injured but only one dead; we're very, very lucky that he didn't go underground and aquire something more powerful, or it could have been a lot worse.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]One thing that bothers me is that "police dismissed the idea that terrorism played a role in the gunman's attack". What that gunman did is nothing but terrorism. He wanted to kill and terrify people, and worse still, for no reason at all.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] It's because 'terrorism' has come to mean, basically, 'Muslim' in the Mediaverse. It's stupid and ignorant of facts, but it's true - unless it's somehow connected to the Mid East or the Muslim religion it's not considered terrorism. Kinda like how a hate crime is just a regular crime unless it's againts a minority.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Sienna]Earlier today, at an unconfirmed time, a man dressed in a black trench coat and sporting a Mohawk haircut entered the lunchroom of Dawson College, Montreal, and opened fire. It is unknown who this man was, or what his motivation for the shooting was, but there are at least 12 people in the hospital with gunshot wounds as of the latest update (Reports range up to as many as 20 people). The gunman has been killed by a police Sharpshooter, and unconfirmed reports say that one other has died, although nothing is known for certain. This is another school shooting in a city that is known, interestingly enough, as one of the safest in the world. It is at this time unknown how many people are dead, but Le Hopital de Montreal is reporting that 6 people are in critical condition, 3 are in serious condition, and 4 other are stable. Other less seriously wounded people have been admitted to the Montreal Jewish and another hospital, but still, nothing can be confirmed. I live about an hour outside of Montreal, so this event happened very close to me. It really boggles my mind that there are people who will pick up a gun and, whatever their motivation, walk into a crowded school and just start shooting at random. I loosley know a few people who go to Dawson, but as far as I know none of them were there today. I just... can't believe it.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Sienna]What about [url]www.penisland.com?[/url] Pen Island has to be the worst name for a website ever. It's all about pens. Who the hell is that obsessed with pens? Autistic kids? Another wierd one is [url]www.whorepresents.com[/url]. Who Represents is a site dedecated to what agent represents what celebrity. It's really wierd. Plus it has a funny name.[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=Shinmaru] [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Shinmaru/Anime%20Expo%202005/DSCN0071.jpg[/IMG][/center] "I felt a great disturbance in the Internet, as if a million geeks suddenly cried out in pleasure and were suddenly silenced..."[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] I feel a similar disturbance where my legs meet my abdomen. [b]Indeed.[/b] Anywhoo, I won't be posting a picture of myself in this thread. Why, you ask? Because, as some of you well know, I'm incredibly insecure about how I look and how other people percieve me on some on-line community populated by hard-core anime nerds and fashion critics. I also don't happen to have any photos on me at this particular point in time. On that note, an artists rendering of me and some of my friends can be found here: [URL=http://www.southparkx.net/images/news/sp913colour.jpg]I'm the increasingly sexy one next to that poor kid.[/URL] [/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well, if everybody had a different language then they would all be very under developed and we'd still be animals. So we'd only be as racist as an animal can be. In other words we'd all be hissing at each like fudging cats and be eating dirt and berries. And think about it, we do all have different words for different things, just on a smaller scale. When i say we i mean a group of people and race that share a language, not the individual. And i second the guitar thing. I ****ing love my guitar and all music with guitar in it. Do you play guitar? Or are you just a huge flippin' music fan? Either way and i'll love you a bit more than i already do. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Who says animals cannot be racist? Ever put a Chinese Tiger in a cage with a Tibetan Buddhist Monk? It ain't pretty. Spit and tiger bones everywhere, it's disgusting. And yes, we do have different words for things to a certain extent. But something that we call an ocellating fan most likely doesn't mean "Your mother is a hamster." to someone else who speaks English, whereas that would probably be a major issue without language. I dabble in guitar... I lack the requisit dexterity and motor skills required to play the instrument, plus I have stubby fingers. But sometimes I take my dad's old acoustic guitar from when he was a kid and pretend that I'm jamming away on it while making the guitar sounds with my mouth. It fools more people than you think. Bass is my favourite instrument, though, because a bass player will generally have to repeat the same chords over and over in a song to keep the beat. Just seems easier. [/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]I agree that language was a very important invention and is great...but it has many great and evil flaws. Look at how much languages creates barriers between people of different countries and languages. It creates many misunderstandings and is a major cause of racism. It also has many limitations. It cannot truly express some ideas and feelings. It's also complicated like a mother...and i'm very willing to admit that i haven't mastered English. Even know i feel limited by language...i can't fully express myself because of it. On the other hand it's truly wonderful, without it rational thought would be nearly impossible. I mean...how would one think without language? We would be simple beasts without it. Sorry for going off on a tangent, it's just something that's been on my mind recently. ^L^ Later. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Look at it this way. If language was never devloped, people would all have a different way of saying everything. Which would mean that everyone would have different grunts for different things, which would cause everyone to be hate everyone for having a different way of speaking, which would only cause MORE racism. Plus if that happened someone would have to go around the world and make like a Sears Chrismas Catalog of them or something equally extravagant, and there is NO way in hell I'm reading through that thing... I also think that the guitar should be added to the list of Greatest Inventions Ever. I mean, where would civilization be without the opening riffs to Voodoo Child? Or without that guitar solo from Comfortably Numb? Without the talking guitar of Peter Frampton, we'd practically be animals! I shudder to think it![/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Sienna]Do you consider yourself an angry person or not? Do you have a quick fuse and a fiery temper or are you a cool cat who doesn't get bothered easily? Me, I'm the kind of person who's very difficult to get angry, but when I go off I'll probably do something very stupid. Like throw my mouse at my monitor and break both, for example. But I'm generally a very placid guy, I don't get ruffled very much. You can do literally anything to me and I probably won't get angry at you, especially if it's funny (like the time I got pantsed and walked around like that for 5 minutes pretending not to notice, much to the horror of the innocent kindergardeners). It's not like I bottle it all up inside and then one day I'm going to snap and go postal or something. The only times I genuinly feel anger and frustration involve hockey games and computers. Other than that I'm so cool, calm and laid-back it's dangerous. BTW, I'm well aware that I misspelt 'angry'.... That makes me so mad I could spit![/COLOR]
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