Albert Flasher
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Everything posted by Albert Flasher
Inventions for which you feel grateful
Albert Flasher replied to Dagger's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] I'm also very grateful for the internet. Unlimited information and pornography, what's better than that? [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Vritual-Reality Net. If you know what I mean. :animeshy: :animenose Anywhoo, I think the most useful invention of all time would have to be language. I mean, the guys who came up with that were HELLA smart, yo. Wouldn't get much done without it. Everything we have probably wouldn't even exist witout language, so obviously it's a very critical part of my life, seeing as I'm quite fond of things.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Sienna]Ha... I messed the game up. *shame* I'm going to say 3 is true because you strike me as a spider-lover. 4 More Fun Facts About Red Six: 1 - Is morally opposed to organically grown Root Beer 2 - Supports the cancellation of Futurama 3 - Greatest fear is dieing of sonic dierhea 4 - Has put a cup-cake in a toaster before, resulting in a rather amusing fire. BTW, Derald, damn your editing [/COLOR] :mad:
[QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] [B]Four "Facts"[/B] - I speak fluent Irish. - I have climbed Mount Vesuvius. - I am an amateur actor. - I will buy anything Star Wars.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] It would seem that number 2 is the least likely. You are an Irishman, so it only stands to reason that you speak Irish (The dialect of English or the Gaelic language, I cannot say). You have a rather theatrical way of writing that leads me to beleive number 3 and you're avi-sig set makes me think number 4 is right, leaving number 2 the only possible opition. 4 Fun Facts About Red Six: 1. Has developing carpel-tunnle syndrome from keyboard use and air-guitariing that guitar solo from Freebird. 2. Watched aprox. 13 Simpsons re-runs daily. 3. Has worn the same pair of pants for the last 2 years. 4. Has sat through an entire Green Day song.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]Terrible things mark human history in uncountable numbers, but there's one that will always stand out to me. [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_conquest_of_Mexico]The Spanish Conquest of South America[/URL] has got to be one of the most disgustingly terrible events of all time. Hernan Cortez was the worst of all. He would destroy Aztec and Mayan temples and build Catholic churches on their rubble, he and his Conquistador buddies practically wiped out mesoamerican culture completely. The people of South America were opressed and exploited and often exported as slaves. It was the greatest cultural genocide in history. Another thing that always irks me is the burning of the Globe Theater by Christian fundis because apparantly having fun is a sin. If it weren't for the loss of life experianced in South America, that would be the biggest cultural genocide ever.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]My avatar is pretty much where I got my name. It's Jek Porkins. From Star Wars. You know, the first guy who gets cooked when the Rebels assault the first Death Star? The "I can hold it!" guy? Yea, that's the one. Well, he's Red 6, hence my screen-name. He's kick-***, even though he only had like 15 seconds of screen-time. My custom title is a qoute from the ever-cynical Warren Zevon. It's basically my philosophy on life. Enjoy every sandwhich, savour every Coke, relish every slice of pizza, just enjoy yourself... Because everyone dies sooner or later and there's no use wasting the time you have. As for my sig, well, it's a qoute from my favourite guitarist, SRV. It's not especially special, I just thought it sounded cool. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]I recently purchased a new CD from collection from the local bluesy-jazzy record store in town. The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - As far as I'm concerned, SRV is the greatest blues guitarist to ever live. Better than Claptaon, better than Hendrix, better than Vai, he's the best. The Essential collection is pretty much what it ounsds like; two discs of SRV's best. From Texas Flood to Couldn't Stand The Weather to Pride And Joy, even an 11-minute live cover of Hendrix's Voodoo Chile (Slight Return), it rocks absolutely. Definatly a must-have collection for anyone into bluesy rock music. Why do the best musicians always die in a flying accident? Stan Rogers, the good parts of Lynyrd Skynyrd, Stevie Ray Vaughn... It's not fair :([/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]Yes, the vast majority of people in the world are right-handed. Everything from doors to hockey sticks are made for righthanded people, unless specified otherwise, as a result. I myself am not 100% sure if I'm left handed or right handed. I like to say that I'm ambitextrus; I'm equally useless with both hands. I write left-handed but in truth writing with my right hand is pretty much the same (A little less comfortable); which is either a testement to my terrible handwriting or an indication that I can use both hands. I play hockey with a left-handed stick, but, as with writing, it's pretty much the same with a right-handed stick. I just generally lack motor-skills and dexterity with both hands, really.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]Young Lust by Pink Floyd. *Ahem* Anything by Barry White. Lights or Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' by Journey Just Like a Woman by Bobby Dylan Umm... These Eyes or Share The Land by the Guess Who Those are my suggestions.[/COLOR]
[quote name='BKstyles][font=tahoma'] What bugs me the most about it though is when a girl complains that they are being perceived as an object or that they are only liked for their looks...and yet the way they dress dictates to people that they in fact want this kind of attention. [/font][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] I agree completely. Especially those girls who wear those "Hug Me" or "Let's Get Naked" shirts, and then, when you comply, they act all surprised. The worst have to be the ones who have "Read This" on their breasts and then act all offended when you look... That's just frustrating.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE]Ah, good ol' Red 6, i knew if anybody was going to be the extreme opposite of my own opinion it would be you. ^L^ That's why i'm so glad you posted. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Good ol'... uhh... 13thDude. Always around to disagree with and so and such...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I'll try my best not to be mean, cuz you do seem like a pretty cool person. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Oh, be still my fluttering heart, be still.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Personally, your wardrobe scares me...[/QUOTE] [COLOR=sienna]Then the intended effect is achieved.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I think we need to get the extreme makeover people over there to get you some nicer clothes.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Extreme Makeover: Trailer Park Boys edition I could maybe go for... [/COLOR] [QUOTE] Jesus Christ, one pair of pants?! What do you wear when you're washing those pants?! Ew...[/QUOTE][COLOR=sienna] Hey, if I had it my way, every day would be pants washing day.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]In reality, appearance matters to everybody.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Evidently not, since I have a rather solid group of friends and buddies despite my homless appearance.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Of all the people in the world, only a very small percent will actually get to know you, the rest will simply judge you based on your apearance.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Good. If someone bases their opinion on me based on how I look, I don't really care if they're my friend or not. Besides, I don't want any more friends, I'm not a major people person.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]If you truly want to be successful in life then every aspect of your own self will be as polished as possible.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Success takes a back-seat to feeling good, and I feel really damn good, dirty pants and all. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] If you go to a job interview dressed and smelling like a slob, there's no way in hell you'll be hired.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Well obviously if I was going to get a job I'd clean up my act, because that's how I get money. Money = buying stuff, which = feelin' good. But anything that doesn't involve me getting paid, I don't care how I look or smell or whatever.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Why can't you care about both looks and personality?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] There's no reason you can't, it's just that generally if you're superficial you'll look at someone and use looks as a major part of juding. You could say "Well, I love your personality and you're the perfect person for me, but I don't like the pants... passe." The two traits have a lot of trouble co-existing.[/COLOR][URL=http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/images/arts/photos/2006/02/15/trailer_park_cp_5597582.jpg]Seriously, I look just like Ricky... (Guy in middle)[/URL]
[QUOTE]It's a shame?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Indeed. Too many people are all obsessed about how they look or about how other people perceive them. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Soap + hot water = your friends.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Pfft, I don't need soap or hot water, I've got more friends than I want already.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I believe he means either philosophically clean v. dirty. If you "smell" clean, or people percieve you to be good/nice/clean, but you're really the opposite versus people percieve you to be ugly/dirty, but you're really nice.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna][I]Oh[/I] . Ok, I get it. Probably the second one.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]If by 'Are you superficial,' 'Do you care what you look like?' then the answer is a definate and resounding no. Seriously, I don't care, at all. I have one pair of pants - a 2-year old pair of tattered track pants - that I wash every week or so. I wear unironed button shirts with bent collers. I have 3-year old, incredibly foul-smelling shoes with holes in the toe and a missing sole. My hair is greasy and rarley washed, and I generally smell like someone who pays little heed to hygein. And your question confuzzles me. If you were dirty, wouldn't you smell 'bad,' and if you were clean, wouldn't you smell 'good'? Although, in answer to your question, I would prefer to smell bad and be clean because I like to be offensive to at least one sense at all times. While we're on the subject of smells, and I the only person who finds the smell of Axe (And it's clones) absolutly stifling? Guess it's designed to work on women or sumtin'... I'm not a very superficial person, I don't really care what people look like or what they ware or how they smell, I just care about who they are. Shame I'm a minority in this part of the world, but what can you do... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]Do you mean you're just going from one channle package to another? Well, from what I know, Basic is what it sounds like - all the neccessary channles for the average person without Sports packages, extra cartoons, cooking channles, etc etc. At least that's what it's like on Bell ExpressVU. You'll probably have all the major networks and basic sports coverage, but none of the specialty channles. If you're not even watching anything but channles on Basic than you might as well downgrade to save money.[/COLOR]
[URL=http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=wDIDBEwAvBjiChL-MB-DCDBC-6f96&u=6d131a8999cc]Results[/URL] [COLOR=Sienna] Great test. Well made and some cool questions. I don't think it's 100% accurate (Or maybe I didn't fill it out as accuratly as I should have) but it definatly got one thing right: 96% of people in the world are less manly than I am. I knew that all along, but I've finally found a place that proved it. It was way off on the spontenuity thing, though, but I guess that's just the way I filled it out. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh man, this is too much. Way to much. Imagine you were the vice-principal of a school, mmkay? And you were just sitting in your office talking to your secretary and then the phone rings. You pick it up, and some strange voice you've never heard starts rambling on about how *DaSilva's Real Name* stole a some phone and than starts incoherently shouting about how crime doesn't pay and how he should see the chair... etc etc. This has to be a joke. The guy found a phone on the ground - on the friggin ground. From what I can tell, the guy who the phone belongs too is a dick who probably threw the phone away deliberatly because he had a new one. It's not 'crime' it's 'I found a ****ing phone on the ground... suh-weet.' Come on people, leave DaSilva alone... BTW, I don't buy the "I phoned his high-school" **** for a minute, but it would be REALLY, REALLY funny if it actually happened... Mostly because you'd have to be a major dick to actually do it. I'm talking Dean Wormer-class asshole. Seriously, not cool.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1] Old. There are some pretty good new bands, addmitedly. But honestly? It doesn't get much better than the oldies. Problem? None of my old favorites can be found on Yahoo! Music Jukebox or anything legal. So it is harder to listen to Dexy's Midnight Runners or the Bee Gees than, say, Coheed and Cambria or Panic! At the Disco. How I miss Napster. [/size][/QUOTE] Just use BitTorrent. That's what I do anyways.
A Year After Katrina and Rita. What are your thoughts
Albert Flasher replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]No it's not about being any [i]more[/i] of a disaster. It's about you lessening it in comparison to other disasters faced by people across the globe. 80 percent of a major port city was flooded. Hundreds of miles of constant devastation and destruction. Hundreds dead and an ineffective response by what is constantly referred to as the 'sole superpower' on the planet. It [i]was[/i] important, more than for the just the suffering, damaged property and otherwise. It also showed how horribly inefficient and bumbling America's bureaucracy can be in times of dire need, when it's own citizens are trapped and need help. If you don't want to agree with me, don't. It's obvious that one year later the victims are still struggling and that the ramifications from it are being felt in the Gulf Coast region while the political fallout from it is still going on at a national level. People have lost trust in the government across America, trust that they are well protected against these kinds of disaster. I'd say that after considering all of the above it's somewhat noteworthy. Wouldn't you agree?[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Not really. All the things you listed were very apparant - at least to me - long before Katrina. [/COLOR] -
A Year After Katrina and Rita. What are your thoughts
Albert Flasher replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson] A well publicized disaster is still a disaster.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Indeed, but it doesn't mean it's any more of a disaster than any of the other natural disasters that happen elsewhere in the world, and I don't see why it deserves a special moment. [/COLOR] -
A Year After Katrina and Rita. What are your thoughts
Albert Flasher replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson']So your reasoning is that the amount of misery is what matters and not the fact that there is misery in the first place?[/color][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] Not at all. All I'm saying is that, as far as hurricanes go, Katrina/Rita was nothing special, and I don't see why there needs to be a special memorial for it whereas worse Hurricanes in South America or Indonesia only get a passing "In Other News" report on Faux News.[/COLOR] -
A Year After Katrina and Rita. What are your thoughts
Albert Flasher replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Jonesy251']Um, this wasn't just another hurricane, it wiped out entire towns that are barely even mentioned by the media b/c the focus is on New Orleans. All of my family is from southern Louisiana and Mississippi and homes that had been in my family for years are completely leveled now. There's barely been any rebuilding yet in MS because they are just now clearing out the remaining debris. I am so thankful to the people that have volunteered to help the people of the Gulf Coast. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who has been affected by this terrible storm and it is something that I will always remember.[/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] And I have sympathy for the victims, but the hurricane was nothing compared to what happens in other parts of the world. It's only ever remembered becasue it happened in the US, to Americans, and not in some dirt-poor nation in South America, where bigger hurricanes kill more people and do more damage all the time during Hurricane Season.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Sienna]I'm going to be blunt here. New Music sucks. That's my opinion, at least. I can't stand it, can't stand it all. The talent level that existed in the Golden Age is preserved only in Blues and, to a different extent, Metal. There are no original, brilliant song-writers anymore. No more Bob Dylan's or Neil Young's. There are not more brilliant guitar-players. No more Eric Clapton's or Jimmy Page's. There are no more incredible drummers. No Neil Peart's or Buddy Rich's. There are no more great bass players. No more Larry Grahame's or John Entwistle's. There are no more great singers (At least none that aren't digitally enhanced). No more Gord Lightfoot's or Janis Joplin's or Freddie Mercury's or even Axl Rose's. And above it all, there is no more heart. No more soul. It's gone. I don't know where it went, but it's gone, alive only in old recordings from the Golden Age. Besides, everyone know's Music attained perfection in 1971 and it's been downhill ever since. It's simply an undisputable fact.[/COLOR]
A Year After Katrina and Rita. What are your thoughts
Albert Flasher replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Sienna]It's been a year and what are my thoughts? Umm... I don't know. I didn't really think about it. It was just a hurricane, and a *****-cat by most people's standards. Worse hurricanes happen all the time, it's become like white-noise to me. I feel sorry for the Katrina victims, of course, but I don't really consider it to be anything worth remembering... The only reason anyone remembers it is because it made the US realize that hurricanes could happen there too.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Fasteriskhead] So who's excited about the PS3?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]If a PS3 is a kickass console, but no one can afford it, does it kick *** at all?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]That depends how you define 'sound.' If a tree were to fall in the forest, it would clearly cause vibrations in the air. However, without an ear to interpret these vibrations and translate them into something our brain will recognize, it's nothing but hollow vibrations. Some would define that as 'making a sound,' whereas others are quick to say that a sound is only a sound if there is something to pick it up and make the waves into some kind of recognizable sound. But for the record... Yes, yes if a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna]I got a really, really fun one. Well, not really... But anyways, here goes: I was at a friends birthday party about 3-4 years ago. It was pretty kickass, but eventually one of us (Most likely me, but I don't remember) had the smart idea to see who could chug a 2-lieter bottle of Coke the fastest. So we do. I don't remember who wins, but I think it was me. Anyways, it doesn't need to be said that 2 lieters of coke + a bag of cheetos + yummy yummy cake = bad, but that wasn't what caused me to throw up. See, my friend is a bit of a umm... Well, he's a ****ing freak. He can throw up on command... Which he does. Into his empty coke bottle. Than, and get this... He drinks it. He bloody [i]drinks[/i] his own barf. On seeing this, I just can't hold it in and barf all over the floor. This causes him to barf up his own barf, which sprays everywhere. Another one of our friends also throws up. This I somehow find funny... But then I throw up again, while laughing, which cuases barf to come flying out my nose with incredibly painful and hilarious results. A couple of paper-towel rolls later it was nothing more than just another funny story... haha. I don't really barf because I'm grossed out by anything. I can watch High Tension and laugh, I can watch videos of mutilation and torture without so much as a flutter. The only thing that gets me sometimes is people eating rotton food... I can't stand it. Oh, and that one picture on Rotten.com where the guy gets his wing-wang stuck in a mousetrap and there's blood come out... Ewww..[/COLOR]