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Albert Flasher

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Everything posted by Albert Flasher

  1. [QUOTE=Andrew] Seriously, what's wrong with a nice cold glass of regular tap water?[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Umm... Nothing... Except that it uhh... tastes like a cold glass of regular tap water... And, unless you've been drinking some freaky-deeky tap water I've never had before, that's pretty much flavourless. As a way to make this post less completely useless, what do people where you live generally call carbonated beverages? Where I'm from we usually refer to them as soft drinks. The name 'pop' and 'soda' sounds wierd to me, actually. Like something they would have said back in the 80's or something. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Sienna]To me the absolutel WORST soda out there is CokeZero. Ok, C2 was pretty ok, it had half the carbs and it tasted pretty much the same... CokeZero just tastes like flat, week-old regular coke. If y'ask me, the whole health-food craze is just an excuse for shotty workmanship. Anyhoo, the best soda for me is plain, simple, Coca-Cola Classic. It's crisp and sharp and bites, but still tastes great going down. It's simple and effective and incredibly kickass. Ginger Beer (As opposed to Ginger Ale, somehow...) is another thing I love. If you're lucky, you can get the good kind, the kind that's made with real ginger... Holy crap does that taste good. You can't drink it right away though, or you stand a good chance of dieing, but when you finally get at it it's just what the doctor ordered. Root Beer is another thing I love. My favourite kinds are the local in-glass-bottle brews but if those aren't available I always gor for Barq.[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE]Because you just know she'll run off to Canada with those girls if she gets the chance.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Please! Just let her come! We'll tie her to a chair and make her watch Bon Cop, Bad Cop and cause her mind to collapse from multi-culturalism. Or maybe we'll just sick the beavers on her...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I'm not sure if it's worth noting on here or not, but a lot of Germans in world war two didn't support the Nazi party. It was more of a join or die thing, so Germans joined so they wouldn't be suspected of being traitors to the Nazi Party and taken to concentration camps. Also since the Nazi Party came into power in a time of extreme economic crisis (world wide economic depression) and they offered jobs. Finally there's the fact that the Nazis used the age old scape goat, the Jews which have been persecuted since before Christ. So that appealed to people as well.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Indeed. Especially the Whermacht (Army). The vast majority of them didn't even support the Nazis; they were just following orders. Shame, really.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna] Also, BlueEyedAngle, what the ****? That was a ****ing dick move you little ****. Posting about us on your little PrussianBlue message board without even telling us because we'd so thoroughly refuted any and all points you've made since joining? Wow. I was being civil before but wow... What a **** prick.[/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1]Flavour ? Are you kidding me ? If you like greasy burgers just toss the meat away and drink the fat out of the pan. I personally think they taste a hell of a lot better, on the very rare occasions when I actually eat a burger, with all the fat drained out of them. Same goes for sausages, rashers [bacon to the Yanks'] and fried pudding, all taste way better grilled than fried. [/SIZE][/quote][COLOR=Sienna] The whole flavour from grilling (I assume you mean on a barbecue) comes from the fat. The fat drips down onto the rocks (Volcanic, charcole, whathaveyou) and gets absorbed into the pores; the rocks get hot and the fat evaporates and goes back into the burger, thus making it taste better the more you use the barbecue. New barbecues (The ones with the metal plates instead of rocks) just don't do it for me. When you make a burger with no fat it tastes bland as hell and you have to smother it in ketchup to make it taste good... Hamburgers are supposed to be big, greasy monsteous lumbs of meat, not health food. Either make them how they're supposed to be made or don't eat em. BTW, McDonald's hamburger taste like ****, which is why I don't eat them.[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']If you can, you should have your mother move her hamburger cooking to the oven on a grilling tray, that way all the nasty liquid fat is cooked out leaving it a much healthier meal.[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna]Why even bother making burgers if you're just going to suck out all the flavour like that?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna]There's no doubt for me. I'm an athiest. Truthfully, I find the idea of a God, not to offend anyone, silly. I'm a man of science, of logic. I won't believe something in some book just because a lot of other people do. I use common sense to form my own opinions... To me, no part of religion makes any sense. I was raised in a moderatly Christian environement. Some of our close family friends were incredibly devout Christians (Aswell as 4 of the nicest people on the planet... ever) and I went to church a few times when I was young (Then again, when I was young, I thought Ernest movies were funny...), but eventually I realised that it was just... a book. A really old book that's been translated and altered and edited so many times the original bards and poets wouldn't even recognize it anymore. Oh, and please don't flood my PMbox with attemps to "save me." That's the one thing I can't stand about most religious people... They seem to think that they're obligated to 'save' everyone even if 'saving' is the last thing we want. I attribute the whole thing to the original creators of religion wanting to spread their message as fast as possible to galvanize a group of people to one belief so they could be united under one banner for some war or another.[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=BlueEyedAngel]I don't condone colonialism. I believe it undermined the right of the Asian and African peoples to independence, sovereinty, and self-determination. But what is multi-culturalism but counter-colonialism.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]If colonialism is bad doesn't that make counter-colonialism, like, anti-bad? And BTW, double posting and off-topic posts are both againts various rules.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT]And so is playing mod, remember please use the ?Report bad post? button at the top right hand corner of a post, or you can PM one of us and we'll take care of it. Thanks for looking out for us though. ;) ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']Out of curiosity, what do you think Japan would be like if it embraced multi-culturalism?[/quote] [COLOR=Sienna]They'd probably have a better stand-up comedy scene.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Sienna]It's a good thing I have nothing better to do...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]If diversity and multiculturalism are so great, would anyone care to explain why the Middle East is so unstable?[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Since when has there been diversity and multi-culturalism in the Mid East? And if you want to know why the Mid East is such a shithole right now, look no further than you're 'white race.' It was European and (More recently) American people who invaded the Mid East and colonialised (Not colonised) their countries. A european minority ruled the countries and opressed the hell out of the natives, which lead to a lot of unstableness and now terrorism. It was the 'white race' that created the whole situation. They ****** things up even worse in Africa and Asia.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I should also point out, since we're all anime fans, that Japan is far from being multicultural.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]What's your point? The Japanese are not infallable.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Did you know that Israel has a "Jew only" immigration policy. Did you know that Saudi Arabia has a "Muslim only" immigration policy?[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Again, woo-hoo... Who cares? The Mid East isn't exactly the measuring stick used by all other countries when it comes to civil rights and such.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]But take Europe for example, Europe has been homogenously white for the last 44,000 years. Non-white immigrants didn't start arriving in Europe until as recently as the 1950's. I know that there have been non-white Muslims in places like Spain and Italy, but those Muslims invaded Europe; they weren't welcomed as immigrants.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Yes, well, luckily we're not taking pointers from Dark Ages these days. Europe has been homogenously white because Europe is further from the equater than the Mid East etc; less sunlight means the pigment isn't as dark which means they have a different skin colour. I have to go, but I'll finish this whenever I get back...[/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Jubei Yagyou']I agree with you that all terrorists are not muslims, but, muslims DO have terrorism condoned in their religion. Isn't it true that muslims believe that if you die while trying to destroy an enemy during a Jihad they will be greeted in heaven by 40 virgins? I'm not 100% percent sure but it's something like that.[/quote] [COLOR=Sienna] All religions have passages that condone violence againts someone or other. It stems from religion originally being a way to galvanize a group of people to one ideal or another, many of them being violent in nature. When the Christian crusaders invaded the Muslim world, for example, passages like that were used to make soldiers fanatically loyal and basically suicidal. It's interesting that, when a religious group isn't under great diress (Either millitary or some other form of stress) these passages seem to get swept under the rug for when they're necessary. [/COLOR]
  11. Oh boy... this is going to be fun... [QUOTE]1. I do not live a "sheltered life". The high school I go to is about 48% White, 23% Asian, 15% Latino, and 14% Black. I have constant contact with other races on a regular basis.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]And yet somehow you still base all your comments off of massive sterotypes...?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]2. I have not been "brainwashed". I have been educated. Up until very recently, about a year ago, I myself was a strong believer in multi-culturalism. But then I did some research on the race issues, studied them carefully, and made my own conclusions. The book March of the Titans a History of the White Race was a significant eye-opener for me.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Evidently you have been 'educated' with revisionist rhetoric and propogandga. Man some people will believe anything they read... Anyways, perhaps you'd like to clarify this for us... What race issues, exactly, did you study that gave you this conclusion...?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]3. I do not agree with everything that Lynx and Lamb believe. [/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] How can you agree with [i]anything[/i] Lynx and Lamb (Does Lynx ever try to eat Lamb?) think?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]4. My parents did not teach me what I believe. Both my parents and all of my siblings are strong believers of the "race is only skin deep" theory.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]This is why I wish parents were still allowed to smake some sense into their children...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]5. I'm not a white "supremicist". I've made it perfectly clear that I regaurd all races as equal. However, I, as any normal person would, have a special devotion to people of my own tribe/race/ethnic group.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] All you've ever done is pull out obscene sterotypes ("All black people are better athletes, Asians are smarter and Whites are right in the middle") to form your opinions. Which again makes me ask, where did you learn history? Wait... Are you from Alabama?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]"What whites in America are being asked to do is therefore utterly unnatural. They are being asked to devote themselves to the interests of other races and to ignore the interests of their own. This is like asking a man to forsake his own children and love the children of his neighbors, since to do otherwise would be 'racist' "([url]http://www.stormfront.org/whitenat/racism.htm[/url]).[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] You make it sound like there's something unique about white's that makes them different from people with brown skin. There is no such difference. Is there a difference between, for example, Germans and Mexicans? Sure, but it has nothing to do with skin colour. Race is not a factor; the colour of their skin is the result of living close to the equater where there is more sun which causes their pigment to darken, which produces dark skin. That's no way to judge a person.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Jesus said to "love your enimies". Let's take for example, the Muslims. After September 11, the London metro bombing, the riots in France, and the controversy over the Danish cartoon, I think it's time to realize that the Muslims are our enimies. We are to love the Muslims because Jesus said "love your enimies"; he did not say "denie who your enimies are".[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] You can use any religious text to justify just about everything. The Christians in the Dark Ages used the Bible to justify burning down the Globe Theater and pretty much destroy any and all culture that came out of Europe. They used the Bible to justify burning innocent people for being 'witches.' They used the Bible to justify exiling the Jews from Britain. They even used the Bible to justify banning Christmas celebrations for a couple of years. You know what was going on during this time? Over in the Mid East, the Muslims were making huge advances in science, astronomy, and literature, whereas the Christian Empire was a stinking cesspit with no education and terrible living conditions. Now the positions are reversed (Because all things are cyclical in history) and it's the Muslims who are using religion to justify their attacks. The world would be much better off without any religions at all.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I do not blame immigrants for our problems. I blame the white Anglo-Saxon liberal politicians who promote open door immigration policies.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Close-minded, feverently religious, racist, a brainwashed sterotyper...and a conservative? No way. I refuse to believe that. I mean, what are the odds...[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=Boba Fett][url=http://www.somethingawful.com/index.php?a=4030][img]http://i.somethingawful.com//sasbi/2006/08/elpintogrande/18-map.gif[/img][/url] lolz DeathKnight, hadn't you heard?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Something awful this way comes...[/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE]1. He doesn't hate any other race, and that's a point he's made multiple times.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Maybe he doesn't hate people of different races, but he's made it clear many times that he thinks people should be judged differently based on skin colour... which is one of the reason visable minorities have such a tough time in Anglo-dominated societies. (And Anglos in elsewise-dominated societies too)[/COLOR] [QUOTE]2. He's made no mention of Nazism or Hitler anywhere, so don't jump to label him a Neo-Nazi either.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Actually, his whole first post was dedicated to defending the 'band' Prussian Blue, who openly advertise their support for Hitler and Nazism. Anyone who actually supports that garbage can indeed be labeled as a Neo-Nazi, not to mention someone with a terrible taste in music. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]3. His posts have been among the most civil in this thread, and most of you are randomly ripping him apart without acknowledging that he evidently means absolutely no offense in his beliefs. Knowing that his way of thinking doesn't stem from malice, neither should your replies. So simply put, stop being childish or shut up and leave the thread.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] This... is true. His narrow-minded beliefs do not stem from malice, but rather from programming and brainwashing and ideals that have been driven into his head by his parents and people around him for years. Can't blame a guy for being a product of his environment... I apologize for the rudeness in my posts.[/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE]1. I am mainly refering to the bussing that took place during the 1950's.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Are you referring to the Blacks wanting equality? [/COLOR] [QUOTE]2. "People of all skin colours are all of the same kin, as they are all humans." By that logic, I could say "people of every family are relatives". It's true to a degree, but if inclusion/exclusion can apply on a family level, it can apply on a racial/ethnic/tribal level.[/QUOTE] Do we have a different definition of 'kin'? You're logic doesn't make any sense. People of different ethnicities are all human, because we're all the same species. A family is a group of people who live together or are directly linked by genetics... They're completely unrelated. [QUOTE]3. The "master race" was 30% of the world population in 1900 and in 2000 it was 15%. Today whites are only having 7% of the world's babies. We're hardly "spreading". I'm simply doing my part to ensure a future for my people.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] I was referring to the "Blond hair blue eyes" comment when I said master race. White, blond with blue eyes with Adolf Hitler's Aryan Race. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]5. It is much easier for say, German and Irish immigrants to blend in to a predominantly Anglo-Saxon society than it is for say, Mexicans. For Irish and Germans, once they assimilate into the culture and learn the language, that's about it. For Mexicans, it is more complicated because they LOOK different.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] It's because of people like you that this is so. People who judge almost soley based on skin colour. Racist, ignorant, uninformed, brainwashed bigots who judge based on skin colour. You're the reason that its more difficult for visable minorities to blend in.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]6. Every human being is of equal value, every religion is not equally valid. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh onto the Father but by Him.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]O...kay... I think I'm going to leave this alone... *caugh*programmed*caugh*[/COLOR] [QUOTE]7. If that's how you define racism, than I am, by all means, a racist. Nothing to argue about there.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]The first step to recovering his admitting...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]On that note, I'll leave it up to the rest od OB to rip you to shreads.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Seeing as how I have nothing else to do... Consider it done.[/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] Okay I have no idea what Prussian Blue is other than 1.) a website to Hiiro Yui from Gundam WIng, or 2.) Someone being more descriptive about someone's blue eyes. But judging from the rest of your thread I have to say that I won't willingly listen to bigot music[/color][/font] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Say hellow to PRUSSIAN BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!: [IMG]http://thepulseblog.chattablogs.com/archives/hts-thumb.jpg[/IMG] Wooo!!!! Sweet **** they're like the Olson Twins, except ugly as **** and a bunch of racist pricks. Some of their songs are about how Herman Goering was a great man who was misunderstood (When he said "Exterminate the Jews!" everyone misheard him. What he actually said was "Remove one limb from all the Jews but do not kill them!"), and how the Aryan Race is superior to all the other colours and classes out there.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Sienna]AHHHHHHH!!!!! What a time for my glasses to self-destruct. I had plans to go see the movie on it's debut night and my glasses effin' broke! And now I have to press my face to the computer screen to see anything! It'll be at least a week until I get them... CURSE YOU NEPTUNE!!!!!!! But the movie itself looks awesome. Whenever the commercial comes on, I break into laughter. BTW, cool trivia. The line "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE ************* SNAKES ON THIS ************* PLANE!" wasn't even in the movie until a parody flash video had Sam Jackson saying it. It was so damn funny they re-shot a huge part of the movie to include it (Amongst other things).[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Sienna]Hmm. If we don't condem Prussian Blue for being a duo of racist, brainwashed hate mongers, can we at least condem them for having, y'know, no discernable talent what-so-ever? Ok, and because I'm bored:[/COLOR] [QUOTE]1. I opposed the FORCED integration of people of other races AGAINST their will.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Feel like clarifying this for us? I don't see how anyone is being forced to integrate.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]2. I prefer the company of people of my own race. This does not mean that I have no friends of other races, it merely means that I am more comfortable amongst my own kinsmen.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] 'Kinsmen'? People of all skin colours are all of the same kin, as they are all humans. I can see how you could be uncomfortable around people of different skin colours, but isn't that more to do with your conditioning (i.e you expect all black people to be the 'whitie hatin' gangsta mofo')? [/COLOR] [QUOTE]3. I do not believe that inter-racial relationships are bad or wrong, however, they're not for me. I like white girls with blue eyes and blond hair, that's my preference.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Spreadin' the master race are we? Eh, each to their own.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]4. Let's face the truth, our country was established by whites. For those of you who disagree, would you care to explain who it was established by?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] First, not everyone is American here. Second, the Natives, a mixture of Asian and European heritage, were here long before the French. And thirdly, the country was founded by Whites but it was BUILT by slaves, most of which were BLACK. You practically owe them equality.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]5. The immigrants coming into our country today are not of the same stock as the people who founded this country and who have been the majority of the population for the last 230 years. Immigration is contributing to the balkanization of America.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] Immigration of any kind leads to fragmentation and other problems, it has nothing to do with skin colour. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]6. When Indians have a sense of identity, it's called culture. When blacks have a sense of identity, it's called pride. When Jews have a sense of identity, it's called history. When whites have a sense of identity, it's called racism.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] No. When whites walk around with stylized pictures of the Fuhrer on their shirts and openly consider people of other cultures, races, and religions to be inferior, that is called racism. And BTW, I consider whitie-hatin' gang-bangers just as bad. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] 7. It is the racist who will exploit people of other races for his own benefit; it is the nationalist who will sacrifice his own self for the rest of his people.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] It is a racist who will make any dicision based on the colour of someones skin; and that's simply a fact. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]It's my opinion (I could be wrong) that you guys reley too much on what you get from the mainstream media. Try to be open minded. If you are to condem these girls, you should at least know what it is that you are condeming.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] I know exactly what I'm condeming. Incredibly bad musicians, that's what I'm condeming. The fact that they never went to a public school, but rather spent their entire childhood being brainwashed by their parents (Especially their neo-nazi mother) into becoming incredibly ignorant white supremeicists has little to do with it.[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Jubei Yagyou]If you're involved with sports so much you could lose the weight very easily. You don't even have to go on a diet. I would bet you 100 dollars that if you watched what you ate for 2 weeks while you're doing hockey or something you would lose a lot of weight. And I would bet 100 more dollars that you would get better at hockey or lacrosse. What I'm saying is, if you don't want to lose weight for your health, try losing it for your sport.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Well, and this is getting way off topic, that might actually be detrimental to my cause. I don't know if you follow hockey at all, but basically size = good. The way I play, being 300 pounds means no one can push me around and I can push them around (Since the game has a lot more to do with momentum and leverage than pure strength), which I find quite fun. [/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE]If a doctor told you you had cancer would you not do anything about it?[/QUOTE] There's nothing fun about cancer. I can think of a lot of things fun about pizza, coke, and Counter-Strike. [QUOTE]If you don't feel like being lectured than do something about it, duh. Otherwise you mine as well just deal with it, because you will be lectured by me and anybody else that gives a flying ******* about you. ^J^ [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]On second though, I'm cool with getting lectured.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I kinda see obesity like smoking. They're both disgusting and people always know how horrible it is and yet do nothing about it. Oh well.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Let people pick their own poisons.[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]At this point you're not even putting up a good argument for your weight anymore, you're only in denial...it's a little sad. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Denial? How am I in denial? I just don't feel like being lectured.[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE]I said the exact opposite later in my post. You shouldn't be ashamed of your weight, only realize that it's not a positive thing.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]I'm quite fond of it, actually.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I'm sure you do, that is until you have to get up and do something, right? And wouldn't you like to feel better?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Yea, I guess that's why I avoid doing 'things' at all costs. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Trust me, if you were in shape you'd be shocked how much more energy you'd have.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Jubilations! With all that extra energy I'll be able to, like, shovel more dirt... and uhh... split wood faster... Oh the joy![/COLOR] [QUOTE]Yup, i know that full and well. But just because you're proud to be overweight doesn't mean everybody else is...or isn't. But i'm willing to bet a 1000 bucks that most overweight and obese people are not proud of your weight as you are. You pioneer of self esteem you. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Yea, well, I guess that makes me unique. I really don't care what other people think, lol, so self-esteem has never been a problem with me.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]You can eat and be healthy too, you simply haven't found a way that works for you.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] As far as I know, there's no "Eat a bowl of Poutine, some left over Pizza, a can of coke, and play video games all day" diet, but maybe I havn't been looking hard enough.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Me personally i play DDR and i drink a lot of water, and i generally watch what i eat.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Interesting. I play hockey ever 3 days in the Winter and play Lacrosse a lot of the non-winter school months, and I pig out during most of my free time. Works for me.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Plus i stopped drinking soda[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] See, this is one of those things that I could never do. Ever. I can barley go one day without a coke.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Hahaha, i guess it all depends on your perception of a life lived to the fullest, eh? I suppose if your version of it is sitting on the couch playing video games and eating junk food all day is it then you'd be right. Unfortunately i doubt that's what you or anybody else in their right mind thinks.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Yea. I mean, there's that of course, and then there's hockey. Why, is there some other defintion of "Living life to the fullest" that I've never heard of?[/COLOR] [QUOTE]lso if you think it's ok to die around the age of 50 from heart failure is perfectly fine, then by all means continue. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Kay. I never really wanted to end up in an old-age home, anyway.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Jesus Christ, i just realized you're 3 years younger than me! How tall are you? What's your BMI(Body Mass Index)? Dude, i'd seriously consider going to the doctor if i were you...he'll scare some sense into you.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] About 6'2. And I don't know what my BMI is. And pfft, who cares what the doctor thinks. Who does he think he is with his 'medical degree' and 'fancy coat'? What a bunch of tools. Phew... all this posting is getting me red in the face... I'm gona go grab some doritos.[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE] I think it's ridiculous to be proud of being overweight and especially obese (red 6)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Why shouldn't you be proud of who you are? I'm a fat man at heart. Even when I was born, I was 14 pounds. I'm living my dream.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]here are serious health risks involved plus not to mention the way you feel.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Sienna] I feel great. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Fat people don't have energy, they typically have lower self esteem, they have social problems, the list goes on.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Most of those problems stem from not being proud of yourself. When you think you're too fat, that's where self esteem problems originate.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Food industries anger me for selling fatty foods and junk foods, fast food especially angers me. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] And yet the diet industry gets no anger from you? Come on. The people marketing ways to lose weight are the same people who marketed ways to get fat. Make em fat, than make em feel so bad they have to buy your product to make you skinny. It's a huge marketing scam and I don't feel like getting involved. [/COLOR] [QUOTE] You shouldn't do it because other people tease you or because you want to look good, you should do it because you know that it's healthy and you'll live a longer happier life if you're in shape. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] No I won't. I've tried working out and eating healthy, it sucks. It sucks bad. I'd live a longer life but what's the point of living if you aren't doing something you love. And for me, eating is what I love. Health food absolutely blows, I can't stand vegetables of any kind, and I just can't get enough of unhealthy food. I'm doign what I love, man, so don't tell me it's rediculous to be proud of myself.[/COLOR] [QUOTE] I want to live life to the fullest, you can't do that if you're overweight.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna]Untrue. [/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Latharix_sama][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]Relationships? I'm talking about real, loving, maybe even sexual ones. The age range people start searching for love seems to be splitting. People are dating at much younger and [I]older[/I] ages. I wonder, are all of these people really ready for physical and emotional companions? I claim to be nonsexual, and I really mean it. I have no sex drive and I can't be "turned on". I went through the sexual stage and said, "Screw you, bugger!" I am in need of constant companionship and love, but not the romantic or physical kind. So, what about all of you? Are you ready, already involved, unprepared, no where near mature enough, or are you blatantly ignoring such things, like me?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Funny. I'm the exact opposite. I'm not interested in love or relationships. I've seen what happens to guys who get girlfriends etc. It's not pretty. They change. One day you're hanging out with a guy, he's your best friend, he's cool, the next he's spending all his time with some chick, and you never get to see him anymore. When his girlfriend finally gets done with sucking his life force out through his *lower appendage* he gets all mopey and depressing, and he starts to dress in black and write ****** poetry. I don't want any part of that! Lust, on the other hand, is something I'm well aquanted with. I'm a 14 year old boy for Gretzky's sake! I practically run on junk food and hornyness! But there is no way I'm getting into a relationship. As I always say: "Just because I like milk doesn't mean I'm going to go out and buy a cow."[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Sienna]Bleh. Most overrated piece of trash on television. McFarlane has the talent of a b-grade flash artist. His characters are annoying, and only Brian ever manages to be funny with any consistency. Chris ranks rather high up on my list of "Most Annoying TV Characters Ever" and Stewie's "Kill Lois and Take Over the World" bit got old fast. Peter is never funny. Never. I love stupid comedy, but he's just not funny. At all. I don't even see how it qualifies as television. It's the kind of the **** that gets turned down by Newgrounds every day. Even the new Simpsons episodes - which I personally think suck - are better than the best Family Guy has done. It has no concept of comic timing, many of it's more un-funny gags are drawn out needlessly, and it's just generally bad. I can't believe people actually like it. Sigh... lowest common denomenator, I guess.[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=Morpheus]Why cure cancer when you can make sex better? [URL]http://www.euroweeklynews.com/ewn/news.php?ref=090608691615313[/URL] Thinking of developing an interesting personality? Don't. Get big boobs. That's all men care about anyway.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Yep. Agree completely. ****, why else would we watch women's vollyball and tennis so adamently?[/COLOR]
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